PositiveID's Implantable Microchip
America is quickly becoming a cashless society. Whereas it would have seemed odd, or even in poor taste to do so in the past, people routinely use plastic to pay for even the smallest purchases, such as a Slurpee from 7-Eleven. Almost all gas stations allow you to "pay at the pump," and even fast food restaurants began accepting "debit or credit" a few years ago. And that's not to mention the millions of cashless transactions that occur every day in cyberspace, through web sites like eBay, Amazon.com, and other popular e-tailers. Clearly, having some form of cashless payment is essential to being a fully functioning American consumer these days, and millions of people are opting to use a debit card attached to their checking accounts rather than traditional credit cards. - James Marshall, America: Cashless Society, CC-Yes.com, August 21, 2007College campuses and businesses have been used for testing the RFID environment over the last twenty years. It's all about conditioning the youth. Once conditioned, there is no complaining or rejection because the person hasn't known anything else. I am not in support of a cashless society, but it is very clear that we are going the way of the RFID chip. Everyone will eventually have a global database assigned to them for all facets of life, which will also contain an inventory. Anything found on a person that is not in their inventory will be fined or imprisoned. Underground trading will also force one to remain underground and apart from life as we know it now. Some assume that they will be able to reject the chip and still be able to have a job, home, car, school, and etc., but that can't happen. Hence, every home in the U.S. will have to be license and subjected to inspections; and they are already marking the GPS location of every front door to every home (see Census GPS-tagging your home's front door). - Is a cashless society likely?, Debatewise, October 28, 2010
Cashless Society – Have You Even Thought About What That Means?
March 2, 2010Binary Dissent - Cashless Society. We’ve been sold this expression since we were children. I can remember hearing about it in primary school, teachers cocking on about it — it's the future! Back then it was a little hard to swallow — I have been a computer nerd my entire life, and even something like a ‘cashless society’ was straight out of Star Trek.
Now, years on, technology has evolved into a completely unknown beast. What was once unimagined is expected for 10 dollars or less. Technology that was considered radical is now being distributed on McDdonald's happy meal toys. Hell, check out the OCZ NIA and come to the realization that the world is ‘moving forward,’ a quote I’ll borrow from the Bush regime — made famous for describing the ‘progress’ in Iraq.
Cashless Society. A world without cash. It makes sense: we are nearly there if you consider that credit cards and internet transactions are basically ‘cashless.’ Yet we are still bound to carrying something physical, aren’t we. Credit cards need wallets, internet transactions need credit cards. Not exactly the free-range monetary chicken coop we were led to believe when we hear the trigger words ‘cashless society.’
Onto the stage and into the limelight steps the Verichip[now known as PositiveID], the world's first and only FDA-approved implantable microchip for humans. Don’t worry folks — we want it, we just don’t know it yet! Never fear, there is probably going to be at least another one billion dollars spent on marketing to convince us of how beneficial these chips will be.
See, it's not that terrifying after all is it? When you look closely at it, its size is comparable to a single grain of rice. It sounds a bit rough; never fear, people are working tirelessly to ensure that you won't notice them. Hitachi currently has one developed the size of a speck of powder. You really have to see the image to believe it.
Assuming you haven’t read about microchips or RFID, I will do you the liberty of explaining what it is all about. Currently, Verichip is ‘helping’ the medical industry with these amazing devices. If you have a pet dog or cat, you will have connected the dots already. Basically you get implanted with this RFID chip, and forever can be ‘scanned’ with a hand-held device.
Upon the ‘scanning,’ the RFID chip broadcasts a unique identifier key, that allows the ‘scanner’ to match your unique chip with the relevant DATABASE record. “SHOW ME YOUR ID” — this quote is going straight to the ancient history books.
Neat-o right? Well I guess if you didn’t exactly catch on to the example I used above. Still blank? You are not an animal. But that basic comparison is the tip of the iceberg. Privacy advocates all around the world are bashing their heads against anything they can to prevent humans from being microchipped. I’ll touch upon a few points as to why, as if you couldn’t already guess.
Verichip has been busy implanting these devices inside of Alzheimer’s patients, which sounds innocent enough or good-heartedly motivated. But think about it: if a patient can’t logically make a decision regarding the implantation, how can they give permission with a ‘sound mind’?
When does it become ‘forced’ implantation? That point gets made in the amazing documentary titled One Mainframe to Rule them All, which can be found on YouTube. I would definitely check it out if you are interested in learning more.
Cashless Society. There are only two options before us for a truly cashless society to exist.
- One involves our mobile phones incorporating every piece of data usually stored on plastic cards in our wallets — Medicare, licenses, credit and bank cards, etc. and integrating a new form of point-of-sale device at the counter of businesses, allowing a transaction to occur with the simple swipe of your mobile phone.
- Or we all get microchipped and the same thing happens.
As seen in this IBM advertisement for this cashless society, the man simply walks through a scanner at the exit of the shopping center. There is nothing saying that he has a microchip or a device acting as his ‘phone.’
This is what is known as conditioning. We are being conditioned to accept this cashless society, and we do not even know it. That's why the very term ‘Cashless Society’ causes a whirlpool of Endocrinol chemistry stirring in your brains. These are trigger words designed and implanted into our brains to recall every single futuristic movie we have ever seen, all the ‘good’ ones. So every time we hear ‘cashless society’ we relive how amazing it would be in the future, where we didn’t need to carry anything around to function.
Keyless entry to our house, remote starting of the car, hands free shopping — the list is endless.
All these possibilities do actually sound pretty enticing, but what kind of negatives are we looking at? For starters, everyone has used Google Earth. Pretty cool application, but freaky for the first five minutes using it. Now imagine every single person in the world had a microchip (cold shivers) and now imagine that every single microchip was represented as a bring orange dot on Google earth! Ya ha, now you are getting it.
Ok, here's another one. Let's just say you got into an argument with the bank. Mean words are exchanged and the boss takes it personally. He turns off your account. All of a sudden, in a cashless world, you have no money! You have no means to purchase any food or pay the bills — the entire world operates on ‘credit.’ What then?
Verichip has only recently teamed up with a company named Receptors LLC. What this merging has bought to the table is the combination of an implantable microchip and a sensor that is a “virus triage detection system for the H1N1 virus.” So basically you can be ‘scanned’ and they can tell if you are infected with H1N1 or any other pathogens they develop the capability of detecting.
Imagine the wet-dream-fantasy-world airport security head honchos would be living in, if this were already a cashless society? The ease of filtering and screening entire airports would be reduced to a basic metal detector.
What has my knickers in a bunch, however, is not just this development — what else is being created? Once the pathogen-detection system is developed properly, will they stop there or will they start moving towards detecting human emotions? Bio signals can already be read and converted into data that can be analyzed; emotions can already be read.
How much time do we have before this chip is enforced en mass for the betterment of humanity. How long before generation Z starts requesting it as an accessory for their iPhone? Scares the shit out of me.
Cashless Society. This isn't paranoid thinking: we have been embedded with subconscious desires for this microchip, and the companies that are developing these technologies aren’t famous for their humanitarian efforts. It's simply a matter of time. And until the right opportunity presents itself to initiate a massive population chipping agenda, we will continue to be conditioned to accept it.
Say no to the chip and at least warn other people about it — just to create awareness that this isn’t science fiction anymore.
For kicks, I’m going to dig up some biblical prophecies for their WTF value.
“And he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six.” – Revelations 13:17-18.When you come across a company like SoMark Innovations, and you see for yourself the merging of RFID technology and TATOO’s, it's way too obvious to be ignored. It’s ok though — just live your life folks — nothing to see here…….