January 31, 2012

In Addition to Pilot-less Drones Firing Missiles, the U.S. Government has Self-guided Bullets in Its Arsenal

Self-Guided Bullet Strikes Target a Mile Away

January 31, 2012

Mashable - A breakthrough in precision bullet technology for small caliber firearms will make striking a target an easier task. Two researchers at Sandia's National Laboratories created a self-guided dart-like bullet able to strike a target more than a mile away.

The self-guided 4-inch bullet prototype has been successfully tested in both computer simulations and field testing -- where bullet speeds have reached 2,400 feet per second. The bullet differs from missile technology, in that the self-guided bullet has an optical sensor that can detect a laser beam on a target, which allows the bullet to steer toward a target.

In one field test, researchers attached a tiny light-emitting diode, or LED to the bullet to tract its path and researchers found the "battery and electronics could survive the bullet's launch," Sandia Lab reported.

The bullet is still a prototype, but if it passes further testing conducted by a private firm, the bullet will be accessible to recreational shooters, law enforcement and the military. Lockheed Martin assisted Sandia Lab's research and has worked with the military to develop a self-guided bullet over the years.

"While engineering issues remain, we’re confident in our science base and we’re confident the engineering-technology base is there to solve the problems,” Sandia researcher Red Jones said in a statement.

Gingrich Security Agents Assault Ron Paul Supporters

‘Everyone Step on His Toes!’ Gingrich Security Harasses Ron Paul Supporter: Scenes from the Florida Primary

(Matt Rouke/AP)
WINDERMERE, Fla.--Next time, Eddie Dillard won't wear flip-flops.

January 31, 2012

The Ticket - Dillard, a 29-year-old Ron Paul supporter from this suburb near Orlando, arrived to vote at his precinct at Winderemere Baptist Church early Tuesday morning. Pulling into the parking lot, Dillard noticed a man outside the polling place with a Gingrich sign. He decided to run home, slip into his "Ron Paul Rocks America" T-shirt, grab a "Ron Paul 2012" sign from his garage, and return to give his candidate some representation outside the precinct after he cast his vote.

Dillard found a quiet spot along a sidewalk lined with tiny American flags and held up his sign. Little did he know, Newt Gingrich had chosen that very spot to make his first Primary Day campaign stop.

When Gingrich's bus pulled up, Dillard stood silently holding his sign and watched the news-media horde swamp the candidate. Gingrich stepped down from the bus and made a beeline for Dillard. He stopped in front of Dillard and his sign and parked himself for a round of handshaking and pictures with voters. The placement couldn't have been worse. There was Gingrich, standing with his wife Callista at their first event of the day, and a giant Ron Paul sign floated inches from their crowns.

Noticing the awkward optics, Gingrich aides and security personnel swarmed Dillard, trying to intimidate him into moving. One of Gingrich's security agents stepped in front of him. When Dillard didn't budge, the agent lifted his heeled shoe over Dillard's bare foot and dug the back of it into his skin, twisting it side-to-side like he was stomping out a cigarette. Shocked, Dillard kept his ground and took a picture of the agent with his phone, which was quickly knocked out of his hand. Dillard slipped off his flip-flop to pick up the phone with his foot, and a Gingrich supporter kicked the sandal away.

"Don't kick me!" Dillard said to the man who knocked away his sandal.

More members of Gingrich's security retinue approached, shoving their shoulders and chests in front of him.

"Just block him!" a Gingrich campaign aide said. "Everyone step on his toes!"

Gingrich supporters handed a "Newt 2012" yard sign up to the front to put in front of Dillard's Paul sign. The two signs, zipping back and forth inches from Gingrich's head, circled each other in the air like a fighter jets in a dogfight.

When the candidate finished taking pictures with voters, furious Gingrich aides grilled Dillard.

"If we did this to you, you guys would be furious," said an aide before stomping back toward the bus. "They have no class. No class."

As Gingrich pulled away, Dillard looked down at his foot. With the adrenaline pumping, he hadn't noticed the pain, but now it was starting to sink in. A bruise was forming, and there was a cut mark where the security agent had dug in his heel.Link

"That was really something," Dillard said afterwards. "My heart's racing. Not what I expected to happen today."

Adam Kokesh Assaulted in Hudson, New Hampshire, by Gingrich Thug

January 9, 2012

AdamKokesh - Filmed at a Newt Gingrich Event at Alvirne High School in Hudson, New Hampshire on January 9, 2012.

Hudson, NH Police Commander Sets an Example for Other Police Agencies to Follow

January 11, 2012

freekeene.com - Adam Kokesh of Adam vs. The Man and I went to the Hudson, NH Police Department to file a criminal complaint against former House Speaker and presidental candidate Newt Gingrich’s security agent who assaulted Adam earlier the previous day. When we were there, Adam was filming, and was threatened with arrest.

I told the shift commander that he was absolutely incorrect about New Hampshire law due to a 1st Circuit Court of Appeals decision that denied qualified immunity to Boston, MA Police for making a similar arrest.

It is okay to be wrong… every human is wrong about stuff all the time. It does take, however, a big man to admit that he was wrong, and Lieuteant Dyac of the Hudson, NH Police proved to be a big man. Of course, it would have been preferred that he knew the law ahead of time, but we all know that ignorance of the law isn’t an excuse for US, but IS for state agents.

I am going to write a letter to Hudson, NH Police Chief Jason Lavoie praising his commander for his willingness to admit a mistake. I’d respectfully ask you all either do the same or call to quickly ask that the Chief be told that his Lieutenant is a step above many law enforcers we’ve encountered being wrong about the law. By taking the time to research the issue before taking action, Lieuteant Dyac saved his department from civil liability. He clearly is an asset to that agency.

YouTube commenters seem to agree:

These guys are good Officers, it’s obvious? they genuinely care about people and the constitution and they where very professional. Good on them.


Wow. The? last minute just blew my mind. This is exactly the kind of cop we need. Wow.


You’re looking really good Chief Lavoie!

Chief Jason Lavoie
1 Constitution Drive – Hudson, New Hampshire 03051
Business line: 603-886-6011

The Largest Earthquakes in the United States

The Largest Earthquakes in the United States

Infoplease - The following table lists the largest earthquakes in the United States on record, according to rank, magnitude, date, and location. The largest earthquake to hit the U.S. was on March 28, 1964, when a 9.2 magnitude quake struck Prince William Sound in Alaska.

1.9.2March 28, 1964Prince William Sound, Alaska
2.8.8March 9, 1957Andreanof Islands, Alaska
3.8.7Feb. 4, 1965Rat Islands, Alaska
4.8.3Nov. 10, 1938East of Shumagin Islands, Alaska

8.3July 10, 1958Lituya Bay, Alaska
6.8.2Sept. 10, 1899Yakutat Bay, Alaska

8.2Sept. 4, 1899Near Cape Yakataga, Alaska
8.8.0May 7, 1986Andreanof Islands, Alaska
9.7.9Feb. 7, 1812New Madrid, Missouri

7.9Jan. 9, 1857Fort Tejon, California

7.9April 3, 1868Ka'u District, Island of Hawaii

7.9Oct. 9, 1900Kodiak Island, Alaska

7.9Nov. 30, 1987Gulf of Alaska

7.9Nov. 3, 2002Central Alaska
15.7.8March 26, 1872Owens Valley, California

7.8Feb. 24, 1892Imperial Valley, California

7.8Nov. 17, 2003Rat Island, Alaska
17.7.7Dec. 16, 1811New Madrid, Missouri area

7.7April 18, 1906San Francisco, California

7.7Oct. 3, 1915Pleasant Valley, Nevada
20.7.6Jan. 23, 1812New Madrid, Missouri

7.6June 28, 1992Landers, California
22.7.5July 21, 1952Kern County, California
23.7.3Nov. 4, 1927West of Lompoc, California

7.3Dec. 16, 1954Dixie Valley, Nevada

7.3Aug. 18, 1959Hebgen Lake, Montana

7.3Oct. 28, 1983Borah Peak, Idaho
1. March 28, 03:36:14 UT (March 27, 5:36 P.M. local time)
Source: National Earthquake Information Center, U.S. Geological Survey.

The earthquake map of America: A seismic map shows that living far from the West Coast is no guarantee of safety from earthquakes

1812 New Madrid Earthquake

New Madrid fault and earthquake-prone region considered at high risk today.

Wikipedia - The 1811–1812 New Madrid earthquakes (pronounced /nuː ˈmædrɨd/) were an intense intraplate earthquake series beginning with an initial pair of very large earthquakes on December 16, 1811. These earthquakes remain the most powerful earthquakes to hit the eastern United States in recorded history. These events, as well as the seismic zone of their occurrence, were named for the Mississippi River town of New Madrid, then part of the Louisiana Territory, now within Missouri.

The 1811–1812 earthquakes

December 16, 1811, 0815 UTC (2:15 a.m.); (M ~7.2 – 8.1) epicenter in northeast Arkansas. It caused only slight damage to man-made structures, mainly because of the sparse population in the epicentral area. The future location of Memphis, Tennessee experienced level IX shaking on the Mercalli intensity scale. A seismic seiche propagated upriver, and Little Prairie (a village that was on the site of the former Fort San Fernando, near the site of present-day Caruthersville, Missouri) was heavily damaged by soil liquefaction.

December 16, 1811, 1415 UTC (8:15 a.m.); (M ~7.2–8.1) epicenter in northeast Arkansas. This shock followed the first earthquake by six hours and was similar in intensity.

January 23, 1812, 1500 UTC (9 a.m.); (M ~7.0–7.8) epicenter in the Missouri Bootheel. The meizoseismal area was characterized by general ground warping, ejections, fissuring, severe landslides, and caving of stream banks. Johnson and Schweig attributed this earthquake to a rupture on the New Madrid North Fault. This may have placed strain on the Reelfoot Fault.

February 7, 1812, 0945 UTC (4:45 a.m.); (M ~7.4–8.0) epicenter near New Madrid, Missouri. New Madrid was destroyed. At St. Louis, Missouri, many houses were severely damaged, and their chimneys were toppled. This shock was definitively attributed to the Reelfoot Fault by Johnston and Schweig. Uplift along a segment of this reverse fault created temporary waterfalls on the Mississippi at Kentucky Bend, created waves that propagated upstream, and caused the formation of Reelfoot Lake by obstructing streams in what is now Lake County, Tennessee.

Consequence of the 1811–12 earthquakes

Some sections of the Mississippi River appeared to run backward for a short time. Sand blows were common throughout the area, and can still be seen from the air in cultivated fields. The shockwaves propagated efficiently through the firm midwestern bedrock, with residents as far away as Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and Norfolk, Virginia, awakened by intense shaking. Church bells were reported to ring as far as Boston, Massachusetts and York, Ontario (now Toronto), and sidewalks were reported to have been cracked and broken in Washington, D.C.There were also reports of toppled chimneys in Maine.

Recurrence potential

In a report filed in November 2008, the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency warned that a serious earthquake in the New Madrid Seismic Zone could result in "the highest economic losses due to a natural disaster in the United States," further predicting "widespread and catastrophic" damage across Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri and particularly Tennessee, where a 7.7 magnitude quake or greater would cause damage to tens of thousands of structures affecting water distribution, transportation systems, and other vital infrastructure.


The Nine American Cities Nearly Destroyed by the Fed

The Nine American Cities Nearly Destroyed by the Recession

24/7 Wall St. - The nation continues to be mired in an anemic, jobless recovery. And according to a report commissioned by the United States Conference of Mayors, and prepared by IHS Global Insight, many regions in the country still continue to lose jobs. Of the 363 U.S. metropolitan regions reviewed by IHS, only 61 will fully recover all the jobs that were lost during the recession by the end of this year. The rest will recover far fewer — the average city will only recover roughly 40% of jobs lost from peak employment.

24/7 Wall St. examined the nine metropolitan regions that are projected to recover less than 5% of the jobs lost during the recession by the end of 2012. These cities, in particular, were hurt by the housing crash, the loss or decline of an industry, and a reduction in government services and jobs.

Many of the cities that will recover the least jobs by the end of this year experienced particularly heady housing markets through 2006. As a result, they also had among the worst housing crashes in the country. In Reno-Sparks, Nevada, median home values dropped nearly 40% between 2007 and 2010. Five of the nine cities on this list had a major decline in housing, with four markets losing 25% of their median home value.

According to the Conference of Mayors’ report, many cities that rely heavily on merchandise exports, such as the automotive-based Flint, have been suffering as manufacturing businesses continue to move overseas. In 2005, nearly 10% of the Flint Michigan’s economy was based on exported goods. As of 2009, the number dropped to just 3.2%. Over that time, the value of the city’s annual exports dropped by roughly $850 million, or 70% of its original value.

Many cities were also hurt and will continue to be hurt by government cutbacks. While most industries will add jobs this year, the government sector will actually continue to shed them. Because of increasingly austere budgets, IHS projects that 196,000 government jobs will be lost by the end of 2012. For several cities on our list, like Carson City, Nevada, a high percentage of government employees comprise the total workforce. Between June and November of last year alone, Carson City laid off over 600 city workers.

24/7 Wall St. examined the cities in the U.S. Conference of Mayor’s report that were projected to regain the smallest percentage of the jobs lost during the recession by the end of this year. 24/7 Wall St. reviewed additional data collected by IHS and from the Census Bureau and Bureau of Labor Statistics to measure the impact of the recession on the nine cities that are projected to recover the least jobs. A full methodology is at the end of the article.

These are the nine American cities nearly destroyed by the recession.

9. Norwich-New London, CT
Pct. jobs recovered: 4.3%
Q4 2012 jobs: 127,600
Pre-recession jobs peak: 137,100
Recession jobs trough: 127,200
Pct. jobs lost: 7.2%

After losing nearly 10,000 jobs during the recession, the Norwich-New London metropolitan area still has not made any positive recovery. The area will recover only 400 lost positions by the end of 2012, according to the IHS. As a publication by economists at the University of Connecticut, The Connecticut Economy, explains, New London and New Haven are having the most economic difficulty of all areas within the state. The Electric Boat shipyard, a submarine manufacturer, and pharmaceutical company Pfizer Inc. are responsible for many of the area’s layoffs, the report states. In addition, the recent legalization of casino gambling in Massachusetts has hurt the local gaming industry.

8. Brunswick, GA
Pct. jobs recovered: 4.1%
Q4 2012 jobs: 40,400
Pre-recession jobs peak: 46,100
Recession jobs trough: 40,200
Pct. jobs lost: 12.7%

The Brunswick metropolitan statistical area lost nearly 6,000 jobs, or 12.7% of its workforce, between the fourth quarter of 2007 and the end of 2011. Located on the coast of Georgia, Brunswick has relied heavily on its port status and exports, which account for 18.4% of its economy. According to IHS, continuing global problems, especially in the Eurozone, will be damaging to exporting cities as demand for goods wanes. By the end of this year, the metro region will only regain 200 of the lost jobs.

7. Abilene, TX
Pct. jobs recovered: 4.1%
Q4 2012 jobs: 61,900
Pre-recession jobs peak: 68,000
Recession jobs trough: 61,700
Pct. jobs lost: 9.3%

At its employment peak, Abilene had a total 68,000 jobs. But after losing 9.3% of the jobs, it will reach 61,700 jobs at its low point this quarter. Come the fourth quarter of 2012, Abilene is only expected to recover 200 of those lost jobs. According to the Texas Workforce Commission, the majority of jobs lost over the past were in education and health services. Despite the area’s job losses, it maintains an unemployment rate of 6.2%, which is well under the national rate of 8.5%.

6. Wichita Falls, TX
Pct. jobs recovered: 3%
Q4 2012 jobs: 57,500
Pre-recession jobs peak: 62,200
Recession jobs trough: 57,300
Pct. jobs lost: 7.8%

By mid-2012, Wichita Falls, Texas is projected to lose 4,900, or 7.8% of its jobs from its peak employment in 2007. By the end of the year, IHS projects it will recover just 200 positions. However, unemployment continues to shrink in the area, indicating that people are either leaving the region or giving up on looking for jobs. Population has declined roughly 3% since 2000, while the value of exported goods has dropped substantially.

5. Flint, MI
Pct. jobs recovered: 2.8%
Q4 2012 jobs: 131,700
Pre-recession jobs peak: 151,300
Recession jobs trough: 131,100
Pct. jobs lost: 13.3%

Flint’s economy, which is primarily based on auto manufacturing, has been suffering for a number of years. In the first quarter of 2007, employment reached its peak with over 151,300 residents employed. By the end of the first quarter of 2012, IHS projects employment to reach a floor, after a loss of over 20,000 positions. Recovery, is seems, will also be slow as only 600 jobs are projected to be recovered by the end of the year, or just 2.8% of jobs lost. The value of exports from the region has dropped 81.9% since 2005 — one of the largest decreases in the country. This, of course, has had a huge effect on Flint’s economy and population. Poverty rate in the area has risen to 21%, one of the worst rates in the country.

4. Champaign-Urbana, IL
Pct. jobs recovered: 2.7%
Q4 2012 jobs: 105,400
Pre-recession jobs peak: 114,200
Recession jobs trough: 105,100
Pct. jobs lost: 7.9%

Unlike much of the country, unemployment in Champaign-Urbana actually increased from 9.1% to 10% between June and November of 2011. The region’s employment peaked late, in the third quarter of 2008, when 114,000 residents were employed. By the second quarter of this year, IHS projects the region to lose 7.9% of those jobs. Through the rest of the year, the area will regain only 2.7% of jobs lost. Many of the jobs lost in the area have been government jobs, especially in the education sector, which were cut due to budget constraints.

3. Santa Barbara-Santa Maria-Goleta, CA
Pct. jobs recovered: 1.9%
Q4 2012 jobs: 160,500
Pre-recession jobs peak: 174,300
Recession jobs trough: 160,300
Pct. jobs lost: 8%

As of the first quarter of 2012, the Santa Barbara-Santa Maria-Goleta metropolitan statistical area is projected to lose 14,000 jobs, or 8% of its employment peak of 174,300 person workforce. By the end of this year, just 200 of those positions might be recovered, according to the report. The region has suffered greatly from the housing bust. Its housing market has not yet fully recovered, which has also hurt major industries such as construction.

2. Reno-Sparks, NV
Pct. jobs recovered: 1.6%
Q4 2012 jobs: 187,600
Pre-recession jobs peak: 225,200
Recession jobs trough: 187,000
Pct. jobs lost: 16.9%

Between 2007 and 2010, the median home value in Reno-Sparks, Nevada declined 37.4%, the 13th biggest drop in the country among metro areas. The problems of the recession have plagued states in the southwest, which once had booming housing markets, arguably more than any other part in the country. From the beginning of 2007 to the third quarter of this year, jobs are projected to decline by 38,200, or 16.9% of the workforce. And according to the report, only 600 jobs, a mere 1.6%, will be recovered by the end of the year.

1. Carson City, NV
Pct. jobs recovered: 0%
Q4 2012 jobs: 28,200
Pre-recession jobs peak: 33,300
Recession jobs trough: 28,200
Pct. jobs lost: 15.1%

Carson City, Nevada has the dubious honor to be the only metropolitan area that is not projected to recover any jobs at all this year. The region has lost thousands of jobs during the recession, and will continue to lose them through the end of 2012. By the end of this year, the region is projected to lose 4,800 jobs from the beginning of 2007, according to the report. It is the only area not to reach a bottom this year so that it could start recovering. Between June and November of last year, the region lost roughly 600 government jobs. Between 2005 and 2009, the metro region’s exports dropped $94 million, or nearly 40%.


24/7 Wall St. obtained much of the information used to evaluate the metropolitan statistical areas directly from the IHS Global Insights report. The global information company compiled median household income and export merchandise figures from the Census Bureau, employment data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and home price data from the Federal Housing Finance Agency and Census Bureau. 24/7 Wall St. also considered change in home values between 2007-2010, median income, and poverty rates from the Census Bureau. The calculation of job recovery, upon which these metro areas are ranked, is based on Bureau of Labor Statistics job estimates. Jobs were rounded to the nearest thousand. The percent recovery and percent jobs lost is based on the full BLS calculated employment values.

Blame the Fed for the Pension Crisis Because They Engineered It

January 30, 2012

Worst Drought in a Century is Forcing Texas Ranchers to Herd Cattle to Points Northward

Insight: The Great Northern Migration of U.S. Cattle

January 30, 2012

Reuters - For more than a century, through a dozen dry spells when lakes disappeared and the land died, thousands of cows from the Swenson Land & Cattle Co have roamed the fields of Texas.

Yet the drought currently ravaging the southern Plains has done what the Dust Bowl could not: chased them off this land and driven them more than 600 miles north to Nebraska.

Now, as the worst drought in a century stretches into its second year, these ranchers and many of their peers are herding their animals in record numbers to the Cornhusker State and other points north, in search of grazing land that is not parched - a shift that is fueling a dramatic economic and cultural reshaping of the U.S. livestock industry.

"If we're going to survive, we have to go north," says Dennis Braden, general manager of Swenson Land & Cattle Co in Stamford, Texas, about 170 miles west of Dallas. "We have to go."

While some Texas ranchers hang on, selling off their stock at an unprecedented pace that has reduced America's cattle herd to the smallest in 60 years, many are carving new homesteads out of some of the richest grassland in North America, a bid for survival that falls somewhere between surrender and hope.

In cattle-car convoys that wind along routes cowboys used in the 1800s, this migration is also a stark illustration of the myriad threats facing the world's future food supply: intense competition for land; increasing demands on limited water resources; and the growing threat of volatile weather.

The size and speed of the shrinkage in the U.S. cattle herd has left the industry reeling. As the national cattle and calf inventory fell 2 percent from a year ago to its smallest since 1952, the herd in Texas dropped 11 percent or 1.4 million head, the biggest decline in nearly 150 years of recorded data.

But Nebraska's herd increased 4 percent or 250,000 head in the year to January 1, the most of any state, placing it ahead of Kansas as the country's second-largest cattle producer, according to the Department of Agriculture's bi-annual survey released on Friday.

Today, 7.1 percent of the country's cattle is in Nebraska - the state's largest share of the national herd since the federal government began collecting data in 1867. At 13 percent, Texas now has the smallest share since 1986.

The shrinking supply has extended a two-year rally in Chicago futures prices, raising costs for companies like Tyson Foods Inc and McDonald's Corp. Retail prices are up 20 percent since 2009, with choice beef topping $5 per pound for the first time ever in November, USDA data show. But slack demand and soaring feed costs have kept margins tight.

It seems set to get worse before it gets better.

While Nebraska offered solace for a first wave of bovine refugees, space is running out, forcing some even further north or west to less hospitable climes; virulent diseases could, if left unchecked, devastate local stock, a threat that has prompted officials to quarantine dozens of herds.

Local tensions are already apparent. Some worry about the potential strain on the environment. Others fret over old rivalries being revived with crop farmers - as well as land-hungry southern cattlemen and investors - that would further drive up record-high farmland values at rural auctions.

"People worry we're going to see a lot of big Texas cattle and oil money up here," said Gary Phipps, a fifth-generation rancher who took in several hundred Texas cattle on his family's spread in Cherry County, Nebraska. Land prices are already going up, Phipps noted. "Is it going to get worse?"


This great northern migration is troubling, too, for ranchers and packers in Texas, long the nation's leading cattle producer. But the need for the cattle to leave, even if only temporarily for some, is inescapable.

The drought has been keenly felt across a wide swath of the south, as five consecutively dry seasons were exacerbated by weeks of triple-digit temperatures and raging wildfires. On land where cattle once ate their fill of native grasses, ranchers fed their heifers cotton gin trash -- an agricultural byproduct --, hamburger buns and day-old bread as feed supplies disappeared.

Even before the Texas state climatologist warned last September that these dry conditions could last until 2020, a group of managers from a dozen large Texas cattle operations met to talk about how to deal with the drought.

Swenson Land & Cattle's Braden and Joe Leathers, general manager of the Four Sixes Ranch, agreed to travel north.

"We had a couple names and a lot of hope, and that was about it," said Leathers, who is based in Guthrie, Texas, a ranching community located about 214 miles west of Dallas.

After two weeks, and driving thousands of miles of country roads and dirt lanes, the men pieced together enough land in Nebraska and four other states - a patchwork of leases, ranging from a year to five years - for more than 11,000 cows.

This January, both men returned to Nebraska on their own, hunting for more land.

"If we can find enough land, and the right leases, we'll stay there for generations," said Leathers.

Leathers doesn't want to leave, nor do the 75 employees he oversees - families with two and three generations working side-by-side. But they must adapt to the changes in weather patterns across the U.S. and worldwide, he said. The solution: multiple locations to allow trucking the herd to better climes.


There is much to be said for Nebraska's rangeland, and its share of the U.S. herd has risen over the past decade.

Weather patterns have shifted in recent years, allowing the sandy soil of Nebraska's Sandhills to enjoy more rainfall.

In Cherry County, Nebraska, where some ranchers are sitting on a three-year stockpile of hay and wild grass, the annual precipitation has averaged 30.44 inches in the past three years, up nearly 300 percent from the state's drought of 2002, said Al Dutcher, state climatologist with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

While ranchers are being steadily driven out of places like Iowa, where cattle and crop battle for the same fertile ground, Nebraska's richest cattle-grazing country - the Sandhills - makes for relatively poor soil for corn, limiting competition from farmers, say agricultural economists and agrarians.

Above all the area boasts abundant hay, which has been in such short supply that the price has quadrupled.

So why not, reasoned Leathers, spend the money moving the cattle to the feed and water - rather than moving the resources to the cattle?


The desperate drive north is only the latest blow for an industry that has been in distress for much of the past decade.

Producers nationwide have been squeezed by the surge in corn prices as ethanol makers buy up more than 40 percent of the crop. The decline in beef demand has deepened after the economic meltdown of 2008 and the first case of mad cow disease in 2003, pulling per-capita consumption down 25 percent since 1980.

Record export sales and the shrinking herd have helped drive benchmark Chicago live cattle prices [where the the commodities exchanged is located] up 45 percent over the past two years, but that's cold comfort for feed lot owners looking at the 80 percent rise in corn prices.

The migration risks piling on costs for ranchers too.

Though the Nebraska winter has been relatively mild so far, the temperatures out in the fields are still cooler than they are in much of Texas. The typically colder weather means cattle need more feed to keep on their weight through the winter.

And competition for land, along with prices, is expected to grow as more out-of-state ranchers and investors vie for grazing land, say rural real estate agents.

Rangeland sale prices in central and western Nebraska, a state which saw a more than 40 percent jump in the third quarter last year, have edged up another 25 percent since last summer, said Lee Vermeer, vice president of real estate operations for Farmers National Co, based in Omaha, Nebraska. Land rents, too, have grown by as much as 30 percent in recent months.

Some animals have suffered on the up to 1,000-mile journey.

Phipps, the Nebraska rancher, said he agreed last summer to lease part of his land and care for 316 animals owned by a Montana investor whose cattle were in Texas.

When the delivery trucks arrived, there were 450 animals - many of the extras young calves too weak to move. A few of the cows had given birth in the trucks while they were being transported.

"Those calves, they didn't make it," Phipps said.

The animals, thin from lack of feed, wouldn't gain weight. Though the paperwork Phipps received from the owner showed the animals were clear of any diseases, he soon realized many of them had worms.

Nebraska agriculture officials, concerned about the spread of bovine diseases that can cause infertility and abortions in cows and heifers, have quarantined more than 70 herds from the south whose owners failed to send the proper health certificates and animal identification data.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture said it has launched an inquiry into the matter. State officials have forced some of the cows to be sent to slaughter, for fear of the unknown.


But perhaps the most immediate threat is, simply, that prime grazing land is running out.

"I got three calls this morning. I told them, I don't know where I'd put one more head right now," said Galen Sherman, a rancher who is leasing space to a Texas rancher for 400 cows.

Even the Sandhills Cattle Association, which acts as a kind of broker to match ranchers with extra grass or feed with those in need, can't help, says manager Ronna Morse.

"We have 46 requests for pasture for summer grazing 2012, and no listings of pasture available," Morse said.

U.S. FEMA Camps Are Now Being Activated

Military Can Arrest and Hold U.S. Citizens

December 9, 2011

Dr. Laurie Roth, NewsWithViews.com - Shortly after the Senate voted in The National Defense Authorization Act, S. 1867, according to an exclusive and confidential report given to Alex Jones at www.infowars.com, FEMA camps all over the country are now being activated. The report talks of outsourcing and providing temporary fencing, medical, laundry equipment, catering, refuse collection and power supplies. Alex Jones walks us through several acts and bold movements toward confining US citizens into camps.

Clear back in the days of Col. Oliver North, we saw Rex 84 (Readiness Exercise) established. It was a plan to gather up all the illegal aliens and put them in camps. At least that was the first face put on this. This plan was inspired by others, then the head of FEMA who planned clear back in 1970 to detain as many as 21 million ‘American Negroes’ in case of a black militant uprising in the U.S. Paranoi and control queen activity goes back decades.

Alex Jones also reminds us about an army document back in January 2005 ‘Civilian Inmate Labor Program.’ This is a special program to get US people to work at the camps. You can’t just have masses of detained people playing tic tac toe and watching TV. “Stop talking and get back to work or there will be no broth for dinner!”

In 2009 we saw the National Emergency Centers Act, or HR 645. This was to create national emergency centers at military installations.

Do you get the picture? These discussions, acts and plans have been targeting Americans for detainment for many years. We certainly shouldn’t be shocked that the Senate passed S. 1867, National Defense Authorization Act bill, drafted in secret by the way by Sens. Carl Leven (D) and John McCain ( R ). Now the military will have the authority to pick any of us up without charges, on vague terrorist threat accusations. Then, hold us without trial, indefinitely. McCain wanted to be President. Isn’t that special?

Now, we see, right behind the Senate voting in authority for the military to pick us up, the official activation of FEMA camps all across the country.

This is not ‘tin helmet’ or conspiratorial nonsense anymore folks. We have a Dictatorial take over going on in our country by this President and his backers. Who will be the first person or group to have ‘terrorism’ charges thrown at them? Will it be planned sabotage at various Tea Party events so they can be framed then picked up? Then there are those pesky Talk radio hosts like me, Alex Jones, Savage, Rush, Hannity…..the list goes on. Perhaps we are dangerous to the country, certainly the corrupt leadership we have.

I predict if we don’t stop Obama and this movement toward full on Dictatorship and Marxism, that seniors, soon the disabled, Pastors and outspoken Christians will be taken away and either killed or re educated. Already, several Christian Pastors have been arrested for simply exercising their freedom of speech about a variety of issues in public places.

Laws, rights and our constitution are being shredded and ignored all over the place.

To do:

  • Own guns and ammo
  • Join a Tea Party group now or start one in your area. Keep it peaceful and focused.
  • Pray daily that God will raise up Christian leaders with guts and integrity to fix our country
  • Contact your Representative and Senator, fax, email and call them. Go to Senate: Go to House: Tell them NO NO NO regarding S. 1867 and say “we will stand 1000% against anyone who voted for it”
  • Don’t give up
  • Listen to talk radio and get your news from real on line news sources and journals. Mainstream news has long been compromised.
  • Put away a year supply of food, ammo and cash for any emergency.

I ask for your prayers and support as I walk forward in my Candidacy for President. Find out more at www.laurieroth2012.com and listen in and join me each day on my talk show www.therothshow.com. We WILL get our country back. Hang on for the ride.


Magnitude 6.3 Earthquake Strikes Peru's Central Coast

More Than 100 Hurt In Peru Quake

January 30, 2012

AP - Peruvian authorities say 112 people have been treated for injuries after a magnitude-6.3 earthquake struck the country's central coast. They say none of the injuries are life-threatening.

Regional civil defense director Cesar Chonate says a boy was hospitalized with a fractured hip but most injuries were minor and included heart palpitations as people fled homes in panic.

Chonate says 16 homes suffered some damage in the quake, which struck at 11 minutes after midnight (0511 GMT), nine miles (15 kilometers) southeast of Ica.

The city was badly damaged by a magnitude-8 earthquake in August 2007 and also suffered damage in a quake last October.

The U.S. Geological Survey says Monday's quake was at a depth of 24 miles (39 kilometers).

FEMA Camps for the American People

FEMA Camp Rendition Hubs Discovered

January 27, 2012

Infowars.com - On the Thursday evening edition of Infowars Nightly News, Alex Jones featured photo evidence of a FEMA rendition facility located at the airport in Los Angeles.

The photos and an interview with an eyewitness who described the facility and its inward facing barbed wire fence and one-way turnstiles add more compelling evidence to the indisputable fact that FEMA operates as a modern version of the Gestapo.

FEMA Camps for the American People

Numerous FEMA camps scattered across the country are not designed to temporarily hold displaced citizens during natural disasters as the government would have us believe. Despite the denial and dismissal of the corporate media – most notably Glenn Beckthe camps are intended for the real enemy of the government and its banker overlords: the American people.

In the above video, Alex also spotlights rendition facilities located at the Robert Mueller Airport in Austin, Texas, the Sand Point FEMA rendition hub in Washington state, and the notorious site at Pier 57 in New York City

The LAX hub is especially pertinent as the military and LA cops engage in Posse Comitatus busting exercises this week.

“The LAPD said the purpose of the training was in part to ensure the military’s ability to operate in urban environments,” CBS Los Angeles reported on Wednesday.

CBS, of course, did not draw any conclusions after it reported that military helicopters staged from Dodgers Stadium and ferried back and forth from local parks in the city. Sports stadiums have historically served as impromptu prisons for military dictatorships.

The government has conducted a number of beta tests over the years in preparation for mass arrests and ultimately extraordinary renditions to black site torture dungeons.

In addition to an alarming number of high profile military exercises, the government has worked in tandem with local police during events such as the the Republican and Democrat national conventions and periodic gatherings of the globalist elite in Pittsburgh and elsewhere. During the events, they have beta tested and honed their ability to arrest large numbers of people and hold them in squalid detention centers.

Infowars.com reporter Rob Dew experienced the process firsthand when he was arrested while covering the G20 in Pittsburgh and held at a military base.

Legal Precedents and Police State Preparations

The NDAA, National Defense Authorization Act, and the Enemy Expatriation Act are recent efforts to build a legal – if entirely unconstitutional – foundation for the police state and its semi-secret network of gulags and rendition camps under the auspices of FEMA.

Prior to the NDAA, the government established important precedents through the Patriot Act and the Military Commissions Act, the latter a direct effort to nullify habeas corpus and allow the government to disappear suspected citizens.

The Constitution-busting Patriot Act emerged from the hysteria following the attacks of September 11, 2001, and spawned a raft of proposed “anti-terror” legislation, including The Universal National Service Act of 2003 and Patriot Act II, an earlier effort to trash habeas corpus. See Alex Jones’ The Secret Patriot Act II Destroys What Is Left of American Liberty from early February, 2003.

NDAA allows for the wholesale kidnapping and disappearance of American citizens into the above mentioned FEMA camps. The legislation was paraded before the American people under the guise of fighting phantom terrorists, but as a large number of legal experts, civil libertarians and commentators have noted, it is designed for the American people, not al-Qaeda miscreants.

The National Emergency Centers Act or HR 645 was established to provide a legal context for the camps covered above. The bill mandates that six separate facilities be established in different Federal Emergency Management Agency Regions (FEMA) throughout the country. For more on this key legislation, see Paul Joseph Watson’s New Legislation Authorizes FEMA Camps In U.S., posted in January of 2009.

In December, we covered a push by KBR to outfit FEMA and U.S. Army camps around the United States under federal government contract. KBR’s call for FEMA camp service bids arrived soon after the NDAA was passed in the Senate.

Contingency plans to suspend the Constitution and abduct enemies of the state go back to at least the 1980s. Rex 84, short for Readiness Exercise 1984, was established under the pretext of a “mass exodus” of illegal aliens crossing the Mexican/US border, the same pretense used in the language of the KBR request for services.

During the Iran-Contra hearings in 1987, however, it was revealed that the program was a secretive “scenario and drill” developed by the federal government to suspend the Constitution, declare martial law, assign military commanders to take over state and local governments, and detain large numbers of American citizens determined by the government to be “national security threats.”

See: Martial Law Evacuation Tracking System

FEMA Rendition Camps: The Emergent Face of Fascism in America

Rex 84, Operation Cable Splicer, and Garden Plot are programs specifically designed to facilitate the recently enacted NDAA and the above mentioned legislation and more going back to Clinton in the wake of the OKC bombing and the Waco massacre in the 1990s.

The effort to turn America into a military police state where free-thinkers not drinking the government’s kool-aid can easily be disappeared into a nightmare world of secret CIA rendition flights to eastern European torture centers grew serious legs following the September 11 attacks and has entered a hyper state now that the NDAA is law.

Startling details on the rendition center at LAX adds more credence to the indisputable fact that the government is working to establish a network of camps for its political enemies. It underscores the fact that the controllers are hellbent on fully realizing fascism in America, complete with concentration camps where those opposed to the quest for global domination disappear, never to be seen again.


Freddie Mac Traps Homeowners Trying to Refinance Out of High-interest Mortgages

Is Freddie Mac Betting Against Homeowners?

January 30, 2012

ABC News - A recent investigation into trades made by the taxpayer-owned mortgage giant shows that while Freddie with one hand is helping consumers get mortgages, it is, with its other, making those mortgages harder to refinance. Result: Homeowners trying to refinance their way out of high-interest mortgages say they feel trapped in "financial jail."

The investigation-a joint effort between National Public Radio and ProPublica, an independent, non-profit investigative news service-looked at multibillion-dollar investments made late in 2010 by Freddie. These investments pay off only if homeowners remain locked in high-interest mortgages.

Not only do the investments appear to be at odds with Freddie's public mandate, they increase the size of Freddie's investment portfolio at a time when the Freddie, under the terms of a 2008 bailout agreement, is supposed to be reducing it. Both Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae were bailed out by U.S. taxpayers in 2008 and are now owned by the public.

The NPR-ProPublica report finds, too, that Freddie's new investments have increased the volatility of its portfolio.

Securities owned by Freddie fall into two categories:

  1. In one are those backed mainly by principal. These pay a low return but are considered low-risk.

  2. The second category holds securities backed by mortgage interest payments only. These pay a higher rate but are considered riskier, since, if homeowner defaults, Freddie as the insurer must pay the entire value of the mortgage. Known as inverse floaters, these investments are harder for Freddie to offload onto investors.
In 2010 and 2011, Freddie increased its holdings of inverse floaters by $3.4 billion, according to prospectuses for those deals. Interest rates on the underlying mortgages run as high as 7 percent.

In the same way that it's not in Freddie's interest to have borrowers default on those mortgages, it's not in its interest to have them switch to cheaper mortgages, since, when a borrower refinances, he pays off the first loan early, and those juicy interest payments stop.

Freddie thus has taken steps to make it harder for homeowners to refinance.

For example, in October 2010 it began refusing to insure new loans for homeowners who have had a short sale in the past two to four years. (In a short sales, a house is sold for less than the value of the underlying mortgage.)

That rule change has hit people like Jay and Bonnie Silverstein of Pennsylvania hard. Because the Silversteins did a short sale of their old home, Freddie now will not help them refinance their new one, even though the Silversteins say they haven't missed a payment. Says Jay Silverstein, who speaks for millions of consumers in his same situation,

"We're in financial jail. We've never been there before."

January 29, 2012

Ron Paul is the Biggest Threat to the New World Order Because He Is Not Their Puppet

The Holocaust, FEMA Camps and the New National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)

Vote for anybody but Dr. Ron Paul and you might as well get in your cars and drive to your nearest FEMA Camp and turn yourselves in!!! This old world has seen enough and Satan is ready to make his appearance. Get your lives in order cause it's all coming down the turnpike at breakneck speed.

January 24, 2012

Wondering Woman, The Patriot Update - It is not only the Democrats – it is the majority of both Democrats and Republicans and it is not communism – IT is the new world order whose ultimate goal is reducing our population worldwide by 90%. If the majority of our long term career congressional members were not new world order puppets, they would have taken action against the treason/fraud.

Obama is not the first puppet in our federal government. Both the Bushes and the Clintons, and who knows how many presidents before those, were NWO puppets. John McCain was obviously another one who was the designated loser in the 2008. Newt Gingrich is another. Herman Cain was such an excellent choice, but look where he was told to throw his support to when the sexual harassment issues came forth. Most likely he was another NWO puppet.

As much as I abhor their AGENDA 21 plans, one has to admire their cunning. They have to have some of the brightest minds working on their plans; and most of these poor misguided souls working to bring about the genocide of 90% or our population are just brainwashed idiots (remember the old saying that there is only a hairline of difference between insanity and brilliance) who have bought into the tales of global warming and saving the planet from destructive overpopulation.

If you go to YouTube and type in the Obama Deception video and click on the full length one, you will see both Obama and Hilary Clinton attending the Bilderberg conference. Our government is so infiltrated with them, and all our major departments like the FDA, CDC, USDA, education department are full of them.

Think not? – ask yourself why they are trying to make home schooling illegal throughout Planet Earth – why has the FDA totally ignored all the toxins in our processed food chain – why did they remove one neurotoxin from our vaccines (thimerosal is still in flu vaccines) and replace it with another excitotoxin – why is the FDA and the USDA both pushing all Monsanto’s GMO seeds – despite evidence of severe problems with the produce grown from these seeds, they are still pushing to keep anyone from using heritage seeds – they didn’t stop with our fruits and vegetables, now Monsanto is releasing a GMO grass seeds – WHY?

I think the answer lies in why India banned Monsanto’s seeds after doing their own study. Their four-legged creatures fed the produce grown from those seeds displayed loss of activity (energy) and loss of interest in sexual activity just a coupe of weeks into the study. They had fewer litters and those fewer litters consisted of fewer members and lower birth weights than before GMO produce. It only took three generations for no litters at all, which means no more descendents, which means extinction of the species or study subjects.

After reading of this study, my thought went to the dying out of our friendly little pollinators – the honeybees. We have no definite explanation for this to date. My logical conclusion is that if the produce grown from these Monsanto GMO seeds are so toxic to ingest, then the pollen that the honey bees collect from those GMO plants must also be toxic and that would explain why all the honey bees are dying out.

A scientist, at the beginning of the dying off of our honey bees, remarked that if all our friendly little pollinators died off, mankind would probably not survive them more than four years after their demise.

Welcome to the new world order!

This is why we must be very careful in who we vote for – getting Obama OUT does nothing if we put another one of their puppets in.

We must quit being as shallow as Newt Gingrich is, if he was quoted correctly by someone in saying that “his second wife was not young enough or pretty enough to be the president’s wife.” Voters with that mentality is what got us into this mess.

We must learn to look for wisdom, humane values, keeping their promises or upholding their sworn duties, character and the courage to stand up for what they believe in whether it is politically correct at the moment or not. We only have one candidate who has a long record of all the qualities we need so badly at this time.

Ron Paul’s biggest threat to his life is not his age or his feebleness – but the new world order that does not want him in there because he is not their puppet and not likely to sell out to them. That is why I hope he’ll pick a younger and huskier veep, such as Jesse Ventura – plus Jesse Ventura has been busy since leaving politics after being a mayor and then a governor, ferreting out the corruption in the federal government. To see Jesse in action on this, just type in HAARP in your search window.

Some of you might also enjoy visiting Project Camelot and type Benjamin Fulford in their search window. Reading those interviews should bring you up to date on the new world order quickly.

One blogger admitted that most of his ideas and plans were good but he “muttered and appeared too old and feeble.” I’ll concede that he looks frail (however, another blogger said he runs 6 miles every morning) and that we probably look old to young whippersnappers (he could tell me to go ahead because age comes before beauty) but to this date, not a mutter one – “Sputters” yes – but who wouldn’t sputter when those darned biased moderators at the debates asks them a question and then tries to shut them up before giving them a chance to answer the question. This is just more evidence that Dr. Ron Paul must not be allowed to win the Republican nominee position.

He is too electable and they know it.

Internet Censorship: ACTA is Worse Than SOPA

ACTA: The Corporate Usurpation of the Internet

January 28, 2012

Activist Post - In the wake of a public outcry against internet regulation bills such as SOPA and PIPA, representatives of the EU have signed a new and far more threatening legislation yesterday in Tokyo.

Spearheaded by the governments of the United States and Japan and constructed largely in the absence of public awareness, the measures of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) dramatically alter current international legal framework, while introducing the first substantial processes of global internet governance. With complete contempt towards the democratic process, the negotiations of the treaty were exclusively held between industry representatives and government officials, while excluding elected representatives and members of the press from their hearings.

Under the guise of protecting intellectual property rights, the treaty introduces measures that would allow the private sector to enforce sweeping central authority over internet content. The ACTA abolishes all legal oversight involving the removal of content and allows copyright holders to force ISPs to remove material from the internet, something that presently requires a court order. ISPs would then be faced with legal liabilities if they chose not to remove content. Theoretically, personal blogs can be removed for using company logos without permission or simply linking to copy written material; users could be criminalized, barred from accessing the internet and even imprisoned for sharing copyrighted material. Ultimately, these implications would be starkly detrimental toward the internet as a medium for free speech.

The Obama Administration subverted the legal necessity of allowing to US Senate to ratify the treaty by unconstitutionally declaring it an “executive agreement” before the President promptly signed it on October 1st, 2011.

As a touted constitutional lawyer, Barack Obama is fully aware that Article 1, Section 8 of the US Constitution, mandates Congress in dealing with issues of intellectual property, thus voiding the capacity for the President to issue an executive agreement.

The White House refused to even disclose details about the legislation to elected officials and civil libertarians over concern that doing so may incur “damage to the national security.” While some may hang off every word of his sorely insincere speeches and still be fixated by the promises of hope offered by brand-Obama, his administration has trampled the constitution and introduced the most comprehensive authoritarian legislation in America’s history.

Under the sweeping regulations of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, individual infringers will be criminalized and sentenced with the same severity as large-scale offenders.

Within the United States, the recently announced Online Protection and Enforcement of Digital Trade (OPEN) H.R. 3782 regulation seeks to install policies largely identical to SOPA and PIPA.

The Obama administration is also working towards an Internet ID program, which may be mandatory for American citizens and required when renewing passports, obtaining federal licenses, or applying for social security.

Spreading these dangerous measures to other countries participating in these treaties would necessitate a binding obligation on the US to retain these policies, averting any chance of reform.

The ACTA will become law once it is formally ratified and cleared by the European Parliament in June. By petitioning members of the European parliament and educating others about the potential dangers imposed by this legislation, there is a chance of the treaty being rejected.

Upon closer examination of the human condition with all of its inequalities, food insecurity and dire social issues, our governments have lost their legitimacy for giving such unwarranted priority to fighting copyright infringement on behalf of lobbyists from the pharmaceutical and entertainment industries. The existence of ACTA is a clear statement that surveillance, regulations and securing further corporate centralization dwarfs any constructive shift towards stimulating human innovation and self-sufficient technologies.

When former US National Security Advisor and Trilateral Commission co-founder, Zbigniew Brzezinski spoke before the Council on Foreign Relations in 2010, he warned of a global political awakening beginning to take place. Technology such as file sharing, blogging, and open source software has the potential to undermine the oligarchical governing interests seeking to centrally control our society and enforce the population into being entirely dependent on their commodities.

The following excerpt from Brzezinski’s book Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era, provides invaluable insight into the world being brought in;

“The technetronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.”

ACTA is worse than SOPA, here’s what you need to know

Zionist Billionaire is Behind Newt Gingrich's Rise in Polls

Behind Gingrich's Rise, Billionaire Pal Sheldon Adelson

January 25, 2012

ABC News - Before Newt Gingrich dominated the South Carolina primary, a so-called super PAC supporting him spent millions of dollars savaging Mitt Romney in negative ads and fliers.

A driving force behind that super PAC is Sheldon Adelson, a Las Vegas casino tycoon who has translated his deep friendship with Gingrich into a financial bonanza to buoy his candidacy. Adelson gave the PAC, Winning Our Future, $5 million just before the South Carolina primary, and this week, his wife gave the group another $5 million.

The Adelsons make Mitt Romney look like Tom Joad. Adelson, the eighth-richest American, is worth more than $20 billion. He built the iconic Venetian hotel (and another in Macao to match) and has given to a host of Jewish causes — in addition to funding a nonprofit group that led to Gingrich's presidential run.

Adelson met Gingrich when he was the speaker of the House, and they bonded over their dedication to support Israel as Congress debated passing a bill that would encourage the American Embassy in Tel Aviv to be moved to Jerusalem, the capital. Since then they've been friends, with obvious benefits.
"He admires and likes Newt for his intellect and his creativity, and those are two traits that are very strong with Sheldon himself," said Robert List, a former governor of Nevada who was Adelson's legal counsel when he acquired the historic Sands Hotel. "It's no surprise that he's liked Newt from the beginning."
In October, Adelson attended a fundraiser for Gingrich at a Las Vegas restaurant owned by George Harris, a former political consultant who worked for the casino baron for years and ate lunch with him every day. They raised $60,000 for Gingrich.

Next week, Gingrich is due back at the restaurant, and so is Adelson, Harris said. Nevada's Republican caucus is Feb. 4.
"Sheldon Adelson — if he said he's going to do something, he does it," Harris said. "He's a humongous supporter of Newt. They're friends. They're buddies. It's a true relationship."
The money that the Adelsons have given to Winning Our Future is double what the super PAC has already spent to support Gingrich, which is just over $5 million as of Wednesday. It's unclear how much money the group has ready to spend, because super PACs aren't required to report how much they've raised until the end of January — after the four first primary contests.

Lifted by the donation from Adelson's wife, Winning Our Future is placing a big bet on the Florida primary, spending $6 million to run a TV ad that demonizes the health care plan that Romney led in Massachusetts.

The plan is awfully similar to what happened in South Carolina, where Romney's lead over the other candidates shrank by the day as the pro-Gingrich super PAC crowded the airwaves with anti-Romney commercials. Now the PAC is spending much more in Florida, though the Adelsons are said to have asked that the ads be positive.
"He wants to advance Newt's cause," List said. "He'll do what he can to help."
Gingrich was seen as a serious candidate only recently, months after Adelson first attended that Las Vegas fundraiser for him in October. The headlines were about Romney, and Gingrich was being called a long-shot. In some ways, Adelson's friends saw a parallel to a meeting with his senior staff when he was describing his vision to build a "new Las Vegas strip" in Macao.
"At that time, it was just a dream, and huge, involving billions and billions and billions of dollars," List said. "People were sitting around the table saying, 'Do you really think this could happen?' You know? And it did."
In an alternate universe, if Gingrich had never befriended Adelson years ago, the super PAC supporting the former speaker would probably have a significantly diminished effect. Perhaps South Carolina would have gone Romney's way, all but crowning him the nominee before January is over. Or maybe Gingrich's victory would have just been smaller.

Either way, Adelson reportedly doesn't expect anything in return from Gingrich.
"Sheldon doesn't need anything from anybody," Harris said.
And those who know Adelson well say that despite his loyalty to Gingrich, he'll be quick to reopen his checkbook for Romney if the ex-governor wins the Republican nomination.
"I don't think there's any doubt that he would support Romney, absolutely not one doubt in the entire world," said Fred Zeidman, a Romney fundraiser who speaks often with Adelson and who was the chairman of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council (the Adelsons have donated profusely to the museum). "This is all about beating Barack Obama."

In 1917 J.P. Morgan Bought the U.S. Corporate Media

1917: J.P. Morgan Bought U.S. Corporate Media to be 1%’s Lying Sacks of Spin?

January 29, 2012

Washington’s Blog - Congressman Oscar Callaway lost his Congressional election for opposing US entry into WW 1. Before he left office, he demanded investigation into JP Morgan & Co for purchasing control over America’s leading 25 newspapers in order to propagandize US public opinion in favor of his corporate and banking interests, including profits from US participation in the war. Mr. Callaway alleged he had the evidence to prove Morgan associates were working as editors to select and edit articles, with the press receiving monthly payments for their allegiance to Morgan.

One of the leading papers, The New York Times, printed the story of Congressman Callaway’s call for investigation from Washington, D.C., but the editor chose a curious obfuscating headline:


Moore Asks Inquiry Into Charges on Preparedness Campaign.

The US eventually followed “opinion leaders” into the war, despite no national security risk from the sinking of a British ship (Lusitania) carrying over four million rounds of ammunition to kill Germans, and Germany’s offer to Mexico to attack the US with an empty promise of German help if, and only if, the US declared war on Germany first (Zimmermann telegram; Mexico rejected the offer immediately as a military impossibility and a ploy for Americans to busy themselves killing Mexicans instead of Germans). The US then imprisoned people who questioned the war, including US candidates for President.

Both my grandfathers risked their lives in the American Expeditionary Force, as did your relatives, in a war media-fed to the public with lies of commission and omission.

Congressman Callaway joined Congressman Abraham Lincoln in being deposed from Congress for challenging lying war rhetoric and being branded as “unpatriotic.”

I found no follow-up report of Mr. Callaway’s request for investigation. However, we have abundant evidence that US corporate media is controlled for propaganda in our world of the present to cover-up the US’ history of unlawful wars. Consider this as one example:

The Church Senate Committee hearings had the cooperation of CIA Director William Colby’s testimony that over 400 CIA operatives were controlling US corporate media reporting on specific issues of national interest in what they called Operation Mockingbird. This stunning testimony was then confirmed by Pulitzer Prize reporter Carl Bernstein’s research and reporting. Of course, corporate media refused to publish Bernstein’s article and it became the cover-story for Rolling Stone.

Read more here and here