The Dangers of the Tetanus Vaccine and the Depopulation Plan of Elitists Like Bill Gates
The Dangers of the Tetanus Vaccine
February 28, 2008Daniel Dunkin, Yahoo Contributor Network - Any information obtained here is not to be construed as medical or legal advice. The decision to vaccinate and how you implement that decision is yours and yours alone to make.
Before discussing the dangers of the tetanus vaccine, what is tetanus? Tetanus is caused by a bacteria that is injected into a wound via a puncture or cut. Tetanus can be obtained by a trauma such as a broken bone or even a burn.
In fact, back in 1902 there was a tetanus outbreak in St. Louis where one of the horses used to produce Diphtheria antitoxin had contracted tetanus and as a result, the diphtheria vaccine caused an outbreak of Tetanus that killed 13 children. Are our manufacturing processes better now? Probably. So do we now know everything? No, but the danger is that we think we do, or at least those pushing for the sales present themselves like they do.
Once the bacteria, Clostridium tetani, gets trapped within the body and has no source of oxygen, it produces a toxin that amplifies the chemical signal between the nerve and muscle tissue causing spasms, and in severe cases can cause respiratory failure or Heart Arythmia. The statistics on death rates vary widely from one source to another ranging anywhere from 10% to 90%, with the higher rates being in undeveloped and developing countries. Australia claims a death rate of about 10%, while Tetanus in Africa or other less developed nations are extremely high.
In some of my resources below, Dr Sherri Tennpenny was shocked to find that so many cases of tetanus occur in fully vaccinated people. Dr. Kris Gaublomme questions that since the disease itself does not provide immunity, then how can a vaccine procvide immunity. In fact, many people have more than ample antitoxins in their system, and get tetanus anyway.
So the industry claims they have reduced the number of cases, yet the vaccine and Tetanus itself does not appear to provide an immunity, then why have the numbers dropped so drastically since the 1940's? Hygene and better medical practices.
Put simply, in developed nations such as the U.S., we have sterile water supplies, we have rubbing alcohol and hydrogen peroxide in nearly every home, and we are educated enough to know to clean cuts and wounds thuroughly.
Tetanus is everywhere, but it is not as vast and widespread as we imagine it to be. The greatest fear is in Horse manuer primarily, but it is also in some other animals as well. The old addage of a rusty nail really has little bearing on whether tetanus is present or not, in fact some resources I have found show more concern over wood splinters, pyogenic infections and wounds with extensive tissue damage. Primarily once again, due to a need to disinfect and clean this wound in a timely fashion. It should be cleaned immedately, but if circumstances make this difficult, it should be cleaned at least within four hours.
Based on the evidence, it appears that the vaccine itself does not give an immunity, no matter how up to date they are, so what are some of the dangers of the tetanus vaccine?
The first thing to look at as dangerous are the ingredients. You don't just get a tetanus toxoid, with the injection you are also receiving formaldehyde, sodium phosphate monobasic, and sodium phophate dibasic.
Dr. Mendelsohn MD eliminated Tetanus as a vaccine he felt should be given, as one of the last vaccines to be removed from his list. His final elimination of this vaccine was not because of the dangers of the Tetanus Vaccine, but for a host of changes made in the vaccine over a period of time. These changes included:
- Growing evidence that overuse may weaken the effect
- The medical community went from giving tetanus boosters every year to 2 years to 5 years to 10 years to even 20 years, all done based on guesswork and no scientific support
- There have been absolutely no controlled Scientific studies on the effectiveness of the vaccine
- The vaccine has been weakened over the years to reduce the side effects of fever and swelling, (of course the additives are still there)
- Statistics after the reduction of tetanus cases eventually showed that 40% of children had not been vaccinated despite the lowering number of cases in the U.S.
- And last but not least: His own growing concern over the huge increase in incidents of depressed immune disorders, MS, Guillian Barr, and many other problems that drastically increased with the introduction of vaccines.
Stick around and learn what a lot of doctors have learned, that your doctor hasn't told you about, and probably doesn't even know himself. Why? He doesn't read the ingredient panels - the Pharmaceutical companies tell him it is necessary, and he believes it, just like he tells you it is necessary and you believe it, but when you are injecting foreign materials into your babies body, you should take the responsibility of researching both sides of the equation and make an educated decision. Had we done this, our autistic boy would have graduated highschool last year. Instead, someone will have to wipe his butt the rest of his life. He could be your child too.
There are literally hundreds of doctors out there who now support non vaccinations and for good reasons. Many of them have literature or books available. You may think your smart by following your doctors advice, but science has a history of being wrong - what if years down the road it is discovered that vaccines caused more harm than good, and you discover this while feeding your handicapped adult child? Growing evidence is already supporting this conclusion.
Psalms 118:8 It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. KJV
Dr Sherri Tennpenny
Kris Gaublomme, MD
Dr. Mendelsohn MD
If a child is sick with something more serious than a mild cold, DTaP may be delayed until the child is better.
Vaccinate the World: Gates, Rockefeller Seek Global Population Reduction
September 4, 2010Old-Thinker News - The global elite has launched a world-wide operation against an unaware population to reduce and control fertility. Vaccines and even staple food crops have been modified to achieve these goals.
If you can’t seem to bring yourself to believe that such an undertaking is possible, or that there are human beings willing and capable, look back in time; this kind of conspiracy isn’t new. In fact, this kind of control was idealized by Plato some 2,300 years ago in his momentous work The Republic. Plato wrote that a ruling elite should guide society, “…whose aim will be to preserve the average of population.” He further stated:
The global elite has launched a world-wide operation against an unaware population to reduce and control fertility. Vaccines and even staple food crops have been modified to achieve these goals.
“There are many other things which they will have to consider, such as the effects of wars and diseases and any similar agencies, in order as far as this is possible to prevent the State from becoming either too large or too small.”The activities of the ruling elite in controlling population, writes Plato, must be kept secret. He writes,
“Now these goings on must be a secret which the rulers only know, or there will be a further danger of our herd… breaking out into rebellion.”Peering back into the mists of time and history reveal that there is truly nothing new under the sun. What has been done will be done again, and the 21st Century manifestation of global elites have advanced tools at their disposal.
The GAVI Alliance (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization)
The GAVI Alliance, founded in 2000 with the help of the Gates Foundation, has the goal of vaccinating all of the third world. The member organizations of GAVI are listed on group’s the website, which include:
“…national governments of donor and developing countries, the Bill and Melinda Gates Children’s Vaccine Program, the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Associations (IFPMA), the Rockefeller Foundation, UNICEF, the World Bank Group and the World Health Organization (WHO).”In December of 2000, David Rockefeller and William H. Gates Sr., among others, visited the Rockefeller University campus to take part in a meeting on “Philanthropy in a Global Century”. While there, Gates spoke glowingly about his inspiration from Rockefeller in founding GAVI,
“Gates said that ‘Taking our lead and our inspiration from work already done by The Rockefeller Foundation, our foundation actually started GAVI by pledging $750 million to something called the Global Fund for Children’s Vaccines, an instrument of GAVI.’”
He also praised the Rockefeller family’s century of philanthropy, saying, ‘It seems like every new corner we turn, the Rockefellers are already there. And in some cases, they have been there for a long, long time.’”The fact that such a global mechanism like GAVI exists – in the hands of outspoken population control advocates – for delivering vaccines to millions of people across the world should be disconcerting to say the least; Especially when confronted with the mountains of documentation proving that anti-fertility vaccines have been researched and delivered by the World Health Organization with grant money from the Rockefeller Foundation.
Bill Gates reaffirmed the global population control agenda during a recent TED conference presentation in which he stated,
“The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s heading up to about nine billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.”
“…acts as a global coordinating body for anti-fertility vaccine R&D in the various working groups and supports research on different approaches, such as anti-sperm and anti-ovum vaccines and vaccines designed to neutralize the biological functions of hCG. The Task Force has succeeded in developing a prototype of an anti-hCG-vaccine.”In 1989 research was conducted by the National Institute of Immunology in New Delhi India on the use of ‘carriers’ such as Tetanus Toxoid and Diphtheria to bypass the immune system and deliver the female hormone called human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG). The research paper was carried in the Oxford University Press in 1990 and was titled “Bypass by an alternate ‘carrier’ of acquired unresponsiveness to hCG upon repeated immunization with tetanus-conjugated vaccine.”
Soon after anti-fertility vaccines were successfully developed, hCG (Human chorionic gonadotrophin) containing Tetanus vaccines were deployed across multiple third-world countries. Many of these countries were specifically targeted in the U.S. Government’s 1974 National Security Memorandum 200 document for population reduction. The document recommended at the time in 1974 that “injectable contraceptives” receive further funding.
In the aftermath of widespread covert use of anti-fertility vaccines, the BBC aired a documentary titled “The Human Laboratory” in 1995. The discovery of “contaminated” Tetanus toxoid vaccines and the resulting sterilization of Philippine women was exposed.
The following are excerpts from the BBC program:
MARY PILAR VERZOSA: The women would say why is it that the tetanus shots that we’ve been getting have had effects on us? Our fertility cycles are all fouled up, some of the women among us have had bleedings and miscarriages, some have lost their babies at a very early stage. The symptoms could come soon after their tetanus vaccination – some the following day, others within a week’s time. For those who were pregnant on their first three or four months the miscarriage was really frightening.
MARY PILAR VERZOSA: I began to suspect that here in the Philippines that’s exactly what’s happening. They have laced the tetanus toxoid vials with the Beta HCG.According to the local population of the Akha in Thailand, pregnant women are forced to receive vaccines – including tetanus – in order to get ID cards for their children. The vaccine often results with miscarriage. In the video below, Matthew McDaniel, a human rights activist who has been working with the Akha people of Thailand, speaks with two Akha women about the forced Tetanus vaccine and the resulting miscarriages.
MARY PILAR VERZOSA: Oh boy that was really something when this came out of my fax machine. Report on HCG concentration in vaccine vials. Three out of those four vials registered positive for HCG, so my suspicions are affirmed that here in our country they are not only giving plain tetanus toxoid vaccination to our women, they are also giving anti-fertility.
Rural populations of the third world have caught on to possible effects of vaccination. Their fears are dismissed as “rumors” and “myths” by the mainstream press that fails to report on the established precedence of anti-fertility vaccine research. Often, those reassuring that the vaccines are safe are the very organizations engaged in population reduction efforts. A 2006 press release from UNICEF (United Nations Children Fund), which is involved with vaccinating many third world countries, quotes the Assistant Project Officer for Health in Ethiopia’s Southern Nations, Tersit Assefa,
“In other places, women of this age often stay away,” said Ms. Tersit. “All sorts of misguided rumours go round that the injections will sterilize them or harm them in some way. But here, the village elders are on board. They are here, encouraging the women to come along.”While the needle is an obvious and visible form of vaccination, new technologies have been developed with the financial support of the Rockefeller Foundation. Edible vaccines, according to the Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology, will be a more “socioculturally acceptable” alternative to needles. In other words, people will be less resistant to eating a mundane banana than taking a shot in the arm. The Journal states that new edible vaccine technology may serve a dual purpose of birth control. As stated,
“Edible vaccines hold great promise as a cost-effective, easy-to-administer, easy-to-store, fail-safe and socioculturally readily acceptable vaccine delivery system, especially for the poor developing countries… A variety of delivery systems have been developed. Initially thought to be useful only for preventing infectious diseases, it has also found application in prevention of autoimmune diseases, birth control, etc…”The war against population is an ongoing effort on part of the global elite. This operation is truly massive in scope, but if we live our lives in fear of what the future may bring, we allow ourselves to be defeated. Let your awareness of the situation drive you to make positive changes. We still have the power to raise awareness among our fellow man, and despite what the elite may believe, they do not have a monopoly on the future.