December 17, 2017

Trump Wants to Cut Federal Regulations ‘Below the 1960 Level’

December 14, 2017

[] - Before cutting a red ribbon with oversized scissors Thursday afternoon, President Donald Trump touted his administration’s progress in cutting regulations, saying he wants to return the federal government to the level of regulations that existed in 1960.

Over the past 11 months, the Trump administration has canceled or delayed more than 1,500 planned regulatory actions, “more than any previous president, by far,” the president said at a White House event.
“We’re going to cut a ribbon because we’re getting back below the 1960 level and we’ll be there fairly quickly,” he said.
Trump pledged to cut the Federal Regulatory code back down from more than 185,000 pages in 2017 to the 20,000 pages it was in 1960. 

A progress update on the administration’s regulatory rollback was contained in the semi-annual Unified Regulatory Agenda published by the White House Office of Management and Budget Thursday afternoon.

December 16, 2017

ISIS Threatening War on U.S. Soil After Trump's Jerusalem Announcement

December 14, 2017

[Newsweek] - The Islamic State militant group took to social media Thursday and threatened to carry out attacks on the United States, specifically in New York City, following President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

The group sent the messages across Telegram with the titles of “Wait for us” and “ISIS in Manhattan,” plus pictures of Times Square and a “bomb belt and detonator,” Reuters reported.

"We will do more ops in your land, until the final hour and we will burn you with the flames of war which you started in Iraq, Yemen, Libya and Syria and Afghan. Just you wait," one of the messages read.

Another message cited the Trump administration’s proclamation last week regarding Jerusalem, the holy city that is important to Jews, Muslims and Christians and of critical importance in any negotiations for a Middle East peace deal.

The message stated: "The recognition of your dog 'Trump' [sic] Jerusalem as the capital of Israel will make us recognize explosives as the capital of your country."

Protesters shout anti-American slogans in response to President Donald Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital, during a protest in Lahore, Pakistan, on December 13. The banner reads. "Curse, curse, curse. Every Anti-Islam step of the United States." REUTERS/MOHSIN RAZA

The threats, which ISIS has made before, came after a man injured five people in a walkway in New York’s Port Authority bus terminal Tuesday with a pipe bomb. The suspect, Akayed Ullah, 27, reportedly pledged allegiance to ISIS before the attempted attack and had a second device on his person that officials have yet to describe, according to CNN.

While he may have pledged to ISIS, there was no indication Ullah had any contact with the militant group.

ISIS has been largely driven out of Iraq and Syria, but it still has the capability to carry out strikes around the globe. The group reportedly claimed it conducted 38 operations in 19 countries between October 2016 and September 2017—or year 1438 in the Islamic calendar.

Though leaders across the Middle East told him the Jerusalem decision could spark violence and outrage, Trump kept a key campaign promise last week when he ordered the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv moved. He said the recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital was “a long overdue step to advance the peace process.”

Trump also said the move was a different approach from that of previous administrations, which had failed to produce a lasting peace in the often volatile region.

“It would be folly to assume that repeating the exact same formula would now produce a different or better result,” Trump said.

However, the embassy’s move is expected to take a minimum of three years. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Tuesday the transition could take place as late as 2020, adding that even that estimate was “ambitious.”

“It’s not going to be anything that happens right away,” Tillerson said. “Probably no earlier than three years out, and that’s pretty ambitious.”

December 15, 2017

Clinton Foundation Received Millions From Merkel Government

Hillary Clinton and Angela Merkel (look-a-like Merkel is Clinton's favorite world leader).

January 07, 2017

[Global Research] - Back in September when the travelling press corps asked Hillary Clinton who her favourite world leader was, she was quick to name German Chancellor Angela Merkel as her top choice — for good reasons. As Clinton was praising Merkel, the German government was busy syphoning millions to the Clintons.

Between July and September 2016, unwitting German taxpayers gave as much as $5 million to the Clinton Foundation, Germany newspaper Die Welt reveals. Die Welt asked if Chancellor Merkel was trying to influence the outcome of U.S. presidential election.


12 Year Old Girl Discovers That All But One US President Are Directly Related To Each Other

Hillary Clinton and Angela Merkel joke about their mutual love of pantsuits

June 8, 2011

[The Ticket] - It's no secret Hillary Clinton loves a good pantsuit.

Clinton, who possesses them in virtually every color of the rainbow, has made suits her fashion uniform of choice during her time in the public eye. And so prior to yesterday's state dinner, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who is herself a pantsuit fan, poked some gentle fun at the Secretary of State's wardrobe, via an unusual gift--taking care to tell Clinton that "you may take it in a playful mode."

When they met on Tuesday, Merkel presented Clinton with a framed copy of the Frankfurter Allgemeine newspaper featuring an Associated Press photo of the two leaders during the Secretary of State's visit to Germany this past April.

The photo was of Clinton and Merkel, in their signature pantsuits, captured from the waist down and featured the caption, "Which one is Merkel and which one is Clinton?" The following page of the paper revealed the full photo--which Merkel included on the back of the framed gift she presented to Clinton Tuesday.

Upon seeing the photo, Clinton, who has frequently joked about her love of pantsuits, hooted with laughter.

You can see more photos of Clinton and Merkel below, including the photo that started it all.

December 12, 2017

The World is Controlled by 8,000 - 8,500 Psychopaths

By Loud_Volume, subreddit conspiracy
May 3, 2017

This is the end of the line. The one all Conspiracy Rabbit holes lead to. The world is controlled by 8,000 - 8,500 psychopaths who want you and I dead or controlled. Unity and awareness is how we free Planet Earth and Man Kind, and true freedom for our species will happen!

This is the core of Conspiracy. And one we all need to unite on. Let me start by focusing on you, the person reading this. I want to say, from a complete internet stranger, that I love you and I want the best for you. Because you are another aspect of myself, and deserve love and safety just as much as I do. 

You are my fellow man, and I do not care what skin color you have as you read these words or what view points of reality you have. You are a brother. You are a sister. We are a family. We are a human family. We are a creative powerful species capable of amazing feats when we come together. We bicker, we fight. We struggle, we compete. We survive. We do what we must in a world ripe with negativity. 

But in the end, when everything settles, creative light and love are at the core of who we are. We are meant to love one another, not hurt each other.

We have the potentials for so much abundance for all, but a select group of power-thirsty psychopaths are not satisfied with what they have and always seek more. This is what greed is. Truly advanced technologies that could benefit all of mankind are suppressed because it would put these "elites" out of control and power. 

We no longer need to call them elite, for they are not. They are scum of the earth and are in direct harm to mankind itself and wish nothing more than for us to destroy ourselves while they laugh on the sidelines.

These are the powers that were. The cabal. The Illuminati. The Shadow Government. Names come and go, but their dark tentacles linger in the shadows.

Their gig is up. Their time is over. The show is up for them and they know it. This is a Spiritual Play of Cosmic proportions, and we are all actors in one giant awakening and remembering of divine consciousness and remembrance of what and who we are. Their negativity, control, fear, and war has done a toll on this earth, but it also back fired on them. When you go so far into the darkness, it only makes it that much easier to snap back into the light. 

We have been held in a dark quagmire for so long, have felt the emptiness of what dark truly is, and have made our collective choice to wake the fuck up and move the fuck on from this barbaric system we have constructed. Total chaos it may look like to all of us looking at reality right now. The truth is, change is always happening, and for a new reality that we all collectively want to happen, all old negative belief systems of control and patterns must break down.

I have posted many times about the Mayan Calendar and how the 2012 end times scare was truly a new birth of consciousness for mankind. A golden age of consciousness if you will. This has been heavily documented and researched and has been a pretty interesting topic of discussion.

You may ask where I am going with all of this. What I am leading up to. When you make the personal choice to start finding the truth of our reality, things happen. Synchronicity, Mandela Effect, Law of Attraction, Numerology. You begin to notice patterns and realize things are a lot more connected than you realize and there is a hidden world all around us that we cannot see.

I love quoting Nikola Tesla to make a comparison for this:

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."

We all exist on a certain frequency or wave length. Our bodies are dialed into this third dimensional time frame of existence. We all resonate to this frequency, thus we are all in tune with each other and the third dimension itself. If you have heard of Mass Consciousness, it ties into this. This is why group meditations can be so powerful.

Now, think about if you truly knew the truth of our reality and could manipulate that global consciousness to your own will. Like a few Border Collies slowly leading a group of sheep in a direction. I hate using the sheep analogy but I hope I am providing a picture for you here.

Because of our Third Dimensional Reality and the Universal Law of Free Will, this reality, or frequency, lets others experience and partake either in service to self or service to others. The Law of One is what this understanding is. 

Because we are behind a veil of amnesia, and do not truly know or remember everything we have experienced, it makes this illusionary reality seem "real"; it makes it seem like you are your body and nothing more. It makes it so easy to think and believe that.

I do not want to go into this too much but I implore you to think about the Possibilities that we are truly eternal souls that never die, and our Physical Bodies at this time are nothing more than a vessel for this time frame of existence for our soul and one of many life times we have and will live. Imagine such powerful perspectives, and then imagine what can be gained by keeping that kind of information from you. Imagine how much easier it would be to control a society that is unaware of what and who they are. Imagine how hard it would be to control a fully conscious self-aware society that realizes we are more than our bodies.

This is where this all takes a dark, dark, turn. 

Some people think God is a fairy tale. That is all fine and dandy. 

But there is a legitimate group of people. These 8,000 - 8,5000 people believe that Lucifer is God and that he is the true light. They Rebel against creation itself and attack, control, destroy it.

A lot of them are Luciferians. Some are Satanists. The thing is, this all boils down to Zionism. 

A long, long, deep-rooted system of beliefs that has permeated mankinds existence even since the biblical times and has been documented in the Bible. The Israelites being casted away to Babylon.

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (Russian: Протоколы сионских мудрецов) or The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion is an antisemitic fabricated text purporting to describe a Jewish plan for global domination

This brings me to my next horrid truth of reality. "Satanic" Sex Rings. The inspiration for this post comes from the repeated comments I see of people saying "Satanic Sex Rings are Fake" and "Satanic Panic all over again"

There is a reason these tales exist in the first place. And I am going to provide proof to you that this world is run, and controlled, by these 8,000 - 8,500, and how they use Satanic Sex Rings, MKUltra Monarch Mind Control, to split victims personalities. And how blackmail is collected on people wishing to get into power structures or into "the top of the pyramid" where access is only given to those that allow themselves to be taped having sex with kids. Or worse... 

This is dark stuff, but it needs to be discussed. This is how these 8,000 - 8,500 psychopaths run the world, and also gives them protection from good people trying to go after them because they ultimately control key positions of power and prevent investigations from going forth. This is why they hate awareness. This is why they hate Unity.

Divide and conquer is their favorite tool. Get your enemy distracted fighting themselves and they are less of a threat to your own agenda.

Get mankind so hateful towards itself, towards the "other" person's skin color and sexual orientation of preference. We stand no chance to take them down when we are busy dividing ourselves.

This is their bread and butter. This is why we have share blue. Why we attract trolls and shills. This is why astroturfing exists. This is why you can follow the money and find out the truth. If you control the world, you control the money. If you control the money, you control the people. If you control the people, you control the world. You control media, you control Big Pharma, you control access to technology. You set up this big ploy of Russia vs United states, and then while the citizens of both countries are scared and fighting each other, the powers that were sit in the stands laughing and cheering as fellow man destroy themselves, completely oblivious to the spectators looking on and instigating us.

This game is rigged folks. This reality is controlled. The chains have moved from the physical to the spiritual.

This is the big conspiracy. This is where it all leads to.

Please. Watch these videos. Educate yourself. Bring awareness and light to this subject. Drop seeds of truth here and there with friends and family. Look for the truth and you will find it because the truth is within us. The moment you look outside yourself for the truth that is the moment you confirm you do not have the truth. Always trust your own intuition. Your own awareness and gut feelings.

Let's come together as one, as we truly are. And free this world from the shackles that it has been placed in for thousands of years. I implore you, a fellow human, to please ponder these things and find a way to help in your own manner. We can stop this TODAY if we collectively chose to do so.

Anytime someone says pedophile rings do not exist, link them to this thread. Share these videos and links with them. Let them come to their conclusion and realize that this is indeed happening. Some will refuse. The more mankind awakens, the further some will create lies to continue their safe reality they have created for themselves. This is fine. We cannot push judgments or opinions, as we all have our own way of viewing reality, and if people wish to remain ignorant to the truth, that is their choice to do so.

We do not need to waste energy attacking each other anymore. Pushing opinions and trying to create a "I am right, you are wrong" scenario only further divides us and builds ego and fills our heads. I have been guilty of it countless times and will be the first to admit that we all make mistakes, and I have given in to emotions more times than I can count. It is time we take responsibility for our actions and realize the consequences of the choices we sometimes choose to make. Mistakes are bound to happen and we need to use them as a learning tool instead of a thing we need to avoid at all costs.

Here are some hard-hitting links regarding these rings, as well as various personal testimony from woman that have survived sexual abuse torture and trafficking and other horrid cruel things. This needs awareness. These links do not all pertain to International Pedophile rings but shine light and give context where need be. Feel free to copy this whole post if you wish and share it. No need to give credit.

"Banker Admits He Was Ordered to Sacrifice Children at Parties for the Elite"

"The Mountain of Evidence for a Massive International Pedophile Ring Protected by Police and Intelligence Agencies"

"My Name Is Anneke Lucas and I Was a Sex Slave to Europe's Elite at Age 6"

"UFO Hunter Max Spiers’ Fiancée Reveals What He Was Threatening To Expose Before His Death"

"Over 50,000 Native Children Were Tortured, Sexually Abused and Some Murdered at Canadian-Church-Run Indian Residential Schools"

"The Secret Holy War of the Elites. That demon’s name? Moloch, the Caananite god-demon of child sacrifice."

"Maintaining A Kakistocracy" - Episode 304 – Political Pedophilia

Earlier post I posted: "This man needs way more exposure. He is bringing the fight to Elite Pedophile Rings. The last thing they want is exposure! Craig Sawyer is a Navy SEAL helping shine light on PedoGate"

"A Pedophilia Investigation was covered up while Hilary Clinton was Secretary of State. Complaints were made by State Department Personnel and at-least one ambassador"

Please feel free to also add your own links and videos. I will gladly add them onto here. These are just a few of many links you can find online about this problem.

I implore you to have an open mind and consider these possibilities. Remember that we are all in this together, so let's come together as the Human Species and shine the light on this dark problem that has been neglected for so long, so we can move on and evolve as a species. I love all of you, and I hope we can get this awareness out until it hits critical mass. Much love, and Much Light. Thank you for reading.


the 8,000 is a problem, but here is the thing: If you serve them politically, they will make your wildest money dreams come true.

For the most part, the 'one percent' is there to protect the 8,000 legally, financially, militarily.




Do we have an idea of who exactly these overlords are? I'm assuming the Rothchilds and maybe the Rockefellers. Anyone else?


A bunch of families that go back very many generations. Most of them you probably haven't heard of but you can pick up a few here and there on the web. But essentially these 'bloodlines' have some importance to them.

There are also many factions within the 8000. But essentially each faction heads up certain areas of commerce and military and etc. They don't all work together either. There is no one overlord or over seer.

The DuPont family would be an example of one of the public families within the 8000.

One not very public at all is the Farnese family. The Farnese family is the main architect of the Cabal as they have created the Jesuits with a little help of the Borja family back in the 1540s. Immediately after that, they have built their first Pentagon in Caprarola near Rome:


Do you think there's a way we could turn that against them?


Shift the value of money. That's the glue,they lose a large part of their control over us if we valued each other instead of their system.


Getting rid of the fiat system would be a start.

Edit. Just realised that's not really something we can do. Short of getting shit rolling in Congress I don't really know what you and us can do about it. There are sympathetic congressmen, but I wouldn't gold my breath.


Majority of congress is cabal. Anyone currently in power wants to keep that power for themselves and their families.


Here's some (for the lack of a less strong word) "clarification" on what's the name/description of the "deity" the globalist cabal worships.

Many are lead to belive the only names are "Satan" or "Lucifer", these are "obscurations" of the original name/description.

"Satan" means litterally "Enemy/Opponent", it's a quasi Title.

"Lucifer" meaning light/light-bearer, a description of how the being looks itself.

Traceing back in time you get the "original" Hebrew words used, which are as closest to the truth as it's publicly available:

llyh / הָלַל / pronunced Heylel

Other cultures also have descriptions/names of this "being" even when the World was still "undiscovered", which furthers the idea of a common unified civilization.


I'm not the OP. But the Bible does call Lucifer "The Prince of the Air". And talks about how the people who hadn't been "Woke" basically belonging to him.


Have you considered that the other (fake) "gods" like the Greek,Roman,Norse,Egyptian,Babylonian etc. are based on llyh and his "fallen angels" instead of the other way around ?


Our egos step in and we labor under this illusion of being individuals, divided units, when really we're meant to be whole, to care for one another and work together.


You love me but Im part Jewish... damn all these contradictions.

Hey, at least when the satanic pedophile jew superstate is established I'll be able to vouch for you, cause you seem like a good guy.

How about instead of "Jew" or "Zionist" you just say "Illuminati" cause there is nothing Jewish about child rape and global domination. All this shit does is make our sub look anti-semitic and causes division.

For real, do you hear some of the names you said. The DuPont family for example, how Jewish do they sound lol. Cmon, all you do is make yourself look like one of those uneducated holocaust denying, Adolph apologist, neo white nationalist, not saying you are, but at least half of the people liking and commenting here probably are.


I'm not judging Jews as a whole or judging anyone as a whole except this group of sick individuals that run the earth right now. I'm not painting everyone with one paint brush and I'd hate to make such a generalization. This is why I included illuminati, cabal, shadow government, and like one sentence devoted to the protocols of Zion. Their protocols literally call for world domination.

But I get what you're saying and I hope I clarified


Are you sure it's not precisely 9,801? The pedo bit is, unfortunately, only one small yet consistent facet of their activities. You want an exegesis of their origins I'd suggest starting with an article I ran across in Paranoia magazine a while back dealing with "The Dark Adepts".

Here's a link to Part 3:


Thank you for pointing this out!

This has been archived on Awakening Forums

Here is the for this Reddit page

Here is the for the AF post


    I have posted many times about the Mayan Calendar and how the 2012 end times scare was truly a new birth of consciousness for man kind. A golden age of consciousness if you will. This has been heavily documented and researched and has been a pretty interesting topic of discussion.

Nassim Haramein published his quantum gravity solution to the Library of Congress showing that the proton is holographic, all is one on 12/21/2012.


Wow how have I not heard of this before lmao. Thank you so much man for that, new material to dive into now. I have come to love photons and sacred geometry :)


Keep the great work coming. Numerous people have either left the sub or give into the ridicule coming from the "three letter agencies". Your work is more important then ever :)


I've noticed :/ it really does a toll on people. The same goes for you Astral! I enjoy seeing your posts and replies around here as well as many others. /r/conspiracy is a great community and I love the people here. We are all just trying to find the truth to reality.

I don't plan on leaving anytime soon, and while I do take breaks where I don't post as much, I am pretty much always lurking and posting links when I can. This is more important than ever in these times we live in. Regardless, truly exciting, and I am glad we can make the change we need to make together a world a better place for us all.


Look up the Temple of Set. They believe he's the one true God, that gave humans the "black flame" or the ability to make decisions. They also say he still walks the Earth. It's a really interesting cult/religious sect created by the creator of MK Ultra.


Thanks OP, good stuff. Quick question - you note that the Protocols of Zion are fabricated but in the first link w/ the Dutch banker - at the end of the interview, he urges people to read this. What's your thoughts on this?


The wikipedia mentions them being fabricated or something like that but I merely copied and pasted from the wikipedia itself. I saw the interview as well and was glad he had mentioned that so that is my motivation for including it :) thank you


I love you, fellow human. The rabbit hole is dark and twisted, containing truths that can push your sanity to the limits and sometimes beyond. The burdon of knowing, even some of the entry level things, is very heavy. The dismissal, doubt, and apathy that comes from trying to share these things with others cuts deep. But what else can we do but keep learning, keep digging, keep caring, and keep sharing the horrors we find? Reading your words has warmed my heart, sincerely. Thank you for doing your part.


The human family can be splintered over a thousand disagreements. There is no one to truly conquer because another one of us will happily assume the vacant role. One of the hard truths of life is that others are not like us and do not share our values. Eight thousand psychopaths may run the planet, but there are countless more who want to take their place. It's as simple as electrifying the cage to make the rats fight.


Look up the Temple of Set. They believe he's the one true God, that gave humans the "black flame" or the ability to make decisions. They also say he still walks the Earth. It's a really interesting cult/religious sect created by the creator of MK Ultra.


Thank you for shining your light! Great post!

Here is a new YT vid on 9/11. Many of the people involved are still working in govt

Follow the money trail, they will sacrifice people, kids, countries, whatever it takes to cover their schemes and keep the money and power flowing to them.


I have a really difficult time imagining that the "powers that be" are into occultism, Satanism, etc. However, I appreciate your call for unity and awareness about the counterproductive exercises of irrational hatred between us. Open minds are definitely something we need more of, so thank you for encouraging it.


It's all connected. Keep going and you'll find more evidence.


You did a good job with compiling this info and explaining it well in the first portion. My research has lead to essentially the same conclusion. I haven't gone deep into the Zion aspect of it, but that's really irrelevant, the bottom line is it's a small # of devil worshipers controlling everything.

My main question for you is: How/why did you land on this number of 8,000-8,500?


What really motivated me to include that number was the fact that that ex banker mentioned that number in his interview, I think it's the first link. It's also kind of widely been regarded to be around that number but it is really hard to pinpoint it for sure really.


I'd bet it's less at the very top. Obviously you have various levels. But when the people who have been "briefed" start explaining how there is this group of people that is somehow communicating with a higher dimension, or at least BELIEVE they are, it always gets hazy because there is just no evidence.

The best evidence I've ever come across is a couple interviews with people that supposedly witnessed some type of entity during a satanic human sacrifice ritual. But there are so many people that just make shit up, or believe they are seeing things they really aren't, so who knows.

All that being said, I think the real number of people involved with that at the VERY top is smaller. I would think less than 300-500 at any given time as people die off and new people are brought in.


Thank you man. Great post.

    You are my fellow man, and I do not care what skin color you have as you read these words or what view points of reality you have. You are a brother. You are a sister. We are a family. We are a human family. We are a creative powerful species capable of amazing feats when we come together. We bicker, we fight. We struggle, we compete. We survive. We do what we must in a world ripe with negativity. But in the end, when everything settles, creative light and love are at the core of who we are. We are meant to love one another, not hurt each other. We have the potentials for so much abundance for all, but a select group of power thirsty power over others, service to self group of psychopaths are not satisfied with what they have and always seek more.

We are all starstuff. We share the same matter and molecular makeup. We come from the same place, we die, our physical forms go to the same place. Being a person is temporary, and so we label under this illusion that we're separate from one another, when really we're all connected, all sharing this same planet.

People forget, and ego steps in, and this is where so many of our problems come from. Humility patience and love are literally the only options we have. Thank you.


Wonderful writing, your style is very nice to read however you lost me at

    The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (Russian: Протоколы сионских мудрецов) or The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion is an antisemitic fabricated text purporting to describe a Jewish plan for global domination

You should take a good look into the Talmud and read what it says about we "goyim." To give you an idea, Jews who live by the Talmud's teachings believe that non Jews are not human; we're animals whose only purpose is to serve the Jew. It says that eating at a table with a goy is no different than eating with a dog. Makes you wonder why you never hear any outspoken atheists like Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens, (R.I.P.) or Matt Dillahunty criticize this particular book.

We ought to stop carelessly throwing around words like 'antisemitism' because all it does is shut down debate. I really enjoyed reading your post but your comment I quoted forces me to wonder...

People who refer to an entire group of people as "animals" or "servants" are not civilized and that's who I'm referring to. Of course there are Jews who read the Talmud and ignore the shitty parts and those people are not truly living the teachings of said book. These people are part of the group I'm talking about. These people likely share similar views with the few families at the top who pull the strings. They wouldn't want to breathe the same air as you or I.


All time post. Fallen angels man, the soldiers of satan.

December 8, 2017

Palestinian Envoy Warns: Trump Move on Jerusalem a 'Declaration of War'

The Palestinian envoy to Britain calls Trump's change on Jerusalem policy 'a kiss of death to the two-state solution,' while the Pope and Mideast countries express acute concern

December 6, 2017

(Reuters and The Associated Press) -  U.S. President Donald Trump would effectively be making a declaration of war if he recognizes Jerusalem as Israel's capital, the Palestinians' chief representative to Britain said on Wednesday.

"If he says what he is intending to say about Jerusalem being the capital of Israel, it means a kiss of death to the two state solution," Manuel Hassassian said in a BBC radio interview.

"He is declaring war in the Middle East, he is declaring war against 1.5 billion Muslims (and) hundreds of millions of Christians that are not going to accept the holy shrines to be totally under the hegemony of Israel," Hassassian added.

The Palestinian prime minister says President Donald Trump's expected recognition of contested Jerusalem as Israel's capital is bound to "destroy the peace process and the two-state solution."

On Wednesday, hundreds of Palestinians gathered on the streets of Gaza City to protest Trump's announcement. The demonstration was organized by different Palestinian factions and militant groups which called for Palestinian unity in response to Trump's expected announcement.

The protesters burned American and Israeli flags.

They also waved Palestinian flags and banners proclaiming Jerusalem as "our eternal capital" and calling it a "red line."

Hamas official Salah Bardawil said the Palestinians were "on a dangerous crossroad today; we either remain or perish." He added that "Trump or anyone thinking that our people, nation and resistance are unable to push back his plans is wrong."

Hamas' politburo chief Ismail Haniyeh told Al-Jazeera TV that "our Palestinian people will have a suitable response. As a people, we cannot accept this American pattern."

In the meantime, Britain itself expressed concern over the change in American policy on Jerusalem, with Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson saying: "We view reports that we've heard with concern."

He told reporters at NATO headquarters in Brussels on Wednesday that Britain thinks "Jerusalem obviously should be part of the final settlement between the Israelis and the Palestinians — a negotiated settlement that we want to see."

Johnson added: "We have no plans ourselves to move our embassy."

Pope Francis also sounded his dismay over the upcoming move, saying recent developments made him "profoundly concerned."

Also on Wednesday, the Turkish presidential spokesman declared that the Organization of Islamic Cooperation will meet on December 13 to coordinate a joint response on Trump's Jerusalem move.

The Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim decried no Wednesday President Donald Trump's expected recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital will make the region's problems "unresolvable."

Prime Minister Binali Yildirim spoke about the possibility at a news conference with South Korean officials in Seoul. Yildirim said it was vital for the Middle Eastern region and for global peace that Trump not make such an announcement.

The prime minister added that a declaration could cause religious clashes and destroy efforts toward formation of a Palestinian state.

The Turkish Foreign Minister, Mevlut Cavusoglu, claimed that the "whole world is against" President Donald Trump's move. Moving the embassy to Jerusalem would be a "grave mistake," he added.

In Lebanon, two leading newspapers issued front page rebukes to President Trump, with An-Nahar comparing the American president to the late British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour, who a hundred years ago famously promised Palestine as a national home to the Jewish People, in what is known as the Balfour declaration.

The paper's Wednesday headline reads: "Trump, Balfour of the century, gifts Jerusalem to Israel."

The English-language Daily Star newspaper has published a full-page photo of Old City of Jerusalem capped by the Dome of the Rock beneath the headline: "No offense Mr. President, Jerusalem is the capital of PALESTINE."

Senior U.S. officials said on Tuesday that Trump will recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital on Wednesday and set in motion the relocation of the U.S. embassy to the city.

November 9, 2017

"Senators Push to Abandon Social Security Numbers in Favor of a More Secure, More Digital Form of Identification" -- Now What Might That Be?

Senators Push to Ditch Social Security Numbers in Light of Equifax Hack

November 8, 2017

[TechCrunch] - Eyeing more secure alternatives to social security numbers, lawmakers in the U.S. are looking abroad. Today, the Senate Commerce Committee questioned former Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer, Verizon Chief Privacy Officer Karen Zacharia, and both the current and former CEOs of Equifax on how to protect consumers against major data breaches. The consensus was that social security numbers have got to go.

Rounding out the panel, Entrust Datacard President and CEO Todd Wilkinson offered some context and insight about why the U.S. should indeed move away from social security numbers — a step that the witnesses unanimously agreed was necessary if not wholly sufficient to protect consumers moving forward, in light of the Equifax hack.

"Over 145 million Americans’ insecure identities are now forever at risk, and they have limited ability to protect themselves," Wilkinson said. "A key question for this committee to consider is: What do we do now given these identities are forever compromised?"

Social security numbers are a privacy nightmare. While a consumer who gets hacked can replace credit card numbers and other account details, a social security number is permanent, linked inexorably to a real identity throughout a person's lifespan. In the hearing, Wilkinson and many of the Senators present argued that the U.S. needs to move to a dynamic system of personal identity, one designed with digital security in mind — a stark contrast with an inflexible legacy system that dates back to the 1930s.

"Some combination of digital multi-factor authentication... is the right path," former Equifax CEO Richard Smith said when asked about such a program.

Multiple times throughout the hearing, Brazil's Infraestrutura de Chaves Públicas system of citizen IDs through digital certificates came up as a potential model for the U.S. as it moves forward. In this model, a certificate lasts for three years at maximum and can be used to issue a digital signature much like written signatures are used now. Unlike its counterpart in the U.S., these identity accounts can be revoked and reissued easily through an established national protocol.

Members of the Senate committee also advocated for "rigorous" data security rules, expanding FTC authority to enforce them and stiffer penalties to motivate companies to protect consumers proactively.

"The parade of high profile data breaches seems to have no end," said ranking committee member Bill Nelson. "We can either take action with common sense rules or we can start planning for our next hearing on the issue."

Last month, White House Cybersecurity Coordinator Rob Joyce made it clear that the Trump administration is also interested in abandoning social security numbers in favor of a more secure, more digital form of identification, stating that the form of ID has "outlived its usefulness."

Comments at Yahoo:

Tamper proof, illegal proof hack proof and not to be shared with a company that could duplicate or abuse this form of I.D.666 here we come.

EPA Chief Scott Pruitt Says Carbon Dioxide is NOT a Primary Contributor to Global Warming

"The climate has changed and is always changing. As the Climate Science Special Report states, the magnitude of future climate change depends significantly on 'remaining uncertainty in the sensitivity of Earth's climate to [greenhouse gas] emissions,'" said White House principal deputy press secretary Raj Shah, in a statement.

March 20, 2017

[CNN] - Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt said Thursday he does not believe carbon dioxide is a primary contributor to global warming.

"I think that measuring with precision human activity on the climate is something very challenging to do and there's tremendous disagreement about the degree of impact, so no, I would not agree that it's a primary contributor to the global warming that we see," he told CNBC's "Squawk Box."

"But we don't know that yet. ... We need to continue the debate and continue the review and the analysis."

The statement contradicts the public stance of the agency Pruitt leads. The EPA's webpage on the causes of climate change states, "Carbon dioxide is the primary greenhouse gas that is contributing to recent climate change."

Pruitt's view is also at odds with the conclusion of NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

"The planet's average surface temperature has risen about 2.0 degrees Fahrenheit (1.1 degrees Celsius) since the late 19th century, a change driven largely by increased carbon dioxide and other human-made emissions into the atmosphere," NASA and NOAA said in January.

Sen. Brian Schatz, D-Hawaii, co-chair of the Senate Climate Action Task Force, slammed Pruitt for his comments, calling his views "extreme" and "irresponsible."

"Anyone who denies over a century's worth of established science and basic facts is unqualified to be the administrator of the EPA. Now more than ever, the Senate needs to stand up to Scott Pruitt and his dangerous views," he said in a statement.

Schatz said lawmakers would hold Pruitt accountable through the appropriations process and oversight of the EPA, and by making sure he follows the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act.

Pruitt previously served as Oklahoma attorney general, where he rose to prominence as a leader in coordinated efforts by Republican attorneys general to challenge President Barack Obama's regulatory agenda. He sued or took part in legal actions against the EPA 14 times.

Democrats and environmentalists opposed Pruitt's nomination to lead the EPA due to his close relationship with fossil fuel companies and his history of casting doubt on climate change. Conservatives and the energy industry have cheered his efforts to push back on what they view as over-regulation under Obama.

Pruitt maintained on Thursday it's possible to be pro-growth, pro-jobs and pro-environment all at once.

"This idea that if you're pro-environment you're anti-energy is just something we've got to change so that attitude is something we're working on very much," he said.

Asked whether he would seek to roll back the EPA's 2009 determination that carbon dioxide and five other greenhouse gases are a danger to public health, Pruitt suggested he would like to see Congress take up the issue.

"I think all those things need to be addressed as we go forward but not least of which is the response by the legislative branch with respect to the issue," he said.

The Supreme Court ruled in 2007 that the EPA has the authority to regulate heat-trapping gases from automobiles. In 2014, it determined the agency could also regulate some sources of greenhouse gases, such as power plants.

Pruitt also called the Paris Agreement, an international accord aimed at mitigating the impacts of climate change, "a bad deal." He said it puts the United States on a different playing field than developing countries like China and India.

The United States has vowed to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to 26 to 28 percent below 2005 levels by 2025. In comparison, China has committed to reach peak carbon emissions levels by 2030, but will try to reach that point sooner.

"I happen to think the Paris accord, the Paris treaty, or the Paris Agreement, if you will, should have been treated as a treaty, should have gone through senate confirmation. That's a concern," he said.

The Paris Agreement was negotiated by the State Department, and future adherence to U.S. commitments made under Obama will be guided by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.

Tillerson, the former chief of Exxon Mobil, said during his Senate confirmation hearing that he believes the United States should remain a party to the Paris Agreement.

White House-approved Report Concludes Humans are Behind Climate Change

Humans activity is behind the accelerated warming of the planet since the mid-20th century, the latest U.S. National Climate Assessment finds.

The report was prepared by 13 federal agencies and approved by the White House.

Its conclusion contradicts public statements by President Donald Trump and top administration officials who have cast doubt on humans' role in climate change.

November 3, 2017

[] - 2016 is likely to have been the hottest year since global temperatures were recorded in the 19th century.

Editorial: Challenge Illinois Public Sector Unions, Go to Jail. Seriously?

November 3, 2017

[Editorial - Chicago Tribune] - We’ve long suspected that many Illinois Democrats would tax sunshine and bakery scents if they could. Look at how Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle went after soda by the ounce. Our advice: Enjoy what you can while you can, because you never know what’s next.
The beverage tax (soon to be history, thankfully) seems a nuisance compared to a nasty corollary we saw recently employed by Democrats in Springfield: What we can’t tax, we’ll threaten with jail time.
It’s a disturbing worldview, but this is the political pattern in Illinois: Do everything to benefit those who can deliver money and campaign muscle. Everyone else, including most taxpayers and employers, can get lost. 
Our example today is a pro-union bill in the Democrat-controlled General Assembly that would prevent Illinois municipalities from setting up right-to-work zones, in which employees in union-protected positions could choose whether to join and pay dues. For legislators who are tightly aligned with organized labor, the proposed ban hits the spot. But it apparently wasn’t enough of a hint to local officials and employers about who really runs Illinois. So the bill’s backers included a stunning clause that said any elected official who defies the state ban on right-to-work zones would be guilty of a Class A misdemeanor. 
A Class A misdemeanor, if you’re wondering, is one step below a felony; it’s punishable by up to a year in jail. The outrageous message this bill sends to the world: Don’t even think of challenging organized labor in Illinois because we lock up troublemakers. 
The threat of jail time is gratuitous. If a local official defies Illinois law, the state can act to enforce compliance. There’s no need to threaten mayors or others with criminal prosecution. We asked around among legislative observers and couldn’t find a similar example. This was a brushback pitch by labor’s pet lawmakers. 
Note that this isn’t just a goofy proposal going nowhere. House and Senate members actually passed it. More in a moment. 
The specific target of the bill, we assume, is suburban Lincolnshire, which passed a right-to-work ordinance in 2015 that is now being challenged by labor unions in federal court. 
Our concern is the damage this proposal does to Illinois’ reputation among employers as an attractive place to do business. States are in constant competition to attract and retain investment and jobs. Chicago hopes to lure Amazon’s second headquarters, which will employ up to 50,000 people. Illinois was bypassed by Foxconn, a tech giant, and Toyota and Mazda. Something scared them off. We wonder what. 
Employers looking to invest and hire want to enter partnerships with local governments. Amazon couldn't be clearer in its request for site proposals: "A stable and business-friendly environment and tax structure will be high-priority considerations.” 
What do employers see in Illinois? High taxes, vast public debts and pension obligations nobody bothered to fund, onerous business regulations and a powerful adversary in the form of unions backed by elected officials. 
Here’s where right-to-work laws enter the picture: They don’t ban unions, they give individuals the freedom-of-association choice of whether to join and pay dues. That puts pressure on labor organizers to justify membership. Employers see right-to-work status as shorthand for a flexible, pro-growth environment that is welcoming to commerce. There are 28 right-to-work states. Illinois isn’t one of them. Wisconsin and Indiana are, and wouldn’t you know it, they are adding manufacturing jobs at a far faster clip than Illinois is. 
Given the politics here, Illinois won’t adopt right-to-work status anytime soon. That’s why Gov. Bruce Rauner initially proposed allowing communities to establish their own zones. The General Assembly saw Lincolnshire’s effort as a threat to kith and kin. So both chambers passed the local-right-to-work ban, which Rauner then vetoed. Two weeks ago, sponsors attempted to override the veto but came up one vote short in the House. The bill could come up for another override attempt within days. Opponents raised enough noise over the jail threat that sponsoring Rep. Marty Moylan, D-Des Plaines, said he would remove the criminal penalty. If so, that’s only because he needs that additional one vote. 
But what will be the next 10 bills in which legislators try to put uncooperative local officials behind bars? 
Illinois’ future won’t be determined by a workplace experiment in Lincolnshire. The economy won’t wither if the state remains a right-to-work holdout. Something has to give, though. Elected officials need to make Illinois more attractive to employers. Reforming tax policy, balancing the budget and addressing the pension crisis are good ways to advertise that Illinois is open for business. Criminalizing an economic development tool is not.

Joliet Illinois Scales Back City Employee Pension Benefits

The new policy comes on the heels of several Joliet Patch articles examining generous payouts for outgoing city staff.

November 2, 2017

[Joliet Patch] - The current administration at Joliet's City Hall has decided that enough is enough when it comes to some of the long-standing generous fringe benefits programs that were in place for city staff. City employees have received a memo from corporation counsel-interim city manager Marty Shanahan informing them the city's payout program is ending for employees choosing to wait until the eve of their retirement to cash out unused sick and vacation banks to pad their retirement pensions. That practice was allowing several employees to increase their retirement pensions, which was impacting city of Joliet finances.

In recent weeks, Joliet Patch published a series of articles examining the retirement payouts for several outgoing city officials including Jim Haller and Dave Mackley. Patch revealed that Mackley, who makes $118,000 annually, is also getting a payout of $104,155 spread out over the next few months for cashing out his bank of unused vacation and sick days that the city allowed him to accrue. March 31 is his last work day.

But that was only half the story. By waiting until the end of his career to cash out his vacation and sick banks, Mackley is able to pad his local government pension in a significant fashion. The city of Joliet determined that Mackley's $104,155 payout will also spike his monthly pension by an extra $1,319 per month. That comes out to be another $15,830 annually for Mackley's city pension.

"The past practice of extending the payouts for accrued vacation, sick and compensatory time over the last four months of employment will no longer be an option," states the Shanahan memo.

"Extending payouts for accrued vacation, sick time and compensatory time over the last four months of employment requires substantial additional city expenditures ... The new policy will continue the efforts of our city to lower long-term liabilities and future indeterminable expenses," Shanahan wrote to his fellow city employees.

For example, the 13 Joliet city employees who have announced their retirements during the past year will receive slightly more than $500,000 for cashing out their banks of unused sick, vacation and compensatory time, led by the $104,155 that is due to Mackley, who worked at City Hall for 33 years.

On top of that, however, Joliet realized it was also on the hook for an additional cost related to the impact that the payouts have upon the retiring city employee's pension.

"For example, to date, the additional city expenditures for the thirteen 2017 retirees totaled just over $900,000. This dollar figure is in addition to the $500,000-plus -- payouts for accrued vacation, sick time and compensatory time. Continuing this practice is clearly unsustainable," Shanahan warned in his memo.

The new city policy takes effect on April 1, the day after Mackley retires. Under the new regulations, the payouts for unused sick, vacation and comp time will be made in one lump-sum at the time of the employee's retirement, but these payouts will not be allowed to spike the retiree's pension. The new policy impacts the city's non-union staff, including upper management. Any changes to union contracts must be made through the collective bargaining process.

In any event, recent Patch articles highlighting Mackley's $104,155 payout struck a chord with readers.

Here are just a few of the many comments from our readers:

October 30, 2017

Anthony Rapp Reveals Kevin Spacey Made Sexual Advance on Him at 14; Corey Feldman Threatens to Release Names of Hollywood Pedophiles

October 30, 2017

[Gossip Cop] - Celebrities are reacting to Anthony Rapp revealing that when he was 14 years old, Kevin Spacey made a sexual advance on the then-teenaged Broadway star.

After Rapp’s allegations were published on Sunday, Spacey apologized to him and also came out as gay. See Hollywood stars’ reactions here to Rapp bravely sharing his harrowing experience, as well as to Spacey seemingly pivoting from his inexcusable behavior to instead acknowledge he’s gay.

Earlier, Rapp shared with Buzzfeed that in 1986, when he was a 14-year-old actor on Broadway, he was invited to a party at Spacey’s New York apartment. At the end of the evening, Rapp recalled Spacey lifted him “like a groom picks up the bride over the threshold,” and put him down on a bed, where he laid on top of the young boy against his will.

Rapp noted that he was encouraged to come forward now because of the sexual assault and harassment scandal surrounding Harvey Weinstein.

He later added on Twitter:

“I came forward with my story, standing on the shoulders of the many courageous women and men who have been speaking out to shine a light and hopefully make a difference, as they have done for me.”

In the wake of Rapp’s allegation, Spacey issued a statement in which he both came out of the closest and apologized to the “Star Trek: Discovery” star for his “deeply inappropriate drunken behavior” that he claims he doesn’t remember from more than three decades ago. After noting that he has “a lot of respect and admiration” for Rapp as an actor, Spacey said, “I am sorry,” and claimed it “encouraged” him to publicly admit, “I have loved and had romantic encounters with men throughout my life, and I choose now to live as a gay man.”

Since Spacey’s statement, a number of celebrities have shared their reactions to both Rapp’s revelation and Spacey’s response. Rose McGowan, who has been vocal about having been sexually assaulted by Weinstein, tweeted:

“Dear fellow media: Keep focus on #AnthonyRapp BE THE VICTIM’S VOICE. Help us level the playing field.” She continued in another message, “Bye bye, Spacey goodbye, it’s your turn to cry, that’s why we’ve gotta say goodbye. #ROSEARMY.” Meanwhile, Debra Messing wrote to Rapp, “You are brave, and my heart breaks for that 14 year old.”

Noting how Spacey pivoted from apologizing to Rapp for the hurt he caused him, and instead the opportunity to come out as gay, Billy Eichner wrote:

“That Kevin Spacey statement. Nope. Absolutely not. Nope.”

He added:

“Kevin Spacey has just invented something that has never existed before: a bad time to come out.”

Wanda Sykes expressed:

October 14, 2017

West Point Alum Posts ‘Communism Will Win’ Photo

September 26, 2017

(The Washington Times) - Photos of a West Point alumnus holding a pro-Colin Kaepernick “Communism Will Win” sign while in uniform is riling up the military community.

Images of U.S. infantry Officer Spenser Rapone reached a popular military news site on Tuesday and set off a robust debate on NFL national anthem protests, the former San Francisco 49ers quarterback that started it all in 2016, and the shock of seeing an unapologetic communist from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.

“I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure Colin Kaepernick wasn’t protesting in favor of communism. #ThatGuy,” wrote“Doctrine Man,” the moderator of a well-known Facebook page frequented by active military personnel and veterans.

Readers were shocked to see Mr. Rapone, whose Twitter handle is “Commie Bebop,” raising a clenched fist in support of Mr. Kapernick; another photo featured the officer revealing a Che Guevara shirt under his uniform. by Dan Abrams confirmed Mr. Rapone’s identity Monday evening with the officer himself, but he said was on a field exercise until Friday and would be unable to comment for the time being.

Gateway Pundit then aggregated a host of photos showing the officer promoting communism with Twitter hashtags like #CommunismWillWin, #Marxwasright, and #VeteransForKaepernick.

“Old school grunt here, I was in Berlin when the Wall fell,” wrote Rick Wynne on the Doctrine Man Facebook page. “I can tell you I would NEVER have expected to see photos like these. Wow! I mean, wow! What the hell has happened to the Army? No body policed this crap up when it happened?”

“This old First Sergeant recommends that this prior enlisted soldier be given UCMJ action, a thunk on the head for being stupid and a one-way ticket to the front gate,” added John Zehmisch.

Reader Stephen Stout concurred, saying, “He needs to be discharged for conduct unbecoming of an officer and failure to uphold his oath to defend the Constitution of the United States. Communist extremism is not compatible with being a Soldier in the U.S. Army. He needs to be punished by UCMJ to the fullest extent.”

An op-ed posted on Medium on Aug. 16 by Mr. Rapone — just days after violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, over Confederate monuments — called for the nation to “come together and dismantle [America’s] racist structures, both in word, but more importantly, in deed.”

West Point issued a statement Thursday afternoon saying the officer’s actions “in no way reflect the values of the U.S. Military Academy or the U.S. Army.”

“As figures of public trust, members of the military must exhibit exemplary conduct, and are prohibited from engaging in certain expressions of political speech in uniform,” the statement read. “Second Lieutenant Rapone’s chain of command is aware of his actions and is looking into the matter. The academy is prepared to assist the officer’s chain of command as required.”

West Point Grad Army Officer is ‘Official Socialist Organizer’ Who Spreads Communist Propaganda Relentlessly

Spenser Rapone is an infantry officer in the U.S. Army and a combat veteran who is gaining attention after posting a photo in support of Colin Kaepernick.

West Point grad Army officer is ‘official Socialist organizer’ who spreads Communist propaganda relentlessly Featured Spenser Rapone

Latest North Korea Earthquake a Sign of Instability at Nuclear Test Site

October 12, 2017

(Reuters) - A series of tremors and landslides near North Korea’s nuclear test base likely mean the country’s sixth and largest blast has destabilized the region, and the Punggye-ri nuclear site may not be used for much longer to test nuclear weapons, experts say.

A small quake was detected early on Friday near the North’s nuclear test site, South Korea’s weather agency said, but unlike quakes associated with nuclear tests, it did not appear to be manmade. The tremor was the latest in a string of at least three shocks to be observed since Pyongyang’s Sept. 3 nuclear test, which caused a 6.3 magnitude earthquake.

Friday’s quake was a magnitude 2.7 with a depth of 3 km in North Hamgyong Province in North Korea, the Korea Meteorological Administration said. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) measured the quake at 2.9 magnitude at a depth of 5 km.

The series of quakes has prompted experts and observers to suspect the last test - which the North claimed to be of a hydrogen bomb - may have damaged the mountainous location in the northwest tip of the country, where all of North Korea’s six nuclear tests were conducted.

“The explosion from the Sept. 3 test had such power that the existing tunnels within the underground testing site might have caved in,” said Kim So-gu, head researcher at the Korea Seismological Institute.

“I think the Punggye-ri region is now pretty saturated. If it goes ahead with another test in this area, it could risk radioactive pollution.”

According to 38 North, a Washington-based project which monitors North Korea, numerous landslides throughout the nuclear test site have been detected via satellite images after the sixth test. These disturbances are more numerous and widespread than seen after any of the North’s previous tests, 38 North said.

The explosion from the sixth test was large enough for residents of the Chinese border city of Yanji, 200 km (125 miles) north of North Korea’s nuclear test site, to feel the ground shake beneath their feet.

How a Nuclear War with North Korea Could Start: Try to Kill Kim Jong-un

October 12, 2017

(The National Interest) - Commentators in Washington—and even sometimes officials in the Pentagon—offer suggestions that among the military options available to Washington in dealing with North Korea is some sort of decapitation strike. However, this is easier said than done—and might not in fact be a viable option. It would also almost certainly start a war on the Korean peninsula.

The first challenge is to locate the elusive North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. Finding Kim is easier said than done inside the secretive North Korean state. Layers of defenses protect the young North Korean dictator inside an already tightly controlled country where the security apparatus has the population on lockdown. Moreover, Kim is thought to use doubles of himself to act as decoys—further compounding the problem.

Technical intelligence gathering means such as spy satellites and signals intelligence can collect information about North Korea, but locating and identifying an individual requires a level of precision that those assets can’t provide. For example, analysts watching footage from drones flying over Syria and Iraq have difficulty identifying friend from foe—ISIS from the Kurdish Peshmerga—without help from ground forces. And, of course, the Kim regime is not Iraq or Syria—drones like the U.S. Air Force RQ-4 Global Hawk or the MQ-9 Reaper would not survive long inside North Korean airspace. Only a stealthy drone like the RQ-170 Sentinel would have any chance of survival.

The real trick would be to get human intelligence assets on the ground inside North Korea. But human intelligence assets inside North Korea are almost non-existent. The typical embassy-based asset recruiting that a Western intelligence agency might conduct inside another country is simply not possible in Pyongyang given the extremely tight North Korea security. Moreover, infiltrating into North Korea covertly is also difficult because the Kim regime uses a system of neighborhood watches similar to the Imperial Japanese Tonarigumi, which would spot anyone who does not belong immediately. That severely impairs human intelligence gathering or infiltrating special operations forces into North Korea.

If the North Korean leader is by some chance found, the next challenge is to eliminate him. However, targets such as Kim are fleeting, and the United States would have to be ready to move immediately. For example, if Kim were found to be reviewing the test launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile, a combat aircraft would have to be orbiting outside North Korean airspace waiting for the order to strike (which is why the North Korean regime takes umbrage at U.S. Air Force B-1B bomber flights north of the 38th parallel). That aircraft would likely have to be stealthy to maintain the element of surprise—and it would probably have to be fast in order to exploit what is likely to be a very short window of opportunity.

Trump Strikes Blow at Iran Nuclear Deal in Major U.S. Policy Shift

October 13, 2017

(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump struck a blow against the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement on Friday in defiance of other world powers, choosing not to certify that Tehran is complying with the deal and warning he might ultimately terminate it.

Trump announced the major shift in U.S. policy in a speech in which he detailed a more aggressive approach to Iran over its nuclear and ballistic missile programs and its support for extremist groups in the Middle East.

He accused Iran of "not living up to the spirit" of the nuclear agreement and said his goal is to ensure Tehran never obtains a nuclear weapon.

"We will not continue down a path whose predictable conclusion is more violence more terror and the very real threat of Iran’s nuclear breakout," Trump said.

Trump's hardline remarks drew praise from Israel, Iran's arch-foe, but was criticized by European allies.

The move by Trump was part of his "America First" approach to international agreements which has led him to withdraw the United States from the Paris climate accord and the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade talks.

His Iran strategy angered Tehran and put Washington at odds with other signatories of the accord such as Britain, France, Germany, Russia, China and the European Union, some of which have benefited economically on renewed trade with Iran.

Responding to Trump, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on Friday on live television that Tehran was committed to the deal and accused Trump of making baseless accusations.

European allies have warned of a split with the United States over the nuclear agreement and say that putting it in limbo as Trump has done undermines U.S. credibility abroad, especially as international inspectors say Iran is in compliance with the accord.

U.S. Democrats expressed scepticism at Trump's decision. Senator Ben Cardin said: “At a moment when the United States and its allies face a nuclear crisis with North Korea, the President has manufactured a new crisis that will isolate us from our allies and partners.”

October 11, 2017

How a Businessman Struck a Deal with Islamic State to Help Assad Feed Syrians

October 11, 2017

(Reuters) - While Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was accusing the West of turning a blind eye to Islamic State smuggling, a member of his parliament was quietly doing business with the group, farmers and administrators in the militants’ former stronghold said. 

The arrangement helped the Syrian government to feed areas still under its control after Islamic State took over the northeastern wheat-growing region during the six-year-old civil war, they said.

Traders working for businessman and lawmaker Hossam al-Katerji bought wheat from farmers in Islamic State areas and transported it to Damascus, allowing the group to take a cut, five farmers and two administrators in Raqqa province told Reuters.

Katerji’s office manager, Mohammed Kassab, confirmed that Katerji Group was providing Syrian government territories with wheat from the northeast of Syria through Islamic State territory but denied any contact with Islamic State. It is not clear how much Assad knew of the wheat trading.

Cooperation over wheat between a figure from Syria’s establishment, which is backed by Shi‘ite power Iran, and the hardline Sunni Islamic State would mark a new ironic twist in a war that has deepened regional Sunni-Shi‘ite divisions.

Reuters contacted Katerji’s office six times to request comment but was not given access to him.

His office manager Kassab, asked how the company managed to buy and transport the wheat without any contact with Islamic State, said: “It was not easy, the situation was very difficult.” When asked for details he said only that it was a long explanation. He did not return further calls or messages.

Damascus, under U.S. and EU sanctions over the conflict and alleged oil trading with Islamic State, strongly denies any business links with the hardline Islamist militants, arguing that the United States is responsible for their rise to power.

The self-declared caliphate they set up across large parts of Syria and Iraq in 2014 has all but collapsed after Western-backed forces drove them out of their Iraqi stronghold, Mosul and surrounded them in Raqqa, where they are now confined to a small area.

Russian and Iranian-backed Syrian forces are attacking them elsewhere, such as Deir al Zor on Syria’s eastern border, where Kassab says he was speaking from, in a continuing struggle for the upper hand between world powers.

Russia Setting Up Direct Shipping Line to Syria 

October 10, 2017

(Reuters) - Russia is setting up a direct shipping line to Syria and wants its companies to help build an economic recovery in the war-torn Middle Eastern country, the TASS news agency quoted Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin as saying on Tuesday. 

The report did not specify what a direct shipping line would entail, but any increase in agricultural and other supplies from Russia or help in reviving exports would be a boost for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Russia, one of the world’s largest wheat exporters, supports Assad in the long-running civil war in Syria and has previously helped his government with wheat aid.

“A direct shipping line between Russian and Syrian ports is being established,” Rogozin, in charge of the military industrial complex, told a meeting of a Russian-Syrian commission on trade cooperation, according to the agency.

Agricultural goods are currently transported by a company called Oboronlogistika, which is “interested in expanding its services,” he said.

Oboronlogistika says on its website it acts under the jurisdiction of Russia’s defence ministry, organising cargo transportation, customs clearance and warehouse services.

Its fleet includes three ships with loading function for transportation of cargo in trailers and containers.

Syria was once self-sufficient in wheat but continued fighting in the main grain-producing areas in its northeastern regions has reduced its crops in recent years.

Trade between Russia and Syria rose by 42 percent year-on-year to $193 million in the first seven months of 2017, according to Rogozin. However, Syria’s exports to Russia only amounted to $2 million in the period.

“This is mainly related to a lack of necessary infrastructure for exports and commissioning of local agricultural produce, which makes it economically unviable to supply Syrian vegetables and fruits,” he said.

The plan is to create a closed loop to grow, pack, store and export Syrian vegetables and fruit to Russia in the near future, he said.

“We now state that it’s time for economic restoration and expect that Russia’s businesses will play the most active role in this process,” Rogozin added.

Russia Says US Allows ISIS to Operate ‘Under Its Nose’ in Syria

October 11, 2017

(Reuters) — Russia accused the United States on Wednesday of allowing Islamic State to operate “under its nose” in Syria, saying Washington was letting the militant group move about freely in an area abutting a U.S. military base.

The allegations, made by Russia’s Defense Ministry, center on a U.S. military base at Tanf, a strategic Syrian highway border crossing with Iraq in the south of the country.

Russia says the U.S. base is illegal and that it and the area around it have become “a black hole” where militants operate unhindered.

The United States says the Tanf facility is a temporary base used to train partner forces to fight against Islamic State. Pentagon spokesman Colonel Robert Manning on Tuesday said Washington remained committed to killing off Islamic State and denying it safe havens and the ability to carry out strikes.

But Major-General Igor Konashenkov, a spokesman for the Russian Defense Ministry, said Moscow wanted to know how around 300 Islamic State militants in pickup trucks had passed through the U.S.-controlled area and tried to block the highway between Damascus and Deir al-Zor used to supply Syrian forces.

He said the U.S. had not yet given an explanation.

“We suggest the American side also explain about another incidence of their ‘selective blindness’ towards militants operating under their nose,” Konashenkov said in a statement.

He said about 600 militants based in a refugee camp in the U.S. controlled area had driven en masse to a former customs post called Tafas on the Syrian-Jordanian border earlier this month and seized food and medical supplies meant for locals.

“You don’t need to be an expert to now forecast an attempt to rupture the peace agreement in the southern de-escalation zone,” said Konashenkov.

“We issue a warning. All responsibility for sabotaging the peace process will lay exclusively with the American side.”

U.S. Gov't Bans Use of Cybersecurity Products from Russian Company Kaspersky

Kaspersky Lab told The Washington Post Wednesday that it doesn't have improper ties with any government, including Russia's. "The only conclusion seems to be that Kaspersky Lab, a private company, is caught in the middle of a geopolitical fight, and it's being treated unfairly even though the company has never helped, nor will help, any government in the world with its cyberespionage or offensive cyber efforts," the company said.

October 11, 2017

(UPI) - Israeli government hackers were the ones who discovered the Kremlin's use of Kaspersky Lab computer software to steal U.S. intelligence two years ago, according to U.S. sources.

In 2015, Israeli hackers found tools in the Moscow-based computer security firm that could have only come from the U.S. National Security Agency -- a discovery that contributed to the Department of Homeland Security's decision last month to ban all Kaspersky Lab software from U.S. government servers and order existing prducts to be removed within 90 days.

The Israeli discovery was first reported by The New York Times, which cited current and former U.S. officials.

Kaspersky's popular antivirus software gave Russian hackers a reach of over 400 million people, the report said, including over 20 American government agencies. By offering scans for malicious software and reporting the information back to Kaspersky, Russian intelligence could exploit the contents of computers for their own interest.

The Russian operation is believed to have netted classified information from an NSA employee who stored the data on a home computer on which the Kaspersky antivirus was installed. It is not publicly known what information hackers may have uncovered from the breach.

Kaspersky Lab has denied any involvement or knowledge of Russian hackers using the software, saying in a statement, "Kaspersky Lab has never helped, nor will help, any government in the world with its cyberespionage efforts."

"Kaspersky Lab was not involved in, and does not possess any knowledge of, the situation in question," the statement added.

Israeli intelligence said it provided the United States with "solid evidence" of Moscow's role behind the hacking, going as far back as 2014.

The NSA bans its own analysts from using Kaspersky products because using antivirus products for hacking operations is a technique they've used in the past -- a technique now reportedly used by Russian hackers, the Times report said.

"Antivirus is the ultimate backdoor," Blake Darché, a former NSA operator, said. "It provides consistent, reliable and remote access that can be used for any purpose, from launching a destructive attack to conducting espionage on thousands or even millions of users."