The Gaia Hypothesis – A Goddess Reborn
Then her capacity for virgin birth is no miracle,
It is a role of Gaia since life began.
She is of this Universe and, conceivably, a part of God.
On Earth, she is the source of life everlasting and is alive now;
She gave birth to humankind and we are part of her.”
– Sir James Lovelock, Ages of Gaia
By The Green Agenda
Anyone who has studied the global green movement has no doubt heard of "Gaia." Believers in Gaia, or ‘Gaians’ as they often refer to themselves, claim that the earth is a sentient super-being, an ancient goddess spirit, deserving of worship and reverence.
Sir James Lovelock, in his book, Gaia: A New Look at Life, states:
“All of the lifeforms on this planet are a part of Gaia — part of one spirit goddess that sustains life on earth. Since this transformation into a living system, the interventions of Gaia have brought about the evolving diversity of living creatures on planet Earth.”Gaians teach that the "Earth Goddess," or Mother Earth, must be protected from destructive human activity.
Gaians claim that “we are part of Nature and Nature is part of us, therefore God is part of us, and God is everywhere, and everything is God.”
While researching this subject, I have been astounded by how many prominent environmental leaders, politicians, scientists, and religious leaders profess a literal belief in Gaia. Gaians appear to have infiltrated every level of power at the United Nations and risen to prominent positions in many Governments. I strongly believe that they are the most dangerous and devious cult on the face of the planet.
“Still more important is the implication that the evolution of humans, with his technological inventiveness and his increasingly subtle communications network, has vastly increased Gaia's range of perception. She is now, through us, awake and aware of herself. She has seen the reflection of her fair face through the eyes of astronauts and the television cameras of orbiting spacecraft. Our sensations of wonder and pleasure, our capacity for conscious thought and speculation, our restless curiosity and drive are hers to share.The modern Gaia hypothesis was originally formulated by James Lovelock. Dr. Lovelock is one of the world's most famous and influential scientists. He has degrees in numerous areas, including medicine, chemistry and physics.
This new interrelationship of Gaia with man is by no means fully established; we are not yet a truly collective species, corralled and tamed as an integral part of the biosphere, as we are as individual creatures. It may be that the destiny of mankind is to become tamed so that the fierce, destructive, and greedy forces of tribalism and nationalism are fused into a compulsive urge to belong to the commonwealth of all creatures which constitutes Gaia.” – James Lovelock, Gaia: A New Look at Life (1972)
Lovelock called his sentient, super-organism “Gaia,” after the ancient Greek Goddess of the Earth.
However, he also believed that humans were abusing the planet environmentally, jeopardizing the organism as a whole, "as though the human race is a cancer."
“Just as the human body uses a fever to fight off an infection, Gaia is raising Her temperature to expel a harmful parasite — humans. Unless humans renounce their destructive ways and rejoin the diverse community of living beings in Gaia’s loving embrace then Gaia will be forced to act in order to secure Her supreme reign.”In the book Lovelock also claims, that on the current trajectory, “the human population will be reduced to a few breeding pairs by the end of this century.”
Lovelock rose to further global prominence when, in the late 1970s, he suddenly discovered that CFC’s were “destroying the Earths protective ozone layer.” He led a campaign which resulted in an international ban on these chemicals.
Lovelock was also one of the first and most vocal proponents of the Global Warming theory.
The Gaia hypothesis was eagerly accepted by the emerging New Age movement in the 1970s, as it combines neatly with eastern mysticism and neopagan theology; but “science” was needed to convince biologists.
Interestingly, climatology was the first branch of science to actively endorse the Gaian theory that Earth was a single, self-regulating system.
“We need to get some broad based support, to capture the public's imagination... So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little mention of any doubts... Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest.”The Gaia hypothesis, absent the spiritual connotations, has now been accepted into mainstream science and renamed the Gaia theory. It can be found in most environmental science textbooks.
As mentioned previously, the Gaia theory found its greatest resonance with the New Age movement, who were entranced by the mystical side of Gaia. They found it easy to conceive that humans can have a spiritual relationship with Gaia.
A simple google search for 'gaia pagan' will reveal thousands of organisations proudly proclaiming themselves to literally be pagan priests and disciples of the great Goddess Gaia. There are dozens of Gaia Groups in most major cities.
The feminist movement has also warmly embraced the concept of a Gaia Goddess. For many of these proponents, an integral part of Goddess worship is its prevalent theme of anti-masculine, anti-male statements.
"The symbolism of the Goddess has taken on an electrifying power for modern women. It has exposed the falsehoods of patriarchal history and given us models for female strength and authority."Gaians teach that the Divine Earth must be protected from all threats no matter what the cost.
“Conversion to Christianity has therefore meant an abandonment of an affinity with the natural world for many forest dwellers, peasants, fishers all over the world... The northeastern hilly states of India bordering China and Myanmar supported small scale, largely autonomous shifting cultivator societies until the 1950's. These people followed their own religious traditions that included setting apart between 10% and 30% of the landscape as sacred groves and ponds.”While condemning Christianity and Islam as the root of all environmental evil, the document goes on to praise Buddhism and Hinduism as they "did not depart as drastically from the perspective of humans as members of a community of beings including other living and non-living elements."
Al Gore, in his book Earth in the Balance, echoes this view:
"Prehistoric Europe and much of the world was based on the worship of a single earth goddess, who was assumed to be the fount of all life and who radiated harmony among all living things. Much of the evidence for the existence of this primitive religion comes from the many thousands of artifacts uncovered in ceremonial sites. These sites are so widespread that they seem to confirm the notion that a goddess religion was ubiquitous through much of the world until the antecedents of today's religions, most of which still have a distinctly masculine orientation...swept out of India and the Near East, almost obliterating belief in the goddess. The last vestige of organized goddess worship was eliminated by Christianity as late as the fifteenth century in Lithuania."Gore then quotes deChardin:
"'The fate of mankind, as well as of religion, depends upon the emergence of a new faith in the future. Armed with such a faith, we might find it possible to resanctify the earth..."Gore is also fond of quoting an old Native Indian saying:
“Will you teach your children what we have taught our children? That the earth is our Mother. What befalls the earth, befalls all the sons of the earth. This we know — the earth does not belong to man, man belongs to the earth.”Gaia worship is at the very heart of the Global Green Agenda.
Gaians have succeeded in uniting the environmental movement, the New Age movement, Eastern religions, the United Nations, and even the leaders of many Christian denominations behind this vile new form of paganism.
Now begin to speak to the earth as you walk.
You can speak out loud, or just talk to her in your mind.
Send your love into her with your exhalation.
Feel your heart touching upon the heart of the planet.
Say to her whatever words come to you:
Mother Earth, I love you.
Mother Earth, I bless you.
May you be healed.
May all your creatures be happy.
Peace to you, Mother Earth.
On behalf of the human race, I ask forgiveness for having injured you.
Forgive us, Mother Earth"
- “Prayer to the Earth,” Student Textbook
Gaia: The Revival of Paganism and Worship of 'Mother Earth'
Gaia Worship - The New Pagan Religion
By Jennifer RastAnyone who has studied the global environmental movement has no doubt heard the term "Gaia." Gaia is a revival of paganism that rejects Christianity, considers Christianity its biggest enemy, and views the Christian faith as its only obstacle to a global religion centered on Gaia worship and the uniting of all life forms around the goddess of "Mother Earth."
A cunning mixture of science, paganism, eastern mysticism, and feminism have made this pagan cult a growing threat to the Christian Church.
This religious movement, with cult-like qualities, is being promoted by leading figures and organizations such as former Vice President Albert Gore, broadcaster Ted Turner, and the United Nations and its various NGO's.
So, what is this new cult of Gaia? It is basically a rehashed, modernized version of the paganism condemned by God in the Bible.
The Gaia hypothesis can be credited to James Lovelock. Lovelock worked for NASA during the 1960s as a consultant to the "life on Mars" Viking spacecraft project. Lovelock's theory claims that the earth's "biota," tightly coupled with its environment, act as a single, self-regulating living system in such a way as to maintain the conditions that are suitable for life. This living system, he believed, was the result of a meta-life form that occupied our planet billions of years ago and began a process of transforming this planet into its own substance.
All of the life forms on this planet, according to Lovelock, are a part of Gaia — a part of one spirit goddess that sustains life on earth. Since this transformation into a living system, he theorizes, the interventions of Gaia have brought about the evolving diversity of living creatures on planet Earth. From Lovelock's perspective in space he saw not a planet, but a self-evolving and self-regulating living system.
His theory presents earth not as the rock that it is, but as a living being. He named this being Gaia, after the Greek goddess that was once believed to have drawn the living world forth from chaos.
The idea of Earth as a living, divine spirit is not a new one. Plato said:
"We shall affirm that the cosmos, more than anything else, resembles most closely that living Creature of which all other living creatures, severally or genetically, are portion; a living creature which is fairest of all and in ways most perfect."As today's version of paganism, Gaia is eagerly accepted by the new age movement and fits neatly into eastern mysticism, but science was needed to gather in the evolutionists and science-minded humanists.
More appealing to the New Agers and the interfaith movement is the mystical side of Gaia. They can easily relate to the belief that humans can have mystical experiences or a spiritual relationship with Gaia. A connectedness to nature and the belief that humans are a part of this collective consciousness called Gaia appeals to them.
Gaia teaches that an "Earth spirit," goddess, or planetary brain must be protected. It is this belief that fuels the environmental movement, sustainable development, and a global push for the return of industrialized nations to a more primitive way of life.
Just as with the evolutionists, the humanists, and the other pagan religions of the world, Gaia has named Christianity as the obstacle to human evolution and our spiritual destiny. A document mandated by the UN-sponsored Convention on Biological Diversity, the Global Biodiversity Assessment, explicitly refers to Christianity as a faith that has set humans apart from nature and stripped nature of its sacred qualities. The document states:
Conversion to Christianity has therefore meant an abandonment of an affinity with the natural world for many forest dwellers, peasants, fishers all over the world... The northeastern hilly states of India bordering China and Myanmar supported small scale, largely autonomous shifting cultivator societies until the 1950s. These people followed their own religious traditions that included setting apart between 10% and 30% of the landscape as sacred groves and ponds.While condemning Christianity as the root of all ecological evil, the document goes on to praise Buddhism and Hinduism as they "did not depart as drastically from the perspective of humans as members of a community of beings including other living and non-living elements."
Non-Christian religions are definitely favored by the global government as good stewards of Mother Earth.
"The richness and diversity of our religious tradition throughout history is a spiritual resource long ignored by people of faith, who are often afraid to open their minds to teachings first offered outside their own systems of belief. But the emergence of a civilization in which knowledge moves freely and almost instantaneously through the world has spurred a renewed investigation of the wisdom distilled by all faiths. This panreligious perspective may prove especially important where our global civilization's responsibility for the earth is concerned." (pp. 258-259)Gore praises the Eastern religions and new age spiritualism, while blaming Christianity for the elimination of the ancient goddess religion, and calls for a new spiritual relationship between man and earth.
"The spiritual sense of our place in nature predates Native American cultures; increasingly it can be traced to the origins of human civilization. A growing number of anthropologists and archaeomythologists, such as Marija Gimbutas and Riane Esler argue that the prevailing ideology of belief in prehistoric Europe and much of the world was based on the worship of a single earth goddess, who was assumed to be the fount of all life and who radiated harmony among all living things. Much of the evidence for the existence of this primitive religion comes from the many thousands of artifacts uncovered in ceremonial sites. These sites are so widespread that they seem to confirm the notion that a goddess religion was ubiquitous through much of the world until the antecedents of today's religions, most of which still have a distinctly masculine orientation...swept out of India and the Near East, almost obliterating belief in the goddess. The last vestige of organized goddess worship was eliminated by Christianity as late as the fifteenth century in Lithuania."If Gore had read the Bible he would know exactly why Christians will not open their mind to these other beliefs as he suggests. The Bible very clearly warns us not to.
"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ. For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and you have been given fullness in Christ, who is the head over every power and authority." —Colossians 2:6-10Gore also might want to read Romans 1:18-25:
"The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities — his eternal power and divine nature — have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles. Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the creator — who is forever praised. Amen."When men began to worship the creation instead of the Creator, the wrath of God was revealed. As societies begin again to turn from the truth of the creation and worship nature ("Mother Earth" or any other deceiving spirit), the evil and deception in their new religion will be made evident by God's response.
Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion. Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless. Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them. —Romans 1:26-32Our societies today are becoming a picture of this wickedness, evil, greed and depravity.
When this pagan agenda reaches your church or your community, how will you respond? Will you speak up for the truth of God or will you exchanged the glory of the immortal God for a global compromise that is leading countless people into spiritual darkness?
As followers of Jesus Christ, we know the truth and we must boldly proclaim it.
As churches begin to fall away from the faith and corrupt the Word of God, it is left to Bible-believing Christians to stand up for the truth, contend for our faith, and offer to the world an alternative to God's wrath. If we are ashamed of our faith, if we compromise our beliefs, and if we hide in our churches and ignore what is going on outside of them, we are aiding in our own destruction, and countless souls will be lost because of our complacency, selfishness, and inaction.
"For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline. So do not be ashamed to testify about our Lord, or ashamed of me his prisoner. But join with me in suffering for the gospel, but the power of God, who has saved us and called us to a holy life — not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace." —II Timothy 1:6-8Mary apparitions may be the deception that unifies world religions into becoming the Harlot of Revelation
The Basement Holds Deep, Dark Secrets for Chris Watts
AD/ Cherlyn Cadle in conversation the NK chapter, the dark-side exposed (Nichol Kessinger was involved in Gaia worship)
CW last chance for the truth. AD crossroads the Watts family can get it.
Armchair Detective, No hiding place!
CHRIS WATTS FRIEND SHANNON SPEAKS! Exclusively to AD, [distressing content]
Armchair Detective, No hiding place!
"Then I heard one saint speaking, and another saint said unto that certain saint which spake, How long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice, and the transgression of desolation, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot?' - Daniel 8:13 (KJV)
On 8/9/18, Shanann told Addy that she thought Chris slept in the basement the night before.
On 8/9/18, Sara Nudd asked how the conversation with Watts went. Shanann replied, "Much better." We talked. He told me he loved me back. Still cold, but not as cold. He even kissed me before going to sleep in basement, which is second kiss since picking him up from airport."
The Watts had alerts (Vivint Smart Home) on their front door, rear sliding door, garage doors (interior and exterior), and (interior) basement door (the basement had egress windows but no exterior door). It would alert if a door was left open for a certain period of time. The Watts had motion sensors in their living room and garden-level basement (not a walkout). Chris said they only used the living room and basement motion sensors when they leave and set it to “away.”
Detectives asked Chris about the basement:
Tammy: You had a lot of steps, I’ll just say that.
Chris: So, like the basement, I’m not really sure. The only thing I really have down there is my work out — the bench press and what not.
Tammy: Do you remember going down there for anything or opening that door for anything? Did you think about, “Well maybe I’ll take her out that way”? Is it a walkout basement? I wasn’t at your house.
Chris: No, it’s like a garden level basement.
But I don’t remember really. I don’t think I worked out that morning.
Tammy: Like were you packing your lunch in the kitchen, did you have to do all that normal stuff?
Chris: Yeah, oh yeah, I packed a lunch and
everything, did all that. I don’t remember about the basement or anything
unless, if I worked out that morning and I just don’t remember — I don’t think
I did. Unless there was a trash bag down there.
Tammy: Oh, you get trash bags from there?
Chris: Maybe I did. Maybe there wasn’t any in
the garage and I went down there and got one.
On 8/12/18, NICHOL KESSINGER said she ended the phone conversation with CHRIS and he later “facetimed” her that evening (August 12, 2018) before the murders. She said on the video call CHRIS was wearing a black “wife beater” t-shirt and he was laying on a mattress with no sheets on it. NICHOL did not know what bed CHRIS was on but said it did not look like his makeshift basement bedroom. NICHOL said the mattress CHRIS was laying on could have been blue in color.
A minute before receiving the notification that the garage door was left open, there was another notification stating the basement door (door on main floor leading down to basement) was left open (5:26 AM) on 8/12/18.
On 8/13/18, after Chris opened the front door for the first officer on the scene, Chris opened the basement door and went downstairs (at 20:19 mark in the video below):
One of the cops saw an iPhone on the workoutbench in the basement (she is caught on bodycam mentioning this to another officer). Apparently it was ignored by law enforcement and not collected as evidence (they also ignored an iPad by the window near the makeshift bed where the dog alerted like crazy). Was this Chris' work phone, and did he leave this in the basement to record law enforcement activity?
Did Chris and Nikki use burner phones? Did Nikki inadvertently use her personal phone at 6:16 AM on 8/13/18, to check in with her friend Jim Gutoski? The call lasted one minute or less, suggesting she left a message; and later in the day, at 3:32 PM, she called him again and held a six-minute conversation. NK told detectives that Jim arrived at her place at about 3:45PM, shortly before she got home from work (NK said Jim had a key to her apartment and let himself in).
About Jim, the geologist and NK's best friend: NK told detectives that Chris never met any of her friends. Cheryln Cadle says that Chris told her that about a dozen people where on the camping trip with them during the sand dunes trip. Jim was on the camping trip: in one of NK’s interviews with Koback, she was asked who the man with the backpack was in a photo recovered from NK’s phone during the Great Sand Dunes trip. NK replied that it is “my friend Jim.” Cadle says Chris told her that he didn't care for Jim (it should be noted that Jim was in town for NK's July 3rd birthday, that Chris spent the night at her apartment on July 3rd, and that she went to a Rockies game with Jim on the afternoon of July 4th).
In his February 2019 confession in Wisconsin, which, by the way, is where Jim is from, Chris said he was at NK's house everyday that Shanann was gone; and is just so happens that Jim arrived in Colorado the day of the murders (he is from Wisconsin but Chris said he was working in the oil fields in Wyoming at the time), according to NK in one of her police interviews (the "leave Jim alone!" one). NK searched for anal sex and double penetration on pornhub, so maybe Jim is gay or bisexual.
When asked about Jim during his Wisconsin interview, Chris said: Jim worked in the oil fields in North Dakota, and he has been a friend of NK's for a long time. He's always been a shoulder for her to cry on. He's had a couple of girlfriends and hadn't had much luck in that department, as far as keeping girlfriends. He and NK are platonic friends (as far as Chris knew). (54-minute mark)
They had large egress windows in the basement that anyone could easily get in and out of. These windows apparently did not have sensors connected to the Vivint home security system or the sensors had been deactivated. Also, the back of the house had NO cameras so anyone could easily come and go as they pleased without being caught on camera. This definitely was an easy way to come in and out without being detected. And the side gate for the backyard is on the side of the house next to Nate's house. Nate's house doesn't have any side windows overlooking this area.
Officer Coonrod jumped down into most of the window wells to knock on the windows (video). Two of the basement egress windows did not have screens. These windows could be used to enter on exit without being caught on camera. In the screen shot below, you can see the two screens that had been removed from the basement windows.
The image below shows this window, without the screen, and another window, with the screen (for comparison purposes), on 8/13/18, before Chris arrived home.

From Officer Coonrod's bodycam footage in the basement on 8/13/18, it appears that another window also doesn't have its screen. This window is to the right of the other screenless window (Officer Coonrod did not jump down into this window well when he was outside earlier).





If Shanann had really gone to sleep that night,
she would have charged her phone by the bed and it would be close to 100%. Her phone was only at 50%,
which means she never even had a chance to plug it in. Was Shanann ambushed
immediately, right after walking in the front door? Or was she lured to the
When Tammy asked him ways you could kill someone, Chris himself said: "You could set a trap."
Chris told his friend Shannon that evil
happened in the basement that morning.
Shannon was on a branch of Shanann's Thrive team. Shannon didn't know Shanann, though, but they did have mutual group friends on facebook.
Shannon sent a facebook message to Chris Watts' sister Jamie to tell her that not everybody is against the Watts. They ended up talking on the phone and became friends. Jamie suggested she write to Chris since Shannon was being kind to his family. He wrote back pretty quick and eventually began calling her on the phone. This was either December 2018 or January 2019, shortly before the Wisconsin confession. He was pretty upset about the confession coming out. She doesn't think that CW thought they would release it or he wouldn't have said any of it. Shannon thinks the Wisconsin confession is the truth because it matches what CW told her and what CW told Cherlyn Cadle. Shannon doesn't think it is the whole truth but it is the closest that we've heard so far.
According to his friend Shannon, Chris played his family and Cadle against each other. He told Shannon that there would be things in Cadle's book that his family didn't know about. He said it had to be in the book to show his rise back into his true faith in God, now, after the murders. He knew the true crime stuff was going to be in the book but he didn't admit that to his parents. Shannon thinks Chris is extremely clever and conveniently oblivious.

From the discovery:
July 28 and July 29, 2018. NICHOL and CHRIS went to the Great Sand Dunes National Monument in Alamosa, Colorado. They drove to the location in NICHOL’s Toyota 4runner. They tent camped at Zapata Falls in an established campground on July 28, 2018. NICHOL said they stopped at a local gas station near the Great Sand Dunes National Park and purchased ice and firewood. NICHOL said CHRIS paid for the items but she was uncertain if he used a gift card. CHRIS also rented “sand boards” for the Great Sand Dunes. The only gas station near the Great Sand Dunes is the Oasis, 5400 Colorado 150 Mosca, Colorado.
And, according to Shannon:
The sand dunes and camping trip (where they spent a lot of time naked with about a group of a dozen people, per Cheryln Cadle) was pivotal to Chris: something happened that weekend to mark "the beginning of the end for him." He had a hard time with the first anniversary of that weekend. Maybe he met people he didn't want to meet. He keeps saying that he should have gone to the football game with Jeremy Lindstrom and not the Lazy Dog with NK on Saturday, August 11th. Shannon believes that on Saturday with Nikki is when the murders were planned. This is why NK can't remember what they talked about on Saturday or during the 111-minute phone call on Sunday night. Did NK give Chris an ultimatum: it's either me or her, and this is what you've got to do, and you've got to get things in order. Both NK and CW say they can't remember what they talked about on Saturday or Sunday. Shannon thinks it was when the murder was planned because a lot of steps were taken, preparation for the girls beforehand. Shannon says Chris is still in love with NK, and he doesn't seem to have any emotion or remorse regarding Shanann. He told Shannon that the one-year anniversary of her death was the first time he cried for Shanann.
Valley View Hot Springs, Nudist Campground and Crestone, Colorado


Main Idea: NK is super suspicious
I. NK's Verizon call logs
According to NK's Verizon bill, there was an incoming call from CW (910-309-1702) at 9:28pm Sunday, 8/12/18. This call lasted 111 minutes, ending at 11:19pm. The duration of this call (9:28pm-11:19pm) largely overlaps with SW's original flight schedule (9:45pm-11:25pm) before the delay. Looks like CW waited until SW would've boarded before making the call.
II. CW's phone activities from the discovery
The record of this call, however, is missing from the discovery.
Picture: CW's phone activities from 8:00pm to the end of the day 8/12/18 (
Why? The number showing on NK's log is the same, 910-309-1702, that Nicole Atkinson gave to Officer Coonrod (in the bodycam footage). It's totally his number. Did he delete the call record from his phone? Even if that was the case, why was it not recovered?
III. Table of CW's incoming/outgoing call & flight schedule
Time | Incoming | Outgoing | SW's Orig FLT SCHED |
9:28pm | START call to NK | ||
9:29pm | missed call from SW | ||
9:44pm | text from SW about delay | ||
9:45pm | DEPART | ||
11:19PM | END call to NK | ||
11:21pm | text to SW, "Holy crap I passed out" | ||
11:25pm | ARRIVAL |
Full text to SW at 11:21pm: "Holy crap. Sorry. I passed out on the couch. That's gonna be late."
While he was apparently on the call with NK, Shanann texted him to tell him about the delay. He didn't seem to have even looked at it? Only after he was done with the call, he texted Shanann back to express his shock (again why so shocked?) and to lie that he was asleep.
What could he be actually doing during that time? If he was really talking to NK, what did they talk about?
IV. NK's interview tactics on this question
I don't think CW was interrogated about this but NK was. She first delayed answering, then deflected from the subject:
Officer: ...then you talked to him for a few hours on Sunday.
NK: Did I? Are you asking me or are you telling me?
Officer: I'm asking you.
NK: Oh, I was like, I don't even know. Sunday, honestly, oh, on, s-so, wait a minute. That was Saturday. This the... we're talking about Saturday We're not talking about Sunday right now.
Officer Easy: Okay, so you're still on Saturday?
NK: Yes... this...
She talks some more about Saturday, Cece's allergy, nutgate, her relationship with CW before fake-crying, 'they were so cuuttee, so little, why why why how!!!???
2) Deflection
Officer: (let's) get to the phone call from 9:00-11:00 on Sunday. Are you OK?
NK: I think so, I need to think, I can't even think... Sunday night, I don't even know. I don't even think I was that concerned about anything at that point. You know what? I still don't remember what we talked about. I like honestly like we talked about so much random stuff. Like it's so hard to pinpoint some of these things. Um I don't remember what we talked about. I do remember that was a long phone conversation though. We probably talked about all sorts of stuff. I, I don't remember ... I don't remember what was in the phone conversation. Probably nothing of relevance to be honest with you...
At this point, she suddenly switches the subject to his TV being on.
NK: ... I could hear the TV on, which I thought was kinda weird. I didn't ask him. I just heard it in the background and I was thinking, why the well is he up? ... I don't know how many TVs they have. I've never been to the bedroom...
She continues to ramble about not knowing how many TVs or how much other nice stuff they have in the house, how super cute the girls playroom is and how super late she realized it was... The officer no longer pursues the phone call question and moves on to how she accessed the house, to which NK answers — through the garage and the front door
They never revisited the subject. The officer kinda sucks...
What unsavory thing do you think they did or talked about during these 111 minutes?
The phone call kind of goes against NK’s claims that since CW never slept it kept her up and bothered her. If NK liked to be in bed by ten for work, wouldn’t she have hung up with him around then? Or remembered why she decided to stay up so late talking to him? On a work night. Where she claims she got up around 4.
During the week before the murder, they called each other late at night, between 10 and 10:30pm and talked for 80-90 mins. So it doesn't make sense she acted so surprised by him staying up that late.
I've felt that the length and timing, a Sunday night of all nights, was odd for your basic couples chit chat...maybe when a couple first meets and talk silly lovey dovey non-sense, lol. But these two were six weeks in...and at a crossroads. The freedoms of summer with SW and kids 1,000 miles away was closing, swiftly. What if NK saw the handwriting on the wall, knowing how freely CW was available was now over....and felt like she wanted out of their relationship. That could've been a topic that kept the two of them engaged in a lengthy conversation ....on a Sunday night. Plus, it would've had CW thinking my mistress wants to bolt, and my wife is in the air coming home, and what a foul mood that must've been for him. (I've got to get rid of one to keep the other.) Secondly, it might explain NK's sudden case of amnesia of the call, thinking the core element of the conversation drove CW to kill, for her.
That sounds very likely. Either sneakily giving him the ultimatum, bringing up Jim or totally going psycho. It would've been hard to reveal the content of the call right after his family turned up dead.
In July, some of their longer calls were 40-50 minutes long. Starting in August, they talked for longer.
7/30 (Mon) - Chris gives Kessinger a love letter before leaving town to join his family on their summer vacation.
7/31 (Tue) - Chris flies to North Carolina for the final week of his family's vacation.
8/4 (Sat) - Kessinger searches for wedding dresses on the internet for over two hours, according to a review of her cellphone data.
8/5 (Sun) - 10:33pm, 89-minute phone call between CW and NK
8/7 (Tues) - Chris and Shanann return home from NC. Chris tells his supervisor, Luke Epple, that he and his wife are having issues and he may be staying with a friend.
8/8 (Wed) - 10:07pm, 87-minute phone call between CW and NK
8/9 (Thu) - Shanann tells a friend that Chris went to her ultrasound but was cold to her, so she decided to cancel the baby's gender-reveal party. Shanann told a friend on 8/7 that “I don't feel safe with him after what he said about the baby and if he loves me he would hold me and tell me it will be ok. Give me something and he did nothing, but go to bed."
8/10 (Fri) - Shanann leaves for a business trip to Arizona; Chris takes the day off work to watch the children (the school was closed for a teacher work day).
8/11 (Sat) - CW gets babysitter, goes to NK's apartment for sex, they go to dinner at Lazy Dog, then back to her apartment for more sex before arriving home at 10:30pm.
8/12 (Sun) - Shanann's flight is delayed from 11pm arrival in Denver to 1am arrival; her friend drives her home and she enters through her front door at 1:48am on 8/13.
8/13 (Mon) - 5:27am, surveillance footage shows Watts leaving his driveway after loading his work truck.
Were CW and NK up to something?!?
Let's say he didn't get SW's phone call because he was annoyed. She had been messaging him all day. As soon as he finally tried to talk to NK, yet another call came in from SW. However, I feel he would've been still curious to know what she had to say when SW texted him 15 minutes later. He was mindful of her flight schedule.
NK pleaded a total amnesia about that Sunday. The agent asked her what she did Sunday? She kept saying, "I'm drawing a blank, I'm so tired, maybe I'll get back to you later". It was only three days ago! Her father 'Dwayne' then goes, "Jim came in Sunday?". He's her memory-aide. She's like, no Jim came in Monday. Another few minutes of NK drawing a blank. All of a sudden, Dwyane says, "Did we go to the museum on Saturday or Sunday?" NK: Oh, yes, we all went to museum with stepmom and sister. They couldn't remember this the whole time? Did they check the CCTV at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science?
I think NK was perturbed they were having a boy (giving CW a boy was one of NK’s “things” and now SW was beating her to it). I think they (or mostly NK) spoke about her frustrations with the situation and I think CW did his best to tell her what she wanted to hear.
I think that NK knew that SW was pregnant and that CW wanted a boy so she told him that she wanted to give him a son in order to test him.
She claims to not have asked him about a lot of things but was also so far up his ass with the majority of his life decisions. I think that she tried to play it cool by not directly asking questions, and more so manipulated him with hints and controlling tactics that got her what she wanted without coming off like SW. I think it was crucial for her to be different than SW, but deep down was just as demanding.
She was definitely up in his business, pushing him along with the separation... homegirl spent her free time researching apartments for him and wedding gowns for herself, yet she played dumb on so many aspects of his life. I’m sure she did her sleuthing in a roundabout way so as not to come off nagging or interrogating him like SW may have. I also feel that conversation is very important to what happened next. If CW had not taken the plea deal, it might have been probed further at trial. That plea deal was the luckiest thing that happened to NK.



Shannon said Chris was worried that the details about the girls was going to come out in Cherlyn Cadle's book.
Chris told Shannon on the phone what the girls looked like when "they woke back up". From Shannon, details of the murder, according to conversations with Chris (at 43:12 mark):
They [Bella and CeCe] woke back up. It shocked the shit out of him. They looked like they'd been through some trauma, that their minds and bodies weren't all the way working. They were injured. He mentioned spots on Bella's eyes. They were both alive but CeCe was barely functioning. He talked about them wandering about. He said they looked like they had been through some trauma and weren't quite right. And then he talked about Bella's eyes and stuff. He told Shannon this with "dead calm". He didn't say anything about them walking outside. He said he gave the Oxy to Shannon the night of his arrival in NC. He said it was one of Shanann's prescriptions. He didn't tell her that there were some things he was taking to his grave. She asked him how he was able to call and text people if the kids were still alive and crying—he doesn't answer what he doesn't want to answer. She thinks they were not crying and talking like he said, and she thinks we don't hear about CeCe because she wasn't really conscious, and Bella probably wasn't making a lot of noise either. According to Shannon, she asked him about NK's phone ping in Frederick at 6 AM on 8/13/18. His response to her made her realize that "he is a terrible liar." Shannon believes that he lied when he said NK wasn't there. Shannon thinks NK was there just by the way he answered her question. She thinks NK was there, absolutely. Shannon says if you think about it, he really hasn't told that many different stories.
From the discovery, regarding the cadaver and scent dogs:
I entered the home with Jayne and her K9, who she stated is a cadaver dog.
As we moved through the home, Jayne explained what type of scent the dog alerts to. Jayne mentioned several times that the dog alerted to areas where there may have been some sort of trauma or struggle, such as an argument, explaining that scent from people pools and collects in areas. The dog did not locate any human remains.
The search continued from the neighborhood clubhouse, west and then north, circling back to the home, without success. Jayne’s dog was later taken to Chris’s work truck, which was parked just east of his home. Jayne stated that the dog detected but gave no hard command, however, the dog did not enter the vehicle, and the doors to the vehicle remained closed...
While in the home, a track dog was asked to enter, as there had been some indication from the cadaver dog [Jayne's dog] that a struggle or argument may have ensued.
Jeff Hiebert and his K9 entered the home. Jeff stated that his dog showed interest in the unmade bed in the basement and an area just below the stairs, but did not do any final trained alerts.
We exited the basement and went upstairs to the garage. No indicators were noted in the garage and we exited the home.
"He was in a state of extreme trauma from what had happened and nothing still made sense to him. Because of that, and because he could still feel a dark spirit inside of him, he says he was not able to remember very much about what happened."
Chris said NK carried crystals wherever she went, and they were all over her apartment.
On the camping trip after the sand dunes, Chris said she held a crystal over her head and chanted and talked to her deceased grandmother.
Chris said NK would hike and disappear for hours, and he wondered if it was because of her meditation.
While his family was in NC, Chris said he slept every night in NK's apartment. Chris said she gave him a "cleanse" every night to drink but he didn’t know what was in it.
With NK, Chris said he would fall asleep and wake up an hour or two later and pick up right where he left off (NK also told detectives a version of this). Chris said he would blackout, like in a trance, and he was not sure what was happening to him during that hour or two.Chris said they were doing all kinds of sexual things, that she was into really weird stuff. Cadle says Chris told her and his family that some of the things that went on in NK's apartment were so horrible and so bad that he will take it to his grave.Chris said NK was getting him ready for something.
Chris told Cadle that he feels God gave him three chances to get away from NK: one being the football game he could have gone to rather than the Lazy Dog with Nikki on 8/11/18. After dinner, they went back to her apartment and he realized she was afraid that she was losing her grip on him, and she mentioned again about giving him his first son [Chris and Shanann found out the sex of their baby, a son, on 8/9/18, the day before she flew to Arizona and three days before her murder].
NK quite possibly was hypnotizing him and using drugs in these “cleanses”.
She put him on a macro diet. He lost 13 pounds in six weeks.
She turned him on to tantric sex and threesomes.
Underneath Bella’s bed there was a stone and a book found. Bella was known to take one of her books with her to the corner of her room when she couldn't sleep at night. Did NK use a crystal to lure Bella out from under her bed? Jayne's cadaver dog alerted under Bella's bed and in the playroom where the children's books were stored (the dog also is trained to alert for trauma, any "adrenaline-heated" area where a struggle, such as an argument, would have occurred).


“The dates to which you are referring — in 2017 where it appears she Googled or otherwise searched Shanann — was data that came off her phone,” Rourke said. “It’s not a typographical error in the report. [The detectives] are reporting what was contained in the data from her phone. I don’t know the answer to the question of why or how those dates ended up in her phone.”
One of CW’s co-workers, Anthony Brown, saw CW and NK talking intimately in the hallway at the office about five months before the murders.
Kessinger graduated in 2013 with a Bachelor of Science, with an emphasis on Geology. She also has an Associate of Science, studying Geological and Earth Sciences and Geosciences from the Community College of Aurora. According to her LinkedIn, she worked for Halliburton (one of the world's largest oil field service companies; Dick Cheney served as its CEO from 1995 to 2000) before contracting with Anadarko through Tasman Geosciences. Kessinger remained in Colorado for most of her life, listing Fort Collins, Littleton, Denver and Aurora on her LinkedIn page. She also listed Evansville, Wyoming, as a previous address
Christopher gave us consent to check Shanann’s phone. It had an alert which stated the garage door was opened at 1242 hours. Detective Baumhover took the phone to the Frederick Police Department. Christopher showed me his phone which shows alarm times when the doors are opened. It sent an alarm at about the time stating he had left the open garage door. Christopher told me that at least three times, which I felt was unusual. Shanann’s phone showed an alert at 1242 hours for the garage door, which is the only way someone could leave the residence. Christopher's demeanor was nonchalant.





"In the rear seat were two large plastic bins that contained miscellaneous work materials, safety equipment, personal items, maps and paperwork. A pair of black rubber boots (DY16) were located on the floor behind the front passenger seat. Beneath the rear seat were additional miscellaneous tools."
HAS EVERYONE MISSED THE OBVIOUS in the Chris Watts Murder, AD #gamechanger

Christopher Watts was arrested on August 15, 2018, and he spent 13 weeks and 5 days in the Weld County jail before sentencing. After sentencing, he was returned to Weld County jail and remained there for two weeks and one day before being transferred to Dodge Correctional Institute in Wisconsin. Why this transfer to Wisconsin without ever having been incarcerated in a state prison in Colorado? Authorities said he had been transferred outside of Colorado for his own safety. However, because of his high-profile crimes, Watts’ life would be endangered no matter what facility he’s in. How is he "blending in" any better in Wisconsin versus Colorado?
A jury consisting of Perry County, Illinois, residents were bused in every morning for Coleman's 2011 trial. Jurors interviewed after that trial said time stamp, or metadata, inconsistencies on photos used at trial turned the tide toward a unanimous guilty verdict.
Coleman filed a post-conviction relief petition in 2018. That filing alleges this metadata, as well as ineffective counsel, led to the guilty verdict.With Coleman present at the Monroe County Courthouse, Judge Stephen McGlynn ruled during an April 2019 evidentiary hearing that the metadata was not extraneous, could not be considered prejudicial, and did not violate Coleman’s constitutional rights.McGlynn also decided, however, he wanted another evidentiary hearing on the matter of Coleman having ineffective counsel. That hearing focused on why Coleman’s lawyers did not object to the inclusion of metadata and why they did not develop an argument regarding fingerprint evidence on the outside of a window at the Coleman residence and on a digital video recorder faceplate found along the side of the highway. The fingerprints on both surfaces did not match Coleman.
In September 2020, Judge Stephen McGlynn ruled during a remote hearing that he will enter a judgement against Christopher Coleman that should end Coleman’s post-conviction relief petition process in Monroe County.

“This stuff makes pure mess seem like ginger beer”, referencing a “brown colored bottle” that was filled with “Adrenochrome”.
When Chris was lead out of the courtroom from his sentencing, there was a side hallway that only the officials had access to, and they brought him through there and NK was waiting for him there, and she smirked at him. Was that to put pressure on him, 'You better not mention me'. Chris called NK a Jezebel in one of his stories but chose to go the other route.
"If I had not met Nikki, I would never have killed my family."
"All I could feel was, now I was free to be with Nikki. Feelings of my love for her was overcoming me. I felt no remorse."



Chrissy is Dylan Tallman's fiancé, who had been in the cell next to Chris Watts in Dodge Correctional Institute
