The Man-Made Global Warming Hoax, the 'Green Religion' and One-World Government
Blizzard of Lies: Debunking the Warm-Air-Holds-More-Moisture Defense
February 12, 2010NewsBusters - Update: Rush cites this article to rip global warmist hypocrisy.
"When there is less snow, they say it's because of global warming. When there is more snow, they say it's because of global warming. Now you cannot have it both ways."Rush played several clips of Dem senators in recent years attributing the lack of snow to global warming. Listen to Rush cite NewsBusters and blast the warmists here.
[Editor's Note: I am note a Rush Limbaugh fan, but he is right about the man-made global warming hoax]
By now, we're all familiar with the global warmists' attempt to explain away the record-breaking mid-Atlantic blizzards. Take this, for example, from the New York Times [emphasis added]:
"government and academic studies had consistently predicted an increasing frequency of just these kinds of record-setting storms, because warmer air carries more moisture."So more snow fell from Philly to DC because the temperatures were warmer than normal during the blizzards? That got me wondering: just what were the temperatures in DC on the snow days, and how do they compare to the norm? And guess what?
DC has been hit by three major snowstorms this winter:
- 16.4 inches on December 18–19,
- 18.0 inches on February 5–6, and
- about 12 inches on February 10.
Bottom line: the temperature was colder than average on every one of the snow days. On average, the snow days were about eight degrees [or 22 percent] colder than normal.
To spin these facts as proof that the blizzards are evidence of global warming because "warm air holds more moisture" is bunk.
Will the MSM note this little analysis?
Sunspots and Climate Change
It’s the Sun, stupid! - It’s the Sun, stupid! - Causes of Climate Change
Encyclopedia of Earth - Causes of climate change
How Strongly Does the Sun Influence the Global Climate?
Sunspots May Cause Climate Fluctuations
49 States Dusted with Snow; Hawaii's the Holdout
Febuary 12, 2010AP - Forget red and blue — color America white. There was snow on the ground in 49 states Friday. Hawaii was the holdout... More than two-thirds of the nation's land mass had snow on the ground when the day dawned, and then it snowed ever so slightly in Florida to make it 49 states out of 50 ...
The idea of 50 states with snow is so strange that the federal office that collects weather statistics doesn't keep track of that number and can't say whether it has ever happened. The office can't even say whether 49 out of 50 has ever taken place before.
Snow experts at the Global Snow Lab were combing their records but said it may be days before they find out if there has ever been a 50-for-50 snow day. Their best suspect — Jan. 19, 1977 — had snow in Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia, but then Robinson looked for snow in South Carolina and couldn't find any.
As of early Friday morning, 67.1 percent of the U.S. had snow on the ground, with the average depth a healthy 8 inches. Normally, about 40 or 50 percent of the U.S. has snow cover this time of year, Robinson said... This is after a month that saw the most snow cover for any December in North America in the 43 years that records have been kept. And then came January 2010, which ranked No. 8 among all months for North American snow cover, with more than 7.03 million square miles of white.
The all-time record is February 1978, with 7.31 million square miles. There is a chance this February could break that. There is also a chance that this could go down as the week with the most snow cover on record, Robinson said.
Stay tuned. The weather pattern is in a snow rut ...
How Do We "Come Out of Confusion?"
In a Geological Society of America abstract, Dr. Don Easterbrook, Professor of Geology at Western Washington University, presents data showing that the global warming cycle from 1977 to 1998 is now over and we have entered into a new global cooling period that should last for the next three decades. He also suggests that since the IPCC climate models are now so far off from what is actually happening, that their projections for both this decade and century must be considered highly unreliable. - Implications of PDO, NAO, Glacial Fluctuations, and Sun Spot Cycles for Global Climate in the Coming DecadesSource: hadCRUT
January 4, 2010
Brandon T. Ward - Why do so many people find it difficult to come to the realization that there truly is a plan for global government? The Bible talks about a world government materializing before the end of this age, yet many remain oblivious to this fact. Why do so many people find it difficult to see through the lies we are fed concerning “climate change?”
I think there are some people who just refuse to believe any of the documentation on these subjects because they can’t handle it. They don’t want their boat to be rocked if you will. Then there are those who don’t even know it’s going on. They are too wrapped up in TV shows and the like. But there has to be another element to this.
And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. - II Thesselonians 2:10Do you have pleasure in unrighteousness? Or do you love God and His truth? If you love the Lord and His Word, He will keep you from believing a lie. Ask Him for knowledge; ask Him for wisdom.
And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie. - II Thesselonians 2:11
That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. - II Thesselonians 2:12
In July, the Pope called for world government by stating that we needed a “true world political authority.” In December, the Pope made the following statement:
"It is important to acknowledge that among the causes of the present ecological crisis is the historical responsibility of the industrialized countries."The Pope should understand that “climate change” is a lie, it’s not something man has caused; rather, it’s the natural cycles of the sun and its effect on our planet. The Pope continued by saying:
"This means that technologically advanced societies must be prepared to encourage more sober lifestyles, while reducing their energy consumption and improving its efficiency."This is all being done under the guise of “climate change;” let the world unite as one to stop this disaster, we are told.
Meanwhile, the past few years have brought us stories with titles like these: Beijing, coldest in 40 years, Iowa temps 'a solid 30 degrees below normal, Vermont sets 'all-time record for one snowstorm,' and World copes with Arctic weather. This is nothing man caused, but is the natural cycle of things.
While world leaders were meeting in Copenhagen to discuss “climate change,” a blizzard came down on their heads. It seems every time there is some “climate change” meeting there is always snow. I have noticed this in the United States, where the government has discussed this same topic. Divine joke? Pretty coincidental if you ask me.
While man-made “climate change” has been discovered to be officially a scam with the recent release of emails by climate scientists, people are still clinging to the idea, as we see with the Pope, among others (No the Pope is not the antichrist; we will be covering this topic very soon). Obama’s science officials have defended the false notion of man-made “climate change” even after the release of these emails.
If you are old enough to remember, in 1975 the government pushed the idea of a new “ice age!” That didn't happen either, did it?
With all of the information readily available about the falsification of climate change, the world's governments still band together to try and change something they have no effect on, nor can change. Don't you find that intriguing? The real agenda is for a global government or new world order, if you will. With that said, we should take steps to help reduce pollution, which does affect all of us. That doesn't mean we need world government!
So what did United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton do? Donate 100 billion of your tax dollars to the scam known as “global warming.” Did you get a say in it? Of course not, neither did you when it came to the trillions of dollars corporations and banks received in the recent bailouts. Folks, this is all by design.
So with all of this information so readily available, why is it so difficult for some to see the truth? That not only “climate change” is a lie, but it’s part of the big push for a new world order, global government, or whatever you wish to call it. If you can’t see through these lies, man’s lies, how will you ever stand against Satan and his lies? As we are told, the antichrist (Satan) will do great wonders when he arrives on earth.
And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men. - Revelation 13:13Therefore, how can we come out of confusion? By asking the Lord for wisdom and understanding, as Proverbs 2:6 declares:
And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast. - Revelation 13:14
"For the LORD giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding.”Related:
- Temperature Monitors Report Widescale Global Cooling
- Ocean Warming: The New Bluff in Climate Alarmism (PDF)
- Snow Can't Cool Global Warming Talk (Video)
- FOX News (February 9, 2010) - Amid the blizzard and record snowfall on Capitol Hill, Obama calls for the creation of a new federal office to study global warming.
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