Foreign Troops with Boots on the Ground in the U.S.
The Lightgate - This map was submitted by the Kennedy Administration to Geneva for the upcoming NEW WORLD ORDER MARTIAL LAW POLICE STATE:
All of this had been planned out many years ago by the RICH MEN OF THE EARTH, just as Homeland Security was planned many years before it was implimented after the false flag of 9 -11. These people fully intend to take over the world and murder billions of people once they come to power - and the United States, aka Babylon The Great is FIRST on their list to go down. It's all in Bible prophecy, so no one has any excuse.
Will the U.S. Military Fire Upon U.S. Citizens?
Mar 4, 2011
The short answer is that of course they will. Why would you think otherwise when US history offers up dozens of examples to choose from. The powers that be are ego maniacs, the elites have hundreds of years of experience controlling the masses, and the masses are mostly living their lives in denial. I consider it inevitable that when the uprisings begin and they turn really ugly that those who are paid to protect the powerful and their assets will follow orders and do precisely that.
Foreign Troops to Confiscate American Guns Under UN Treaty
Jul 27, 2012
foreign troops be going door-to-door to ensure compliance with new gun
registry policies, imposed limits on ammunition and magazines, or in
enforcing outright confiscation? Joint training exercises conducted
between ...
Apr 28, 2012
presence of foreign troops on U.S. soil has long caused consternation
with many on the American right for a number of reasons, both historical
and contemporary, stretching right back to when the British called upon
Oct 15, 2010
Level Exercises 2010 (NLE10) have had exercises in Chicago, Illinois,
entitled “Operation Vigilant Guard”, where foreign troops were training
with the US Military to take out Patriots and confiscate legally held
guns ...
Dec 06, 2011
will NOT obey orders to assist or support the use of any foreign troops
on U.S. soil against the American people to “keep the peace” or to
“maintain control." We will NOT obey any orders to confiscate the
property of the ...
Jul 30, 2012
Troops to Confiscate American Guns Under... Midwest Crops, Fish, Water
Supply Punished by Dr... California City Proposes One Cent Tax on Sodas
to... Repeal of Glass-Steagall Act in 1999 Allowed the ... Without the ...
Oct 14, 2009
Planet - The plans of American Police Force to boss the $27 million
dollar detention center in Hardin Montana as well as expand their
presence across the country while training foreign troops inside the
U.S. could be ...