The Strategic “Militarization” of Music
432 DNA Tuning and the Nazi-ization of Music (Excerpt)By Brendan D Murphy
Not Quite Music to My Ears (An Intro to “Nazi-Rockefeller Tuning”)
The goal has clearly been to keep us as sheep-like, gullible, and subservient as possible—through multifarious means. In modern history in particular, there has been what Dr. Len Horowitz has referred to as the strategic “militarization” of music. This happened in 1939.
In 1939, the tuning of A=440Hz was adopted in the world of music; it became the international standard. This A=440Hz standard was promoted by the Rockefeller-Nazi consortium—“at the precise time WWII preparations were being finalized

Two decades earlier, the American Federation of Musicians accepted the A=440Hz as standard pitch in 1917, and the U.S. government followed suit in 1920.
The inner ear of the human being is built on C=128Hz. There is conclusive evidence that A=440Hz tuning “disassociates the connection of consciousness to the body and creates anti-social conditions in humanity.”
A=440Hz music is more mind-oriented and disconnected from the human feeling centres, particularly the heart. Disconnecting the heart from the brain is—as history (and our present condition) shows us—catastrophic on a planetary scale, for many reasons, but fundamentally, it disconnects us from our innate wisdom and compassion as sentient beings, thus disconnecting us from each other.
Read 'Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse' for proof of the Nazi connection to A=440Hz tuning. "At A=444Hz, I can feel the resonance almost on a cellular level—the vibrations go right through me, and the guitar feels almost like a part of me."
Notes tuned relative to A=432Hz harmonize directly with the light body [auric fields] allowing the vibrations to penetrate and, through entrainment, bring your energetic essence into balance. Entrainment is the tendency for a strong vibration to influence a weaker vibration.
Inversely, A=440Hz tuning may produce a dissonant or “agitative” effect on the aura/mind—and anything that disrupts/disturbs DNA will create contraindications in the aura due to DNA’s innate sound-light translation mechanism.
Apparently we have 432 DNA.
In today’s bastardized standard tuning (C#=554Hz/A=440Hz, the “Nazi tuning” and current modern standard, and C=523Hz), look carefully at the frequency values of each DNA base and you will see that all four of them are fairly close to being tuned to this standard tuning (A=440Hz, the “Nazi tuning”).
Because sound (vibration) organizes light/matter into form, it is potentially the most potent tool in a healer’s arsenal. Sound does strange and exotic things other tools cannot.
“Junk” DNA, for example, responds to sound—codons can be turned on or off using acoustic vibrations, and our cell membranes (which are the “brains” of the cells) have antennae that detect sound vibrations and can pass them into the cellular matrix.
Aside from the better known “lock and key” cell receptor sites, there are also antenna-like structures (“primary cilium”) on the cell membranes in our bodies that respond to vibrational frequencies.
Receptor antennas can also read vibrational energy fields such as light, sound and radio frequencies. The antennas on these energy receptors vibrate like tuning forks. If an energy vibration in the environment resonates with a receptor’s antenna, it will alter the protein’s charge, causing the receptor to change shape.
Biological behavior can be controlled by invisible forces as well as it can be controlled by physical molecules like penicillin… “Toning is a key to releasing stored knowledge. It unlocks a doorway and allows information to flood into your body… in a very subtle way, it changes your perceptions.”
Given that our DNA is tuned to the harmonic laws of creation—as seen in “Just Intonation” tuning (ancient tuning practices employed the “Just Intonation” system of tuning)—at C#=544Hz, it makes complete sense that healing instruments like Tibetan sound bowls may be tuned to this natural scale.
C=528Hz and the importance of the Solfeggio frequencies: please remember that you are nonlocally and gravitationally connected to the resonant frequencies of the cosmos and that no one stands alone “outside” of the cosmos or cut off from everything.
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