December 20, 2015

Obama Vetoes Two Measures That Would Have Stopped His Plans to Implement Carbon Policies

Notice that the establishment media is now calling CO2 "carbon pollution." 

CO2 is Carbon Dioxide: A heavy odorless colorless gas formed during respiration and by the decomposition of organic substances; absorbed from the air by plants in photosynthesis.

CO is Carbon Monoxide: An odorless very poisonous gas that is a product of incomplete combustion of carbon (the burning of Gasoline, Kerosene, Propane, Fuel Oil for Trucks and also home heating, and wood burning).

It is CO emissions which need to be reduced and eventually eliminated to the lowest limits possible, not CO2 which is what all animals exhale and all plants, flowers and trees absorb and convert to Oxygen. 

Botanist studies show that WE NEED MORE CO2 TO HAVE A GREEN EARTH. Anti-scientists (unfortunately, our president) associate CO2 with the smoke from chimneys and truck exhausts because they are totally ignorant of science. CO2 IS A CLEAR, ODORLESS, COLORLESS, TASTELESS GAS THAT COMBINES WITH SUNSHINE AND WATER IN PHOTOSYNTHESIS TO CREATE GREEN PLANTS.

The carbohydrates in plants are at the base of the food chain. Less CO2 = less life on Earth. Also, warmer temperatures oxidize Earth's plant matter to increase CO2, rather than more CO2 causing warmer temperatures.

Now that the Earth is cooling, on average, the scare tactics of climatologists who are on the research-funding gravy train, are seen as false. Only those benefiting from such scare tactics are clinging to such absurd claims that go against the current and historical data. But such "climatologists," making money based on the fears they spread, have destroyed data that didn't fit their predictions and are selecting data from hot airport tarmacs and asphalt paving areas in cities to claim warming.

IN FACT, THE EARTH OVERALL HAS BEEN COOLING SLIGHTLY SINCE 1999. Historical data show that about 2022 we will know definitely that a Maunder Minimum is setting in. North America and Europe will cool at a faster rate. MOVE SOUTH NOW AND AVOID THE RUSH (when Obama is exposed as an anti-science demagogue who has been taken by a conspiracy of "climatologists"). SCIENCE IS NOT VERBAL ARGUMENTS TO MAKE YOUR SIDE WIN A DEBATE (scientifically ignorant lawyers do that)!!! [Source]

Once everyone thinks of carbon dioxide as a pollutant, the fight is over. Republicans should just roll over and let the Democrats destroy the country. 

Obama vetoes anti-climate change measures passed by Congress

December 19, 2015

AP - President Barack Obama has vetoed two measures that would have blocked steps that his administration is taking to address climate change.

One would have nullified carbon pollution standards set by the Environmental Protection Agency. The second would have voided a set of national standards designed to reduce the amount of greenhouse gas pollution from existing power plants.

In a letter notifying Congress of his decision, Obama says climate change is a "profound threat" that must be addressed.

Some Republican lawmakers and presidential candidates scoff at the climate science [man is not the cause of climate change].

Obama has made addressing climate change a priority. He recently praised a new international climate agreement reached at a Paris conference and credited his administration as being a driving force behind the deal.

He rejected the measures through a rare "pocket veto," intended to be used when Congress has adjourned, as it did Friday for the year. A pocket vote essentially takes effect when the president fails to sign a bill within 10 days.


  1. The theory of anthropogenic climate change is disproven because it has failed to make any accurate predictions in the real world. That is a fact and the only fact that matters in any debate on the "science" of climate change. Calling the people offering scientific investigations of alternate theories and evidence deniers is identical to the Catholic church calling Copernicus a heretic. Until anthropogenic climate change supporters can get their models out of the computer and into real world measurements, they have squat. By that I don't mean altering NOAA's raw temperature data for the last hundred years to better fit their model as they did just recently. No. I mean using their model to make an ACCURATE prediction about real world climate change that actually occurs. When they have done that, they have proven their theory. Until then, it is still a scientific debate regardless of the extent to which the belief that the Earth is the center of the universe is held.

    The NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) are PROVEN LIARS.


    More Evidence Of Climate Data Tampering By NOAA?

    [When Dr. Roy Spencer looked up summer temperature data for the U.S. Corn Belt, it showed no warming trend for over a century. But that was before temperatures were “adjusted” by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration climate scientists. Now the same data shows a significant warming trend. Spencer, a climate scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, said that the National Climatic Data Center made large adjustments to past summer temperatures for the U.S. Corn Belt, lowering past temperatures to make them cooler. Adjusting past temperatures downward creates a significant warming trend in the data that didn’t exist before.

    Of course it is warming, we are in an interglacial warming period,
    what did you think glaciers and the planet would do? ROTFLMAO
    Cooling is what happens during Glacial Cooling Periods. We are still in the Quaternary ice.

    [Another COLD record means 2020 likely to be COLDEST ever.]
    During the Little Ice Age(LIA) from 1300 to 1850. It was AWFUL.
    WATCH: [Little Ice Age Big Chill Documentary] - YouTube
    Why would anybody want to go back to the LITTLE ICE AGE?

    Climate Change Alarmists Appear Immunized Against Reality

    Climate Science Is Killing Science

    Now it used to be a fundamental principle of science—one still known to conference attendees—that when a theory made predictions that were not just wrong, but lousy, we knew with certainty that the theory was false, that it was broken, that it was no good, that it should not be used as a basis for decisions, that it should be scraped or hidden from view until it was fixed. Remembering the old saw that “science was self-correcting”? That was the principle.

    The principle is effectively dead. We are still asked to believe in global-warming-of-doom even though this theory cannot make good or skillful predictions. Why? Because denier! And because it is in your best political and financial interest to do so.

  2. The theory of anthropogenic climate change is disproven because it has failed to make any accurate predictions in the real world. That is a fact and the only fact that matters in any debate on the "science" of climate change.

    Profound threat??? The only " Profound Threat" this country is suffering from is this idiot and the people who believe in stupid global warming scam! This same profound threat is looking at destroying jobs, closing down businesses, harming communities, and generating high unemployment for what this moron believes is fine, as long as we can save the planet! We need to save ourselves from people like this! When people go hungry because they have no money to buy food because they lost their jobs because of his stupidity then who are they going to blame?

    a mere 0.0004644% increase in atmospheric CO2.

    THE SCIENCE SAYS: the less than 5 ppm CO2 caused by humans has ZERO affect on climate change.


    skepticalscience [Although our output of 29 gigatons of CO2 is tiny compared to the 750 gigatons moving through the carbon cycle each year]

    From 280 ppm to 400 ppm is a 120 ppm increase or .012% of the atmosphere.

    29/750 = 3.87% * 120 ppm = 4.644 ppm or 0.0004644% of the atmosphere.



    NOT SO NEW, Medieval Warming Period, Roman Warm Period, Minoan Warm Period, all of which were warmer than today and the temp rose faster as well.

    READ: climate geologist-1011 [Climate Change Catastrophes in Critical Thinking]

    "Global Warming is Unprecedented"
    Is it really?

    If global warming is indeed in some way unprecedented, then we would expect to find no match for the current global warming trend in the geological record. Let us consider just the most recent Holocene epoch - dominated by human history.

    Average near-surface temperatures of the northern hemisphere during the past 11,000 years compiled by David Archibald after Dansgaard et al. (1969) & Schönwiese (1995).

    Looking at just the historical picture, shown in the graph above, we can see that global warming has happened many times before in human history. We've had the Minoan Warm Period, the Roman Climate Optimum, and the Medieval Warm Period in addition to the current warm period (Dansguard et al., 1968; Schönwiese, 1995; Keigwin, 1996). Note the steepness of the rise in temperature at the beginning of the Minoan warm period. This rate of warming far exceeds that of the current warm period. Huang et al. (1997) determined that the depiction of the Medieval Warm Period in this graph may be somewhat conservative. According to their study of 6000 boreholes worldwide, the global mean temperatures of the Medieval Warm Period dwarf the changes of the Twentieth Century.

    The evidence shows repeatedly that global warming is not unprecedented and according to Ruddiman (2001) as well as Singer & Avery (2006), global warming is a regular cyclic phenomenon on planet Earth. In fact, the normal global mean temperature for planet earth given the Phanerozoic history, is actually 19.5 degrees Celcius; a full three degrees higher than the present mean.

  3. Obamamamama has a higher agenda that "saving the world from climate change". That narrative is so much hogwash it defies the imagination!

    Nothing, but nothing mankind (with his huge ego) can do to change the worlds climate, period. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool or idiot.

    What we can do is destroy our Western way of life putting constraints on our energy, movement and cause prices to rise, make the rich, richer and further crush the middle class.

    Remember folks Obama promised, in his first run for the Presidency, that electric power bills will "necessarily SKYROCKET if his energy plans are fulfilled. Oh, have you noticed the EPA ruling to the power industry lately? Power plants can no longer use coal. They now have to convert their power plants to natural gas at huge cost to their customers. Then we have his new plans that will now be forced on us all by "Executive Order" and without the approval of the Congress or the American people. Electric power costs are soon going to take a humongous bite out of the middle class. But, what the hell, eh folks? We gotta save the planet you see.

    Sec State John Kerry just let the cat out of the bag...Uh Ohh!!...
    “The fact is that even if every American citizen biked to work, carpooled to school, used only solar panels to power their homes, if we each planted a dozen trees, if we somehow eliminated all of our domestic greenhouse gas emissions, guess what – that still wouldn’t be enough to offset the carbon pollution coming from the rest of the world.
    “If all the industrial nations went down to zero emissions – remember what I just said, all the industrial emissions went down to zero emissions – it wouldn’t be enough, not when more than 65 percent of the world’s carbon pollution comes from the developing world.” -John Kerry-

    This a confusing article from a political standpoint and I am not clear whether congress' bill will become law or not.

    First, a "pocket veto" is not rare. If the president does not sign the bill in 10 days and congress is in session, the bill returns to Congress and is automatically made law. If Congress is not in session, it doesn't become law; however, Congress can adjourn and designate an agent to receive veto messages and other communications so that a pocket veto cannot happen, an action Congresses have routinely taken for decades.

    If congress can find 1 person to stick around to receive his "pocket veto," then the bill will become law. I find it difficult to believe Congress would allow that to happen...but the article doesn't mention any of that and by all accounts it seems the Republican measures will, in fact, become law.

    Like many of the bills that congress has sent forward, it wasn't meant to pass. They wanted it vetoed so people in the fossil fuel industry would vote for them. It is just like the millions spent on faux repeal The ACA so it's hater would think they were thinking of them. So they were looking for votes and not looking to improve the ACA to make it more agreeable and useful to the people of the country!

    Keep fighting and blaming with the other side like the government wants. As long as you think that all (R) or all (D) are the problem you will never see that the real problem is all the politicians (on both sides) who are telling you who to hate. We, the people, need to set aside Right and Left and just take the fight to Big Government. Unless we stop them from taking more and more power from us we are doomed. Wake up and spread the word not hate.

  4. The Sun drives the climate on Earth and all the planets.CO2 has been MUCH higher in the past, at times when life forms flourished, because more CO2 means bigger plant life that produces oxygen.

    Don't for a minute believe that these moves are motivated by anything but political power and wealth gain.

    Money equals power.
    Politicians don't have any money.

    If you can only see the puppet, and not the strings, then you deserve to be exploited.

    It’s clear global warming/climate change is real. It’s equally clear the current warming cycle has been going on since the last ice age and that’s why the Sahara was grassland 10,000 years ago but is desert today + has been desert for centuries. The fact the current warming trend started long before there was any industry and when there were hardly any people is good evidence humans are not the cause. It also means humans are not the solution.

    The Earth goes through constant climate change cycles and has done so throughout its history. The exact mechanism is not completely understood but appears to be related to solar activity and the axial tilt of the Earth as it orbits the sun - not human activity. Note that the Earth is apparently at the end of the current warming cycle and should begin cooling soon (“soon” in geological terms).

    Consensus Science, right? Every time one of you AGW cultist posts some frothy mouthed, bug eyed reply to a reasonable doubt about the validity of AGW, you almost always cite the "97% of scientists agree" statement. Let's just examine that claim shall we?

    What you are referring to is the University of Illinois survey in 2009 that found that 97.4% of agree that mankind is responsible for global warming. This is easily debunked when one considers its selection methodology. The University of Illinois study originally included 10,257 respondents. Of that group, the researchers (Peter Doran and Maggie Kendall Zimmerman) concluded 10,180 “weren't qualified to comment on the issue because they were merely solar scientists, space scientists, cosmologists, physicists, meteorologists, astronomers and the like". Of the remaining 77 scientists whose votes were counted, 75 agreed with the proposition that mankind was causing catastrophic changes in the climate. And, since 75 is 97.4% of 77, ‘overwhelming consensus’ was demonstrated. In reality, the 75 respondents that agreed with AGW is actually only 0.73% of the original sample group.

    Furthermore, in 2013 John Cook et al examined 11,944 articles from peer reviewed literature dated 1991-2011. They found that 66.4% (or 7931 of them) expressed no view whatsoever on AGW/ACC. Of the remaining 4013 articles, 97% (or 3893 of them) agreed with AGW/ACC. This again "demonstrates" a 97% consensus in their eyes. However, fundamental math would tell you the actual percentage of peer reviewed literature from this time frame endorsing AGW/ACC is actually only 32.6%. The actual numbers in both these surveys have been ignored by AGW/ACC proponents in favor of being able to cite the "97% Consensus" argument.

  5. The late Michael Crichton had a great speech on those that push consensus science:

    “I want to pause here and talk about this notion of consensus, and the rise of what has been called consensus science. I regard consensus science as an extremely pernicious development that ought to be stopped cold in its tracks. Historically, the claim of consensus has been the first refuge of scoundrels; it is a way to avoid debate by claiming that the matter is already settled. Whenever you hear the consensus of scientists agrees on something or other, reach for your wallet, because you’re being had.
    “Let’s be clear: the work of science has nothing whatever to do with consensus. Consensus is the business of politics. Science, on the contrary, requires only one investigator who happens to be right, which means that he or she has results that are verifiable by reference to the real world. In science consensus is irrelevant. What is relevant is reproducible results. The greatest scientists in history are great precisely because they broke with the consensus.

    “There is no such thing as consensus science. If it’s consensus, it isn’t science. If it’s science, it isn’t consensus. Period.”

    [Crichton gave a number of examples where the scientific consensus was completely wrong for many years.]

    “… Finally, I would remind you to notice where the claim of consensus is invoked. Consensus is invoked only in situations where the science is not solid enough. Nobody says the consensus of scientists agrees that E = mc². Nobody says the consensus is that the sun is 93 million miles away. It would never occur to anyone to speak that way.”

    The "cash" bribery allegation cuts both ways. Do you realize the trillions of dollars that the U.N. will be distributing with carbon credit money? AND do you realize that most all these climate studies are sponsored / paid for by the U.N.?

    Ponder this FACT:

    From the Telegraph: Quote

    The following is a letter to the American Physical Society released to the public by Professor Emeritus of physics Hal Lewis of the University of California at Santa Barbara

    From: Hal Lewis, University of California, Santa Barbara
    To: Curtis G. Callan, Jr., Princeton University, President of the American Physical Society

    It is of course, the global warming scam, with the (literally) trillions of dollars driving it, that has corrupted so many scientists, and has carried APS before it like a rogue wave. It is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life as a physicist. Anyone who has the faintest doubt that this is so should force himself to read the ClimateGate documents, which lay it bare. (Montford’s book organizes the facts very well.) I don’t believe that any real physicist, nay scientist, can read that stuff without revulsion. I would almost make that revulsion a definition of the word scientist.

    So what has the APS, as an organization, done in the face of this challenge? It has accepted the corruption as the norm, and gone along with it… "


    CARBON IS LIFE is the must-read book for everyone concerned with the environment and the wonderful creatures who share it with us. The writer, a trained scientist, shows why carbon dioxide, far from being “pollution”, is actually the essential basis of life on Earth.



    Carbon forms the key component for all known life on Earth. Complex molecules are made up of carbon bonded with other elements, especially oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen, and carbon is able to bond with all of these because of its four valence electrons. Carbon is abundant on earth. It is also lightweight and relatively small in size, making it easier for enzymes to manipulate carbon molecules.

    Carbon-based life - Wikipedia

  6. Breaking News: ISIS has taken New York City, Boston and Detroit and set up a Caliphate in those areas. Meanwhile President Obama is working on climate change....

    Global warming, repackaged as climate change is a hoax. Follow the money and see who gains in this blatant lie.

    Obama, I just visited friends and family back in West Virginia. You are killing the economy back there along with Kentucky and Ohio. You have put so many people out of jobs in the coal industry and those company's that support them. The infrastructure of the companies, like sales, IT etc including those who are miners, those who are truck drivers who transport the coal, that is why West Virginia who was Democrat for as long as I can remember is now a red state. You are killing the Democratic party.

    there is no filtering at all in China and most of that polution is from the other factories and their cars. WV and KY don't have that problem and they have coal burning energy companies and Steel mills.

    Was this fine fellow lying or wrong? It has to be one or the other.

    "By 1995, the greenhouse effect would be desolating the heartlands of North America and Eurasia with horrific drought, causing crop failures and food riots... By 1996 The Platte River of Nebraska will be dry, while a continent-wide black blizzard of prairie topsoil will stop traffic on interstates, strip paint from houses and shut down computers... The Mexican police will round up illegal American migrants surging into Mexico seeking work as field hands. - Michael Oppenheimer, The Environmental Defense Fund - "Dead Heat" 1990

    Prof. Michael Oppenheimer, a U.N. IPCC lead author, is in the news defending his wrong climate predictions made in 1990 and being embarrassed by the unearthing of a 2000 article in The New York Times.
    "On the whole I would stand by these predictions — not predictions, sorry, scenarios — as having at least in a general way actually come true,"

    There is no evidence of unusual sea level rise. Its been rising since the end of the last ice age. Doubtless it will continue to do so until the onset of the next.

    During the Little Ice Age(LIA) from 1300 to 1850. It was AWFUL.
    WATCH: [Little Ice Age Big Chill Documentary] - YouTube
    "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana


    Idea of slow climate change in the past is flawed, researchers say]

    Climate scientists have mostly been operating under the assumption that climate change in the past happened at a much slower pace than the changes being witnessed today. But researchers in Germany say that assumption is false.

    Though the scarcity of proper geologic records inhibits the study of climate changes over short periods of prehistoric time, it's a mistake to assume the absence of rapid change. Accelerated climate change in the past, scientists from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg argue, may be invisible, but it's not absent.

    Climate change has been and will continue to be Mother Nature at work. YOU CAN'T CHANGE MOTHER NATURE!

    Legislate for or against all you want. You can't stand in the way of climate change. Reducing emissions is common sense, but to think these morons can stop the earth from doing what it wants, just shows how egotistic they are. A stroke of a pen will not stop cyclical weather patterns.

    It is called Hubris! Actually it is called a scam, because they know they can't change anything. It is just another way to steal money and make themselves wealthy in the process.

  7. Everybody, Republican and Democrat, left for their Christmas break with big smiles on their faces. So you know you've been screwed.

    But they took care of the interests of those that own them

    Do people know or care that under the climate change agreement the richest nations are pledging to fund the UN with 100 Billion dollars every year for 20 years?

    But our country does not have money to solve the Veterans Administration problems so our service members can receive proper medical care, cannot solve poverty, homeless, cannot promise hardworking Americans that their social security fund will be solvent when they retire?

    Folks 100 Billion dollars should help Americans because that money belongs to us! This climate change farce is only going to fund other countries and probably go to countries that hate America.....sad.

    you seen this grassland 10,000 years ago? without a witness its only a theory. If there is climate change God is in charge of it. Any man that looks up to the heavens and brands himself an atheist at that very moment make himself either an idiot or a liar. - Charles Spurgeon

    There is climate change going on in central Florida right now. Our temp. went down in the 50s, like it always does at the end of fall, we call it season change.

    Your faithfulness is for all generations, You established the earth and it stands firm. - Psalms 119:90

    Obama stops actions by elected Representatives of People, allows enforcement of international Treaty upon Citizens.

    you really believe that a 2 degree (centigrade) rise in temperatures is going to wipe out mankind? But the 5 degree drop in temperatures from 1100 to 1890's didn't wipe out man kind! Oh that's right, we are just getting back to where the planets temperatures were in about 900 AD.

    My issue with this President and this liberal agenda, is that they force power plants to close but they also level the plants soon after. There is no need to destroy the ability to restart in emergency or after finding this was a mistake. Same with the space shuttle, why scrap the launch platform and everything needed to restart in emergency? We paid for this stuff, it is not in the way, why make the destruction of American assets irreversible? There is clear intent to damage us.

  8. Calling intelligent people that have studied an issue and then taken a position contrary to your own is a sign that either your position is very weak or you are unable to defend it. There are honorable people on both sides of the global warming debate and there are also people with ulterior motives on both sides. Certainly coal producers oppose any new restrictions. Those producing or working for producers of alternative energy or environmental groups have an opposite agenda. Other nations that stand to gain by receiving billions (trillions?) from the US as well as gain by the US losing productivity in relation to their country by vastly increasing our cost of energy certainly "believe" in man-made global warming. We should at least be able to discuss the issue in a sane fashion rather than one side simply stating, incorrectly, that it is settled science.

    You have one replying to you Caroline. Yet, he fails to realize that he is the low information person, or he is a hypocrite since hf he really believed in climate change, he wouldn't be online since hing preenhases by unilizing, heat, light, and every electronic device he uses. Also, if he drives a car, it doesn't matter if it were electric, internal combustion, or hybrid, he doesn't really believe in it too. He is also failing to take into account ulterior motives many world leaders have tor attending, such as, a way to get richer countries to pay them to "consider" controlling emmisions. "consider", since there is no enforcement mechanism to guaranty compliance. He also forgets what "scientific" theory was nearly unanimously accepted at the turn of the twentieth century. This theory was taken to extremes by a particular group of people in the late '30s' through early 40s'. Since he called others low information, I conjecture that it is he, who is a low information person if he can't figure out what is, in this case pseudo science, but at that wime was considered by most as a scientific certainty. This belief was...Eugenics. By failing to consider alternatives to manmade climate change, including that mankind does contribute, both sides risk another acceptance of a scientific theory similar to Eugenics.

    As energy cost go up because of Climate Change measures of Obama, hospitalization cost go up because of Obamacare, Americans get raped and killed by illegal aliens, and get massacred by Muslims will these things be over ruled in the American peoples minds by Democrat promises.
    Democrat promise cure Income Inequality by taking money from the middle class. Amnesty of illegal aliens which will cut wages. Gun Control which will leave American defenseless against Muslim Terrorist, and Hispanic Criminals. Obama's open border policy.

  9. The Norwegians have a good term for Obama's,.....followers, "Quislings."

    Characteristics Associated with Cultic Groups - Revised
    Janja Lalich, Ph.D. & Michael D. Langone, Ph.D.

    The group displays excessively zealous and unquestioning commitment to its leader and regards his belief system, ideology, and practices as the Truth, as law.

    Questioning, doubt, and dissent are discouraged or even punished.

    Mind-altering is used to suppress doubts about the group and its leader(s).
    ‪ The leadership dictates, sometimes in great detail, how members should think, act, and feel .

    The group is elitist, claiming a special, exalted status for itself, its leader(s) and members (for example, the leader is considered the Messiah, a special being, an avatar—or the group and/or the leader is on a special mission to save humanity).

    The group has a polarized us-versus-them mentality, which may cause conflict with the wider society.

    The leader is not accountable to any authorities.

    The group teaches or implies that its supposedly exalted ends justify whatever means it deems necessary.

    The leadership induces feelings of shame and/or guilt iin order to influence and/or control members.
    ‪ ‪

    The group is preoccupied with making money.

    The most loyal members (the “true believers”) feel there can be no life outside the context of the group. They believe there is no other way to be.

    Huge Fukushima Cover-Up Exposed, Government Scientists In Meltdown

    The amount of radiation released just from reactor #4 is equal to 800 Hiroshima type nuclear weapons exploded above ground all at once. Rates of Thyroid cancer has skyrocketed on the west coast of America. Focus on that instead of fake climate change.
    RT News and Zerohedge

    "Climate Change"=Big money for governments. "Climate Change" is BS...Mother nature has been taking care of the climate since the earth was born. The earth has had many, Many, Many "Climate Changes" in the millions of years the earth has been spinning. We have proof of times when the earth froze and of times the earth had extreme heat. This is a government "Money Maker" and total BS....I am much more worried about Genetically modified food and what the government is putting in our food, that's real and is going to kill us before any climate change fairy tell.

  10. You are gullible, some day when you grow up, you will realize that the government hardly ever tells the truth, as a matter of fact, they never tell the truth even when they get caught red handed....Good luck to you, you are going to need it... Like I said, you should be much more worried about what the government is doing to our food and the drugs they push on us. There are so many things to be REALLY afraid of, and "Climate Change" is not one of them.

    On the one hand, as scientists we are ethically bound to the scientific method, in effect promising to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but — which means that we must include all the doubts, the caveats, the ifs, ands, and buts. On the other hand, we are not just scientists but human beings as well. And like most people we’d like to see the world a better place, which in this context translates into our working to reduce the risk of potentially disastrous climatic change. To do that we need to get some broadbased support, to capture the public’s imagination. That, of course, entails getting loads of media coverage. So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little mention of any doubts we might have. This ‘double ethical bind’ we frequently find ourselves in cannot be solved by any formula. Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest. I hope that means being both.

    Stephen Schneider
    Professor of Environmental Biology and Global Change at Stanford University, a Co-Director at the Center for Environment Science and Policy of the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies and a Senior Fellow in the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment.

    This has been hijacked to distribute grant / gov't money. But usually ends up in the hands of a few. When the ice age of the 70's was debunked, warming became the threat. When it didn't warm as predicted, climate change as result of man-made warming - not yet proven. Meanwhile huge populations of people do not have power and clean drinking water that could be provided if traditional power was not being denied - even though it is being provided very clean in developed countries.

    this communist-marxist can pick any thing to impose communism , they used to use the word " poor or " workers " now they are using " climate change " as a flagship to impose communism ...

    Read the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx , it was written the mid-19th century, Today, Global climate disaster has replaced Capitalism as the greatest enemy of humanity

    the Marxists have attached themselves to Climate Science like parasites. Hopefully the scientists will wake up and realize they are being used for political purposes.

    So Congress has to specifically withhold funding from enforcing either of these standards. If that means totally starving EPA for a while, to keep them from shifting funds to enforce these, so be it. Fossil fuel power is reliable, while wind and solar blink out whenever the sun is blocked or the wind blows too weakly or strongly. As renewable use grows, so does the need for an expensive "spinning" reserve of electricity generation that cannot be sold to pick up for wind and solar the split second they blink out. All this to protect us from global warming, when the satellite record tells us Earth's average temperature has not been warming for the past 19 years.

  11. I'm a computer scientist. I have studied the computer models for climate science pretty extensively, since I specialized in computer modeling of systems. I know for a fact that the same type of core engines used to predict hurricanes are also used to predict global climate change, except using more variables. With all we know about the weather, and that isn't really very much, we don't know enough variables to accurately predict the path of a hurricane beyond 3 days. Yet climate alarmists, who don't even have all the variables because they simply aren't known, seem to think they can plug in what variables they DO know and predict how the climate will change for 20, 40, 60 or more years. It's beyond flawed. Is there some merit in what they do? Of course there is. But the government should not be providing grant money into this based on the political interest alone. Climate should not be solely funded and studied as a government entity, yet all the climate scientists are pretty much owned by government. It's a conflict of interest. We should all be responsible with our planet. That isn't in dispute. But the studies are flawed at their very core and should only be used as a general guideline on how to make the planet better - not to enact laws that won't do any good to offset any results.

    Oh yes, continue to defend your fiction, I mean pseudo science, I mean "Science"tm which real science continues to disprove multiple times with evidence you cannot refute or argue against all the while giving billions in dollars of tax payer money to companies that line their executives pockets with and have literally not spent even a fraction of a penny towards averting something that most experts agree is natural, incapable of being averted because nature is significantly more powerful than man, and will never come close to reaching a third of what the alarmists claim it will.

    So now the party of no has switched. We are not all willing to provide Billions to those countries not willing move forward with CC. China builds a new coal powered power plant each week until 2030 and we cripple our economy to transfer Billions to those who have not and will never earn it. If you liberal wish to send the poor your extra money please feel free to do so. Just stop demanding that I must give to those I don't know or care about. It is not my responsibility to stroke your ego so you can feel better about yourselves for being so caring and magnanimous.

    If you can't name at least one scientist who is a "a denier", then you haven't considered the whole story. You're just a blithering idiot who follows the liberal herd. Hints: Dr. Lindzen, MIT; Dr. Curry, GA Tech; MANY others.

    BTW - the "97%" - two writers in 2006 (?) decided to write a story on man-made global warming, they selected a bunch of academic papers, decided that 35% expressed an opinion. Of that 35%, they decided 97% supported their theory. Upon backcheck, they were quite wrong. But, if you shout 97% at a herd of brainless idiots long enough (who think they are being noble), they will adopt it as their religion.

  12. Climate change is an ideology, that is what must be addressed and understood. We cannot control Earth's temperature and it is one of the more ridiculous political issues, EVER! But, if you want more taxation and government control of the energy sector then go ahead and send more big-government politicians to Washington D.C.

    The brainwashed masses think like this:

    "Republicans care nothing for the environment and having been bought out by the rich 1%ers who own industrial, chemical and oil producing refineries eager to crank up operations and pollution the GOP constitutes a global threat to the entire world not just America. Republicans deny climate change is occurring even though every year new global temperature records are broken, most of the glaciers and snow pack in our mountains are vanishing and the tundra is thawing in Alaska and Canada at record rates. Republicans would rather stick to their lies and doom future generations and as such must be confronted, voted into a minority. The problem is their white conservative supporters who are brainwashed and propagandized racists who in their hatred of our president and blacks in America have sold out their children's futures for treason and insurrection."

    Climate change is nothing more than another way that the global community will try to control the total world populace. Even if the climate would change even 1 degree it would have little effect on the worlds climate as a whole. Climate change is an effect and east easy as spring, summer, winter and fall. The climate has always changed. You are very misguided.

    CO2 holds heat slightly longer than O2, but knows that the man-made portion of atmospheric CO2 is immaterial to temperature change, I've received more than my share of name-calling. And, I know the science, not just read the articles that support what I want to believe.

    CO2 is plant food and the only threat with global warming is economic loss of power for the leftists, al gore, etc if we don't buy into it.

  13. Please think, research, and learn about the scam that is 'climate change', this will become the largest wealth redistribution scam in the history of the world...from this nations workers to the ultra rich all over the world...

    The members of the church of climate change are rabid in their insistence that their opponents are anti-science, bible thumping, #$%$. They ignore the hundreds of well informed, scientifically literate people who have challenged AGW with rational questions, as well exposing the motives for this con. They refuse to accept the possibility that they have been duped. Few of the members have much scientific training themselves - you can tell because they don't recognize the validity of the opposing scientific arguments.

    I am not “incompetent” I am destroying America more quickly than anyone thought possible.
    I am not “in over my head” I am advancing totalitarianism right under your noses.
    I am not “stupid” The “stupid” are those who fail to see the danger I bring.
    I am not “failing” I am succeeding at every goal I have set.

    I am embracing your enemies and rejecting your friends.
    I am acting lawlessly and unconstitutionally.
    I am ignoring your Constitution.
    I am disobeying your laws.

    Your media is abetting me.
    Your Congress is not stopping me.
    Those sworn to defend your Constitution are not removing me.

    I am “fundamentally transforming the United States of America”
    Your Constitution, liberty, freedom, wealth, future & children are no longer at risk….the risk is past; they already lost.
    I am ~Barak Hussein Obama~

    Not to worry folks, available for a limited time only, you can get your very own bottle of patented Obama and Gore 's Man Made Global Warming Elixir. Approved by 97% of scientists and guaranteed to stop floods, droughts, wildfires, storms, disease, melting glaciers, hurricanes, asthma, heat waves, and even mental anguish from that worrisome global warming. Containing the highest quality American tax dollars, a large number of American jobs, and specially imported horse manure our extra strength formula is guaranteed to give you a meaningless Joy Joy feeling not even another propaganda story from the IPCC can deliver. Blends perfectly with Kool Aid and is the official drink of the Global Warming Tax and Alarmist Society. Please drink irresponsibly and send your money quickly, supplies(jobs) are limited. U.S. residents please add a 97% pet project/debunked scientist severance sales tax to your order.

  14. Smart people with Common Sense knows, that The Lord, God Almighty, Creator of the universe, is The Only One, Whom Controls the Climate! ... The Bible says; FOR HE SAYS TO THE SNOW, "FALL TO THE EARTH." (Job 37:6) ..... HE IT IS WHO CHANGES THEIR ROUNDS, ACCORDING TO HIS PLANS, IN THEIR TASK UPON THE SURFACE OF THE EARTH, WHETHER FOR PUNISHMENT, ( Hurricanes, Tsunamis, Tornadoes, Fires, etc) OR FOR MERCY, ( rain during droughts) AS HE COMMANDS. ( Job 37:12-13)

    Once again Republicans in Congress have wasted time on a frivolous bill, knowing very well that it would be vetoed and they don't have enough votes to overturn the veto.

    There are plenty of people who think the "science" is being selectively manipulated, for one, and for another, that climate change isn't a problem per se. It isn't a question of whether climate changes or doesn't change. For many, the issue is who should be doing what, if anything, about it, rather than adapting to it as life on earth has always done. In particular, the association between those anti-capitalists promoting government tax schemes as a remedy in conjection with wealth transfer from developed economies to third-world countries strikes opponents of these schemes as political rather than scientific in nature. Many feel the marketplace is the more efficient and fairer mechanism by which any transactional response should be construed and many feel that where coastlines change, terrestrial life should do what it has always done - move to higher ground.

    many believe the wealth transfer scheme and tax scheme - that is to say, a central-planning redistribution-of-wealth scheme - is bad policy, climate cycles notwithstanding.

    This is how the brainwashed masses think:

    So you believe all of the wealth should by concentrated in the hands of the fossil fuel giants? Your okay with that? I know they are - and they are willing to spend billions to promote phony science to maintain their monopoly on energy wealth. You are okay with that? By the way, this isn't about a central planning redistribution of wealth. Many of the biggest investors in renewable energy are the big oil companies themselves - because even they see the handwriting on the wall. They will certainly get their share of any so-called "redistributed wealth". Smart business people and investors always seem to make sure that if any wealth is being redistributed as you suggest - they get their share of it. That's a big part of what makes capitalism work. The smart money goes where the future is going - and does not stay stuck in the past.

    You might want to inform the American Petroleum Institute (the largest lobbying group for the oil, coal and gas industries) that the idea that oil and gas have anything to do with fossils is obsolete. They seem to believe otherwise.

  15. My favorite Obama lies:

    I will have the most transparent administration in history.
    The stimulus will fund shovel-ready jobs.
    I am focused like a laser on creating jobs.
    The IRS is not targeting anyone.
    It was a spontaneous riot about a movie.
    I will put an end to the type of politics that "breeds division, conflict and cynicism".
    You didn't build that!
    I will restore trust in Government.
    The Cambridge cops acted stupidly.
    The public will have 5 days to look at every bill that lands on my desk
    It's not my red line - it is the world's red line.
    Whistle blowers will be protected in my administration.
    We got back every dime we used to rescue the banks and auto companies, with interest.
    I am not spying on American citizens.
    Obama Care will be good for America.
    You can keep your family doctor.
    Premiums will be lowered by $2500.
    If you like it, you can keep your current healthcare plan.
    It's just like shopping at Amazon.
    I knew nothing about "Fast and Furious" gunrunning to Mexican drug cartels.
    I knew nothing about IRS targeting conservative groups.
    I knew nothing about what happened in Benghazi.
    I have never known my uncle from Kenya who is in the country illegally and that was arrested and told to leave the country over 20 years ago.
    And, I have never lived with that uncle. He finally admitted (12-05-2013) that he DID know his uncle and that he DID live with him.
    If elected I promise not to renew the Patriot Act.
    If elected I will end the war in Iraq and Afghanistan within the 1st 9 months of my term.
    I will close Guantanamo within the first 6 months of my term.
    I will bridge the gap between black and white and between America and other countries.

    And the biggest one of all:

    "I, Barrack Hussein Obama, pledge to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America."

    The ALARMIST want ONLY the RICH to be able to afford to FLY, DRIVE, HEAT HOMES & USE ELECTRICITY, the poor can POUND SAND & DIE. Expensive energy & energy taxes will affect the working class poor more than anybody else and kill billions globally.

    25 Years Of Predicting The Global Warming ‘Tipping Point’, 05/04/2015

    Would you believe it was eight years ago today that the United Nations predicted we only had “as little as eight years left to avoid a dangerous global average rise of 2C or more.” This failed prediction, however, has not stopped the U.N. from issuing more apocalyptic predictions since.

    The only thing that's been warming is the data that has been cooked by the criminal eco-terrorists who have forced this phony carbon scam on the world.

    He is outlawing coal? The most abundant and cheapest resource we have. So he is going to regulate all the coal plants to charge double what they are charging now? Meanwhile China has to shut down cities and schools because they are starting their coal plants up for the winter. Because of the health hazard from pollution. It used to be that bad here in America but not anymore. STOP OVER REGULATING AMERICA.

    As a geological engineer, I understand the short time frame since the end of the last ice age. So short, in fact, that we are not even at the end of the last ice age. We are still recovering from the last ice age. Still on the upswing. The land surface in Canada north of Lake Superior is still rebounding from the weight of the glaciers having been removed from the surface.

    I don't buy the idea that 100 years of actual data is meaningful in the entirety of the earth. I also don't believe the cause effect of CO2 is clearly demonstrate. CO2 concentrations have been higher during warmer climates on earth. They don't cause warmer climates, they are the result of warmer climates.

    So, what point in history was the "perfect" climate?

    INCREASING THE PRICE OF ENERGY, WILL KILL BILLIONS. And that is the international banking cabals' real goal.

    As a conservative republican I am furious that the liberal media has once again understated our disbelief in basic science! "Some republican presidential candidates and lawmakers scoff at climate science"? ALL republicans consider ALL science the work of the devil! Climates are not real. If they were, republicans would recognize the fact that nothing can be done about them, but they aren't, so we don't. How the liberals in America and the entire population of the remainder of the earth have been duped into believing they exist is a frustrating mystery.

    This is how the brainwashed masses think:

    Republicans care nothing for the environment and having been bought out by the rich 1%ers who own industrial, chemical and oil producing refineries eager to crank up operations and pollution the GOP constitutes a global threat to the entire world not just America. Republicans deny climate change is occurring even though every year new global temperature records are broken, most of the glaciers and snow pack in our mountains are vanishing and the tundra is thawing in Alaska and Canada at record rates. Republicans would rather stick to their lies and doom future generations and as such must be confronted, voted into a minority. The problem is their white conservative supporters who are brainwashed and propagandized racists who in their hatred of our president and blacks in America have sold out their children's futures for treason and insurrection.

  17. Anyone need more proof that one of the highest concentrations of wealth exists in the suburbs of Washington D.C.? Anything associated under the guise of Climate Change is only enriching the lives of politicians and lobbyists. I find it somewhat humorous that the Occupy Wall Street crowd does not understand where the true 1% reside and use them as puppets.

    Climate change is nothing more than another way that the global community will try to control the total world populace. Even if the climate would change even 1 degree it would have little effect on the worlds climate as a whole. Climate change is an effect and east easy as spring, summer, winter and fall. The climate has always changed. You are very misguided.

    This is how an declared atheist thinks:

    AGW denying clowns are akin to Creationists, Anti-vaxxers, Holocaust deniers, the flat Earth society, chiropractors, faith healers, the geocentric solar system believers. And any other pseudoscience, or any anti science position you can think of.

    All of them have two things in common. They all must be believed to be true absent of evidence and regardless of the evidence against their claims. While going against the evidences of reality. Many people have given themselves one too many freedoms, the freedom to be willful ignorant. Ignorance is curable, it just requires obtaining knowledge. Sadly though, being willful ignorant is not curable, it is a disease without a cure. Sorry for your luck, anti-science/pseudoscience dolts.

    The second thing in common is, ironically, they all tend to always be right wing Christians - interesting correlation?

    Irrational, delusional and unsubstantiated beliefs tend to produce many irrational, delusional and willful ignorant believers. Thanks for demonstrating this fact to a tee anti-science clowns.

    The scientific literate - like myself. Always tend to believe in everything that is evident. The only people who believe in nothing are anti-science clowns, like you right wing Christians are. Believing in nothing, but imaginary and delusional things.

    Being willful ignorant means they cannot be educated. They embrace being ignorant as a trait and don't want to change, hence being willful. Ignorance on the other hand is curable. That simply takes only education.

    We don't deny the climate changes. We deny that angry, snarky adult children like yourself can adjust it. PS: Those who believe in nothing, will believe in anything. Environmentalism is your religion...

    "If you torture the data long enough, it will confess” has come to mean that if you manipulate the data long enough, you’ll finish the the result you want. Some people has asserted that the word “data” is plural, so it should be “If you torture the data long enough, they will confess.”

    Was this climate scientist wrong or lying when he made this statment:
    "“By the year 2000...the entire world, with the exception of Western Europe, North America and Australia, will be in famine,” Peter Gunter, North Texas State University, The Living Wilderness, Spring 1970.

    The climate warmed and cooled at least four times within the last few thousand years. Swiss historians have said, for example, that the Alps' glaciers were in their same melted-back positions from 2750-2500 BC, 2000-1750 BC, 250 BC -150 AD and the Medieval Warm Period. The retreating Alps glaciers have even uncovered well known trails used in Roman times....the same ones used by Hannibal to attack Rome from the north using elephants in 218 BC. The climate change recorded in these events are no more regional than the Greenland ice core samples that global warming proponents like to use for arguments.

  18. The biggest real risk of warming is increased sea levels because we have built "civilization" at elevations that have "historically" been covered by water. While that does present a problem, I have not seen any serious cost-benefit analysis regarding the economic cost of less production/productivity (caused by harsh CO2 restrictions) versus the cost of developing sea walls (and other technology/infrastructure) to deal with sea level change over the next 100 years (we can do a lot in 50-100 years). Besides, according to most climate models, no matter what we do now, the climate is already set to warm and seas to rise.

    Maybe we should be spending more time trying to ADAPT TO CLIMATE change rather than fighting changes that we don't fully understand. Climate change cycles have been going on for hundreds of MILLIONS of years, and, besides, in that context we are in a relatively cool period for global climate.

    Well here is what your down to obedient pups. You believe as your told that the Scientist in that field of study and the Worlds various academies of science who peer reviewed and backed their findings.

    AL GORE better sell his carbon credits. science, NOT government is addressing the issue. current government tactics are about POWER & CONTROL not solutions----- In the wake of last week's UN global climate agreement, it's never been clearer that we're on the path to a zero carbon-emission future. Today, scientists announced the creation of a radical new carbon dioxide-absorbing material which may help us cut down our carbon emissions quicker than we expected. --this is from a yahoo article.

    Global warming is a government jobs program. $41,856 is spent every single minute to fund GW initiatives. That's 22 billion a year or twice what is spent securing our borders.

    I have a hard time giving billions of dollars to unelected UN politicians based on computer climate models that have never been right. They can't accurately predict tomorrow's weather but we are supposed to believe they can predict the climate, aka weather over time, 100 years into the future. Notice how the predictions became more dire as we got closer to the Paris conference. Giving the power of the purse to the UN is a huge mistake.

    gotta love these bigoted so-called journalists. So if you do not agree with the climate scammers, then that makes you "ANTI- Climate"? Really? I wonder when these poorly informed "journalists" will wake up to the enormous damage they are doing. They fully support the agenda of the extremists and completely ignore the deaths and other harm extremists like Obama cause. I expect the awakening will come when the harm is fully recognized, but even then these bigots are so far down the path of their extremism they will just continue denying reality.

    We need to elect a POTUS who publicly stands up against this hooey.
    Once a tax is put in place, it almost never gets taken back, ever.
    Every computer model has been 100% wrong so far, " oh, we forgot to add in this or that", hooey.
    It will cost business and tax payers barrels of cash to set up a slush fund for the elite who think only they know how to spend your money for you.
    Stop the madness before it is too late.

  19. So many people are really missing the point. This is not about saving the earth, it is about his fascist liberal agenda. This is all about wealth redistribution.

    If every scientist today were to re-evaluate data and conclude that man-made climate change does not exist, Obama would still want to follow through with the so-called cure, or the redistribution of wealth from rich nation to poor nation. Let's be clear: The Left wants the cure, regardless of the symptoms. The cure is the prize. Warming or no warning, The Left needs a reason, any reason, to redistribute wealth. By making you believe in climate change, they think you will allow your money being sen to lazy, poor countries.

    It has always been about:
    1) higher taxes;
    2) increased government regulation and control;
    3) corruption.

    After September of this year, the Earth will be entering its 22nd year without statistically significant warming trend, according to satellite-derived temperature data.

    Give me everything I want in the Omnibus bill but I give you nothing back. The Republicans are pathetic. Simply pathetic. They might as well be Democrats.

    Here the simple answer to the whole thing. Making significant reductions to our CO2 output would come at a cost to our economy and our standard of living that we simply cannot afford. There is no money. The U.S is 19 trillion in debt. The average person owes more on their home, car, student loans, and credit cards than they will likely ever be able to pay back. Our middle class is disappearing and the poor get poorer by the day. Labor participation rates are near historic lows. Kids are getting out of college with hundreds of thousands in student loan debt and working st Starbucks for $8/hour.

    Yes, the climate is changing. Yes, some of that is likely due to man. But we've got bills to pay, and a full 50% of the population is barely making it from month to month.

    We can't afford to pay more for natural gas, more for electricity, buy a new car, or build new power plants. We can't afford to buy solar panels or build wind farms. We can't afford the transportation costs for moving goods and people across the continent. We can afford cheap oil. We can afford coal, and we have a bunch of it We can afford natural gas and we have a bunch of it.

    The technology to replace fossil fuels is in it's infancy, it's woefully inadequate at meeting our energy needs, and the cost of implementation distribution and the cost to the end user makes it all a pie in the sky at this point.

    We have our jobs and our mortgages and our utility bills to think about. We've got houses to heat and cool and kids to send to college and retirements to fund. We've got aging parents, car repairs, long commutes, and dinners to make. Dishes to wash, laundry to do, name it...

    Manmade global warming? Great. I will put that on my list of concerns down around #100, just like every other productive functioning member of society.

    Some day when I'm old and have more money than I have time left to spend it, maybe I'll tinker around with solar panels and buy an electric car. But for now?

    I think I can speak for most folks when I say that I have a life to take care of, and something that might or might not happen 100 years from now? Hmph. I'll file that in the drawer with learning to ride a horse and that Alaskan fly fishing trip I've been thinking about for a few decades...

  20. The global warming nonsense was started around 1957 by a man named Maurice Strong. Strong was a representative in the United Nations with a personal belief in one world government. The threat of the destruction of the world would be a method to create one world bank, one currency, and ultimately one world government. This would then be used to collect money, lots of money from industrialized countries which would be deposited in the World Conservation Bank. A member of the Rothschild family was heavily involved, look the name up. This money would accumulate to trillions of dollars and be stolen by the richest elite. Strong was found out and connected to a scandal regarding falsification of scientific data and fled New York and disappeared, presumably to China. Solar activity has a large impact on the earth's temperature. Now that scientists believe that the earth may be entering a cooling stage the phenomena, or should I say scam, has been renamed climate change. This is the biggest hoax that mankind has ever faced now being participated in by the most lying president the US has ever had. And who would benefit from this? Al Gore, Obama, Soros, Rothschild family, and a group of others of the so called elite.

    Investigate! Look up scientific data including that from other countries. Look up Strong. Look up the carbon exchange benefactors.

    Just think if the "leader Obama" could of got 200 world leaders to bomb the hell and fight to the death against ISIS, they would be eradicated in no time. We know ISIS is a threat whereas Climate Change scientist use the same models and theories on Climate Change as they do on predicting the weather, which we know is always a hit or miss prediction! I mean all of the Climate Change(average person who listens to the administrations #$%$ that this is happening without checking on research done on the subject first) people that have no idea what it really is, should learn the facts of which their are none! All of these predictions are ones put into a model that says we have Climate Change and it spews out what the Obama administration wants it to! It is all theory and no facts, IT IS JUST NATURE that changes everyday and there is nothing we can do to stop it, even though our president wants to put the average American into the poor house with energy job losses and utilities that will be so high we will all have to have government subsidies to pay for them!

    In another century or so, President Obama will have the last laugh. The poor people who die from his good intentions, won't be missed by progressives bent on redistributing other peoples wealth.

    This is how the brainwashed masses think:

    Deniers are almost entirely right-wing Americans. It just so happens their political party is heavily funded by oil companies. What a coincidence. It's not like right-wing darling industries have ever conspired to spread disinformation to save a few $$$ (ahem, tobacco) Spreading incorrect and misleading "facts" that take ten seconds to debunk...Meanwhile they're stupid enough to think that a global conspiracy involving all the world's climate scientists, NASA, NOAA, the pentagon, and 200+ nations... they think THAT'S real and possible, but can't even FATHOM the oil industry and GOP could spread lies with fake "experts" and phony "institutes" with no credibility beyond the oil money that pays for them to exist. It's insane how some people's minds work -- or don't work in this case.
