December 13, 2009

Copenhagen Climate Treaty & Climategate

About that AP Piece Claiming Climate Scientists Didn't Fake Data

December 13, 2009

Hyscience - In a nutshell, it's BS. The author is Seth Borenstein (and friends), better known as the Baghdad Bob of global warming. As others have noted, the article itself represents everything that is wrong with our supposedly objective media.

Climate warming-friendly and AGW-supporting reporter Seth Borenstein and friends wrote the piece on Dec. 12 titled, "Climate scientists didn't fake," and they make the outlandishly absurd statement that after "an exhaustive review by the Associated Press" they have found that "the e-mails stolen from climate scientists show they stonewalled skeptics and discussed hiding data -- but the messages do not support claims that the science of global warming was faked."

However, it turns out that Mr. Bornstein is far too cozy with those very same climate scientists he's covering to have any credibility whatsoever, and is even included in the email threads.

As a commenter wrote about Borenstein in the Tacoma News-Tribune:

Associated Press reporter Seth Borenstein has a terrible reputation as a runaway alarmist. Even global warming enthusiasts and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change are embarrassed by his over-the-top prognostications of doom and selective use of data to support his fading dream that mankind can actually control climate. Given Borenstein's long, sad, history of woeful global warming reporting, his numerous conflicts of interest and clear bias, there's little, if any, reports by Borenstein that can be taken with anything more than a grain of salt. This is especially true in light of the far more credible special investigation by the Daily Mail that addresses the emails and devastates the warmists.
Recommended reading: IPCC and the "Trick"
Related: AP scoop: Statisticians decide - Alarmists right; Deniers wrong

Lord Monckton Warns Obama Will Attempt Use of Executive Authority to Commit US to Copenhagen Agreement

December 9, 2009 - In a brief video released on the Internet, Lord Christopher Monkton is seen giving a speech today in Copenhagen warning that President Obama will try to use his Executive Authority to sign an agreement, rather than a treaty, to commit the United States to undertake measures against climate change that will seriously damage the freedoms and prosperity of America.

Monkton states: "President Obama is going to come here (Copenhagen) and sign the Copenhagen Agreement." He says it's no longer being called a treaty specifically because US Senators "know they can't get a treaty through the US Senate." Monkton continues explaining: "So, President Obama is going to sign this agreement by his executive authority and he will then put it through both houses of Congress by a vote of simple majority."

Monkton states that this Executive Agreement will stand "with almost the same force as a treaty" under the US Constitution. The one large difference, Monkton however notes, is that an Executive Agreement can be repealed by a following president, but a treaty cannot be repealed. Therefore, the British Lord and science adviser to former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher noted: "One power that President Obama does not have is to commit the United States unilaterally to measures of a scale and horror envisaged in this treaty or agreement..."

The recent "climategate" revelations provided the basis for especially condemning closing comments from the internationally famous climate sceptic and campaigner against climate hysteria.

Monkton emphasized: "There is no longer any basis whatsoever for saying that any action is required over the climate. We have seen now in the climategate scandal that a couple of dozen bad and extremely malevolent and unpleasant scientists -- this clique, this cabal, this conspiracy, because that is what it is -- have tried to bend, fiddle and fudge the data, year after year; and they've now been caught and exposed by the activities of one gallant whistleblower at this very moment when we now know that the climate fraud is the fraud that we all expected it to be."

Monckton concluded with a warning that the president, "either unaware or aware and uncaring, wishes to sign" American "freedom and prosperity away."

See Lord Monkton's detailed, one hour, fascinating expose of climate change

Also see Lord Monkton interview on Michael Coren television program

Globalist Carbon Tax Scheme: Redemption for Sale

December 12, 2009 - The global warming/climate change mythology is the greatest hoax the private International Monetary/Banking Cartel has ever tried to pull off.

With the passage of the Copenhagen Climate Treaty provisions, world governance and unlimited taxes will fall into the hands of private, monopoly capitalists, while many socialists, communists, and environmentalists ignorantly support this international takeover, falsely thinking that the treaty’s many laws, regulations, and directives are socialistic, and will thus help improve our badly deteriorating environment.

Advocates of ever bigger government have constantly mistaken fascism with all forms of socialism and communism. Is it not ironic – but sad – that our misguide socialists always end up supporting their avowed enemies – the controlling oligarchs of our world?

The carbon trading schemes of the Cap-and-Trade bills, and the provisions of the Copenhagen Climate Treaty, are analogous to the “indulgences” the Catholic church sold in the Middle Ages: “Just give me the gold you have on deposit with goldsmith Goldstein, and your mortal sins of murdering your wife and children will be absolved,” said the fat, bald, dissipated, little Bishop to the richest psychopath in his diocese.

The “Redemption for sale” provisions of all carbon emission’s regulations, directives, and laws will channel hundreds of billions – if not trillions – of American dollars, European Euros, and scores of other currencies to our “friends” in the International Banking Cartel, by way of their so-called World Bank, with little to none being spent on the crying needs of our dying environment.

Please take notice: America has already become a post-industrial society, with most of our former industries shipped to China, or India, or to other off-shore venues. And yet, even that is inadequate for the global warming alarmists. Americans are constantly being told, by politicians, bureaucrats, and media pundits, that we consume too much and produce too little; while our government steadily drives up inflation, ensuring we consume less, and prevents new jobs from materializing with Cap and trade legislation and new taxes.

“What about ‘Green’ jobs?” you ask. For every “green” job created – at least – five productive jobs will be eliminated. Those who gain employment with government “green” jobs will produce nothing we can consume; their jobs will be to prohibit the creation of worthwhile jobs in what is left of our private, free enterprise sector.

Senior Fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) Dr. Marlo Lewis, Jr. said:

“There’s only three things you need to know about Cap and Trade: It’s a tax, it’s a tax, it’s a tax. It’s a massive energy tax in disguise” [all going to a few hundred financial oligarchs, less some expense money used to buy off our governmental "leaders"].

UN Security Stops Journalist’s Questions About ClimateGate

December 12, 2009

Big Government - A Stanford Professor has used United Nation security officers to silence a journalist asking him “inconvenient questions” during a press briefing at the climate change conference in Copenhagen.

Professor Stephen Schneider’s assistant requested armed UN security officers who held film maker Phelim McAleer, ordered him to stop filming and prevented further questioning after the press conference where the Stanford academic was launching a book.

McAleer, a veteran journalist and film maker, has recently made a documentary "Not Evil Just Wrong," which takes a sceptical look at the science and politics behind Global Warming concerns.

He asked Professor Schneider about his opinions on Climategate – where leaked emails have revealed that a senior British professor deleted data and encouraged colleagues to do likewise if it contradicted their belief in Global Warming...

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