January 1, 2011

Paramilitary Police State & Private Prisons

‘No Refusal” DUI Blood Test Goes Nationwide - Funded on Federal Grant Money

January 1, 2011
“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.” - The Fourth Amendment of the US Constitution Fourth Article of the Bill of Rights

Lone Star Watchdog - I really am coming to the conclusion that the States and M.A.D.D.(Mothers Against Drunk Driving) have taken the issue to use drunk driving too far as a way for the state to raise revenue or to take away our God given rights. This nationwide “No Refusal” blood test violates the fourth amendment of the bill of rights because people should enjoy the right to be secure in their persons from unreasonable searches and seizures. That means “hands off my blood”

The no refusal weekend is funded by Federal Grant money from the National Highway Transportation Safety Board to fund no refusal weekends. Even the Austin Police gets federal Grant Money for taking blood on the side of the road with rubber stamp warrants from a judge who stay up all night who just sign a warrant without seeing the accused.

The issue of drunk driving is chasing away business from downtown night clubs and bars from what little patronage they can get in this stagnant economy. I hear from countless people who used to have a beer and drink after work now stay away from many downtown areas because the police have become a predatory force preying on anyone for revenue.

The issue of Drunk Driving is went way too far. Carrie Lightner left her own organization she founded called Mother Against Drunk Driving because the direction the organization it was taking she wanted no part of. I have a problem with “No refusal Weekends”because in Houston Texas is a sanctuary city. How many drunk illegal aliens who are above the legal limit will be allowed to pass through the checkpoints without taking a blood test. If any illegal alien is jabbed with a needle. We will hear cries from the Mexican government for racism.Yes Texas has a high rate of Alcoholic related traffic fatalities. I wonder how many of the percentage is illegal aliens compared to American Citizens.

I think it is time we throw the book at the system. If anyone is accused of driving drunk and the person knows they are not impaired. Exercise the right to a trial by jury and not be at the mercy of a judge who has a business on the side running a Drug and Alcohol School were he sends people to as a punishment. It think it is time to expose the DUI/DWI scam to a jury of our peers. If they just use a video tape. It will be really obvious the state does not meet the burden of proof. I think it is time to use the jury box as a veto against Law Enforcement and the system using an emotional issue of Drunk Driving to squeeze revenue out of the people.

I do not trust these crime labs either. If any of you think all crime labs are like the C.S.I. TV Show. I have ocean front property in Round Rock Texas I want to sell you.Crime labs in Texas have been known to botch evidence to get a guilty conviction and the chain of evidence I find highly questionable with handling blood samples.

If they were really serious about stopping drunk drivers. The National Highway Transportation Safety Board would work with Immigration and Customs Enforcement start deporting illegal alien Drunk Drivers. We hear nothing on this concern. I say tonight this News Years Eve. Stay home or if at party.Sleep over or have a place to stay close by. Take a cab or have a designated driver if you decide to go out. Lets make all Drunk Driving stops be all Illegal Aliens. Maybe the police will wake and see the scam and see they are not allowed to jab them with a needle but have to take ours.

These no refusal blood test need to be challenged. The burden of proof lies with the state to justify probable cause if you are drunk or not. Just because they refuse a breathalyzer test because the calibration is out of whack to make everyone guilty will now force us to have our blood drawn without a warrant not knowing the chain of evidence were the risk of being tampered. Just remember to repeat and say to the officer if they do take your blood for no reason”I do not consent”. We must not allow the system to use Drunk Driving as a way to take our liberties and rights away.

Feds, Police Enforce Mandatory Blood Tests at Florida Checkpoints

December 30, 2010

Infowars.com - In a shocking, but not unprecedented, turn of events drivers in Florida will be mandated to allow police to jab a needle in their arm and extract blood at DUI checkpoints should they refuse to submit to breath tests.

At what have been described as “no refusal” checkpoints, judges will be on hand to issue a warrant allowing police to demand blood.

DUI defense attorney Kevin Hayslett told 10 News WTSP that the mandatory blood tests are a clear violation of constitutional rights:

“It’s a slippery slope and it’s got to stop somewhere,” Hayslett explained, “what other misdemeanor offense do we have in the United States where the government can forcefully put a needle into your arm?”

Watch the report:

The program is gathering pace and has already been instituted in other States. As we have previously highlighted, police in Texas and Idaho are already forcibly jabbing needles into people’s arms and taking their blood at DUI checkpoints, even if they are merely “suspected” of being drunk.

The Associated Press reported last year that officers in Texas and Idaho are training to withdraw blood from “suspects” as a replacement for the standard breathalyzer test, primarily because police can’t make anyone breathe into a tube but apparently, in the “land of the free,” they can forcibly hold someone down and jab a needle into their arm and take their blood, “a practice that’s been upheld by Idaho’s Supreme Court and the U.S. Supreme Court”.

Nicole Watson, the College of Western Idaho phlebotomy instructor teaching the Idaho officers, described how the process would unfold.

“Once they’re back on patrol, they will draw blood of any suspected drunk driver who refuses a breath test. They’ll use force if they need to, such as getting help from another officer to pin down a suspect and potentially strap them down, Watson said.”

The practice of cops drawing blood at the side of the road has been in place in some areas since 1995 but the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has indicated that the program is ultimately intended to be introduced nationwide.

As Alex Jones exposed over a decade ago, the eventual plan, under a 1993 executive order signed by Bill Clinton, is to institute mandatory blood and urine testing at the DMV:

In October of this year, Washington DC introduced a voluntary program offering free HIV testing at the Department of Motor of Vehicles office in Penn Branch in Southeast Washington for those renewing their licenses. Participants received up to $15 to help defray their DMV costs.

The program was clearly intended to acclimatize drivers to the idea of providing blood samples when applying for a new license.

Of course, once Americans are trained to accept authority figures jabbing them with needles against their will on a whim, programs for mandatory mass vaccination will be all the more easier to implement.

As we covered earlier this year, the government is harvesting samples of DNA from every newborn child in the country, storing them in monolithic bio banks and providing them to outside researchers and other agencies such as the Department of Homeland Security, all without the consent or knowledge of parents.

In April 2008, President Bush signed into law a bill which formerly announced the process that the federal government has been engaged in for years, screening the DNA of all newborn babies in the U.S. within six months of birth.

Described as a “national contingency plan” the justification for the law S. 1858, known as The Newborn Screening Saves Lives Act of 2007, is that it represents preparation for any sort of “public health emergency.”

The bill states that the federal government should “continue to carry out, coordinate, and expand research in newborn screening” and “maintain a central clearinghouse of current information on newborn screening… ensuring that the clearinghouse is available on the internet and is updated at least quarterly”.

Sections of the bill also make it clear that DNA may be used in genetic experiments and tests, both by the government and by researchers chosen to handle the DNA samples and the information that goes with them.

Allowing the government to illegally obtain and store Americans’ blood is a total invasion of privacy and completely unconstitutional. Every effort should be made by citizens to resist this tyranny and prevent the bloodsucking state from building their national DNA database.

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