June 14, 2011

Americans Must Understand the IMF Scam

By creating economic crises and the collapse of a nation's economy, the Illuminati force those nations indebted to them to trade their assets -- gold, natural resources, and land -- for the backing of the International Monetary Fund, which they created and control. Once they own a nation's land and resources, they own and control that nation. They have made much progress toward this goal. Already every nation in the world is backed by the International Monetary Fund except the United States. Brazil, Argentina, Costa Rica, and other countries have been forced to trade assets and land to exonerate their debt. The specific plan to bring the U.S. under this monolithic control includes economic disruption, the collapse of more banks, and national bankruptcy. They believe that under these conditions most Americans will clamor for the "help" they offer, willingly trading our nation's land and resources for the backing of the International Monetary Fund to bail us out of our predicament. - Liberty Lost, F. Gregory Anderson, Circa 1993

My opinion is that economic turmoil, terrorist threats, rising food prices, rising unemployment, etc. are going to push many of the countries of the world (at the behest of elitists in positions of power who desire global government) to advocate consolidation of power into the control of the United Nations, IMF, the World Bank, and their affiliating institutions who have been behind the scenes pushing for a New World Order. - Sic Semper Tyrannis, Food Crisis 2010 and U.S. Dollar Impact, May 10, 2010

Once a country is indebted to the foreign banking cartel, even though the money is illusionary non-existent credit, the so indebted nation is forced to hand over control of their affairs to the international banking cartel’s World Bank and IMF, who then dictate the national economic and social policy at every level. Under this globalist financial system all roads not only lead to the same elite banking cabal, they also all lead to a nation's control and enslavement. - Kelvyn Alp, Private bankers and their henchmen, Solomon Star, December 2, 2010

IMF Forcing Greece to Sell State Assets to Repay Bailout

February 14, 2011

UPI - Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou said Greece was committed to privatizing services to comply with terms of its international bailout.

Greece received a $148 billion loan from the International Monetary Fund and the European Union in May. The terms include an agreement to sell $67 billion in state assets, the EUobserver reported Monday.

An assessment team from the IMF and the EU recently criticized Greece for its slow efforts to turn services over to private concerns.

In turn, a spokesman for the Greek government on Saturday said the assessment team had "behaved unacceptably."
"We asked them for help ... not to meddle in our internal affairs," the spokesman said.
Papaconstantinou sought to calm tensions Sunday after a statement from the European Central Bank and the IMF applauded Greece's effort to comply with the terms of the loan.
"We recognize the difficult challenge facing the Greek economy and we have the deepest respect for the tremendous efforts being made by the Greek people," the IMF and the ECB said.
Papaconstantinou said Greece "will commercially exploit public property," but drew the line at selling state land.
"We will not sell off state land," he said.

"The decisions about how this will be done will be taken by the Greek government and nobody else," he added.

Go to Hell IMF: What We Don't Want Is Your Austerity and Taxes

Americans Must Understand the IMF Scam

June 2010

bgamall (HubPages.com) - Americans must understand the IMF and German government view of things in order to protest IMF imposing plans for the US economy. The Value Added Tax, a hidden tax, is an idea right from the International Monetary Fund that has been discussed as a possible way for the US to raise more money. The value added tax is a part of the IMF strategy of tax increases and austerity for Main Street that is at the heart of the criticism of this powerful bank of last resort.

Bookmark this page and read more about the Value Added Tax. There is a lot of information here so please try to follow along because I think you can get a clearer view of the IMF and of the New World Order that emanates from IMF influence over developed nations thanks to the G20. The IMF makes poor nations poorer. Now that oppression is reaching out to engulf a developed nation near you.

I have written that default and massive debt forgiveness has a better chance of eliminating the debt crunch than does budget reductions and tax increases which are massively deflationary.

The IMF is a world bank, funded by the G20. One reason we have no jobs programs that Mr. Obama promised is that the IMF doesn't want Americans to have a jobs program when it could jeopardize the international banking cartel worldwide. This IMF says it wants jobs programs, but treating Ireland to austerity gives Ireland 13 percent unemployment. And the IMF wants bondholders paid off first priority, even if taxpayers are on the hook. That doesn't leave much room for extra money for a jobs program!

That is how intrusive this New World Order has become. Remember, the IMF will help a country make Too-Big-To-Fail bondholders/banksters whole. It would be better if a country defaulted, making these bondholders take part or all of the losses without saddling taxpayers, who are already under the gun for social and military spending, with bondholder losses. There has to be some risk in bondholder investment decisions!

Here are the steps for how the IMF and German bank scam works. It is similar, by the way, to what happened in the United States. Here are the similarities:
  1. The German (and French) banks loaned the PIIGs countries (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain) lots of money for cars, construction, solar panels, and much more. These were easy money loans, similar to the easy money loans made by the shadow banking system in the United States. Think of them as easy money loans to a subprime nation. German companies made money because of the loans. They borrowed from the German banks as well.

  2. The German banks want their subprime loans to be paid back, even though they were making loans that were really bubble loans and could not be sustained. But just like Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Citibank and Wells Fargo were bailed out, a bailout of Greece or the other PIIGS would result in a defacto bailout of the banks themselves.

  3. Credit is withdrawn in the aftermath of the easy money pullback. That is happening in the USA, and in Japan, and is happening in Europe as well. Without easy money, the Germans want Greece to tighten their belts and bow to the BIS and IMF.

  4. Large Financial Institutions divide the populace. For example, they divide shop keepers from manufacturing workers. They divide public employees and private employees. They divide borrowers who pay their debts on time from borrowers who cannot afford to do so. In setting up these divisions through the media they control, the big financial institutions deflect blame off themselves and their scams.
So, what is the scam you ask? The problem is that Germany wanted to sell Beemers and gave crap loans to Greece, just like ponzi housing banks gave crap loans to Americans. Now the German banks are scared and want their government and the IMF to clamp down on the guys that bought all those Beemers, the Greeks. Germany is a predator. They wanted the easy loans to sell the Beemers and the solar panels to people who could not afford them. Now they want their money. This is predatory.

The IMF fits in nicely with the predatory scam. The IMF places countries on austerity programs. Although countries can default if they see that these programs are too deflationary, there is great pressure on them not to default. Austerity hits Main Street, and keeps Main Street down, but the banks go on with their obscene profits and don't miss a beat. While the IMF may reign in the banks some, they are not the central target. Main Street is the target.

The IMF is behind the hidden Value Added Tax that has been proposed for the United States. I would suggest that the IMF is not the friend of the United States just like she is no friend of the PIIGS! The G20 has given the IMF power to pry into the financial affairs of every nation.

As Gordon Brown once said, following the refunding of the IMF in early 2009, we now have a New World Order, or should I say, a way to continue to squeeze Main Street after the easy money is long gone. So, in a word, go to hell, IMF! Don't be fooled, the IMF understands the misplaced power of the US financial system.

But if the IMF was just interested in breaking up the big banks, or in reigning in the lies of Wall Street, I would support it. But that is not all that the IMF wants to do. Main Street is also in the crosshairs!

The Fourth Step Above and the Tea Party in America

The Tea Party was supposed to be a movement that was opposed to the big banks. But I have my doubts. The flaw in the Tea Party argument is that they blame the borrowers, not the lenders, for the ponzi loan scam. The big bankers must be laughing at these bozos as the Tea Party supports deflecting criticism from where it should be placed. Borrowers were bombarded with a very sophisticated and planned scam. The Tea Party rascals just don't see it. The Tea Party party crashers, Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh, will only use this vehicle for their own ends. Beware of the professional politician taking advantage of you but who has not had strong views against the big banks for years

Remember folks, it is the plan of the large financial institutions to pit everyone else against each other. That deflects blame off of them. That is why I am so disgusted with Rick Santelli. He was deflecting away from Wall Street ponzi schemes when he had his rant against the borrowers. He comes across as a populist, but Santelli gets his check from CNBC. He is no populist.

UPDATE: Greeks must walk away and Put Away Their Wallets

Greeks are going to have to walk away from loans from German and French banks and put away their wallets. Otherwise, the IMF will win now that the austerity measures have been accepted by the Greek government, including wage freezes through 2014. The Greeks have no choice but to commence an underground strategic economic campaign.

Update: US banks are up to their eyeballs in European debt. This includes Citibank, JP Morgan and Morgan Stanley. The Euro is behaving badly, causing disruptions. Indeed, multinational currencies are a tool of the international banking cartel to roil the markets and create instability. The Euro is a way for business to profit in good times and for banks like the IMF to profit in times of distrust. In fact, multinational currencies lend themselves to IMF vulnerability precisely because the countries in question cannot devalue their own currencies, but rather are stuck with the Euro. The PIIGS countries are the best example.

Update: Investors are afraid that the debt cutting is too deep and will threaten the Eurozone recovery. See, this is the conundrum. Quit stimulating and investors will abandon you! Stimulate too much and investors will abandon you!

Update: The IMF is part of the push to weaken public unions. While there has been some excess in public unions, the IMF will come out stronger if these unions are weakened. The IMF will then gain control over the lives of citizens in any nation that comes under the bank's thumb or that potentially could come under that bank's thumb like the USA.

So, if you don't trust the IMF, and if you understand the IMF, don't rail against the public unions which will be your only line of defense if the IMF decides to put our country in the deep freeze.

Update: It was reported on Bloomberg that Greece could very well sue US banks for the subprime and CDO fraud. This could be huge. Make the big banks pay but wall off the taxpayers from responsibility. That will be hard to do though.

Update: Keep an eye on Basel 3 as it is the world banker cartel once again interested in putting taxpayers at risk in order that their cronies will have guaranteed riches.

Listen to Max. Greece is a Victim of Goldman Sachs!

More From Max. The IMF is Wall Street!

German Opposition Cares About German Mainstreet

Just to be fair about Germany, the opposition wants German banks to share the pain of the bailout. I hope they get their way. Why should the taxpayer in Germany be scammed like Geithner scammed US taxpayers? Go German opposition!

But of course, the finance minister is trying to frighten the German opposition. Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble stepped up his opposition to bank involvement yesterday, saying that debating such a move risked creating “the misunderstanding in financial markets that we’re not talking about ensuring the solvency of Greece.” But opinion polls show 62 percent of Germans support bank exposure and contribution to any bailout of the PIIGS countries.

About Conspiracy and the NWO

The unholy trinity, ie. the IMF, BIS and World Bank, are under the control of the private central banks, of which the Federal Reserve of the United States is most influential. The conspiracy is that the central banks, under the watch of the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), allowed Basel 2 and allowed off balance sheet banking. I believe that the central banks knew exactly what would happen. I don't believe every detail of every conspiracy, just that the central banks had four pillars of conspiracy, that were no doubt set as policy prior to the bubble. The bubble followed, then the crash, then the bailouts, now the austerity.

The Four Pillars of the NWO conspiracy which were also used against Japan:

1. Bubble Technology/Bubble Real Estate

2. Crash

3. Bank/Sovereign Bailouts

4. Austerity

Just keep these in mind as you ponder the ongoing activities in the planned NWO; these are not free market actions but rather the actions of capital allocation and political power from the top, the elite, the amoral and the dangerous. See Dylan Ratigan's condemnation of the bankster party, ie, senators from both parties that voted to keep the banking mob in total control.

Pakistan Swallows the IMF Inspired Value Added Tax

The video below has a great explanation of what a Value Added Tax is. But don't think that this tax comes from just Democrats. The value added tax is a NWO tax. One was recently imposed upon Pakistan as a requirement for IMF loans. The problem with the VAT is that it is a tax that will be passed onto the consumer. It will raise the cost of goods and services. It is difficult for me to see how a VAT will control poverty, as the IMF website link proposes. The cost of goods will increase and there could well be even less economic activity. The IMF wants this money to pay back loans made by the IMF. That is the real reason for the tax.

The IMF is part of the evil Trifecta — the BIS, the IMF and the World Bank — that wants more taxation upon the American people now that we have bailed out the world and have debts to repay. It all falls upon the US consumer, responsible for 25% of the world's purchases. Put your wallets away in protest of this tax that could come to a government near you!

The IMF is not just for taxation. Probably one reason why the USA does not have a desperately needed jobs program is because the IMF wants austerity. But lets look at what taxation and austerity will do.

Taxation takes money out of the private sector. But so does austerity. In fact, austerity has been tried in Ireland, and the result has been less consumer spending and less revenue. Remember that the banks want their money back from the crap loans they made, the IMF may want to lend more in the future, and the austerity and taxation is applied to Main Street to facilitate the collection of the old loans and the making of the new IMF loans.

It is time for Main Street to claw back from the banking system. It is time that the IMF be defunded and that money go to jobs programs in the USA. We have given the IMF the money in the first place. And what do we get in return? We get austerity requirements, no jobs program and no help for Main Street. And we get talk of a value added tax. Go to hell IMF.

The IMF Dictates More Than Ever

November 9, 2010

Jerome Duval (San Francisco Bay Area Independent Media Center) - As an instrument of the big creditors, the IMF tramples on basic human rights to enforce neoliberal policy in the North and in the South.
[This article published April 6, 2010 is translated from the German on the Internet, http://sandimgetriebe.attac.at/9041.html.]
The superpowers have used the current crisis to move the International Monetary Fund (IMF) back into the center of politics. Its legitimation has fallen intensely for years. Together with the European Union, the IMF enforces its austerity policy in Europe and in the South. The IMF is ready to carry out its goals even against resistance and single-mindedly pursues the same neoliberal policy implemented since the 1980s with its “structural adjustment programs” in developing countries. In the North these programs are called the “austerity course” or “austerity measures.”

The IMF increases the pressure by blocking its credits -- irrespective of the resulting social consequences -- in the case of refusal or disobedience as in 2001 in Argentina or in 2009 in the Ukraine and Romania. This happens although the blatant failures of this policy have often been documented. Everywhere the gulf between poor and rich deepens and poverty increases.
“If one sees the IMF’s goal as serving the world of finance, one finds meaning in actions that otherwise seem contradictory and intellectually disconnected.” - Joseph Stiglitz, Nobel Prize winner in economics 2001. “The Shadows of Globalization” (2002)

Both the IMF and its twin institution the World Bank, saw the light of day at Bretton Woods (Massachusetts) in July 1944. Today there are 186 member states in these two organizations with their headquarters only a stone’s throw from each other near the White House in Washington. Their neighborhood is ideological, not merely geographic. Both support the famous Washington Consensus whose ten commandments are prescribed as return favors for credits of all heavily-indebted countries through structural adjustment programs. The rule “one dollar, one vote” according to which they operate enables the rich countries to control the two powerful institutions, especially the US, the only country with a blocking minority.

According to a silent rule, the post of IMF general director elected for five years is reserved for a European while the post of general director of the World Bank is reserved for an American.


On August 20, 1982 the debt crisis erupted when Mexico could not pay its colossal debt burden as the first country in a long list of developing countries. The IMF appeared as a creditor and final authority. Like an arsonist, the IMF distributes its credits to bankrupt countries with the goal of first repaying the creditors, not rescuing the debt-heavy population.

The credits are tied to a structural adjustment program burdening countries with structural measures and shock measures, massive privatizations, liberalization of the economy and opening markets, drastic cuts in the social budgets, subsidy reductions for basic products, development of monocultures for export at the expense of growing foods and higher interests for capital.

As Michel Camdessus, general director of the IMF from 1987 to 2000, predicted:
“All the fetters that restrict liberalization of trade are removed so businesses have the freedom to produce and export their goods according to their own desires and the decisions of the market.”
The affected countries become heavily indebted to pay off their earlier credits, this time at a higher interest rate The subtle mechanism of an economic neocolonialism is permanently established. The debt service fattens creditors. Policy is controlled by Washington. There is no state independence any more. The international financial institutions force through the will of the creditors and opens countries really run by the IMF, the multinational corporations mainly located in the North.

As an example of the omnipotence of the IMF, we recall that Brazilian president Lula was obligated in writing to respect the agreements between Brazil and the IMF before assuming office in 2002. His economic policy had to follow the very dubious directions of the IMF. Continuing the budget restrictions to 2005 was fixed contractually with his predecessor president Cardosa. Who won the 2002 election was not important.

Many developing countries that were independent in food production at the start of the 1980s import the food necessary for their population today. The subsidized agriculture of western countries has flooded the countries of the South, ruined tens of thousands of farmer families and driven them from their land to the slums. Senegal must import all the ingredients for the national “Yassa-chicken.” Haiti imports the rice that it once cultivated for feeding its population. When speculators attack these products on the Chicago exchange as in 2008, the prices on the local markets explode and dozens of countries experience dramatic famines.


The resistance against the ultra-liberal experts has multiplied in the last 25 years as a direct consequence of the removal of subsidies for basic foodstuffs ordered by the IMF. IMF-rebellions break out at regular intervals in the South. Peru is an example. Over night, the price of bread soared twelve-fold. Because of the 1989 enforcement of a structural adjustment program in Caracas, Venezuela, the three-day national uprising led to a large number of deaths.

In the face of the unpopularity of the conditions tied to the awarding of credits, different countries (Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Indonesia, the Philippines and Turkey) repaid their debts to the IMF in the middle of this decade earlier than arranged to free themselves from the annoying subordination under the IMF. Borrowing from the IMF melted away. In the spring of 2008, the institution had to release 380 of its 2634 workers and sold part of its gold reserves. In addition, the institution fell into a grave legitimation crisis. The last three directors of the IMF resigned before the end of their term in office.


As a result of the G20 summit in London on April 2, 2009, the funds of the IMF were tripled so it could expand its credit awards in all directions. The conditions are severe everywhere: wage cuts or freezing wages for state workers, pension cuts, privatization of enterprises in public authority, etc.

In less than a year, dozens of Eastern European countries negotiated a credit framework with the IMF. When Latvia wanted financial assistance from the IMF and the EU, it had to cut public service salaries 20% and pensions 10%. This policy provokes reactions in the population who take to the streets. One general strike in Greece follows the next. There are teacher demonstrations in Latvia and protests of public service workers in Romania. Over 90% of all Icelanders refuse to pay back the debts that they consider illegal as a consequence of a referendum.

John Lipsky, Number 2 at the IMF and former top executive of the JP Morgan bank, told developed countries that they should prepare public opinion for the coming austerity measures and reductions in subsidies for health care and pension cuts (Reuters, March 21, 2010).

If people do not resist resolutely and immediately the exactions of the IMF and the governments of the North serving the financial markets, devastating social dislocations will occur. It is high time to prevent this.


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