August 4, 2012

The Ruling Elite Intentionally Crashed the World Economy in Order to Gain Absolute Control

Government cutbacks are leading to increasing youth unemployment in the European Union. Danish Green MEP Emilie Turunen, the youngest deputy in the European Parliament, shares her concerns about the rising joblessness and social unrest in Europe...

“A Greek economy in depression, austerity that guarantees they’ll stay in depression and living on life support from the rest of Europe is the best.” - Kit Juckes, global head of foreign exchange at Societe Generale, May 28, 2012 (video above)

Greek lawmakers voted to speed the enactment of the country’s new austerity measures, clearing the way for foreign lenders to make available the next installment of aid needed to meet the government’s expenses through the summer. Among the new measures are cuts in spending on health and defense, tax increases on heating oil and the self-employed, and reductions in the number of public employees. They also call for the privatization of about $70 billion in state assets. At the last minute, the bill was altered to freeze the salaries of civil servants and to lower the ceiling below which income for individuals is not taxed; the minimum was reduced to $11,600 annually from $17,400, with more lenient treatment for people with children. - Greek Parliament Approves Implementation of Austerity Plan, New York Times, June 30, 2011

Present Times and Education — How Did Hitler Control His Youth?

March 2, 2011

Mike Malloy Show - Another way to control youth is to maintain them ignorant, docile and fearful. No education, no jobs, where do you go to make ends meet? You join the militaries of Babylon to take over the world, divide other nations against each other, and even divide the people within that nation whose ultimate goal is world dominance, NWO — New World Order.

Cut education, cut jobs, create chaos with job competitions, increase poverty, and oppress.

The people who resist, what do you get? What is happening to our schools at the moment is just that.... Another Hitler era with different methods, different ways, but nonetheless, A Hitler Agenda to support Babylon with youth who are ignorant, stupid, docile, and put in fear through survival insecurities of no jobs, no future, no progress YOU JOIN THE MILITARIES TO TAKE OVER other nations resources, control them, and get rich from it.

Hitler only concerned about Hitler, or the Rich Elite corporations (Charter Schools) only concerned about them and nobody else...

A little thought to make you think about the present scenarios that unfolds before you very own eyes, yet you do not see it because you do not understand history, the past or even your own history... those who do not understand the past, will not understand the present. Yet, they do not teach us any worthwhile history in schools — I wonder why??

Do you see this picture of children so strongly cheering their leader, Adolph Hitler? How did Hitler control these young people? Could this happen again today? If we learn how Hitler was able to control his youth, then perhaps we can help to prevent a repeat of such Nazi-style mind-control brainwashing in the future.

Germany, of course, rose from the ashes of World War I, ("The War to End All Wars"), as both a democracy and a country that was heavily in debt. Inflation was rampant. Social problems were also rampant. Hitler promised to fix his Germany and restore the "respect" that many Germans thought was so unjustly taken from them by the Armistice marking the end of World War I.

Hitler also wanted to build a "master race". The children of Germany were viewed by Hitler as his future hope for such a success. Children were also more naturally teachable and would therefore be more easily molded by Hitler than older adults. Many of these adults also remembered living under democracy, and therefore might not be so easily fooled by Hitler's lies against democracy.

Children could also be a future asset in his war efforts, since Germany was still a small country going up against the combined military forces of most of the world. These children could become his future soldiers and leaders of his "Third Reich", an empire which was to last for a thousand years.

How Did Hitler Control His Youth?

(1) Hitler used his image as a father figure

In the traditional German home, the father was the one in control. The rest of the family was expected to always obey the father — to obey their father "without question". By projecting such a "father" image before the children of Germany, Hitler was able to transfer power from the institution of the home to his own social and political institutions. Hitler also persuaded "his" children into thinking that, since Hitler was their "father", this also meant that he also cared about them, and about their future. Of course, Hitler actually only cared about one man — himself. Hitler's Youth were just his "pawns" in his great political and military scheme to take over the world.

(2) Hitler extinguished dissent

Children were only allowed to hear one view of Hitler — the positive view. This was especially true after 1933, when Hitler became the undisputed leader of Germany. After 1933, Hitler was able to silence all public opposition against him and thereby gain even more influence, (including more influence over the children). Anyone who disagreed with any of Hitler's ideas was immediately considered to be "suspect" and might therefore get a knock on the door late at night and be "shown the door" to his or her own house, (or even worse, I might add).

(3) Hitler used an organized program to keep his kids occupied

Hitler used his now famous "Hitler Youth" program as a kind of "Boy Scouts" for the training of children to obediently follow him, and to prepare them to become his future soldiers. He learned that "youth's loneliness" could be used as a powerful tool to influence (and then gain control) over these young, impressionable kids. Hitler therefore tried to keep these children busy, keeping them organized so that they would not be "lonely". (By the way, the current Pope of Rome, Joseph Ratzinger, was also kept busy as a boy as a part of this same "Hitler Youth".)

(4) Hitler made certain that children were kept as ignorant as possible

Generally, the more ignorant children are, (or adults for that matter), the less apt they are to question the validity of their leader's claims of authority. Therefore, Hitler made sure that these children did not learn any information that was not "needed" by them. These kids were also instructed never to "think for themselves". No, such thinking for one's self was considered to be very "dangerous thinking" and therefore "suspect".

Such children were also not to read any books or listen to any radio programs that might "confuse them", (i.e. anything other than Hitler's propaganda programs.) Nevertheless, Hitler made sure that these children always had the "proper information" that they needed, (i.e. as little as possible, in order to always keep his children as ignorant as possible.)

(5) Hitler gathered the children into frequent rallies

Large groups of children congregating together in youth rallies can have a strong peer pressure effect in strengthening the grip of an authority figure. This is especially true when loud music and many standing ovations are made a central part of this control effort, (as in the picture above). In such rallies there would be strong peer pressure for children to conform to the "Hitler worship" which their peers exhibited. Winston Churchill once passed through one such Hitler rally while visiting Germany. Churchill was both shocked and quite dismayed by what he saw in this rally filled with loud music, and many standing-ovations.

(6) Hitler used uniforms

By enforcing a dress code, (as can clearly be seen in the uniform shirts and ties of those in the above photograph), Hitler's youth were taught to act and think the same, namely to "believe without thinking". They were taught to have "blind faith" in whatever Hitler told them to believe. The mandating of the wearing of ties and other such dress codes was therefore used to help reinforce such "uniform thinking" among his youth.

(7) Hitler used the Jews as a focus of blame

Children are often simplistic. Hitler was able to use this simplicity in his blaming of the Jews for many of Germany's social problems. Jewish families were often "shown the door" in his society, (or worse still, shot or herded into "camps" like Auschwitz). Jews and their families were made to take the blame for any problems that Germany faced, and therefore they suffered under great persecutions by Hitler. These frequent public persecutions of "troublemakers", therefore helped Hitler to control his youth. (In the book "1984", children were given certain people to blame for their problems, often Jewish people, so that they would not rightly blame "Big Brother" for those same problems.)

(8) Hitler believed that having too much money was a real problem for children

Hitler thought that money was a problem for children for many reasons. One of these reasons was that children might buy things with money that might get them into "trouble". For example, such money might be used to purchase foreign books or other items which might tend to erode Hitler's base of authority in his country. Hitler also wanted as much money as possible to support his war efforts to destroy Churchill, (and anyone else Hitler disagreed with) — as he sought world domination.

Therefore, for these and other reasons, Hitler made sure that his children were kept as impoverished and disadvantaged as practically possible. Such poverty also helped to keep such children more dependent on him, more docile, and more pliable as well.

(9) Hitler used a propaganda program

Hitler built up a effective propaganda program in order to make sure that Hitler's (and only Hitler's) ideas were advanced. Through the effective use of organized propagandizing and lying efforts, a false view of Hitler and his war efforts was always doled out to his kids. What "really went on", (such as Hitler's constant lies and deceptions and Hitler's persecution of Jewish families or anyone else who might have dared to disagree with Hitler about anything), was always kept carefully hidden from view.

The false image of smiling and happy Germans dutifully following and cheering their leader, helped to fool many gullible "visitors" to Hitler's rallies. (This did not fool Churchill, however.) Through the use of such deceit, Hitler's propaganda efforts were quite effective in enabling him to "spin" the truth into a lie. (Hitler was a very effective and proficient "spin doctor".)

(10) Hitler installed "spies" within these ranks of children

Hitler's children were taught to distrust each other and to only trust Hitler. Any person deemed "suspect" was to be immediately reported to Hitler or one of his assistants by letter, phone call, or through other means, so that such "rebels" could be effectively "dealt with". (This was another theme of the "1984" book as well.)

No one was to ever actually trust anyone other than Hitler. A child would therefore turn in his or her best friend to be "disciplined", if such a friend was at all suspected of committing the "thought crime" of disagreeing with any of Hitler's personal opinions or ideas.

(11) Hitler wrote books and other propaganda materials to promote his views

The book "Mein Kampf" was one of Hitler's most famous works. Through use of this and other books and writings of his, Hitler was able to present his views to the children under his authority. Such children were expected to read these books, and therefore to absorb his lies into their young and impressionable minds. Such writings therefore greatly helped Hitler in his goal of brainwashing and controlling these children.


There were many other methods Hitler used to effectively gain and hold control over his youth. Hitler always liked the ideas of political control and mind control. (Hitler was what we now call a "control freak").

Hitler took away those kids' rights, so that he could gain yet more power, control, and money in his quest for world domination. Nevertheless, despite his many lies, deceptions, and claims to the contrary, Hitler was really only concerned about Hitler.

If millions of children never grew up and got married, always lived lives of poverty, or died in obscurity, serving Hitler week after week on the battlefield, that was all fine, as long as Hitler himself benefited personally from such deprivations suffered by these youths. Such is the great evil that can come from one deranged man lacking self control, love for others, and the fear of either God or man.

Many of the personal characteristics and methods of Adolph Hitler will probably one day be also shared by the coming Antichrist. Hitler tried and failed to become the Antichrist. Soon, this "Beast" with the number "666" will succeed where Hitler once tried but ultimately failed. (Many think that the Antichrist's "666" number will mean that his first, middle, and last name will each have six letters to them.) The day of the unveiling of the Antichrist and his Great Whore is coming very soon. Will you ready for the next "Hitler"?

Jesus is not like Hitler. Jesus can give you freedom — freedom from sin and freedom from tyrannical control by any deranged "Hitler"-like man. Jesus will save you from your sin and give you a place in Heaven when you die. Trust Jesus, and he will save you from God's judgment for your sin. Trust Jesus, and may God bless you as you do it.

Third Reich: The Rise (1 of 6)

Third Reich: The Fall (1 of 6)

These two documentaries are truly the best Third Reich tutorial programs out there. Study them, because history is doomed to repeat itself, but the Fourth Reich will not fail in achieving world domination.

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