December 11, 2011

The Elites Don't Care Which Party is in Control or Who the President is (Unless It's Ron Paul) Because They Control Them All (Except for Ron Paul)

All of Ron Paul's Responses at the ABC Iowa GOP Debate

Ron Paul identifies the problems well, and offers possible solutions, however, many do not advocate such far-reaching federal government department eliminations, 800 billion dollar defense cuts in 2013, complete non-intervention and no military aid to foreign countries; and then there is his fundamental Christian beliefs, which many view as complete nonsense. For these reasons I write with conviction that Ron Paul will not win a single Primary. - leegrady
I wouldn't be surprised if 50% of the population depends on federal funding (other than Social Security and Medicare) in some way, from federal employees and retirees to active military and retirees to federal contractors and defense contractors to federal financial aid for education to the millions of people receiving some form of government financial assistance (section 8, disability income, food stamps, etc.). This is why Ron Paul won't make the ticket; and if he does make the ticket, this is why he would lose to Obama. There are too many people who will vote for the candidate who promises them the most benefits from the public treasury, no matter what happens to the federal deficit or our unalienable rights.

Time Is Running Out

December 11, 2011

Greg E. - This has not been sent in an effort to support any candidate.

Read all the stuff below before you watch the video. This video is 1 hr long.

These two men are Ron Paul supporters but this does not lend or detract from the arguments if you support anyone else. They are not the only ones reporting this kind of information. How much is factually true, well your guess is as good as mine. In the grand scheme of things the "facts" offered don't matter because they will change with the wind as the American people inexplicably respond or ignore the elitist controls.

I am sending this because it opens the mind to the kinds of shenanigans being employed and the fact that much, if not everything, you hear in the news and the polls is total BS, i.e. the herd mentality is alive and well in the good ole USA.

Remember this one thing above all others: The elites don't care which party is in control or who the President is.

They control them all!This bill in patently Unconstitutional and a violation of the 6th Amendment! All made possible by the assassination of Al Awlaki.

Two U.S.-Born Terrorists Killed in CIA-Led Drone Strike

  • Reports are coming out that there will be an October surprise next year, just before the election in the guise of a war with Iran.

  • The Euro is set to collapse around the same time bringing down the world economy as planned.

  • Germany and France are trying to solidify the One World Government as we speak, which will allow the US controlled IMF to push for a new currency as the Euro is allowed to crash. That's why it is being propped up for now. Yes the US created the IMF and is in control of it which is why we send money and why Goldman-Sachs and JP Morgan have so many of their former employees controlling EU and American central banks.

  • Police are going door to door asking people if they are prepared for a disaster.

  • Mormon canneries are being interrogated for lists of people stocking up on food.

  • Hillary is desparately trying to get US guns under the control of the UN.

  • One company, Cerebus, is buying up gun and ammo manufacturers left and right. [Gun Company Ownership is Being Centralized by Freedom Group and Cerberus]
H/T: Greg E.

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