April 26, 2012

Ron Paul Believes That the Constitution Should Guide the Laws of the Country

Ron Paul is Inspirational, Not Ignorant or Stubborn

April 25, 2012

L. Vincent Poupard | Yahoo! Contributor Network – The 79 delegates won by Ron Paul are considered miniscule when compared to Mitt Romney's 844, according to the New York Times. While most voters have counted out the senior candidate, he should be looked at as an inspiration.

Most candidates run for office with an ultimate goal of winning, but Paul has a message he believes is more important than the election.

As someone who studies politics, I see Paul as an unusual candidate who should be more than simply a footnote in the history books dealing with the 2012 election. While I do not agree with most of his political stances, his overall message is something to remember. Since he has not won a state, he has stayed in the race due to his belief his message to young people is more important than winning.

The representative from Texas wants politicians to use the Constitution to guide the laws of the country instead of the hope of further political gain. He believes the nation has gotten away from the ideas and ideals presented in the Constitution and thinks the only way to save the country is to revisit those ideas and ideals. His message has only taken him as far as second-place delegate wins in New Hampshire, Maine, Minnesota, Washington, North Dakota and Rhode Island but his supporters remain.

Many politicians talk about their vision for the country, but these are usually short-sighted driven by the goal of getting extra votes and winning over interest groups. Paul is one of a few candidates who has a vision of the distant future where Americans are able to overcome basic issues by paying attention to the goals and intentions of the Constitution.

As Newt Gingrich supposedly prepares to exit the field within the next week, Paul continues to push forward with his supporters in the hope their message can be heard. Staying in the race to deliver a message instead of winning is an action of putting a dream in motion, not ignorance or stubbornness.

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