The Protocols of Zion in Modern English
In 1784, “an act of God” placed the Bavarian government in possession of evidence which proved the existence of the continuing Luciferian Conspiracy. Adam Weishaupt, a Jesuit-trained professor of canon law, defected from Christianity and embraced the Luciferian ideology while teaching in Ingoldstadt University. In 1770, the money lenders, who had recently organized the House of Rothschild, retained him to revise and modernize the age-old ‘protocols’ designed to give the Synagogue of Satan ultimate world domination so they, by use of satanic despotism, can impose the Luciferian ideology upon what remains of the Human Race after the final social cataclysm. Weishaupt completed his task on May 1st, 1776.Editor's Note: Some of the tiny group of elitists controlling the world are not descendants of Abraham but are self-proclaimed "Jews" of the Khazarian Empire, who are of the synagogue of Satan. The Khazars are the current Zionists.
"I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of satan." - Revelation 2:9
"Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee." - Revelation 3:9"WWII was contrived by the Illuminati in order to destroy German nationalism and nationalism in general. The Illuminati also used the war to purge Europe of Jews who weren't allied to them. The Jewish holocaust created a rationale for the State of Israel, which was intended to dominate the Middle East, serve as an excuse for WWIII, and as capital of the Masonic world government. There is plenty of evidence that the Nazis collaborated with Zionists, and that the Zionists betrayed their Jewish brethren during the war. Sabbatean Jews in the West prevented Jews from escaping from Europe. 'Zionism is but an incident of a far reaching plan," said leading American Zionist Louis Marshall, counsel for bankers Kuhn Loeb in 1917. 'It is merely a convenient peg on which to hang a powerful weapon.' The far-reaching plan is Illuminati world dictatorship. The Illuminati is the highest echelon of Freemasonry, an occult secret society dedicated to Lucifer. The world's central bankers have intermarried with the richest dynastic families of Europe and America to bring about world hegemony. They instigated wars and depressions to degrade and destroy humanity. The American people have been financing their wars since 1914." - Henry Makow, PhD, April 1, 2006
The modern phase of the Luciferian Conspiracy traces back to Adam Weishaupt, who established the Illuminati on May 1, 1776. "[Weishaupt] was backed financially, as are most if not all anarchistic leaders, by a group of bankers under the House of Rothschild. It was under their direction that the long range and worldwide plans of the Illuminati were drawn up." In 1783, the Illuminati assumed control of much of Freemasonry, which secretly coordinated the revolutionary movement (Liberalism, Socialism, and Communism.) According to David Bay, "secret societies like the "Skull and Bones" have always functioned as Satan's church, as the only way to pass the baton from generation to generation." - REMA Marketing, 21st Century Illuminati Part 2: Illuminati 360, 2013
"Freemasonry is a secret society, i.e. the membership is not told the true agenda. The lower three "Blue Degrees" are fed platitudes about charity and making good men better. But, in reality, only the corruptible advance. Our whole society is based on this model which explains why our leaders, both political and cultural, have abandoned us." - REMA Marketing, 21st Century Illuminati Part 2: Illuminati 360, 2013
"The Illuminati (the highest rung of Cabalistic freemasonry) intends to degrade mankind and deliver us to Lucifer as tribute. This is what they mean by 'change."' They spit in the face of God and much of mankind seems only too willing to go along." - Former 32 Degree Freemason, John Salza, Freemasonry Unmasked
The original translation of the Protocols is here.
The following is by
A one page summary… Goyim are mentally inferior to Jews and can’t run their nations properly. For their sake and ours, we need to abolish their governments and replace them with a single government. This will take a long time and involve much bloodshed, but it’s for a good cause. Here’s what we’ll need to do:
Protocol I | What We Believe |
Protocol II | Economic Wars |
Protocol III | Methods of Conquest |
Protocol IV | Materialism to Replace Religion |
Protocol V | Despotism and Modern Progress |
Protocol VI | Take-Over Technique |
Protocol VII | World-Wide Wars |
Protocol VIII | Provisional Government |
Protocol IX | Re-education |
Protocol X | Preparing for Power |
Protocol XI | The Totalitarian State |
Protocol XII | Control of the Media |
Protocol XIII | Distractions |
Protocol XIV | Assault on Religion |
Protocol XV | Ruthless Suppression |
Protocol XVI | Brainwashing |
Protocol XVII | Abuse of Authority |
Protocol XVIII | Arrest of Opponents |
Protocol XIX | Rulers and People |
Protocol XX | Financial Program |
Protocol XXI | Loans and Credit |
Protocol XXII | Power of Gold |
Protocol XXIII | Instilling Obedience |
Protocol XXIV | Qualities of the Ruler |
The following is by
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is the most blatantly Satanic document in world history! It systematically lists all the steps that are necessary to establish the New World Order and its ultimate leader. It is obvious that these plans for the establishment of the New World Order are so brilliantly conceived and written, they could only be the work of supernatural Guiding Spirits through Automatic Writing.The Protocols are organized as follows:
Blueprint for world domination;
Advent of a Masonic Kingdom;
A king of the blood of Sion, of the Dynastic roots of David;
The King of the Jews will be the real Pope;
The world ruler will be the patriarch of an international church.
(Hogan, Jean Baptiste, as quoted by Holy Blood, Holy Grail, p. 193.)
Let us now examine some pertinent quotes so you may become familiar with the type of plans The Protocols set forth, thus allowing you to more accurately understand why we believe so strongly that the Planned Third World War is almost upon us. Remember, The Protocols are at least 100 years old.
Using Terrorism To Keep Governments in Check
>"In a word, to sum up our system of keeping the governments ... in check, we shall show our strength to one of them by terrorist attempts and to all, if we allow the possibility of a general rising against us, we shall respond with the guns of America, or China ..." [Protocol #7 -- World Wide Wars, Paragraph 6].
Is it any wonder that President Bush is now leading America in a global effort against "terrorism"? Is it any wonder that Bush is threatening to "end the states" who sponsor and/or encourage terrorism? A New Age author, Bill Cooper, stated the final plan to achieve global government another way. He said:
"... the secret societies were planning as far back as 1917 to invent an artificial threat ... in order to bring humanity together in a one-world government which they call the New World Order." [Behold A Pale Horse]
Global Terrorism is obviously the "artificial threat" created to achieve the New World Order. Expect to see more and more warnings and terrorist activities in America.
More Words From The Protocols on Terror
"... The gentiles are a flock of sheep, and we are their wolves. And you know what happens when the wolves get hold of the flock?... There is another reason also why they will close their eyes: for we shall keep promising them to give back all the liberties we have taken away as soon as we have quelled the enemies of peace and tamed all parties ..... It is not worthwhile to say anything about how long a time they will be kept waiting for this return of their liberties ....."[Protocol #11 -- The Totalitarian State]
Make no mistake about where this War on Terrorism is leading us straight into Totalitarianism! More terror:
"... while the peoples of the world are still stunned by the accomplished fact of the revolution, still in a condition of terror and uncertainty, they should recognize once for all that we are so strong, so inexpugnable, so super-abundantly filled with power, that in no case shall we take any account of them, and so, far from paying any attention to their opinions or wishes, we are ready and able to crush with irresistible power all expression or manifestation thereof at every moment and in every place, that we have seized at once everything we wanted... Then in fear and trembling they will close their eyes to everything, and be content to await what will be the end of it all." [Protocol #11 -- The Totalitarian State]
When Americans stared in sheer terror at the crumbling of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, they began to close their eyes to everything except what our government and the Mass Media wanted them to believe. Even now, in "fear and trembling, they will close their eyes to everything, and be content to await what will be the end of it all". Just as the Guiding Spirits of The Protocols envisioned, Americans are closing their collective eyes, gladly trading liberties for "promised peace and safety". Ben Franklin's words to this effect seem to ring today with unusual clarity:
"Those who would give up liberties in order to achieve safety deserve neither liberty nor safety".
Still More Words From the Protocols on Terror
>"... we must create ferments, discords and hostility ... by our intrigues we shall tangle up all the threads which we have stretched into the cabinets of all States by means of the political, by economic treaties, or loan obligations. In order to succeed in this we must use great cunning and penetration during negotiations and agreements, but, as regards what is called the official language, we shall keep to the opposite tactics and assume the mask of honesty and complacency. In this way the peoples and governments of the gentiles, whom we have taught to look only at the outside whatever we present to their notice, will still continue to accept us as the benefactors and saviors of the human race."
Further, The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, tells us that the citizen will not be able to trust in anything the leaders are telling them! Listen: "The principal factor of success in the political is the secrecy of its undertakings: the word should not agree with the deeds of the diplomat."
We should not be too surprised when the actions of our government cannot be understood - their reasoning is intentionally kept secret from us.
Turning Humanity Upside Down With Their Beautiful and Powerful Rhetoric!
>"When we come into our kingdom, our orators will expound great problems which have turned humanity upside down in order to bring it, at the end, under our beneficent rule. Who will ever suspect, then, that all these peoples were stage-managed by us according to a political plan which no one has so much as guessed at in the course of many centuries?" [End of Protocol #13]
President Clinton, aided by Vice-President Al Gore, spent the entire eight years of his presidency expounding such great problems that have "turned humanity upside down". Clinton-Gore propounded Environmental Issues such as Global Warming, Loss of Habitat, Species Extinction, and many other environmental concerns. However, Bush-Ashcroft seized upon their role in the final push for world government -- Global Terrorism. This mantra is continued under President Bush who asserts every day that Global Terrorism has "turned humanity upside down".
The majority of Americans have no idea they have been "stage-managed" according to a "political plan" which has been ongoing now for over two centuries! The American Public Educational System has done its dirty job, of graduating citizens who cannot read or write enough to pay attention to what is going on. Today's citizens are also not schooled in Critical Thinking Skills, and they do not know enough history to realize the trap into which Bush-Ashcroft are leading us! On paper, President Bush has all the dictatorial powers Stalin ever possessed. He simply has not chosen to activate these powers just yet. When people begin getting knocks on their doors at midnight, with arrest orders signed by Homeland Security, they will too late know they have signed their own death warrant. At that time, America's freedoms and Constitutional guarantees, will be abolished; and all by a Christian, Compassionate, Conservative Republican Administration who waxed hot and heavy rhetorically by saying that our war on Terrorism cannot be waged at the expense of our liberties! How ironic!
Consider this excerpt about the powerful rhetoric that is supposed to accompany this rush toward dictatorship, in the guise of fighting terror. " Moreover, the art of directing masses and individuals by means of cleverly manipulated theory and verbiage, by regulations of life in common, and all sorts of other quirks, in which the [common people] understand nothing, belongs likewise to the specialists of our administrative brain." [Protocol #4]
The Power of a Cooperative Press -- The Mass Media
"We must compel the governments of the goyim to take action in the direction favored by our widely conceived plan, by what we shall represent as public opinion, secretly prompted by us through the means of that so-called 'Great Power' -- the Press, which, with a few exceptions, is already entirely in our hands." [Protocol #7]
Every American needs to understand that the entire national press is controlled, and is simply giving you the "news" you are supposed to have. Very soon, all alternative sources of news, including this website, will be shut down. That time draws ever closer.
"In order to put public opinion into our hands we must bring it into a state of bewilderment by giving expression from all sides to so many contradictory opinions and for such length of time as will suffice to make the [average person] lose their heads in the labyrinth and come to see that the best thing is to have no opinion of any kind, in matters political." [Protocol #5]
Now, you know why the Sunday Morning TV programming is full of "Talking Heads" that so fill the airwaves with opinions on everything, so that the average person is completely bewildered as to what is the truth! This type of TV programming was foreseen over 100 years ago in The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.
When you combine the power of Rhetoric, above, with the discussion of the Mass Media role, you can understand better the part of the plan coming up next:
"The principal object of our directorate consists in this: to debilitate the public mind by criticism; to lead it away from serious reflections calculated to arouse resistance; to distract the forces of the mind towards a sham fight of empty eloquence. In all ages the peoples of the world, equally with individuals, have accepted words for deeds, for they are content with a show and rarely pause to note, in the public arena, whether promises are followed by performance. Therefore, we shall establish show institutions..." [Protocols #5; reiterated in Protocol #10]
This single paragraph tells us all we need to know about politicians of both parties, as they gradually guide us into the New World Order. They deliberately intend to "debilitate" our minds and to "distract" us through "sham" speeches of "empty eloquence". We certainly have seen and heard enough of this type of speaking to last us a lifetime! You can just put the name of any number of politicians on both sides of the aisle that fit this description. Talk, talk, and talk some more, is the motto of the consummate politician.
Today, the talk is all about Patriotism, blind patriotism. Just as we did with Clinton, so are we doing with Bush today: we are accepting "words for deeds" and "rarely pause to note in the public arena, whether promises are followed by performance". The American people are sheep ready to sheer.
The Press was further supposed to fulfill a very basic need in this plan, the need for continual conflict in order to bring about the planned change. Listen to this portion of The Protocols:
"In the hands of the States to-day there is a great force that creates the movement of thought in the people, and that is the Press. The part played by the Press is to keep pointing out requirements supposed to be indispensable ... and to create discontent." [Protocol #2]. The Press is supposed to keep us in turmoil, because the authors of the Protocol firmly believed that "Conflict Brings About Change, and Planned Conflict Brings About Planned Change" [Hegelian Doctrine, first espoused in 1823, by a Freemason giving Professor Hegel the concept]. Since we are moving, by Plan, toward the calculated change of government -- a global, dictatorial government historically unprecedented in power and repression -- then we need a lot of planned conflict fed us daily. Wars, rumors of wars, class conflict, and many more tidbits of Bad News floods our consciousness daily. This is the Plan.
Establishing a Dictatorship of "Magnificent Proportions"
>"These laws will withdraw one by one all the indulgences and liberties which have been permitted... and our kingdom will be distinguished by a despotism of such magnificent proportions as to be at any moment and in every place in a position to wipe out any... who oppose us by deed or word." [Protocol #5 -- Despotism and Modern Progress]
What kind of "laws" is this portion of The Protocols foreseeing that will "withdraw one by one all the indulgences and liberties which have been permitted"? The USA Patriot Act and its attendant pieces of attached legislation will prove to be the final undoing of our liberties and Constitutional Guarantees. Mark my word.
Did you catch the kind of dictatorship [despotism] that is planned for every nation?
"... a despotism of such magnificent proportions as to be at any moment and in every place in a position to wipe out any... who oppose us by deed or word."
Soon, the Bush Administration will be moving against their enemies, in the guise of fighting "Domestic Terrorism", and will be attempting to "wipe them out".
On paper, President Bush has demanded, and already received, dictatorial powers. We started hearing of tortures at the hands of the FBI more than two years ago, ["FBI Considers Torture As Suspects Stay Silent", The Times, U.K., October 22, 2001], of detentions without charges, without lawyers, and without the specific names of people detained ["Everybody's Got Their Own Terrorist", by Al Martin.]
Even the CIA is getting into the act of spying on Americans domestically [The Christian Science Monitor, December 17, 2001, "CIA. expands its watchful eye to U.S."].
The FBI and CIA appear to be joining forces and combining resources to form an American equivalent to the Russian KGB, a most fearsome force against the Russian people for over 70 years of Communist repression.
Since this gradual tightening will parallel Hitler's model, here's an apt quote from a German dissident who was one of the last to be arrested. He said:
"When they came for the Jews, I did not speak up, because I was not Jewish. When they came for the Catholics, I did not speak up because I was not Catholic. And, when they came for me, there was no one left to speak up."
Israel, the Illuminati, and the Rothschilds [Excerpt]
What is interesting about the Rothschilds is not only how deeply involved they are with the banking cartels, but how much interest they have in the nation of Israel. Is this because they are pro-Israel as an authentic Christian is pro-Israel? Do they want what is best for Israel? Are they essentially, on God’s side where Israel is concerned?

I’ve included a photo of the Israeli Supreme Court building, which was built with House of Rothschild money and literally forced on the people of Israel. Notice that included in the design is a pyramid with an all-seeing eye. This and other occultic symbols make up this monstrosity that Israel must deal with strictly because of the Rothschild’s Illuminati. Symbols are everything to them and the design of the Supreme Court pictured above is said to include many symbols of the occult that are obvious throughout. For a full explanation of these symbols, information is available at the URL provided in the footnote below.[1]
The Rothschilds have been involved in the Middle East for a variety of reasons. One author notes that the Rothschilds “began their multi-million dollar investment in the Zionist state of Israel in 1882 in order to preserve their control over the Suez Canal and future water rights.”[2] See? It’s all about money for them.
They continue their involvement in Israel today as noted with the Israeli Supreme Court, as one example. Beyond this, the Rothschilds are believed to be the major sponsor of the upcoming Temple project. Orthodox Jews want the Jewish Temple to be rebuilt on the Temple Mount. Obviously, several factors are involved that prohibit this from taking place at the moment. Most notably, the Dome of the Rock mosque that sits atop the Temple Mount, as well as the Al-Aqsa mosque not far away, located on the same Temple Mount. Muslims of course, consider these mosques to be holy places for Muslims (though the city of Jerusalem is never once directly mentioned in any portion of the Qur’an). The Dome of the Rock has been built over the place where it is said Muhammad ascended to heaven.
Rebuilding a Jewish Temple on the same Temple Mount would require either the removal of the Dome of the Rock mosque at the very least, or relocating the Jewish Temple to another place on the Temple Mount. Neither of these solutions would sit well with either Muslims or Jews.
“The Rothschilds have been the main financial sponsors of archaeological digs in Israel. The Masada Dig was first known to the Israelis as the ‘Edmond de Rothschild Masada Dig’ under the auspices of the Rothschilds’ Palestine Exploration Fund. The PEF established the Biblical Archaeology Society which publishes the Biblical Archaeology Review touting it as the authority on Solomon’s Temple.
“In December of 1995, a month after Rabin was assassinated, the Jerusalem Masonic Lodge was established adjacent to the Temple Mount in the underground Grotto of King Solomon. The lodge was founded by the Grand Master of the Italian illuminati Giuliano Di Bernardo who at the opening ceremony declared, “The rebuilding of the Temple is at the center of our studies.”[3]
Another author notes, “The Rothschild relationship to the Jews is deceiving. The family stance is publicized as ‘pro-Jewish,’ and they have given abundant charity to Jewish causes. But their support of the Jewish race has, in most cases, been used for the sole purpose of controlling the direction and profiting from the Jews. The Rothschilds have been described as the royal family of the Jews. Many leading Rothschilds have been dubbed ‘King of the Jews.’ But what kind of Judaism do the Rothschilds support? Do they support the orthodox Jews who believe in the Old Testament and are waiting for the return of the messiah? No. Do they support Messianic Jews who believe Jesus Christ was the messiah who came to save all men? No.”[4]
We know from the Bible that the coming Antichrist will, at the midpoint of the Tribulation, enter the rebuilt Jewish Temple and take up a position inside the Holy of Holies. There, he will declare himself to be God and demand worship. This is essentially what the apostle Paul tells us in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4.
“Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God.”
In order for this event to occur, the Jewish Temple will obviously need to be rebuilt. Since it appears so obvious from many sources that the Rothschilds have been busy supporting Israel for several hundred years, they will also support them in their bid to rebuild the Temple. This is the Temple that will exist during the coming Tribulation and it will be within the confines of that coming Temple that the Antichrist will declare himself to be God.
According to at least one website, the Rothschilds actually purchased the entire Temple Mount and some surrounding acreage for the sum of 500 million francs.[5] If this is true, then obviously, the Rothschilds control what occurs on the Temple Mount. It is possible they are simply allowing things go their natural course for now, but this same website that tells us of the Rothschilds’ purchase, tells us of a plan that will work in their favor so that the Jewish Temple will be rebuilt.
Ultimately, part of this plan includes having a permanent “home of worship” atop the Temple Mount so that each group could worship side-by-side without interference from the other two groups. Interestingly enough, at least one website highlights this possibility, calling it “God’s Holy Mountain.”[6]
As noted with the painting from the “God’s Holy Mountain” site, people of all three main faiths gather together on the Temple Mount to worship their respective God. Of course, Muslims believe that Allah and the God of the Bible are the same, so there is no difficulty for them. Christians, on the other hand, do not believe that Allah and Jehovah are the same at all (in spite of the fact that the name “Allah” simply means God).
Yet, this is part of the Rothschilds’ plan that is in the making. For this to work, each group will have to be willing to compromise and unfortunately, neither authentic Christians nor orthodox Jews will be willing to do so. However, this will not stop the Rothschilds from moving ahead with their plan to recreate the top of the Temple Mount so that a house of worship is available to all three groups. In the end though, we know that at least enough of the Jewish Temple will be rebuilt that a Holy of Holies will exist.
Regarding the Rothschilds, “It [remains] their belief that whenever these three religions [are] once pacified to live in harmony with each other under the control of the International Community, it would eventually be transformed into a New World Order Religion…the ultimate solution to thousands of years of hatred, pogroms, sectarian wars and international hotspots would be neutralized by having a common home for each of the great religions to worship.”[7] (emphasis added)
Accordingly, the Pope himself will be on hand in Jerusalem at that future point “to dedicate the groundbreaking for the new international, interfaith worship center, [and] he will declare all world’s religions to be united, and the New World Order Religion will be born!”[8]
The problem is that many see the difficulties in the Middle East and specifically as they are related to the Temple Mount to be political problem. The reality is that this is not a political problem at all (or at least not solely), but largely a religious problem.
“Any purely political settlement in the Middle East would not, by itself, bring peace. In other words, a purely political settlement would leave the religious nature of the problem unsolved. Any permanent solution to the Middle East conflict would also have to see the religious portion of the problem solved. Once this religious problem is solved, then the power and influence of the Orthodox Jews in Israel would permanently decline.”[9]
Here is where it gets interesting, from a political, religious, and global perspective. The Rothschilds (as well as their Illuminati) learned quite some time ago that war and rumors of war can be used to not only keep people and nations off-balance, but also used to change the way society thinks about issues.
It appears that this is exactly what the Rothschilds have done and continue to do with respect to the situation in Jerusalem especially. War has often been used as solutions for prime objectives laid out by the global elite. It appears to be the same with Jerusalem and the entire Middle East problem. The main goal is peace for Jews, Muslims, and Christians, allowing all three groups to worship on the same Temple Mount without fear of reprisals from any group.
“To fulfill these future objectives, long term strategic plans were put into place to create an atmosphere of war and the rhetoric of war continued until the political and religious changes in Israel and Jerusalem were put in place.”[10]
See how this works? Until peace is achievable, the powers that be are keeping war and rumors of war on the table as a viable tool to actually promote peace.
Several months ago, a proposal was laid out that would grant Jews certain days/times to go to the Temple Mount to pray.[11] While it is doubtful that the Muslim leadership will agree to this, it is an option and even if this fails, other options may well be put forth.
The problem of the Middle East seems to be that human powers dominated by dark spiritual forces are pushing things to happen in the Middle East. Wars and rumors of wars are being used to keep things in a constant state of flux. This will constantly put pressure on rulers and leaders to do whatever they can to bring peace to the nation of Israel, surrounded by Arabs and Muslims.
It appears, in many ways, to be coming to a head. “The Illuminati that represents the interests of the Israeli Freemasons, the Rothschilds and the Federal Reserve, the Vatican, and the Jesuits were in essence manipulating the world geo-politics in order to fulfill the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation and produce a decade of ‘fear of wars’ not just War.”[12]
These warlike situations will continue until the Illuminati can manipulate things to such an extent that the necessary political and religious changes can be reached. Once this is accomplished, “peace” will be achieved and the new Temple can then be rebuilt. Once the Temple is rebuilt, things can then move ahead to eventually reveal the “man of sin” who will be the final leader of the world. To this end, the Rothschilds, the Illuminati, the UN, and all other New Age-type secret societies have been working.
What happens in the Middle East occurs due to the direct control of the Illuminati simply because the plan for a one-world government culminates with Jerusalem. As far as the world is concerned now, the constant propaganda fed to society by the news and agents of the Illuminati is believed; that Israel is the source of problems and had Israel not moved into that area of the world in the first place, once again becoming a viable nation in 1948, all would be well. That tension needs to continue to exist until all other objectives are in place.
This is the height of misdirection through propaganda because the Illuminati wants and needs to control Jerusalem and Israel in order to bring its final plans of world control to fruition. The Illuminati must not only control the geo-political aspects of this world, but must also control the religious aspect of the world as well. We know that this is also clear from the book of Revelation alone, where two beasts are discussed; one is a human being and the other represents the system by which the world runs. That includes politics as well as religion.
The coming one-world government will, of necessity, control all aspects of society including religion. There is no way that religion will continue to operate separately from the coming one-world government. Everything will come under the watchful eye of government forces when this one-world, end times system is set up.
It will only be when the Antichrist goes into the rebuilt Temple, takes his place in the Holy of Holies, and declares himself to be God will the newly formed religion of that one-world government (consisting of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism) be deemed obsolete. It will then be eradicated as the Bible tells us it will be in Revelation 17. The Great Harlot (symbolism for the false religions of the end times) will be destroyed. It will be due to the fact that “she” is no longer needed now that Antichrist has declared himself God. From that point onward, all worship will be directed to him. Those who are repelled at the notion of worshiping a man will be executed, probably through beheading (cf. Revelation 20:4).
Much of what happens in the Middle East appears to be uncontrolled chaos. In truth, it is controlled chaos, depicting the Middle East as constantly being a concern for world leaders. Peace will come, at a huge price. Many world leaders understand what is happening in that corner of the world. They play the game and go along with what the powers that be have determined. Do not kid yourself. The fully planned orchestration of the Middle East is happening under the control and auspices of the Illuminati. God allows it to go as planned solely because it fits His plans as well. Ultimately, He will gain all the glory.
Who Are The Illuminati? [Excerpt]
By David J. StewartApril 2009
The central banking cartel scripts both history and culture according to a long-term plan. Cartel members are generational Satanists, Cabalist Jews and Freemasons. Their object is to induct mankind into their cult as their servants and slaves.
Their main instrument is war which they contrive for profit and power. They engineer a vast credit expansion for war, and later for reconstruction. They are using debt to enslave us like the Jewish moneylenders who plied 19th century Ukrainian farmers with vodka and loans, and later confiscated their farms. ... The Illuminati buy our complicity with our own money. By monopolizing thought and communication, they are able to deceive us. - SOURCE: Dr. Henry Makow, Ph.D.; “ILLUMINATI 2: DECEIT AND SEDUCTION” (p. 8).
As Commander William Guy Carr states in his awesome book, Pawns In The Game, every major war since the Revolutionary War of 1775 has been started, nurtured and FINANCED ON BOTH SIDES by the International Banking Cabal. No matter who loses the war (both sides always lose in the long-run), the banksters always profit incredibly. There's profit for the Illuminati in war! Dr. Makow writes a great introduction to WHO the Illuminati are, basing his intro on the Biblical truth that “The devil conquers by deceit and seduction” ...
The devil conquers by deceit and seduction. And so mankind has been colonized by a satanic cult, not just physically, but mentally and spiritually. We have been deceived in the most egregious fashion, and seduced by money and sex.You need to understand THE LUCIFERIAN CONSPIRACY (why sex perversion is being promoted in American culture). Henry Makow has authored numerous articles on this important subject. You need to understand what is going on, and why, so you can fight “against the rulers of the darkness of this world” as Ephesians 6:12 in the Holy Bible commands. Please read, Satan: Prince Of This World (.pdf book by Commander William Guy Carr). Our battle is not against our neighbor, family, church, or that jerk boss at work; but rather, against the satanic hierarchy of power ruling the world today. Occultist Alice Bailey (1880-1949) foretold that it would be THE CHURCHES through which the Luciferian philosophies of the coming New World Order and Antichrist would be promoted. Please read, Theosophy, The Church and Satan Worship.
We generally think of the “conspiracy” as limited and definable. In fact, out world is the product of an ancient diabolical conspiracy that inverts good and evil. The conspiracy is based on a satanic hatred of God and man, partly originating in the Talmud and Cabala (Judaism long ago turned its back on the Old Testament, and used it and Torah Jews as a false front).
These satanic Jews and their satanist gentile collaborators are joined by Freemasonry in the Illuminati. They hate humanity. This hatred has been institutionalized in the routine of war, poverty and depression we now take for granted.
As a result, mankind is dysfunctional. Since the so-called “Enlightenment,” Western civilization has been based on a foolhardy denial of the Creator, i.e., the inherent design and purpose governing human life.
Not coincidentally, the “Enlightenment” roughly coincides with the establishment of the Bank of England in 1694 by Illuminati bankers, and subsequent spread of Freemasonry throughout Europe. Freemasonry became the “in” thing for aristocrats and free thinkers, as well as industrious young men on the make.
Freemasonry disguised its worship of Lucifer with specious platitudes like “liberty, fraternity, equality,” “tolerance” of anything opposed to the established order, and a blustery faith in humanity, “reason” and “progress.”
According to the American “Grand Commander” Albert Pike, the Masonic rank and file are “intentionally misled by false interpretations.” (“Morals and Dogma,” 1871, p. 104)
Controlled by the Illuminati bankers, Freemasonry is the unacknowledged power behind the modern world. Historian Bernard Fay writes: “Freemasonry has become the most efficient social power of the civilized world. But it has been a hidden power, difficult to trace and to define. Consequently most historians have avoided treating it and giving it due credit” (“Revolution and Freemasonry, 1680-1800,” 1935, viii)
Bernard Fay shows that the Illuminati bankers used their Masonic dupes to establish the U.S. as a future base for world domination. George Washington, his generals and the signatories of the Declaration of Independence were all Masons. Master Mason Benjamin Franklin raised the money to finance the war from bankers in Paris. (“Illuminati Bankers Founded the U.S. to Advance NWO”)
SOURCE: Dr. Henry Makow, Ph.D.; “ILLUMINATI 2: DECEIT AND SEDUCTION” (pp. 9-10).
21st Century Illuminati Part 2: Illuminati 360 [Excerpt]
By Henry Makow, REMA Marketing2013
Freemasonry is the Church of Lucifer masquerading a s a mystical philanthropic order. It fronts for Illuminati central bankers who started the US as a vehicle to advance their New World Order. In the words of Masonic elder Manley P. Hall, "We must also perfect the plan of the ages, setting up here the machinery for a world brotherhood of nations and races" (The Secret Destiny of America, 1944, p.3).
The Freemasons provided Americans with still valid ideals -- civil liberties, equal opportunity and no taxation without representation. But they were enticements designed to win power. As you might have noticed, these promises are not being kept. Most historians won't tell you this. But there was one historian who did reveal the truth. Bernard Fay (1893-1978) was a Harvard-educated Frenchman. He is considered an "anti-Mason" because his 1935 book, Revolution and Freemasonry: 1680-1800 is one of the very few to reveal the extent of Masonic participation in the US and French Revolutions.
He had access to Masonic archives in the US and Europe. His book is actually a sympathetic portrayal of Freemasonry with no references to its occult nature. However, as a Vichy Frenchman, he subsequently helped the Nazis identify Masons during World War Two. He was imprisoned after the war but pardoned by Charles De Gaulle in 1952.
Fay explains that in the 1770's, the US consisted of 13 isolated colonies with different governments, religious affiliations, customs, racial profiles, and social and political structures. There were intense rivalries and longstanding antagonisms. A letter took three weeks to get from Georgia to Massachusetts.
"Masonry alone undertook to lay the foundation for national unity in America because [as a secret society] it could spread throughout the colonies and work steadily and silently. It created in a limited but very prominent class of people a feeling of American unity without which... there would have been no United States." (p. 230)Benjamin Franklin, who was the Grand Master of a French lodge, raised millions of francs crucial to financing George Washington's army. He was the first to submit a concrete plan for military collaboration and political federation to a Congress representing all colonies. He established a chain of Masonic newspapers in all of the colonies. You can imagine where he found the money.
"In 1760, there was no town, big or small, where Masonry had not spun its web. Everywhere it was preaching fraternity and unity." (230)
Fay says George Washington and his ragtag army kept the spirit of independence alive. He organized many military lodges and participated in their activities. On Dec. 27, 1778, he led a parade after Philadelphia was recaptured:
"His sword at his side, in full Masonic attire, and adorned with all the jewels and insignia of the Brotherhood, Washington marched at the head of a solemn procession of 300 brethren through the streets of Philadelphia to Christ Church, where a Masonic Divine Service was held. This was the greatest Masonic parade that had ever been seen in the New World." (246)Fay points to a "curious" degree of coordination be tween Masons in the US and British armies:
"All the staff officers Washington trusted were Masons, and all the leading generals of the army were Masons: Alexander Hamilton, John Marshall, James Madison, Gen. Greene, Gen. Lee, Gen. Sullivan, Lord Stirling, the two Putnams, Gen. Steuben, Montgomery, Jackson, Gist, Henry Knox and Ethan Allen were Masons. They all gathered around their Master Mason Washington and they all met at the 'Temple of Virtue,' a rude structure forming an oblong square forty by sixty feet, one story in height, a single entrance which was flanked by two pillars... The atmosphere which surrounded Washington was Masonic and it may be said that the framework of hi s mind was Masonic." (p. 250)
"It seems even likely that the unforgettable and mysterious laxness of certain English military campaigns in America, particularly those of the Howe brothers , was deliberate and due to the Masonic desire of the English general to reach a peaceful settlement..." (251)In this context, it is pertinent to recall the confession of General Cornwallis when he surrendered to General Washington at Yorktown (Oct. 19, 1781.). Jonathan Williams recorded in his "Legions of Satan," (1781,) that Cornwallis revealed to Washington that "a holy war will now begin on America, and when it is ended America will be supposedly the citadel of freedom, but her millions will unknowingly be loyal subjects to the Crown."
The Crown is the Illuminati (i.e. shareholders of the Bank of England.) Cornwallis went on to explain what would seem a contradiction:
"Your churches will be used to teach the Jew's religion and in less than two hundred years, the whole nation will be working for divine world government. That government that they believe to be divine will be the British Empire. All religions will be permeated with Judaism without even being noticed by the masses, and they will all be under the invisible all-seeing eye of the Grand Architect of Freemasonry."In a 1956 speech, Senator Joseph McCarthy reflected on these words:
"Cornwallis well knew that his military defeat was only the beginning of world catastrophe that would be universal and that unrest would continue until mind control could be accomplished through a false religion. What he predicted has come to pass. A brief sketch of American religious history and we have seen Masonry infused into every church in America with their veiled Phallic religion."

Stephen Knight was poisoned and died just two years after publishing "The Brotherhood" (1983). What he said about British society no doubt applies to the whole world: Culture and politics are a charade quietly controlled by these disciples of Lucifer. In other words, mankind is in the thrall of a satanic cult. Millions are complicit in their own enslavement.
Knight shows how Masons secretly control every aspect of British society. There are 500,000 Masons in England. Lodges are associated with every local government, police, bank, military unit, hospital, university, church, court and of course Westminster.
What passes for politics is basically members of the same Lodge contending for office to decide how to enact the Masonic agenda. Knight documents how Masons give each other preferment in hiring, promotion and business. Non-Masons are continually hassled. It is no understatement to say that the UK is a Masonic tyranny. The irony is that low-rank Masons don't realize this. They were officially forbidden from reading Knight's book. This is how secret societies work--by duping their members.
Freemasonry represents a conspiracy against society that has gone so far as to make treason the norm, and outlaw mention of conspiracy. Every candidate running for US President or Vice President must be a puppet. Otherwise they would renounce the debt and insist on the US controlling its own credit (i.e. creating money.) The mass media is run by Freemasons.
The Masonic bankers couldn't carry off this charade if they didn't own the mass media. They couldn't use perverts and criminals as Presidents and Senators if the press were free. They couldn't carry off an atrocity like 9-11 if the media could speak the truth.
Since the so-called "Enlightenment," mankind has gradually fallen under the spell of the Cabala (also spelt as Kabbalah). What we have been taught to believe is "progress" is actually the resurgence of an ancient satanic pagan fertility cult, epitomized by the Cabala. The "god" of the Cabala is not god at all. It is Lucifer. Illuminati Jews and their Freemasonic allies are stealthily erecting a New World Order dedicated to Lucifer.
The Cabala is based on ancient pagan mythologies which recount the story of an original god who created the universe, and a usurper god (Lucifer) who eventually defeats him and comes to rule the universe in his stead.
With the advent of the Illuminati, the Freemasons were responsible for the great project of the Enlightenment, whose goal was to supplant Christian authority, by way of the American and French Revolutions. The goal of these revolutions was to create secular societies, by which Christianity, or any religion, for that matter, was permanently separated from the "state."
Freed from these constraints, the Illuminati could advance their power through banking, because until then Christianity had largely forbidden the practice of interest-banking. Cabalistic interpretation of history would have us believe that this evolution of secularism is progress. Democracy, we are led to believe, is the end-product of human evolution away from religious superstition.
However, while this evolution has been a prerogative of the West, the East is still mired in a more primitive stage, stubbornly adhering to the idea of "theocracy" i.e. the world of Islam. And so, for the fulfillment of Cabalistic progress, this last obstacle must be removed, before the final imposition of an occult hegemony over humanity. Hence the "Clash of Civilizations" leading to the rule of the Anti-Christ."
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