October 24, 2016

Why the Trump vs Clinton Election is a Complete Sham

“Presidents are selected; not elected” – President Franklin D. Roosevelt
On one side: A billionaire accused of racism and xenophobia. On the other: A puppet completely sold to the world elite. And in the middle, voters who wonder why their democracy is forcing them to choose between two terrible options.
The Clinton Foundation lists Donald J. Trump as a contributor with a cumulative lifetime donation amount between $100,001 to $250,000. It’s not clear if Trump himself made a personal contribution, but tax forms show that the Donald J. Trump Foundation (which Trump controls) donated $100,000 to the foundation in 2009 and reserved a table at the Clinton Foundation gala for $10,000 in 2010. Trump’s daughter Ivanka is also listed as a donor who gave between $5,001 and $10,000 and her father-in-law, Charles Kushner, gave between $250,001 and $500,000. Trump’s gift amount places him in the top 0.2 percent of the foundation’s donors. Most of its 300,000 donors (85.5 percent) gave less than $250. We estimated that the foundation has received at least $800 million in donations, over 70 percent of which came from gifts of $1 million or more. [Politifact

I am sometimes asked why I write mostly about popular culture when I could focus on “more important” issues such as the presidential election. The short answer? Presidential elections are not important. At the risk of sounding like an old cynic: The game is rigged. No matter who is in office, the same agenda moves forward, and that agenda is set by people who stay far away from anything resembling a democratic process. For this reason, presidential elections are nothing more than gigantic puppet shows intended for a gigantic audience. While the masses are dazzled by the puppets’ crazy antics, only a few pay attention to the actual puppet-masters. Whether it is the Democrats or the Republicans in the White House, the same shadow government is behind the scenes, advancing policy laid out by the world elite.

Presidential elections, along with the media circus that surrounds them, are not a “democratic process”. They are a facade with little to no substance. Some issues are allowed to be discussed while others are totally ignored. This year’s election is no different. The agenda is already set and the candidates are each playing their role. While they appear to be in sharp opposition on various topics, the candidates are actually part of the same team.

The Clintons were guests at Trump's third wedding in January 2005.
The Clintons as guests at Trump’s wedding in January 2005.

Trump and Clinton at the Trump National Golf Club in 2008.
Trump and Clinton at the Trump National Golf Club in 2008.

Read the rest of the article at .


  1. WBPOUND wrote:

    If Trump really is just a Clinton plant then why is he educating people about globalism and the TPP and all that? I can think of only one possible answer to that question though, and it is a bit unsettling…

    Since the elite already knew that a growing percentage of the population has been waking up to all this anyway, perhaps they figured that they could use Trump to get people really fired up about Globalism vs. Nationalism, simply in order to cause a civil war. Isn’t that perhaps what this is all about? The elite creating division in order to cause a civil war so that martial law can be instituted…


  2. don thunderate wrote:

    It is difficult to accept that Donald Trump would repeatedly make statements and take actions which damage his campaign unless he did not really want to win. The transformation in the behaviour of presidential wannabes is usually obvious but Donald Trump, who has travelled the world and negotiated deals for millions of dollars with all kinds of people and heads an enormous business empire, when on the world stage for the biggest job in the world, behaves like a loud mouth speaking on a street corner. This excellent article by the VC has shown the links between the Trumps and Clintons, and their daughters Ivanka Trump & Chelsea Clinton have some kind of friendship, so why would matters and dialogue become so vitriolic on one side presenting the other with endless opportunities to take the higher ground? It is not out of the question that The Trumps and the Clinton have entered into a pact to have the otherwise unelectable Hilary Clinton become president because her opponent and family friend, a usually ultra sophisticated billionaire, suddenly begins showing the sophistication of a troglodyte. If/When he loses he can then go back to what he really is, an ultra successful businessman. Only now with an even greater relationship with the most powerful people in the world to exploit. This is a scenario that would suit both parties. If by way of miscalculation he actually wins then we cannot begin to fathom what will happen (not saying it would be any less catastrophic than the alternative), maybe the incumbent Obama under orders from those who are really in power will then use the last of his powers to call a state of emergency to further advance the elite agenda. The losers in both scenarios would be the American public and probably the rest of the world but what’s new?

    free your mind
    1 month 1 day ago

    The “Alt Right” is controlled opposition. They provide solid information but will never out the Zionists. They focus on blaming the Muslims when it was the West, controlled by Jews that created the trouble and caused the Arabs to lose their homes and livelihoods. So now the European white race stands to be invaded by people with a vastly different culture. And the tax payers are footing the bill. So the Controllers get to control the Levant, and destroy white Europe at the same time. How utterly evil. Research the Oded Yinon Plan and the PNAC Plan, or Project for a New American Century, created by the NeoCons, code word for Zionists. While Hollywood might have CIA connections, Hollywood is owned by Jews, and the porn industry is a nephew of Hollywood. It is time for people to know the truth.

    5 days 3 hours ago
    It’s been pretty shocking that people are actually walking around talking about how Donald Trump is going to “Save America”. If you ever needed a sign that the country is lost, that’s gotta be it. FYI: Maryanne Trump Barry (born April 5, 1937) is a Senior United States Circuit Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. She is the daughter of real estate developer Fred Trump and Mary MacLeod Trump and the older sister of real estate/entertainment magnate Donald Trump… appointed by none other than… BILL CLINTON. Trump is so obviously a Clinton plant (not to mention a distant cousin of Hillary) and people just blissfully ignore the facts because he’s “telling it like it is.” In fact, he’s telling you what you want to hear at a time when people are desperate to hear any truth coming out of the American political-industrial complex.

    1 month 1 day ago

    If voting made any difference they wouldn’t let us do it.
    Both of them Hillary and Trump work for the same group so it doesn’t matter who do you want, the global elite has already their new “presidential puppet” to bring the chaos to the USA.

  3. I'mfullofccarp
    27 days 5 hours ago

    The dangers a child faces in North America in this day and age are too high to justify raising children here. From birth to young-adulthood a child will be bombarded by things meant to destroy his mind, and soul; these range from poisonous vaccines from birth to poisonous ideologies as he grows older.

    What parent can lie to themselves and argue that they can protect their children from all the garbage their children will be force-fed in school and from the dominant cultures? Its impossible, you cannot save your children while they remain here.

    The Churches are largely impotent in regards to deprogramming. There is no real culture-war — that ended a hundred years ago. There are no counter movements, there is simply NWO ideology and culture, with a few solitary dissidents who still possess their own minds here-and-there.

    Do people really think they can raise a healthy family, and protect their offspring from the radio, Tv, computer, schools, peers, etc.? Will a parent have the endurance to come home every night, after working hard to provide for the bodily needs of their children, to then save their children from the evil influence of ‘teachers’ and peers? Can a parent even save their child from the basic materialistic spirituality dominant today? This is a time of a thousand spiritual/ mental dangers…

    This isn’t what raising a family is supposed to be. Raising a family should be a joyous experience, filled with love and serenity… My father had nothing growing up, not even a toothbrush or an indoor bathroom, but he tells me that there was a spiritual aura around his family – visitors could feel it! This was a time when a family did not have to contend with this Communistic overlord.

    NA is a living Hell for new families. I think it is high time to make a pilgrimage to somewhere far more traditional to raise your children, and give them a true childhood and future that is their holy birthright.

    1 month 2 days ago

    EXCELLENT ARTICLE!!!!!!!!! You always nail it!! It makes current events so much easier to understand if you just always look at the global picture first, then everything else falls into place. When you look first at the global picture, there you’ll find the New World Order, aka One World Government, One World Religion, One World Economy, and it infiltrates downwards into everything you encounter. Keep up your great articles and work!!

    19 days 37 minutes ago

    We are already in a Police State (increased after 9/11). Welcome! The end goal is the complete federalization of the police force.

    A Real Woman
    1 month 1 day ago

    The race war will be used to usher in a police state just like in Charlotte! It is REALLY Erie how accurate VC. I check back here from time to time as he doesn’the up date his articles like before. But I remember reading the article on Beyonce performance and Jay and Kanye’s No church in the Wild..smh…it’s a formula, they five it to you softly in your music and movies and let it marinate for a couple of years while they slowly manipulate domestic and world affairs. The end game is the NWO realized through a dystopia society like in Hunger Games. If people don’t realize that then they think they are looking at the bigger picture but really only see part of it. All of it: race wars, the elections, GMO’s, politics, the news…it’s all getting us ready to accept the elites plan as something we need, so the transition is invisible.

    1 month 1 day ago

    To better understand all of this and how it happened, remember that its all smoke and mirrors.

    Were each of them actually elected in an honest process? Or is this the mirage, the “reflection” of our will that was pre-determined and staged through fraud in the first place?

    The voting system lately is not what it appears to be. One word for you all: SCYTL.

    Look in to it. What a service it would be if a certain “Anonymous” group would break wide open this nefarious plot and once and for all, pull back the curtains for all the world to see.

    Expose them.

  4. [–]ohlawdwat 79 points 11 hours ago* at Reddit

    The most unfortunate part of this whole political ploy is that her only "opposition" is her long-time donor and family friend/husband's golfing buddy and TV personality/WWE Raw actor/slumlord Donald Trump. It's like the american equivalent of Russia having Putins wife "run against" Putin's donor and golf buddy who mysteriously shows up at exactly the right time to completely take over his wife's opposition. Gee, a little suspicious, no? Everything "rigged", just not the Clinton donor and family friend who has been set up to "run against" a Clinton? LOL!

    I almost wonder if the whole trump thing is a narcissistic 'mocking the victim' ploy or sort of an inside joke being played at the expense of the common american electorate who are still believing that 'da government is run by da president, da president in commander in chief, da president is in charge' (when in reality he's just a single individual in a single office who will come and go in 4-8 years after selling whatever new war comes down the pike to subsidize Lockheed Martin's existence), so they provide these fake Ron Pauls (like Obama, and Trump, both of whom say all the right things that people want to hear, but their actual behavior is the opposite).

    trump is the personification of everything the "anti-establishment" people hate and pretend they're against, and now they're rooting for him as if he's NOT just another Obama scam. It's literally the same political ploy playing out all over again - "upstart candidate vs. Clinton", first it was Obama, now it's Clinton donor Trump. In all likelihood that's just a means to keep any real opposition (anyone who won't play ball) from becoming president - like Sanders, or Paul, or any of those people who might have actual morals or ideals.

    imagine how ridiculous this will seem 8 years down the road when Trump just plays his role as the republican Obama, says all the right things, pretends to be a 'leader of the people' blah blah blah, but really does the complete opposite (and passes whatever new police state laws come down the pike, only to protect you from "terrorists", minorities, and evil muslim types of course! Not to be used on you decent white god-fearing folks!) - only now the crazies in power have the support of the masses because they provided them a pied piper/fake Ron Paul type to sell it to them. They did the same thing with Obama, "constitutional law professor", fresh faced and pretty smooth-talker who showed up to say all the right things at the right times, then look what happened. The presidency has turned into a PR outlet filled with a PR instrument.

    nothing will change in the US politically until people stop being dumb enough to think that 'electing' a single millionaire or billionaire for a single office every 4-8 years is 'changing' something. It's like the world of warcraft or WWE version of democracy, where we get literal actors and actual WWE Raw personalities (which Trump is) to show up and make the uninformed people think that 'their voices are being heard, so they should stay inside and keep showing up to work, and just blame the democrats or republicans for whatever goes wrong in the US'.'

    anybody who wants to improve things should get involved in their local/state politics and become active or support those who already are.

