November 9, 2012

We Will Have World Government, Whether By Conquest or Consent

The Love of Money Is the Root of All Evil and the Power It Provides to Survive Is the World Religion

Originally Published in July 2007

Kenneth Uptegrove, - Satan's ultimate goal is to disrupt and destroy Christendom and all social, political, and economic systems on Earth by putting into place dozens of competing systems. Out of the resulting chaos, fear, and mistrust, he plans to set in place a one-world social, economic, and political system that collectively will become his one-world system.

This antichrist system will be brilliant! It will work wonders! And a vast majority of the world’s people will welcome it — for a while.

It will not prevail!

What I am about to show you comes out of my 2.5 years of training in church history, and as a computer professional since 1965.

Though there may exist different streams within the Church, as long as each stream leads to the same River, we are joined in purpose. However, the antichrist system has also infiltrated some areas of Christian thought. (The word "Antichrist" means "in place of Christ" more so than "against Christ.") Even though I am a social and fiscal conservative and of the "religious right," I have observed that some "radical right" thought, especially amongst some "conspiracy theory" proponents, have crossed that line.

What Will the One-World Religion Be?

Now, let’s go another direction for a minute.

The Bible speaks of a one-world religion that will deceive people of every religion on earth in the latter part of the last days. But I think this religion has ALWAYS been the world religion. What can that religion be?

It is highly improbable, and seemingly inconceivable, that any existing religion (Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Jewish or Christianity, etc.) could convert the whole world to its doctrine, but religions such as Islam would like to force all living humans into submission to their religion.

That will be the goal of this false religion, not to convert, but force us to need them in order to survive. How can that be done?

Most people's religion is a traditional heritage, a religious veneer that covers their underlying love of money and the power it brings (to dominate and survive): The love of money, and the power it brings (to dominate and survive). In a word: Self, the most primal of instincts.

Christians whose subliminal God is money show that they can be seduced and drawn from God. Since the love of money is the world religion, God will cast down this false God, this idol of worship. Therefore it should not surprise us that a worldwide depression is imminent.

I think that Bill Clinton (when running for president) was a prophet to the antichrist system/religion when he said, "It is the economy, stupid!" My study of world history shows me that the antichrist system is so subtle, so subversive, so wise, but so powerful — all at the same time — that very few are aware of its existence. This religion originated in the Garden of Eden when Satan originally sold this lie to Adam and Eve.

A religion is anything you love, admire, and devote most of your attention to. Self-preservation — the survival instinct — is so basic to human nature that we don't think about it, or write about it, or preach sermons on it.

That is why the one-world religion can be described as the perfect conspiracy, because it is a subliminal, subconscious religion. We treasure, and are driven, by the gratuitous instinct to survive; and that can be defined as a subliminal, invisible religion.

Way too many Christians vote their pocketbook and for the power to dominate. Look at what is generally called Bible believing Christians. They appear to be zealous in their faith, yet way too many vote in diametric contradiction to the Word of God when they vote their pocketbook and forget that they are also voting for abortion, the homosexual agenda, anti-Americanism, and socialism (i.e., the most antichrist and liberal of political candidates).
"True individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence." - Franklin Delanor Roosevelt
In other words, when we lose our economic security, we also lose our freedom, and are forced to survive any way we can.

I called Bill Clinton a prophet because his, "It’s the economy, stupid" prophecy was fulfilled. The nation believed him... and his subliminal, one-world religion message of self-preservation.

The Bible shows me a coming world leader who will exploit this self-preservation instinct and will bring this religion to its logical conclusion. And if possible, even some of the very elect will be deceived by this appeal to their pocketbook and personal security.

On the one hand this is a gloom and doom message, but on the other hand this is the age (the days just prior to the Second Coming) when the Church will come forth in her greatest power, glory, and victory.

The cruel, demented leadership of Adolph Hitler probably directly resulted in more death and destruction than any other single individual in history. The name Hitler will forever be one of the most ugly scars on human history. However, even Churchill acknowledged that if Hitler had died in 1938, he would have been considered one of the greatest leaders of all time.

The Adolph Hitler Model

When Hitler came to power, Germany was suffering under some of the worst economic and political conditions a nation has suffered during modern times. There was 50% to 75% unemployment. The government was bankrupt, and the German Mark actually became worthless. Mobs ruled the streets, perversion was rampant, and the whole nation tottered on the brink of becoming a Soviet state.

In just four years, Hitler not only balanced the budget, he paid off the national debt while building the most powerful economy in the world. His social engineering almost eliminated unemployment. He restored Germany’s national dignity, and built the most powerful army in the world. He also drove pornography from the land and greatly reduced the crime rate. There has never been such a transformation of a country in the history of the world.

Most of the Church in Germany was so fooled by Hitler that they helped establish his power base, with some church leaders actually calling him "a messiah."

Are we doomed to keep repeating history because we fail to learn from history? Will we prepare ourselves physically, mentally, and spiritually?

Why the World Will Accept the Antichrist System
"They feared the Lord, but served their own gods." (2 Kings 17:33)
We have a nation where the overwhelming majority of the people declare the name of the Lord. Many even claim to be born again, and they actually may be, but the same ones give themselves to serving many other gods.

When it comes down to choosing between death and survival, the survival instinct in all of us will compel many to overrule our social, economic, political, and religious belief system. Most people will choose to survive at any cost. If possible, even professing believers may choose survival over death, perhaps for the sake of their children.

Look at the Joseph scenario. By the time the seven years of famine were over, ALL the people chose to sell themselves as slaves of Pharaoh for wheat to survive on. But fortunately, Joseph was benevolent.

The coming world dictator will seem to be a benevolent messiah, but will ultimately show himself to be a malevolent dictator. The book of Revelation describes him as a credible and charismatic leader when he first comes on the world scene. He will most likely be the head of a major religion and/or nation that has a long history of violence and intrigue…an almost forgotten history.

How might Satan accomplish this seemingly impossible goal of world domination?

A Massive World-Wide Depression Is Coming (i.e., The Mother of All Depressions)

If you had asked an Amish man during the last depression how he and the Amish community was fairing, he would have asked, “What depression?”

Many people lost everything during the last depression and some committed suicide, but others made a fortune. There is a way to not only survive and live well, but in past depressions you could actually make a fortune if you planned ahead properly.

During the last depression a lot of people who lived off the land (farmers), and had no debt, came through with very little loss. But the federal government and some banks were able to file foreclosure on millions of houses and acres of land. After the depression was over they were then able to rent, lease, or sell all these holdings and made a vast fortune off of them.

In recent years David Wilkerson has been warning us about this coming depression, and wrote two excellent books on the subject. They are titled:
  • America's Last Call — On the Brink of a Financial Holocaust

  • God’s Plan To Protect His People In The Coming Depression

Long before Wilkerson wrote those books I was teaching that a massive worldwide depression is coming. It could be so severe that there will be no paycheck for anyone, not even the military, police, or government officials.

In my lifetime, America has gone through a depression and several wars. Three of those wars were on this continent. And even as you read this message, millions of Christians in China and other nations are under terrible tribulation, persecution, and martyrdom this very day. In my lifetime around one million Christians have been martyred. To say another war or depression can't happen in America is not being realistic. But to say we should prepare for such an eventuality ... as best we can ... is realistic.

Consider this scenario. Let’s say that the foolishness of the world system causes a major depression that the Antichrist can take advantage of. But let’s say God complicates Satan’s plans and makes the depression much worse by bringing on several “natural disasters.” Look at the damage Katrina and Mt. St. Helen did to our economy.

Deadly flu epidemics, hurricanes, volcanoes, earthquakes, droughts, floods, tsunamis, terrorist attacks, and wars can cause an economic disaster. National debt and unemployment due to manufacturing going to other countries, or a combination of all the above, could cause an economic collapse. Put the domino effect into play with enough dominos falling — tink-tink-tink — and we have the potential to bring down the world economy…the worst depression in history.

Under such conditions there would be little to no money for food or gas. Total anarchy can potentially reign in many areas for a few months until local (National Guard, Para-military groups?) leaders can bring order to their areas, and then begin to rebuild the nation. Millions could possibly die pitiful deaths in the USA and the world because they were not ready for such a disaster, and felt like they had no warning whatsoever. The warning signs were ignored.

How could a worldwide economic depression further Satan’s plans for planet Earth? Consider these possibilities:
  • Foreclosure on property loans to gain ownership to millions of homes and millions of acres of land.

  • Police state, bringing in martial law, (i.e., outlawing and imprisoning the religious right?)

  • Ecology purge...closing factories, stopping cars and trucks, and decreasing the population. Some environmental groups have been working hard towards such goals.

  • Bring in the One World Anti-Christ system.
If God complicates their plans (Psalms 33:10-20) and makes the depression much worse by bringing on several “natural disasters,” that could thwart the Antichrist's ability to:
  • Initiate martial law and a police state. After the initial supply of gas and food that is in stock is used up there would be no way to replenish the supply for a long time.

  • Postpone the ability of lending institutions to foreclose on loans.

  • The anarchy that could rain in such conditions would be terrible for awhile, but not as terrible as the planned police state would have been.

  • This would force the conspirators to come up with "plan B," a new monetary system. Just a thought.
This is all speculation, and a lot of writers will disagree with me. The point I hope to make is, we need to know how to pray, how to vote, and how to prepare physically, mentally, and spiritually for the age we are coming into.

In short, Americans needs to turn to God.

A New Monetary System

I believe this is the time a false savior will come on the scene to restore the economy with a new monetary system. I predict that this monetary system will be digital money in individual bank accounts that can be accessed on the world-wide-web. Since this digital money is not backed up with anything but faith in the system (much like our paper money today), a huge amount of credits in these personal accounts can be provided to every household on earth. For a while we can all buy, sell, and trade using this miraculous monetary system…until the world economy is stable again. As with any Internet provider, a contract and password will be needed. And after the economy is restored, the password can evolve into "the mark of the beast" (spoken of in the book of Revelation). So, what can we do to prepare ourselves (physically, mentally, and spiritually) for such a time?