November 19, 2011

Mainstream Media Pretends Ron Paul Doesn't Exist — They Only Report Want They Want You to Know

Over the past couple of months, the mainstream media has been telling us that Mitt Romney, Herman Cain and Rick Perry are the "top tier" candidates and that none of the other Republicans that are running really have a legitimate shot at winning the nomination. Well, if either Romney, Cain or Perry wins the nomination it is going to be an absolute disaster for America. The United States cannot afford another four years of Barack Obama. But we cannot afford four years of Romney, Cain or Perry either. All three of them have deep ties to the establishment, all three of them are clueless about how to fix what is wrong with this country and all three of them would continue most of the failed policies of the Bush/Obama era. The United States is running out of time, and if we are going to turn things around we need to make fundamental changes right now. But if either Romney, Cain or Perry wins the nomination we will almost certainly be guaranteed four more years of rapid decline. - If Romney, Cain Or Perry Gets The Republican Nomination It Is Going To Be An Absolute Disaster For America, End of the American Dream, November 11, 2011

Ron Paul Doesn’t Exist

Ron Paul emphasizes the need to defend individual freedom against a federal government that, in his view, has become ubiquitous.

November 18, 2011

Personal Liberty Digest - Listening to the mainstream government propaganda arm corporatist media, one would think Ron Paul doesn’t exist; or, if he does, there’s no way he’s going to be the Republican nominee.

But something happened on the way to the media blackout party. Ron Paul’s message is winning despite the concerted effort by the political and media elites to act like he’s not really there. In Iowa, Paul is in a four-way tie with Herman Cain, Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich, according to a new Bloomberg News survey.

In New Hampshire, Paul is now second to Romney according to a Bloomberg News poll of that State’s voters. New Hampshire is essentially Romney’s home State, and he holds a commanding lead there; but a win in Iowa and strong second place in the Granite State would cement Paul as the leading anti-Romney candidate.

And according to Public Policy Polling, Paul now leads President Barack Obama 48 percent to 39 percent among the key independent voters. So that should put a damper on any arguments that Paul can’t beat Obama.

The mainstream media insist Paul doesn’t really exist, but more Americans are finding him every day — despite the media’s best efforts to sweep him aside, paint him as a kook or call him irrelevant. As one after another of the “chosen” neocon candidates flame out, it looks more and more like Paul will be the last man standing in a two-way Republican race with the flip-flopping Romney.

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