The Economist Magazine Cover - "The World in 2017"
The Economist Newspaper Limited, trading as The Economist Group, is a British multinational media company headquartered in London and best known as publisher of The Economist magazine. The Economist Group is partly owned by the Rothschild family. The Economist is connected to those who have the means and the power to make “predictions” a reality.The Economist World in 2017 Cover by jkbugout
The Economist The World in 2017 Cover LEAKED: Ominous Nuclear Death on Tarot Cards by New World Agenda
WOW! De-Coding Secrets Of The NEW (2017) Economist Magazine Cover by TheScariestMovieEver
Will TRUMP Bring Us ´HEAVEN or HELL´? by TheScariestMovieEver
"And He said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven." - Luke 10:18, King James Version (KJV)
Barak, also spelled Baraq, from the root B-R-Q, is a Hebrew name meaning "lightning."

- The Chronological Order of the Book of Revelation
- True Patriot Bill Cooper, NASA's Project Blue Beam, the Fake UFO Threat, and the Fake Rapture
- The End of the World and the Final Seven Years
- Satan's Conspiracy Against God
- The Green Movement Is the One World Religion
- The Return of Christ in the Clouds of Heaven
- Is Trump the Elite's Selected Fall Guy for the Coming Economic Collapse?
- The Economist’s “The World in 2017” Makes Grim Predictions Using Cryptic Tarot Cards
ReplyDeleteJ Podess Ta
I do not believe that the powers that be want the world to plummet back into stoneage. That would not be in their interest. But instead the slow downgrading of society will take place. Within one or two generations the whole world will be a third world place. Even without a world war. A global Calcutta. Why should they risk everything they worked for with a war ? No , the downgrading will continue. And there will be no war – just false flags. This planet will become a truly hideous place to live in.
Otherwise next year will mark the 500th anniversary of the protestant Reformation.
This seems like a potentially extremely important observation. Thank you!
Carlos, vigilant one is right on track. While the 95 theses may have been nailed to a Catholic building, it still represents the Protestant Reformation in this case. The cross observation is too telling (crucified [continually] vs. empty cross). Nailing the 95 theses to “our” door is a slap in the Protestants’ face as if to say, “Here, you can have this back as your tower crumbles and burns, taking your 95 theses with it.”
With all due respect to the Catholics, I’m starting to really suspect the Vatican (and thus the Catholic church) is compromised and is really part of the NWO agenda. I’ve seen a number of things that are more than a little suspicious. For instance, consider a small thing like Arnaldo Pomodoro’s ‘Sphere within Sphere’ atrocity residing at *both* the Vatican and the UN… and we all know what the UN and its ‘Lucis Trust’ spiritual foundation is really about – nevermind the fact it’s very odd for the Vatican to accept profane ‘art’ and thus link itself with worldly institutions. Then you have the fact the Pope – allegedly God’s right hand man on Earth – starts talking about economic policies and other nonsense he has no business talking about (he should talk about Jesus and nothing else). Here’s VC’s own article about Pope calling for more NWO:
Were I Catholic I’d feel hard pressed to reconsider my affiliation. As a Vigilant Citizen, the Vatican is not something I’d feel comfortable submitting to.
Anonymous Reader
Bingo by you Awake and Leht.
I just posted higher up to VC, next year on the 500th anniversary, the Lutheran Church is going to sign a deceleration with the Catholic church as an “apology” for protesting against the pope and to bury the hatchet in the name of “Unity”.
The card signifies the end of the Protestant Reformation where many Christians will be fooled into following this Religious World Power/Beast. It also signifies a further healing of the papacy’s “mortal wound” and a big “F.U” to Martin Luthur.
I think the tower represents destruction of protestantism. The pope has been calling for protestants to come back to the catholic church.
Lara you’re absolutely spot on. Revelation states that the woman dressed in purple and scarlet (Revelation Chapter 17) will rule the scarlet coloured beast (Revelation 13). The way I understand this, the Catholic Church will be the head of the coming one world religion. The new world order will have an appearance of communism/communist ideals but ultimately the aim will be to destroy true protestantism. Perhaps the Lightning bolt signifies that satan has completely taken over the RC church/Vatican now. I’ve always believed that Francis is the last Pope since that lightning bolt struck St Peter’s basilica shortly after Pope Benedict announced his resignation.
Loren Trute
ReplyDeleteI agree. Looks like it’s saying the communists and catholics willarch against and try to reform or destroy true Christianity.
Lore God\'s
The tower splits in two, one side towards “communists” (liberation theologians, South american leftist clergy) And one side towards Christians. It’s the Podesta plan for a Catholic Spring resulting in another Schism, to further isolate actual Christians (indipendently from denomination) on the world stage.
The paper is there to remember people of the last Schism.
Divide et Impera.
It’s my theory that Trump was elected to be a powerful fall guy for whatever “they” have planned. They’ve pushed the left’s agenda harder than anything I have ever seen or read about, politically, that I don’t think they’d cease it in lieu of conservative control. People, at heart, are still quite conservative. It takes a lot of time to undo centuries of conservative habits. If presidents are, indeed, selected and not elected, and Hillary was even shocked by her defeat, then, to me, they plan on using Trump in a way no one can see coming. The word “rumors” in the Biblical phrase from Revelation “there will be wars and rumors of wars,” doesn’t mean gossip, it means confusion. We simply don’t know who our enemies are these days. There are so many!
trump is the fall guy chosen when the economic collapse in the making comes to pass.
That is not Mark Rutte in The Wheel of Fortune card. That is Geert Wilders. He is the leader of the Party of Freedom in the Netherlands. I think a lot of people will vote for him in march 2017. That’s why he is on this card, going up, just below Marine Le Pen.
The Star might refer to the comet ping pong scandal. Hence he comet in the middle surrounded by the faces of young people. Whether or not you believe “pizzagate”, the “fake news” narrative will be pushed further this coming year.
The kid’s faces in the stars look like what you’d see on a “missing” poster. The “shooting star” is a comet. The landscape looks Hellish, volcanic. Make of it what you will.
What seems to have escaped your attention is that the “wheel of fortune” as depicted here is actually a means of torture from medieval times. The ones on the wheel are entirely helpless, completely subjected to the will of the executioner. So I think it also clearly shows that our so-called leaders are completely powerless and can be gotten rid of at any time.
The death card makes me think of the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse. 1. Death 2. Famine. 3. War. 4. Conquest.
The death card has a lot going on in it. Famine, drought, death, nuclear attack….and then those violent mosquitos. Maybe there will be a manufactured illness/largespread physical attack on people.
The tower did make me think of the tower of babel and division- then, when I was reading your article, I remembered the words “trump tower”.
Even though this magazine seems to fortell of many bad things to come, I have to say, I’ve had nothing but good feelings for 2017. I think the media is in an uproar. If it’s going to be a bad year for anyone, I’d say It will be a bad year for the people up top. I have a lot of optimism for all of us though. I won’t buy into any of their “doom” messages.
Kev allah
The hidden hand is la Mano Negra. Aka the mafia. Aka organized crime. And Trump in french Trompe (phonetics is according to sound not spelling) means to deceive. Write an article about Westworld and the episode named “trompe l’oeuil” (sp?). In french that means “deceive the eyes” but pronounced in english it would be “trump loyal”. Could trumps loyalty to his kind be a complete deception?
Be wordly minded. And fuck the world.
HOW DID NOONE PICK UP ON THE CARDS THAT ARE CROOKED VS NOT!!! Its obvious that this is the view the elite have and the crooked ones were unexpected.
ReplyDeleteThe star card is related to comet ping pong and all the young victims surrounding it.
That is exactly what I was thinking. I have never seen the MSM push so hard to try to convince society that the story is false. Seems like they are scared of the truth being found out!
Sherri Goodwin
Hmm. This is an interesting idea. I’ve been watching this Comet Ping Pong story and how it is being twisted into all of “those” conspiracy theorists out there being so crazy…. I can see how this could be related.
Pineal Vision
Has anyone been paying attention to this crazy wave thing that hit the earth yesterday?
Mike Around The World and the folks over at BPEarth have been predicting it would hit on the 26th, but it appears to have come a week early. Their predictions for 2017 are pretty grim and involve galactic gamma rays hitting the earth and all the turmoil that entails. They are also talking about a comet who’s path will cross between the sun and earth. This all comes after Obama signed an executive order referring to contingency plans for space weather phenomenon. I have to wonder if this card is somehow referring to all of that.
The first card, the tower, if you notice also has what looks like Martin Luther’s thesis that was nailed to the door. This started the reformation that cause the catholic church to go on it murderous rampage in trying to stamp out protestants and everyone else that didn’t follow their dictates. The death card….my my, looks like they have quite a few things planned.
Maybe I’m wrong (I probably am, sorry!), but when I first saw the teenagers faces on “The Star”, I thought it could mean death of young people, like a massacre on a school or another place teens go…
When my father died I was little and my mother used to tell me he became a star…
So, teens faces on stars = teens becoming stars = teens dying
And thinking better about it now, the pictures look like the ones used on posters of missing people, and the tarot card shows the Moon (?) craters, like saying “they are out of Earth”, they are nowhere to be seen, they disappeared, they are missing.
So maybe they are saying there will be lots of young people who will disappear (for occult elite purposes, maybe) and die?
D D d
mushroom = fungus, mould.
With less sunshine by contrails and veil-clouding, less open windows at new work places, schools, malls etc. the numbers of funghi problems have grown. gardens, nature, homes and humans. Just trying to connect some dots here, someone noticed them too?
I don’t think so. This mushroom cloud is the classic reaction to a nuclear bomb, including the ring around the spout. It’s more fear tactics, including the other ominous signs in the picture. I have heard so many people talking about the end of the world… it’s pretty wild.
D D d
I was not talking about the blue cloud, but about the yellow things on the land – on the death-card. To me they seem mushrooms, too.
The Bomb is speaking for itself probably? Loud and clear.
mark leininger
ReplyDeleteOn the door of the tower is nailed a written page. Maybe this represents Martin Luther’s 95 theses tacked to the Wittenburg Castle door in which he protested the Catholic practice of selling “indulgences,” that is, buying forgivness of sins. 2017 is the 500 year anniversary of this act in which true Christianity broke away from corruption. One result of this was that when Queen Anne died without heir the next 50 relatives in line to the British throne were rejected by law because they were Catholic. So George I, king of Hanover (Anne’s second cousin) became king of UK, beginning 200 years of personal union between Hanover Germany and England.
Now that “tower” is, for all spiritual purposes, also corrupted.
I find it interesting on the Death card that while Death is the only visible horsemen, War, Famine, and Pestilence are shown. Could be alluding to the apocalypse, and all the horsemen are there in some way.
I disagree, I’ve been middle of the road my entire life, however liberals are truly insane. They live on emotion while conservatives deal with facts. Thus I’ve found myself gravitating towards the right the last few years. You cannot…simply CANNOT reason with a liberal.
You are so right (no pun intended)! Many are volatile and refuse to engage in intelligent discussion that differs in any way from the emotional viewpoints they cling to for dear life!
Some have said The Star card is related to Comet Pingpong, just wanted to note that there are 14 images of kids on there and 10 smaller white stars, made me think of that image of John Podesta holding up his hands with the number 14 on it and the fish symbol on the other hand…the 14 relates to those images of the kids and the 10 relates to his 10 fingers maybe.
Some more…
For the Judgment card, if Trump is not a puppet off the Christ consciousness (who actually does not need him at all), maybe he is the puppet of the Antechrist! After all he is wearing black and sat on the flag of the US… you dont imagine Christ doing such a thing!
For the World card, I see three houses connected to the Cosmos…Art, Science and Spirituality? How a word ruled by these 3 houses would work?
For the Hermit card, the hermit (true King) is shedding light from the mountain in the night (darkness)… we see the moon and start indeed!
For the Death card, what I interpret as a Tree of Life or Tree of Knowledge looks damn similar to the 9 world of Yggdrasil in the Viking mythology!
The Wheel of Fortune seems to be fuelled by a Lightning coming from the above…
Loren Trute
Notice their version of the hermit is no longer hiding the lantern. It is as if they are showing the world their secrets but the people are marching against it. Notice the people are depicted as Nazi’s. Not sure why.
Also, the World card shows the types of media controlled by the elite, but outside of that is the Bible, and a portrait, of who?
The masses think their intelligence surpasses all. It’s sad. Yet they all repeat the same things over and over and over like indoctrinated rats. They hate Jesus and openly show their hatred yet are NO one can talk about the LGBTQ community, or Buddhism without everyone having a liberalism seizure claiming “hate speech!” Yet the constantly tell Christians the are bible thumpers who should kill themselves. But it’s not hate speech because everyone hates Jesus. After all He was just a prophet like Ghandi and Muhammad. He wasn’t actually the son of God. Well say what you will but talking shit about people who believe in Christ is the cool thing to do and it WILL get worse. On every single tv show, movie, comedy sketch and social media outlet it WILL get worse. Don’t talk about race, politics, vegans, women, buddists, or gays. But those Christians? Fuck them!
Find out if Jesus was Lord, liar, or lunatic. But here’s a word of advice: make it your business to find out soon. It doesn’t matter if you don’t believe in Satan but the people who are in control do. See things for how they really are. Not how you want them to be….
ReplyDeleteTrump appoints a cabinet of billionaires and you still think he’s “anti-globalist”. Exonn is the heart of globalised capitalism, and it’s now at the centre of the American government. This is corporatism by stealth. Wake up.
Remember that the Economist is managed and funded by Lynn Forester de Rothschild– these bastards never quit.
So I just wanted to point out a few things I didnt see VC or the comment section cover. I know someone alluded to the point that the Judgement card and the Star card were tilted, and while this must be significant, I find even more puzzling is why the two cards that were singled out to be tilted would be tilting in two opposite directions. Does this allude to the Judgement and the Star possibly being at odds with each other? Polar opposites? No quite sure. Also as someone pointed out the land below the comet in the star card is red eith craters which I highly believes alludes to Mars. This is a concerning correlation considering all the efforts NASA has put into studying Mars. Will this possibly be an “other wordly, anti-christ like” being? Again, not sure. Another interesting note is the red sun appearing prominent in the Death card. While meanings are obscure, a red sun can trace its esoteric meaning back to Osiris-Ra cultus of Legbha. The red sun and its power can be attributed to creative power of evolutionary nature. Are the elite trying to create from this scenario of death? Lastly, I noticed the moon in the Hermit card appeared to be either a Last Quarter moon or a Balsamic moon. Judging by its crescent shape rather than a fully split half, I think its safe to assume Balsamic. A balsamic moon depicts the end of a cycle and the birth of a new cycle, surrender, rest, final release, purging, and lastly; peace, as it enters the darkside of the moon. Is this foreshading the end of a cycle or some rebirth? Time will tell. Hope this info is helpful to you all! Glory be to God.
Devout Christian
I don’t know if that’s relevant, but the cards also form a sequence of numbers:
16 11 21 9
13 1 10 17
If you use the international system of notation, you find some dates there: November 16, September 21, January 13 (the last pair of numbers can’t be put the same way, unless it’s October 17).
Let’s keep vigilant.
Ren Snowe
ReplyDeleteThe shooting star made me immediately associate to Travelers. Unlike Stranger Things and Westworld, this show is probably more under the radar for most people. It is not starstudded like Westworld. All cast are new to me. The show is about time travel but not in the traditional sense we are used to. the future humans has invented a technology that makes it possible for them to take over someone elses body at the exact time of their death. The religious people will probably associate this with demonic possession. However, they are agents on a mission. At first we don’t learn much but that something horrible is going to happen in our timeline that will change everything to worse. Obviously obly a remnant of humanity has survived. Which is why they are trying to change the past to prevent that terrible outcome. Most people will probably think it will be something nuclear. But a few episodes later we learn that an asteroid is bound to hit earth 18 months later. I don’t fully recall what they called it. I think it was Helios something. Could that also be a hint at the dark sun and the crack in the earth?
Ren Snowe
First sorry for the typos. Although we have been hit before in history this seem to be the mother of them all. That was why I associated with the crack in the earth. Another under the radar show is Van Helsing. It takes place in an post-apocalyptic scenario. The year is 2019. One year after The Rising. Instead of zombies, the world is plagued with vampires. Which hints at something big is gonna happen in 2018. Little more than a year from now. Funny how close that is to Helios, give or take a couple of months. The main character Vanessa Seward is the great great great granddaughter of Abraham Van Helsing. There is something strange with her blood. She is not fully human but no vampire. Any vampire that bites her, reverts back to humans again and are after that immune to new vampire bites. They cannot be turned again. It is a very strange show, just like Travelers.
Jess E
I haven’t read through all of the comments, so forgive me if it has been mentioned. But, the Hermit Card has the rock or mountain cracking through what looks like North America. Looks like the “crack” goes right to the Great Lakes area. Maybe it’s just me? Also, Trumps left foot basically lands right on the same area in the Judgement card?
It seems to me that the churches are going off the rails on what the Bible teaches. Every believer needs to be like the Bereans and search the Bible for the truth of things themselves and not rely so much on what the churches teach.
However, to say that the Bible teaches we are all gods is totally and completely false. The Bible teaches that we are sinners and that we all sin against God. That Jesus came to take the punishment for our sins and if you believe in Him you will be saved. That is what the Bible teaches.
It was the serpent in the garden that first told Eve that if she ate the fruit that she would be like God wouldn’t die. Which was a lie! Because after she and Adam ate the fruit-what happened? Nothing good….You can keep believing the lie if you want but it really isn’t going to get you anywhere good….(think lake of fire)
What of in dry river in the horse card?
The elite are planning de-population of the world… Walmarts are closing across the U.S. and Fema camps are setting up in them & building guard Towers… Wal Mart spellelled backwards – Martial Law … do your research…
Anonymous Reader
ReplyDeleteHello VC,
I think i can help you bit on the tower card. 2017 will be the 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. Next year the Lutheran Church is going to sign a deceleration with the Catholic church as an “apology” for protesting against the pope and to bury the hatchet in the name of “Unity”.
The card signifies the end of the Protestant Reformation where many Christians will be fooled into following this Religious World Power/Beast. It also signifies a further healing of the papacy’s “mortal wound” and big “F.U” to Martin Luthur.
ahahahhaha I feel sorry for the ignorant and sick with hatred white nationalists!!!!
Their mesiah Trump is going to be their death =) ahahahahhaahhaha
After Trump all America will prey for back to the way of unificaiion =)
I believe while they are using the color scheme and imagery from the Rider-Waite Deck, this Judgement Card is from the Thoth Deck. The image is Trump as Horus. Crowley changed the Judgement Card to the Aeon Card. They made us think that Hilarion (Isis) The Whore of Babylon was going to win but they hoodwinked us all and instead Trump TRUMPED his MOTHER as the crowned and conquering child.
Above the pyramid in the World card there is the flag of Daesh/ISIS.
The reality is Trump is an open card (a ‘Trump card’?). Nobody really knows exactly what he is, yet. He is the ‘chaos candidate’ – and may indeed likely create just that, chaos.
From a mainstream point of view he’s a disaster – he represent America going crazy, with people turning to conspiracies, ‘fake news’ (like they’d say this entire VC website is) and various forms of bigotry (racism, islamophobia etc).
More likely, Trump is yet another elite puppet who will play some role for them. My personal guess is his purpose is to be America’s worst president yet in order to permanently disillusion the public and dissuade them from ever voting for any kind of alternative, anti-establishment candidate again. From this angle of observation, ‘celebrities’ still have to appear anti-Trump so as to appear like the mainstream view of things is reality.