January 11, 2010

Christian Persecution

Beware the Signs of Another Holocaust

Originally Published on August 14, 2007

True Light Christian Blog - I grow more and more alarmed at what I see all the time in the media and in everyday life. Things are not looking up for Christians in today’s world.

I have been doing some reading on WWII and the holocaust. It freaks me out to read about the beginnings and seeds of WWII, Hitler, and the genocide of the Jews. It all started with hate. Hatred of the Jews simmered and simmered. The pot was stirred and the flames fed as Germany started to put action to the propaganda of hate. Eventually that hate spread until the fire consumed many of the Jewish people, much of Europe, and eventually affected the entire world. Shockingly, much of the world sat by and turned the other way, not willing to face a terrible evil and deal with it before it was too late. What could have been stopped was not stopped.

To be frank, I do not see much difference between that time and our own. I feel that we might be in the seeds and beginnings of yet another holocaust. This time those of us who love Jesus Christ are in danger.

Hatred for Christians is spreading at an alarming pace throughout the United States, Europe, and the rest of the world. Christians have been dealing with persecution and martyrdom all over the world, but so far we Christians in America have been pretty much safe from the worst. I don’t know how much longer that will last. Hatred is simmering and the fire is being fed. We are coming under attack more and more. Christians are being arrested for handing out pamphlets, shut up from speaking their heart at events like graduations, and are losing their jobs for holding to their beliefs. Our freedoms are in danger everyday as the liberal politicians in Washington are trying to silence us even further.

I write all of this not to scare people, just to inform. I just want us all to be ready for a little heat... Maybe, if we refuse to learn from the past, a lot of heat. Are we all ready to face that here? If our world of safety and freedom is shaken, will we still stand firm? Let’s not be caught unaware if the flame seeks to devour us very soon. Jesus told us to remember that if the world hates us, that it hated Him first! Let’s not be surprised, just ready.

The Voice of Martyrs - Persecution Blog
Kjos Ministries - Persecution Page
International Christian Concern - Persecution Page
Christian Freedom International - Persecution Page
Calvary Church of Port Orchard, Washington - Persecution Page
The Persecution Times - Persecution News

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Obama-Praised Gay Activist Says God is a “Sinful Homophobic Bigot”

January 11, 2010

LifeSiteNews.com - Frank Kameny, a “pioneering” homosexual activist who was honored by President Obama and his administration, says the God of the Bible is a “sinful homophobic bigot” who needs to “repent of his sinful homophobia.”

Kameny made the assertions about the Judeo-Christian God in a letter to Peter LaBarbera of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality, October 13, 2009:
“Your God of Leviticus (and of the whole Bible) is clearly a sinful homophobic bigot. He should repent of his sinful homophobia. He should atone for that sin. And he should seek forgiveness for the pain and suffering which his sinful homophobia has needlessly inflicted upon gay people for the past 4000 years,” wrote Kameny to LaBarbera. “It is not homosexuality which is always wrong, immoral, and sinful. It is homophobia, including the homophobia of your god himself which is wrong, immoral, and sinful. And so your god is a sinner….”
An astronomer who was fired from his federal government job in 1957 due to his homosexuality, Kameny led the first public homosexual protest in America (over his firing), in 1965. Kameny, who gained notoriety with his aggressive, counter-cultural slogan “Gay is Good,” was a leader of the organized homosexual activist campaign to pressure the American Psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality from the list of mental disorders (which succeeded when the APA capitulated in 1973).

On June 17, 2009, Kameny received the official White House pen from President Obama in a White House signing ceremony enacting Obama’s executive order providing domestic partner benefits for certain federal employees.

Later, at a June 29 White House speech honoring “gay pride month,” President Obama praised Kameny, saying:
“We are proud of you, Frank, and we are grateful to you for your leadership.”
Kameny was also honored by John Berry, Obama’s openly homosexual Director of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), in a special ceremony June 24, 2009 sponsored by the OPM “gay” employees organization. There, Kameny received the Theodore Roosevelt Award, the OPM’s highest honor, “For More Than a Half-Century of Leadership in the Struggle for Civil Rights.” Berry also issued a formal U.S. government apology to Kameny for his firing over 50 years ago.

Responding to Kameny’s letter asserting that God needs to repent, AFTAH’s LaBarbera said:
“Of course Frank Kameny’s outrageous statements about God are completely backwards: it is Frank who is the stubborn sinner who needs to repent. Thankfully, it is never too late for sinners to turn away from their sins and humbly accept God’s forgiveness through Jesus Christ.

“However, in one sense at least Kameny is forthright about how his homosexuality-celebrating ideology stands diametrically opposed to God’s plan for mankind, as revealed in the Bible. Unfortunately for Frank, he has no authority to judge sin and morality; that is the province of Almighty God alone.”

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