August 18, 2010

Climate Bills and a Green Economy

Perspective on Toxic Carbon Dioxide Taxation

July 28, 2010 - Richard Sandor, one of the founders of the Chicago Climate Exchange for carbon credits says that passage of the Cap and Trade legislation designed to tax carbon dioxide and other air “pollutants” will be a $10 to $20 Trillion dollar business.

Describing it as a “business” is one way to put it, but we’d prefer to call it a scam. In fact, it will probably be the largest fraud ever perpetrated on the entire world, destined to sky rocket energy prices and enslave 99.9% of the entire planet.

Carbon dioxide, you’ll note, is an essential gas necessary for survival, as it feeds the plant population. Most of the CO2 in our air is naturally produced, with a very small amount actually coming from humans in the form of breathing and industrialization.

In fact, the cap and trade tax itself is nothing more than a tax on breathing. While government has yet to control oxygen rights and its inhalation by homo sapiens like they are trying to control the production of food and rain water harvesting, they’ve taken the approach of taxing our exhalation instead. Though they won’t directly say it, this is essentially what they are doing by requiring the purchase of carbon credits for the expulsion of toxic CO2.

To put into perspective how much toxic CO2 humans actually produce, we turn to the July 2010 Wellington Letter from Bert Dohmen, which puts it quite succinctly.

Let’s look at what the so-called danger of carbon dioxide is to the planet. And remember, plants need CO2 to live. (This example comes from a valued subscriber in Australia)

Imagine 1 kilometer (1000 meters) of atmosphere, and we want to get rid of the carbon pollution in it created by human activity. Let’s go for a walk along it.

  • The first 770 meters are nitrogen.
  • The next 210 meters are oxygen.
  • That’s 980 meters of the 1 kilometer. 20 meters to go.
  • The next 10 meters are water vapor. 10 meters left.
  • 9 meters are argon. Just 1 more meter to go.
  • A few gases make up the first bit of that last meter.
  • The last 38 centimeters of the kilometer; that’s carbon dioxide. A bit over one foot. And 97% of that one foot is produced by Mother Nature. It’s natural.

Out of our journey of one kilometer, there are just 12 millimeters left. Just over a centimeter; about half an inch. And that’s CO2.

Our comment: Out of 1000 meters of atmosphere, 12 millimeters, or half an inch, is CO2 produced by human activities. Scientists say that even if the world cooperates with the devastatingly high carbon taxes—which will undermine our economies—CO2 can only be reduced by 10% over the next 90 years. That’s a reduction of 1.2 millimeters, the thickness of a string out of the one kilometer of atmosphere above. And it will take almost a century. Insanity!

Does anyone really believe that the earth will be “saved” by this? Is it even in danger? The Icelandic volcano will put more gases into the atmosphere than mankind has produced since the dawn of civilization.

Source: Bert Dohmen’s Wellington Letter for economic, market, political, social and global perspectives.

So, once again we see that this is not about the environment, or about improving the lives of the people of earth. It’s about money, control and power.

How can one argue otherwise given the breakdown above?

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