August 25, 2010

Copenhagen Climate Treaty & Climategate

NOAA’s Magic Wand Waves Away 2000-2009 Cooling

August 5, 2010

Paul MacRae - ... NOAA’s U.S. temperatures directly contradicts the NOAA report. On its site, NOAA offers a gadget that lets browsers check the temperature trend in the continental United States for any two years between 1895 and 2010. Here’s what the graph shows for the years 2000-2009 in the United States:

Figure 2: NOAA website
Figure 2: NOAA website

This graph shows a temperature decline of 0.73°Fahrenheit (-0.4°C) for 2000-2009 in the U.S. To get a perspective on how large a decline this is: the IPCC estimates that the temperature increase for the whole of the 20th century was 1.1°F, or 0.6°C. In other words, at least in the United States, the past decade’s cooling wiped out two-thirds of the temperature gain of the last century.

While the U.S. isn’t, of course, the whole world, it has the world’s best temperature records, and a review of the NOAA data since 1895 shows that in the 20th century the U.S. temperature trends mirrored, quite closely, the global temperature trends. So, for example, between 1940-1975, a global cooling period, the NOAA chart showed a temperature decline of 0.14°F (-0.07°C).

In other words, it stretches credulity to the breaking point to believe that the global temperature trend from 2000-2009 could be a full 0.6°C—more than half a degree Celsius—higher than the temperature trend for the United States (that is, -.4C + .2C).

Until NOAA issues a correction (which isn’t likely), the cooling of the past decade—which has been such an embarrassment to the hypothesis that human-caused carbon emissions will cause runaway warming—is gone, conjured away by a wave of the NOAA climate fairy’s magic wand.


Copenhagen Climate Treaty
Climate/Clean Energy/Cap-and-Trade
Carbon Credit Scam
Man-Made Global Warming Hoax
Food Supply/Famine/Global Cooling
Government-Funded Green Jobs
Green Agenda and Earth Worship
The Green Movement Is the One World Government

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