March 18, 2012

America Has Strayed from Its Founding Roots

Lost Principles and Social Destruction

“…we are here dealing with a totalitarian state of which the philosophy included an utter contempt for the individual… any freedom of thought or action was inconceivable in the Aztec world… dependence and instability were absolute, fear reigned. Death lurked ceaselessly everywhere, and constituted the cement of the building in which the individual Aztec was prisoner… Clearly the spirituality of some aspects of Aztec life must have sprung from an old pre-Aztec tradition, later betrayed…” - Laurette Sejourne (‘Burning Water’)

March 16, 2012 - The life of a nation, of a culture, is sustained by very few but very critical social circumstances. These pillars must stand strong, maintained with the utmost care and caution; as one would fight to maintain the beat of his own heart. If these vital foundations are dissolved or destroyed, the nation and the people contained within are subject to the most heinous of generational afflictions. The citizenry and all that nurtures their progress, begins to die. Slowly suffocating in a corrosive atmosphere of dishonor, men turn toward pure self interest at the expense of their greater selves, giving rise to hatred, desperation, and an environment of disturbed malleability that is easily exploited by those who seek power.

Eventually, the entire edifice comes crashing down, sometimes so far into the pits of black and terrible times that it is all but lost, even to memory…

As I look out past the near horizon of this time, and this nation, I see considerable potential for a revitalization of that which is best in humanity. I see a population that strives for independence. I see a return to the entrepreneurial spirit of discovery. I see unhindered freedom of thought and action feeding a fire of creativity that inspires us to unimaginable heights. I see new expression given license not just by the masses, but by structures of a government which truly follows the will of the common man, and not the will of an elite few. I see America breathing full, eyes wide open and alive.

However, this potential future would have to come at a considerable cost.

America has so strayed from its founding roots that it now hungers; starving for lack of nutrients from its natural soil. As with all other catastrophic societies of the past, we have been manipulated and conned into overlooking and over-rationalizing astonishing injustice and in some cases, unmitigated evil. I frankly don’t know what else to call it.

There are some acts of malevolence that go beyond human weakness and inadequacy and reach into realms of calculation that are so cold, so soulless, there is simply no other way to describe them. These actions and attitudes tend to run rampant in dying nations but are rarely singled out and criticized by those in the midst of the great fall. Each begins with the loss of particular principles and inherent morals that are normally prized under more healthy circumstances, but are despised in times of chaos and uncertainty.

This begins with the rise of moral relativism.

All Is “Rational”…

The concept that our inherent conscience should be set aside at times in order to achieve a “greater good” is a long running philosophy that has led to some of the greatest evils mankind has ever witnessed. From Plato’s “noble lie”, to Machiavelli’s politics of subversion, to the Marquis De Sade’s insane fantasy world without self limit; such men and those who adopt their ideals have proven that intellect alone is no magic ticket to a well balanced society. Indeed, intellect without intuitive conscience can be a tool for rationalizing the most horrifying of crimes.

In America today, we have quite a few moral relativists at the helm of our government, and many more who would advise them.

Ralph Peters, a retired United States Army Lieutenant Colonel and former campaign adviser to John McCain, known for his array of Islamo-fearmongo books and novels, is, in my view, a perfect example of the moral relativist in action. Talking points from his writings are parroted constantly by Neo-Cons and now Neo-Libs who feel compelled to defend Barack Obama’s continued blood-letting in the Middle East. Peters asserts that American troops and warfare tactics must become essentially as monstrous as the enemy we fight in order for victory to be achieved. This is excusable, in his opinion, because America is the “good guy”, and they are the “bad guys”:

Ironically, Peters often uses the example of Rome’s genocidal attacks on Carthage as a primer for his arguments, loosely comparing the “barbarians” of Carthage to the “barbarian” Muslims of his War on Terror. His position; that Rome was safest when they were absolute in their brutality.

What Peters ignorantly overlooks (or perhaps deliberately overlooks) is that the fall of Rome was not hastened by outside “barbarians”, but by Rome’s own barbarity and stupidity. Rome’s elites provoked and gave birth to enemy hoards through their relentless acts of bloodshed across the known world over the course of centuries. America is set on the same exact path with the help of men like Peters; claiming that our principles stand in the way of our survival, and that all targets are fair game and all means are acceptable as long as we prevail. The problem is, as Peters admits, one should never declare actual victory in the War on Terror. Thus, by his own logic, there can be no conclusion, only an endless cycle of death perpetrated in ever more diabolical ways.

LinkNations that take on this mentality of pure destruction without boundaries lose all high ground in the annals of history.

It is not enough that a country or a culture should survive; it must also be worthy of survival. Recent debacles in Afghanistan, including the deliberate killing of 16 civilians (which I’m sure Peters would attempt to advocate), show clearly that the longer you try to occupy a foreign nation based on false premises, the more it will eventually start looking like Vietnam, along with the toll of madness and depression that overtakes soldiers after multiple tours of duty fighting a war that makes no sense to them anymore.

Science Supercedes Conscience?

In the world of Bioethics, moral relativism has been refined to an art form, and the prominence of bioethical arguments is expanding considerably here in the U.S. The reason for this can be tied directly to the elitist adoption of environmental activism as a vehicle to promote morally relative social policies. The field of climate change continues to offer the most ample venue. If the very future of our planet is supposedly at stake due to the mere creation of carbon emissions, a product of almost every human action, then all aspects of human life come into question and eventually, lend themselves to taxation, regulation, and domination.

Despite the fact that climate research labs like those at the CRU of East Anglia and NASA still refuse to release the source data for their experiments supporting their assertions that man causes global warming, and the fact that East Anglia’s rigged computer modeling methods were exposed through the Climategate emails, the Bioethics community continues to use manmade global warming as the boogieman rationalization for scientific tyranny. This includes suggestions of medicating the populace in order to make them more “empathetic” to the dangers of climate change:

The climate change dynamic invariably leads to calls for population reduction. Arguments have been recently presented stating that because newborn babies do not have fully formed cognition, they are “not yet human” and should be susceptible to legal abortion (of course, men like Steven Pinker, Noam Chomsky, Carl Jung, and many others have proven that there are multiple inherent qualities to children at birth, and Bioethicists have no idea how much of our personality is a part of that, but hey, who am I to argue with a Bioethicist):

For the ancient Aztecs, high priests used the fake threat of the solar eclipse and the swallowing of the sun as a means to control the people and force them to conduct human sacrifice to satiate the bloodlust of their rulers. In America today, we have high priests in the garb of pseudoscience who use the specter of climate change annihilation to seize similar control and condone clinical human sacrifice to satiate the thirst of environmental elitists for depopulation.

It Always Ends In Cannibalism…

People eating other people is just one of those aspects of extreme decline that the collapse of civilizations seem to illicit. It goes against all natural law and even our animal instinct, but in a land where principles are rejected wholesale, it can become commonplace. Most animals avoid turning to cannibalism because their very genetics demand that they continue the species. This is very difficult to do when one’s own species is self consuming. Even if conscience were never a question (which it always is), our very DNA should prevent us from such activity. When it does occur, with extensive participation by the general populace, it is a sure sign of a culture on the edge of a full-on swan dive into epic seventh circle of hell-style calamity.

This is why anyone should feel rather disturbed and sickened at the news that companies like Pepsi, Nestle, and Kraft Foods are working with artificial flavor manufacturer Senomyx, which uses aborted fetal tissue in the creation of its products:

The Senomyx patents which include fetal tissue use (HEK Cell lines that express hetero oligomeric taste receptors) can be viewed here:

Senomyx and the companies associated with it have made a wide range of assertions surrounding this practice. Some deny fetal tissue is used at all. Others argue that it is only used in the “testing” of certain chemical flavorings. While the consensus is that human material is not actually present in the final food products of the companies involved, I find it a bit disconcerting to know that dead fetuses are being used to test better flavor enhancements for someone’s next soda or slice of cheese. Regardless of how you may feel about the issue of abortion, you have to admit that this lack of respect for human remains for the purposes of profit when numerous alternatives exist is chilling.

This news, along with the revelation that hybrid rice containing human DNA has been approved by the USDA, tells me that someone out there REALLY wants the average American to dive into at least lighter forms of cannibalism:

Given these developments, it is only a matter of time before present technological food practices take another step forward into even more questionable realms. Is the “Soylent Green” method of cannibalism more acceptable than the Aztec form of cannibalism? No. Ultimately, both stem from a complete lack of regard for life; a regard that usually keeps societies from tearing themselves to shreds over the rolling boil of a stew pot.

Moments Of Clarity Lost…

The above examples of undesirable trends are only a taste of the stampede of modern tyranny that we must brace for and defend against in the near term. The most important factor of all is to understand why a social condition causes us pain. In regret, and in sadness, that which makes us human is most distinctly felt. Our inner voice, once lost or forgotten, is difficult to retrieve. The ease by which the darker side of life presents itself becomes enticing, and, the good we were once capable of fades.

America (and the rest of the world) is at the most important stage of historical life; the stage at which the people choose to leave all reason behind to ride the mangling tides of fate, or, choose to stand and fight for a clarity of sight one could only define as individual destiny. Regardless of the circumstances we are eventually faced with, one difficult truth remains; without a sense of honor and principle, there can be no liberty, and therefore, no society worth a damn. Some see this as a handicap in the battle for transparency and truth in our culture. I do not.

In the end, HOW we fight is just as important as WHY we fight. The example we set is just as important as the ideals we espouse. The way we live is just as important if not more important than the length of our time on this planet. What we leave behind after the dust settles and our land driven forms remain but cast shadows in the minds of generations we will never meet, is what makes us who we are. Anyone who says that the “ends justify the means”, is not serving the future, but the moment, and that moment will be harsh and fleeting…

What Will the One-World Religion Be?

Originally Published in July 2007 - Now, let’s go another direction for a minute.

The Bible speaks of a one-world religion that will deceive people of every religion on earth in the latter part of the last days. But I think this religion has ALWAYS been the world religion. What can that religion be?

It is highly improbable, and seemingly inconceivable, that any existing religion (Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Jewish or Christianity, etc.) could convert the whole world to its doctrine, but religions such as Islam would like to force all living humans into submission to their religion.

That will be the goal of this false religion, not to convert, but force us to need them in order to survive. How can that be done?

Most people's religion is a traditional heritage, a religious veneer that covers their underlying love of money and the power it brings (to dominate and survive): The love of money, and the power it brings (to dominate and survive). In a word: Self, the most primal of instincts.

Christians whose subliminal God is money show that they can be seduced and drawn from God. Since the love of money is the world religion, God will cast down this false God, this idol of worship. Therefore it should not surprise us that a worldwide depression is imminent.

I think that Bill Clinton (when running for president) was a prophet to the antichrist system/religion when he said, "It is the economy, stupid!" My study of world history shows me that the antichrist system is so subtle, so subversive, so wise, but so powerful — all at the same time — that very few are aware of its existence. This religion originated in the Garden of Eden when Satan originally sold this lie to Adam and Eve.

A religion is anything you love, admire, and devote most of your attention to. Self-preservation — the survival instinct — is so basic to human nature that we don't think about it, or write about it, or preach sermons on it.

That is why the one-world religion can be described as the perfect conspiracy, because it is a subliminal, subconscious religion. We treasure, and are driven, by the gratuitous instinct to survive; and that can be defined as a subliminal, invisible religion.

Way too many Christians vote their pocketbook and for the power to dominate. Look at what is generally called Bible believing Christians. They appear to be zealous in their faith, yet way too many vote in diametric contradiction to the Word of God when they vote their pocketbook and forget that they are also voting for abortion, the homosexual agenda, anti-Americanism, and socialism (i.e., the most antichrist and liberal of political candidates).
"True individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence." - Franklin Delanor Roosevelt
In other words, when we lose our economic security, we also lose our freedom, and are forced to survive any way we can.

I called Bill Clinton a prophet because his, "It’s the economy, stupid" prophecy was fulfilled. The nation believed him... and his subliminal, one-world religion message of self-preservation.

The Bible shows me a coming world leader who will exploit this self-preservation instinct and will bring this religion to its logical conclusion. And if possible, even some of the very elect will be deceived by this appeal to their pocketbook and personal security.

On the one hand this is a gloom and doom message, but on the other hand this is the age (the days just prior to the Second Coming) when the Church will come forth in her greatest power, glory, and victory.

The cruel, demented leadership of Adolph Hitler probably directly resulted in more death and destruction than any other single individual in history. The name Hitler will forever be one of the most ugly scars on human history. However, even Churchill acknowledged that if Hitler had died in 1938, he would have been considered one of the greatest leaders of all time.

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