February 18, 2016

Feds Will Use the Recent Drop in Gas Prices as an Excuse for a $10-a-barrel Tax on Oil

"I would submit why would the American people believe this money would be used for infrastructure improvements. Our government is consistently using money from one program to pay for something else. If gas taxes had been used to maintain our roads as they were intended, the deterioration existing today would not be nearly as bad. Instead of always looking for somewhere to spend money, a competent local, state and federal government would have never let them get this bad to begin with. The proposed tax would not affect the U.S. too much right now, until the price of oil goes back up again. Everyone always focuses on emissions and the carbon tax. We always forget how many things use crude oil. Anything which is manufactured in the world uses a product derived from oil at one point or another. Plastic, vinyl, rubber, pvc, the majority of medications, carpet, electronics, wind turbines, solar panels, chemicals, and many more things all depend upon crude oil." - Jeffrey Hart 

Why so many economists back Obama’s idea of a tax on oil

February 8, 2016

The Washington Post - When the White House announced last week that President Obama would pursue a $10-a-barrel tax on oil to fund major transportation system reforms, there were instant denunciations from many politicians, and especially congressional Republicans.
“A $10-a-barrel tax on oil will be dead on arrival in the House,” Rep. Bill Flores (R-Tex.) said. “It is clear that in his last year in office the president is more concerned with his radical climate policies and pleasing special interest groups than providing economic stability for hardworking American families. This proposed tax will do nothing more than raise costs on consumers, who are still struggling with stagnant wages.”
These critics were, in a sense, merely reflecting public opinion at large — much research suggests that gasoline taxes (and the proposed oil tax would certainly raise the price of gasoline) are very unpopular. For instance, a 2015 study of the matter found, “large majorities of Americans (65-70%) oppose higher taxes on gasoline and electricity” (although the research found that different messages about gas taxes can reduce resistance somewhat).

But despite the lack of public support, a large number of economists are convinced that taxes on fossil fuels in general are a pretty good idea. There have long been calls by economists for putting a tax on carbon in all of its forms — not just from burning oil or gasoline. The goal is to address, in economist speak, the “market failure” that occurs in this case because of the “negative externality” that is greenhouse gas emissions.

And what goes for fossil fuels and carbon in general also goes for oil and gasoline in particular, explains Harvard’s N. Gregory Mankiw, who has actually written about a “Pigou Club” of economists who agree that taxing negative externalities is a good idea.
“I think the basic argument is that there are a host of side effects, which economists call externalities, associated with production and consumption of oil,” says Mankiw. “Climate change is one of them. But even putting that aside, there are much more mundane externalities like local pollution, congestion, accidents associated with driving. There’s all sorts of bad stuff that goes along with oil that economists view as a kind of market failure. And the simplest way of fixing a market failure is to tax the activity that’s causing these adverse side effects.”
Indeed, another influential economist, Lawrence Summers, called for a carbon tax in a column for The Washington Post, referring to low oil prices roughly a year ago.
“All of us, when we drive our cars, heat our homes or use fossil fuels in more indirect ways, create … costs without paying for them,” Summers wrote then. “It follows that we overuse these fuels. Advocating a carbon tax is not some kind of argument for government planning; it is the logic of the market: That which is not paid for is overused.”
There are key differences between Obama’s proposed policy and a nationwide carbon tax. First, it only takes aim at part of the total of carbon-based fuels used in our lives. And second, the revenues wouldn’t go where some economists believe they should — to reduce other, less economically justified taxes. Instead, the goal is to spend them on improving our transportation infrastructure.

There have been some attempts to document just how many economists support carbon taxes. The IGM Forum, at the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business, convenes expert panels to determine views in the field, and in 2011 asked how much a group of economists agreed with the statement: “A tax on the carbon content of fuels would be a less expensive way to reduce carbon-dioxide emissions than would a collection of policies such as ‘corporate average fuel economy’ requirements for automobiles.” Ninety percent of respondents either agreed or strongly agreed.

There may not be any direct polling yet on Obama’s precise policy, but there are reasons to think the support might be similar.
“I will guarantee that the set of economists who support this Obama proposal is a superset of carbon tax supporters,” adds Charles Komanoff, director of the Carton Tax Center, whose website features a long list of supportive economists and scientists.  “In other words, every economist who supports a carbon tax will be supporting this Obama proposal, and there will be others as well, who don’t necessarily bleed for carbon taxes, but will say, ‘This makes so much sense because of the infrastructure need and the failure to raise the federal gasoline tax.'”
Federal gasoline taxes have not been raised since 1993. And numerous reports have said that the Highway Trust Fund, which depends upon those taxed for revenues, is in dire financial trouble because of Congress’s continual refusal to raise the gas tax, even when oil and gas prices are exceedingly low.

Alan Krupnick, an economist at the think tank Resources for the Future, said recently that Obama’s idea “has long been championed by many of us at Resources for the Future, although we want the tax to be broad-based — that is, on oil, natural gas, and coal.”

Krupnick added that to make the tax more politically palatable, it might be better to use it not for new spending but to reduce other taxes.
“The country would gain doubly in efficiency if the tax were paired with reform of corporate taxation, including a reduction in the corporate income tax. And the political costs of rejecting such an approach out of hand could be high enough to at least give a pause to opponents.”
That doesn’t seem to be in the cards — but there’s at least one aspect of the proposal that’s politically savvy: With radically low oil and gasoline prices, it’s about as timely as it is ever going to be.
“The economic argument is the same whether oil prices are high or low,” said Mankiw. “But certainly politically, it’s much easier to do this when prices are low.”

Oil Crash Will Transfer $3 Trillion Per Year from Oil Producers to Global Consumers (Until the Feds Find a Way to Get Their Hands on It)


  1. SoCal_Mark said:

    Perhaps those living in mansions prefer the carbon tax for the following reason:

    - Putting a tax on carbon would bring in huge amounts of revenue to the government. Since there are far more middle class people than rich people, that means the bulk of this money will be coming from the middle class. The end result? There will be no calls for the rich to pay more of their taxes.

    The same principle is working with obamacare. There are far more middle class paying into the system; and if they get enough funding, there's going to be no need for the rich to be taxed at a higher rate.

    And the same thing happened with the great society programs. The middle class paid for those programs by higher SS taxes.

    I'm a republican (who hates most of the republicans in the party today) but I think the time has come to really sock huge tax rates on the rich. Especially since many of them are left-wingers now... But it doesn't matter, left or right, they are making us pay so that they won't be troubled by uprisings that would spoil them enjoying their wealth.

    THETRUTH2U said:


    GOVERNMENT, in general, has to slim way way down.!! Just as the Private Sector has been doing for the past 10 to 15 years.....

    ACADAMIA HAS TO SLIM DOWN TOO. The federally funded universities, has got to start cutting back, or CREATING MORE PRIVATE SECTOR JOBS. NOT LESS.!

    Kenneth N. Shortldge said:

    There may be an environmental argument for an oil tax, but no economic argument for that tax. If the environmentalists want a tax on each barrel of oil, at least man up and admit it.

    Don Gieffers said:

    Gutless politics!

    They just love taxes that are hidden from us taxpayers. If we don't know how badly they are raping us, we don't bother to complain. Their appetite for our hard earned money is insatiable!

    BSP257 said:

    Democrats never miss an opportunity to increase taxes. The so-called progressives don't think twice about increasing a regressive tax. Obama should not wonder why there is a shrinking middle class in this country. The same way he shouldn't wonder about how the country became so divided. A good psychiatrist might help him with these issues.

    Mike Ferrell said:

    A few thing to research before you back this tax on oil. The industry is currently falling apart, I work in the oil industry and have seen thousands lose their employment putting families in dire straits. People think of "Big Oil" as rich barrons, but the industry is huge and many people which have normal middle class lives work in oil. This tax will affect them as well, as this tax will cause many smaller companies to close their doors.

    And increasing the cost of oil (Not gas) will also affect the cost of everything from Makeup to cell phones, as their are 1000's of products that use petroleum by-products. just about all plastics, rubber, ect.. are produced from oil.
    click the link below to see a few things that will also increase with a tax.

    I just think people look at the oil companies coldly and do not realize or care to realize the many families that this will hurt, it would be the same as if people wanted to close the company you work for because a handful of people had gotten rich doing it. Hating the industry, is hating families that are just like yours.

  2. 74Patriot1776 said:

    The stupidity of the president and his party never ceases to amaze me. After almost 14 years of astronomical price increases to the point that it almost required a small loan for the majority of Americans to fill up their vehicles, they didn't waste a second searching for ways to raise it again. Of course they are opportunists while doing so because God knows they don't have the political courage to do it while prices are high. If they did the ballot box would punish them and they would actually have to get a job outside of public office; something few of them could ever imagine. How laughable that the president during the State of the Union Address bragged about and somewhat implied that he is responsible for the low gas prices while now attempting this. We know better Mr. President. We also know at some point prices will go back up to what they were and the taxes you and your party impose will remain. Of course all of you hope that we long forgot about your misdeeds by then. Trust me when I say we won't.
