November 11, 2009

Governments Engineer Pandemics

The Engineering of “Pandemics” - Vaccine Induced Disease Epidemic Outbreaks

August 23, 2009

A. True Ott, PhD, ND, Vaccine Information Coalition - ...It is a proven (albeit little-known) fact, EPIDEMIC/PANDEMIC MANUFACTURING IS STANDARD PRACTICE with the world-wide “Medical Mafia” circles. In order to maximize profits and re-shape geographical regions, they often manufacture a false-flag “emergency.” If there is an outbreak of mild seasonal virus, they call it an influenza pandemic, give it a fancy new name, and then actually CREATE THE PANDEMIC by means of mass vaccinations using ATTENUATED or LIVE VIRUSES!!


As this author has repeatedly declared during many public radio interviews, the deadly 1918 Influenza Pandemic was the direct result of live-virus-contaminated Typhus Fever Vaccines mandatorily given to U.S. and Allied military personnel during World War I.

During that era, viruses were not yet discovered and diseases were thought to be bacterial only. These deadly typhus fever vaccines were manufactured by John D. Rockefeller’s research labs and Chinese pharma factories. The vaccine “seed stock” consisted of viruses harvested from human typhoid fever patients, cross-injected into swine herds to create increased “seed stock,” and then injected into chicken and turkey eggs for further incubation of the pathogens. The final, harvested “vaccine material” then was injected into HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF HUMAN VEINS. The result was a massive ‘pandemic’ that claimed the lives of as many as 50 million people worldwide.

In 1918, the viral pandemic was an honest mistake – the result of a combination of a very bad vaccine and gross ignorance about viruses and the diseases they cause. However, the continued denial of these FACTS, and the subsequent REVERSE ENGINEERING OF THE KILLER VIRUS in Ft. Detrick labs (1997-2003), is inexcusable and constitutes a veritable crime against humanity.

Moreover, the ONLY WAY a modern “SWINE FLU PANDEMIC” can actually materialize is by injection of certain LIVE VIRUSES via vaccine needles. Make no mistake, the world is NOT experiencing a true pandemic explosion at this time – but it most assuredly WILL when and if the planned mass influenza vaccinations are completed worldwide.


“Modern Medical Practitioners,” including some well-meaning “osteopaths,” would have the world believe the MYTH that vaccines containing attenuated (weakened) live viruses cannot cause the viral disease conditions they are targeting. This is a most dangerous misconception for the following SCIENTIFIC reasons.
Traditional “common” vaccines targeting measles, mumps and rubella for instance, contain small amounts of “attenuated” live viruses which have been “weakened” but not 100% killed outright.
Research has shown that these weakened “live” viruses create a very mild form of the disease in the human that has been vaccinated, which in turn creates a cellular immunity from that pathogen. The science behind this is correct, and valid for the most part. To keep the targeted viral pathogen in a perpetually weakened state, specific amounts of formaldehyde and ether are typically added, and in some formulations, mercury in the form of thimerasol is added as a preservative to keep the egg albumin cells from decaying and dying prematurely.
The established theory behind all of this ‘vaccination’ is the “protect the herd” theory, which originated with Pasteur in the late 19th century. As in all vaccines, a certain small percentage of the herd will develop severe, ‘full blown’ disease states CAUSED by the attenuated viruses in the vaccine itself, and another percentage will exhibit side effects from the chemicals added to the vaccine – but if the vast majority of the herd is “protected” from the disease condition, the vaccine is approved and stamped “safe and effective.”

Science has also proven that each viral pathogen has its own unique characteristics that produce its own set of symptoms in the human hosts. Thus, each viral pathogen has its own unique fingerprints of replication and reproduction as well. Each virus also has a different level of effectiveness in its attenuated (weakened) state.
Moreover, some viruses have shown the ability to “drift” and acquire additional genetic alterations over time. THIS IS ESPECIALLY TRUE OF THE SO-CALLED “NOVEL” RECOMBINATION VIRUSES that have been “reverse engineered” in the world’s weapons laboratories! When the RNA of the virus is spliced with other viral genes, the resulting “Franken-virus” is very unpredictable.
Studies conducted (yet currently unpublished) by Terrence Tumpey, Jeffrey Taubenberger, and others at the NIH and CDC show that these ‘resurrected pandemic viruses’ do not exhibit the NORMAL tendencies of traditional, NATURAL influenza viruses such as seasonal H3N2 human strains. They are best described as “Viral Wild Cards.”
This is just one problem with the headlong, mad rush to vaccinate Americans with a series of reverse-engineered lab-created viruses, attenuated or otherwise, in an UNTESTED, UNTRIED, EXPERIMENTAL VACCINE that has not been subjected to LONG-TERM CLINICAL TRIALS TO DETERMINE THE LEVELS OF “DRIFT” or even ATTENUATED TENDENCIES OVER TIME.

To supposedly minimize this “safety” issue, the CDC is now recommending a DUPLEX vaccination, of all things. A “duplex” vaccination basically involves a two-shot series. The first shot consists of a VERY WEAK, HIGHLY ATTENUTATED dose of the live virus. This is intended to create an initial immune response patterning the specific virus injected. Within a couple of weeks of the 1st shot, a BOOSTER SHOT is given. The booster shot has only lightly attenuated, or even FULL STRENGTH VIRUSES, in the injection. This 2nd shot is then intended to create a full-strength immune system response in the human subject.

This is, at the very least, BAD SCIENCE and borders on insanity for self-evident and fairly obvious reasons. By their own admissions, the NIH scientists in their various writings have declared that the level of potency of these REVERSE ENGINEERED VIRUSES show abnormal, almost RANDOM tendencies in their attenuated states. Nobody really knows what will happen over time as the inevitable “genetic drifts” occur. It is a literal crap shoot.

It is highly probable that even the HIGHLY ATTENUATED FRANKEN-VIRUSES can swiftly regain their FULL POTENCY even in the presence of ether and formaldehyde (see addendum). Secondly, the full-strength BOOSTER shot viruses could just as easily “DRIFT” into something much more deadly than the “original’ recombinant virus that it is targeting.
I submit that the scientists responsible for this “pandemic” are not stupid. They have to know these facts as well as I do.

Therefore, I can only conclude that this entire affair is following the Modus Operandi of the medical elite since the 1920-engineered smallpox epidemics. It is all being ORCHESTRATED first and foremost for MONEY, and secondly, for social and geographical restructuring of the “human herd.”

Also, it must be understood that this “Novel 2009 Influenza” is not easily nor readily transmissible between humans (see published study in the addendum). If this report is accurate, how then did the “Pandemic” begin, and why the need for mass vaccinations at all?? Like the “study” shows, the only way the test ferrets could contract or transmit the 2009 “Novel Swine Flu” was by and through INOCULATION OF THE DISEASE!! Humanity demands an answer, and demands it NOW!!!

CFR Recording Suggests Creating False Scarcity to Drive Up Demand for H1N1 Vaccine

November 4, 2009

Infowars - A recording of a recent Council On Foreign Relations symposium reveals attendees discussing ways and means of getting the public to take the H1N1 flu vaccine in spite of the mass resistance that has arisen due to questions over it’s safety.

The recording dates from October 16 when the CFR held a Symposium in New York entitled Pandemic Influenza: Science, Economics, and Foreign Policy.

The meeting was held in order to encourage a consensus for policy to present to the federal government concerning the so called swine flu pandemic. In attendance were professors and doctors from several influential universities and medical schools, along with media representatives from Science Magazine, The 

Canadian Press and The Financial Times.

Other notable attendees included Robert E. Rubin, Former U.S. Secretary of the Treasury and current Co-Chair of the CFR, along with John Lange, Senior Program Officer of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s Global Health Program.

During part of the discussion (see transcript) on whether or not the vaccine should be made mandatory for health workers and school children, Lone Simonsen, Research Professor and Research Director at the Department of Global Health, George Washington University, suggests creating an artificial scarcity in order to ramp up demand for the vaccine.
"I think what would work better would be to say that there was a shortage and people tend to buy more of something that’s in demand. (Laughter.) We saw that — there was one season where, really, people lined up all night to get a flu shot," Simonsen says, much to the amusement of the other attendees at the symposium.
The entire recording is on the CFR website here, but an edited version appears in the following short video: 

The audio is certainly very interesting given that the mainstream media is now rampantly hyping a shortage of the vaccine and stories are being published daily about thousands of people being turned away from clinics...

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