February 16, 2011

International Financial Elite’s Control over Humanity is Their Money System

Private Bankers and Their Henchmen

Once a country is indebted to the foreign banking cartel, even though the money is illusionary non-existent credit, the so indebted nation is forced to hand over control of their affairs to the international banking cartel’s World Bank and IMF, who then dictate the national economic and social policy at every level. Under this globalist financial system all roads not only lead to the same elite banking cabal, they also all lead to a nations control and enslavement.

December 2, 2010

Kelvyn Alp (Solomon Star) - In this article, I am going to destroy the myths currently being peddled by the same people that benefit from what is ultimately one of the biggest scams ever to be forced upon mankind.

The continuing advocacy for an out-of-control monetary system that is proven to be an utter failure is a tragedy. What’s worse is that the agents of those same banking elite regurgitate such financial propaganda, as if they actually understand it. The truth is they don’t!

Trying to get someone in a position of power that has the ability to make real changes that benefits the people instead of private interests, is like banging my head against a brick wall hoping it will fall down.


The international financial elite’s control over humanity is their money system. Their money system now controls all that is bought or sold across the entire world.

And they, this handful of all powerful private bankers, control this world’s creation and supply of money. They are this world’s monetary system. This world’s monetary system is theirs to manipulate at will.

Their usury financial system had its beginnings in Sumer and Babylon, it is the same “money changers” system that Jesus objected so violently to and threw out of the temple, and this system spans the length of time right up to the present day — it is today’s entrenched global monetary system.

It is based on creating money that doesn’t exist and then “lending” it to people, governments and businesses in return for “interest” (usury). This system creates enormous debt for governments, business, and the general population, and the enormous debt created in turn creates for these elite few private bankers their own sovereign control, as no important work on earth can be enabled today without a guarantee of supply of credit from these elite bankers, or their representatives.

If there exists a money system capable of the immortal prophesy: “that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast…” (Rev.13; 17 NKJV) to bear fruit, it is today’s financial elite systems global stranglehold on the supply of money world-wide.

If you or I have a million dollars we can therefore lend a million dollars, simple — but if a private bank has a million dollars it can lend eighteen times that and more, and charge interest on the cash it has created “out of thin air”. This is called the fractional reserve banking system.

Having safe “money in the bank” is a myth, a confidence trick, because the banks do not possess the money to cover even a fraction of their own customer “debt”. This is because the banks fraudulently manufacture money at will out of thin air.

When you go to the bank and ask for a loan, the bank does not print a single new issue dollar note. The bank merely types the amount of the loan into your account. From that moment you are paying interest to the bank on what is in reality nothing else or more than just numbers typed upon a computer screen. However, if you fail to pay back that (non-existent) loan, the bank can come along and quite legally take your wealth that does exist, like your house, land, car or other possessions, to the value of the figure they have typed on their computer screen — PLUS interest.

But even worse than that freeloading bank fraud, is that because money is not brought into circulation by governments, but by and through private banks making loans to customers, the elite controllers of the banks control how much money is permitted to be in circulation. The more loans they choose to make, the more money is put into circulation.

What are the differences between and economic boom (prosperity) and an economic depression (poverty)? — one thing only — the amount of money in circulation!

The private banker elite can and do decide how much money is in circulation at any given time — they have complete control. They can therefore create booms and busts at will. They control the trillions of dollar a day stock-market (as well as the mainstream media), and they decide if particular stocks go up or down, soars or crashes. Stock Market crashes don’t just “happen” — they are made to happen!

So why would the banking elite do this when they themselves also have so much money tied up in global stocks? Because they know when the crash is coming — they are the ones who cause the crash, so they sell their shares whilst the market is still high, and then they buy them back for peanuts once the crash has happened. In this way they increase their holdings massively by acquiring companies at a fraction of their true value before the manufactured collapse.

They own the ability to boom and bust any nation, or even the whole world economy at will. Do you want proof of that? Just look around!

During a “boom” most people are more likely to get themselves into more debt. With the boom, businesses borrow more for new technology to increase production to meet increased demand, and people borrow more to buy bigger houses or more expensive cars etc, because they are confident in their economic prospects.

Governments borrow heavily from the elite international bankers on the same “boom” promise, and to pay interest on the existing government debt. A disproportionately large amount of the money one pays in taxes goes straight to the international banker cartel (via institutions like the “Inland Revenue”) just to keep up the interest repayments charged for the government’s own borrowing.

To create depression “busts” the private elite bankers then, at the most opportune moment, when industry, government and the population have greatly indebted themselves to the banks, the major banks, coordinated by their elite controllers, increase interest rates to suppress the demand for new loans, meaning less cash in circulation, and then they begin to call in a growing number of outstanding loans. They then make far fewer loans than before, thus creating an extreme shortage of money in circulation, whilst at the same time the banks demand for their usury interest repayment all the time remains the same.

This banker strategy effectively takes money out of circulation, and removes from the people their property. This strategy suppresses demand for products and leads to lost work because there is not enough money in circulation to generate the necessary economic activity; Depression. People, Business, and even governments can no longer earn enough to repay their loans and they go bankrupt. The bankers then take over their real wealth, their business, home, land, car and other possessions — in return for non-repayment of a loan that in reality was never ever any more than just a few numbers typed upon a computer screen in the first place!

Is this system in the best interest of the people, is this system fair?

Once a country is indebted to the foreign banking cartel, even though the money is illusionary non-existent credit, the so indebted nation is forced to hand over control of their affairs to the international banking cartel’s World Bank and IMF, who then dictate the national economic and social policy at every level.

Under this globalist financial system all roads not only lead to the same elite banking cabal, they also all lead to a nations control and enslavement.


Everyone needs money. Money is the means we all use to buy and sell things we need and want. What is crucial, however, is the supply of money, especially to those who borrow money.

There have always been people who have control over the supply of quite a bit of money. We can see in the Old Testament of the Bible that God set out extensive laws for His people regarding the lending of money. These laws included regular compulsory debt-forgiveness, in order to make free people who would have otherwise lost everything they ever had, which would have left to lifelong impoverishment and enslavement to the money-lenders. And yet the struggle of those in debt to the money-lenders continues today, and is in fact increasing in both severity and magnitude.

Central banks and the money-go-round

Central banks have developed in most countries in recent times, taking over the role (and debts to) private money-lenders. They are known as the ‘lenders of last resort’. And yet they continue to lend money. Where do they get it from? Through manipulation and deception: basically out of ‘thin air’, this creates what I call the ‘money-go-round’!

If we, as private citizens, were to lend someone, say, $1000, we would have to have that $1000 in the first place, right? This is not the case with the central banks. They lend on a ‘reserve ratio’ of their deposit. This means they are only required to hold a small percentage of deposits at the bank — they are allowed to lend out the rest.
To illustrate this crucial point, let’s suppose ‘Mrs A’ from overseas sends $1000 to deposit in ‘Bank X’. This becomes a new, or primary, deposit. According to the ‘reserve ratio’ principle, they can keep a little in reserve to meet cash demands, and lend out the rest. Let’s say the bank is required to keep 10%, so they will keep $100 and lend out $900 of Mrs A’s primary deposit.

Now, when Mr B borrows the $900, it will eventually reach the bank again. So the bank gets to count the same money twice, as it now has:

From here, once again, the bank keeps 10% of the $1900 and lends the rest out. This is called the ‘deposit creation multiplier’. Based on Mrs A’s primary deposit of $1000, the bank can lend out at least $10,000! Hence, what’s known as the ‘money-go-round’ which benefits the banks - WOW, that’s unusual isn’t it?

You would think that given the above example, all central banks would have an endless supply of money to lend out. And yet this is not the case. Most countries got into major trouble with debt, especially during the 20th Century. As a result, towards the end of World War II, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB) were created by the Allied nations.

The International Monetary Fund

When it was established the driving force of the IMF was to re-establish and promote international trade, as stated in Article 1 of its Charter, which states that one of its objectives is to “seek the elimination of exchange restrictions that hinder the growth of world trade”.

Free trade is the lynchpin of the IMF — It pledges to abolish trade restrictions. Nearly all countries in the world are members of the IMF, and upon signing up they were awarded a ‘quota’. They were allowed to draw down ‘slices’ of their quota, but by the 1980s it was clear that many countries were going to default on their debt repayments to the IMF. Therefore all sorts of extra arrangements were made to restructure the loans.

Of course, these loans (along with the interest) came with strict policy measures that the country had to adopt in order to qualify for the loan restructuring. These are known as Structural Adjustment Policies, which include: the devaluation of currency; privatisation of government enterprises; drastic reduction of government expenditure; abolition of price controls; downwards pressure on wages; export-led development; and restriction and control over taxes and interest rates to reduce inflation.

These SAPs have had devastating effects on many countries. For a start, they have not allowed for factors beyond a country’s control, such as International inflation (which drives up import costs), high interest rates and weak export prices. But the policies they have forced countries to adopt have failed time and again from country to country. Communities had either been operating at subsistence level leaving the poorest nations, and the poorest within those nations, in devastation.

And who dictates the policy direction of the IMF? Well, if you look at voting rights, they are proportional to a country’s wealth, with the US having a de facto veto power on all important policy issues. So the world’s wealthiest nations, sometimes known as the OECD or the G20, shape the lending criteria, as well as prevailing thinking regarding economic orthodoxy and how it should be applied in all countries. In other words they stuff things up well and truly!

The World Bank

The WB is focused on ‘development’. It too offers ‘structural adjustment loans’, and is famous for funding massive infrastructure projects that have, in roughly half of all cases, failed to produce a reasonable rate of return on the investment made. It has also failed to substantially address ‘Third World’ debt. You would think that with such a poor track record that the WB might well be sued, but all World Bank staff (just like those with the Inland Revenue), are protected from such action.


Here is something to think about. It was sent to me in an email called “Irish Mathematicscoming soon to you”. I am sure the irony will not be lost on you considering what caused the problem to begin with.
The population of the Republic of Ireland is less than 4.5 million. The size of the “bail-out” of the country is estimated at 85 billion Euros, and then some — plus the 50 billion already spent to bail-out the Irish banks, which makes a total of something like 135 billion Euros.

So to rescue the deeply corrupt Irish banks, the government is negotiating a 'saviour package' of nearly 20 million Euros for every Irish citizen — more like 30 million if you include the 'money' already spent to save the Irish banks that, well, didn't save them.

For a fraction of that they could let the evil banks collapse — good riddance — and make every Irish citizen a euro millionaire — total cost: 4.5 billion. If this was done, do you think it might stimulate the Irish economy, just a little bit? Will it or anything like it actually be done? Not a hope!
Here is a video I suggest those of you with computers take a look at:

Now for the subject that irks me a great deal as well.


The Inland Revenue operates outside and above the same law that you and I are expected to adhere too. That’s right, it is exempt and why is that? Because they are ultimately nothing more than the debt collecting henchmen for the same elite banking cartels that got your government to in debt itself in the first place.

What’s more, those banking elites also installed a legal system to ensure they controlled the game. I know it’s difficult to hear the truth, but something that is high time you all did. Remember, do not take anything I write as gospel, but instead search out the answers for yourselves — “seek and ye shall find” and all that.

Many of you have been brought up to believe that the “Crown” refers to Queen Elizabeth the Second, but the truth as it relates to the Solomon Islands, as with many other countries is a different “Crown” all together. Queen Elizabeth is merely a figurehead with no executive power whatsoever — just as your Governor General’s position is one of titular title only!

The "Crown" in Chancery referred to the various offices of the Crown corporate Headquarters in Chancery Lane. The power behind the Crown is controlled by an elite society called the Fabian Socialists. Their logo is a wolf in sheep’s clothing — their creed;"oh that I could smash the world and recreate it closer to my hearts desire" and their motto; “hammer stoutly, prey devoutly"

The UK "Crown" is a corporate entity known as a "constitutional monarchy" which exists because of a formal contractual agreement between the UK parliament and the Anglican Church. This Crown in Chancery had a number of corporate interests. Among them was the attack on foreign nations. Corporations were formed for such ventures.

One such being the "British East India Company" which attacked India with the long term corporate Fabian strategy of FORCE, RELIGION, LEGISLATION.

This arose from the "Crown Plantations Office", which oversaw the plunder of what they referred to as the "Waste Lands". The British saw the plunder of foreign nations as their 'divine right' as laid out in scripture (their written agenda) in Deuteronomy 20:10-20 (Note the Bible is the copy-written work of the British Crown.)

Smash the country, enforce your religion and piggyback a legal (slavery) system in on top of your corporate "God". Once ensconced, the legal system hears all arguments against itself until the victim’s die of old age defending themselves in the very courts that have them under attack.

North America was first attacked and claimed as plunder by the British Crown. It was then parcelled out by the British Crown under a subordinate corporation known as the Hudson's Bay Company in order to plunder the resources of the waste land known as Canada.

Canada was subsequently attacked in 1867 by another Crown corporation known as the Bar Association (BAR Mitzvah = son of the divine law... lawyers). Sir John A. MacDonald, a lawyer, member of the BAR, declared; "a British subject was born, a British subject claimed he would die one".....he was NOT Canadian.

The BAR formed another corporation and they called it CANADA. Note that the Corporate Constitution that was adopted to govern the (fascist) corporation called CANADA was issued by the UK parliament. (And quite inappropriately at that — In fact, the corporate BNA Act that poses as a national constitution in Canada is NOT legally or lawfully enacted in the UK parliament and neither is the New Zealand Constitution Act 1986.) Notwithstanding that Queen Victoria herself repealed Section 2 of the BNA.

The BAR Association governs Canada through the entity they call the "Crown" of which Elizabeth is a figurehead. The "Crown" is a private legal system franchise operating under colour and guise of law in our courts and is using our own courts to attack us.

The "Crown" that we refer to wears many hats and hides behind many faces. But it has only one hat for Canadians; — a "Crown of Thorns".

We do not control our courts and we seek redress from the criminals that attack us in the courts whose authority they have usurped. We are helpless slaves for as long as we fail to comprehend the true nature of our shackles.

Hey here is an idea; let's have our own armies, police forces and governments swear allegiance to this foreign power known as the "Crown" and then see if we have any way of protecting ourselves from the bastards as they financially rape and enslave us with their legislation in our own courts. I mean let’s face it,
"If the police and military will not enforce tyranny, no one will."
On page 2 of the book ‘The Crown Temple - By Rule of Mystery Babylon’ - by Michael Edward of the Ecclesiastic Commonwealth Community (ECC), it says:
"The present Queen of England is not the "Crown," as we have all been led to believe. Rather, it is the Bankers and Attornies’ (Attorneys) who are the actual Crown or Crown Temple. The Monarch aristocrats of England have not been ruling sovereigns since the reign of King John, circa 1215. All royal sovereignty of the old British Crown since that time has passed to the Crown Temple in Chancery."
This is a very important issue that needs to be fully understood by ALL politicians, but I must warn you now, DO NOT try and get any straight answer out of institutions like the Central Bank or Inland Revenue etc, because they will just continue to dribble the same crap and keep handing you legislative references to justify their existence that is so ambiguously written, it’s a joke!

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