March 27, 2010

Government Corruption and Treason

Healthcare Sends America Down the Path of Tyranny

March 26, 2010 - The beginning of Spring 2010 marks an historic moment in American history: A nation organized as a republic is being transformed into a tyranny. The healthcare bill that has been bruited over for weeks will be law of the land giving Washington, D.C., control of one-seventh of the national economy.

More significantly, this act violates the Constitution in several critical ways. All Americans will have to obtain healthcare insurance whether they want it or not. The act also forbids repeal even if the Republicans recapture control of one of the houses of Congress in the next election.

By any measure this is a coup d’etat, with the President employing a combination of threats and blandishments to achieve his revolutionary goals.

Supporters will argue, of course, that this act universalizes healthcare and that detractors are exaggerating its effect. But it should be noted that the cost will be at least a trillion dollars. These costs are on top of the accumulated debt that has reached unparalleled proportions in the last year.

Moreover, this bill is being imposed on the American people who oppose the legislation by margins between 60% and 70%. It would seem that proponents are driven by an ideological fervor that is resistant to public opinion. If the Tea Partiers have any traction it is largely because of the President’s overreaching. The public seemingly understands what many in the Congress do not. Personal freedom—the ability to choose a physician and select appropriate treatment if it is needed—will be imperiled. A bureaucrat will have the latitude to determine your fate which means rationing is the inevitable outcome.

Charles Eliot Norton, 19th Century author, sounded the clarion call for our own time when he wrote in True Patriotism:
“The voice of protest, of warning, of appeal is never more needed than when the clamor of fife and drum, echoed by the press and too often by the pulpit, is bidding all men fall in and keep step and obey in silence the tyrannous word of command. Then, more than ever, it is the duty of the good citizen not to be silent.”
Should Americans awaken from their slumber they will realize—I believe—that their most valuable possession, the liberty the Founders conferred, has been taken away from them in a coercive effort to make citizens slaves of the state or, at the very least, dependent on the state. This is the time to shout from the rooftops “we won’t take it anymore.”

As I see it, the very fabric of society is being shattered with legislation that materially changes the way we live. Walt Whitman wrote:
“If the people lose their roughness and spirit of defiance—Tyranny may always enter—there is no charm, no bar against it—the only bar against it is a large resolute breed of men.”
I would add that a state so expansive it cannot recognize its natural and constitutional limits ultimately transforms freedom into tyranny even if this is not the initial intent. That explains why the Founders constructed a limited government based on the recognized fallibility of human nature. They realized that the tyranny they opposed and fought against can emerge from within through an emboldened government that believes only it knows what is best for the governed.

It would appear that President Obama does not appreciate the fact that unlimited power invariably corrupts the mind of those who possess it. This is the place where the rule of law succumbs to the pressure of despotism. And whether recognized by all or not, healthcare is the wedge that is altering America.

In 1776 Thomas Paine wrote:
“These are the times that try men’s souls.”
Alas, 2010 is a time, not unlike the American Revolution, when our national soul is on trial and the very liberty we were enjoined to defend is slipping away from our grasp. President Obama argues healthcare is a calamity, a crisis of unusual depth, but as history notes “necessity” is usually the justification for every infringement of liberty. Necessity is the argument of tyrants; the creed of the despondent.

How the nation responds to this government overreaching remains to be seen. But it is not an exaggeration to suggest the future of the republic may depend on that response.

Dr. London is president of the Hudson Institute, John M. Olin Professor of Humanities at New York University, publisher of American Outlook, and author of the recently published Decade of Denial.

Florida Says Several States to File Healthcare Lawsuit

March 22, 2010

Reuters - Florida's attorney general will file a lawsuit with nine other state attorneys general opposing the healthcare legislation passed by Congress, a spokeswoman said on Monday.

"The health care reform legislation passed by the U.S. House of Representatives last night clearly violates the U.S. Constitution and infringes on each state's sovereignty," Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum, a Republican, said in a prepared statement announcing a news conference.

"On behalf of the State of Florida and of the Attorneys General from South Carolina, Nebraska, Texas, Utah, Pennsylvania, Washington, North Dakota, South Dakota and Alabama if the President signs this bill into law, we will file a lawsuit to protect the rights and the interests of American citizens."

Virginia to Sue U.S. Over Healthcare Reform

March 22, 2010

Reuters - Virginia's attorney general said he plans to sue the federal government over the healthcare reform legislation, saying Congress lacks authority to force people to buy health insurance.

Attorney General Kenneth Cuccinelli, a Republican, said on Monday that Congress lacks authority under its constitutional power to regulate interstate commerce to force people to buy insurance. He said the bill also conflicts with a state law that says Virginians cannot be required to buy insurance.

"If a person decides not to buy health insurance, that person by definition is not engaging in commerce," Cuccinelli said in recorded comments. "If you are not engaging in commerce, how can the federal government regulate you?"
Cuccinelli said he plans to file his lawsuit in federal court in Richmond, Virginia, after President Barack Obama signs the bill into law, which he is expected to do.

The bill requires most Americans to have health coverage, and provides subsidies to help lower-income workers afford it.

No Republican voted for the bill, which passed the House on Sunday night by a 219-212 vote.

Bankrupted States = Con-Con & Newstates Constitution

Originally Published on December 24, 2008

NewsWithViews - According to Nancy Levant:
"On March 27, 1969, President Richard Nixon divided the country into 10 regions via the Government Reorganization Act. Then, with Nixon’s Executive Order 11647, the nation was divided up into 10 administrative regions... which also established the Federal Regional Council for the newly designed 10 regions... He did so because the United Nations passed a resolution that the United States must reorganize into 10 regions...

"And the reorganizing of our former nation, achieved more than 25 years ago, and of which you know nothing, certainly suggests that 'government' as we knew it changed a long time ago...

"What would happen in the event of a really big, national 'crisis?' What powers do your states hold, or for that matter, your counties or local governments hold—especially since they are all bankrupt AND have regional managers.

"In 1964, the Ford Foundation funded an outfit called the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions to write a new constitution for our nation. After 40 drafts, a staff of 100+ people, and at a cost of $2.5 million a year, a decade later (1974) the proposed Constitution for the Newstates of America was finished... And two years later, in 1976, Mr. Nelson Rockefeller, who at that time was the president of the Senate, introduced HCR 28, which called for an unlimited Constitutional Convention... [He failed to get the needed support].

"A new Constitutional Convention is right around our corners again... with most American states now totally, conveniently, bankrupt... The current economic 'crisis' is the tool, the highly planned and patient tool, to set up the global governing bureaucracy for real and for certain, with the second convening of the Constitutional Convention in the wings..."

Destroying the American System of Government

January 1, 2009

The Lamb Slain - According to Gary Allen in The Rockefeller File, the CFR is behind the many regional government plans, which would abolish city, county, and state lines, leaving us at the mercy of federal bureaucrats; and that the CFR is behind the push for "land use" controls. They want "federal control of everything since they intend to control the federal government." According to the Jeremiah Project:
"The goal of regional or metropolitan government is to eventually merge the U.S. into the 'New World Order' (NWO): a one-world totalitarian goverment under the United Nations (UN). The global elite's agenda is nothing less than the complete revolutionizing of the very foundations of not only America but the entire world. Such a plan calls for the total restructuring of planetary civilization into an enlightened one world federation in which national boundaries and sovereignty are secondary and 'planetary citizenship' in the 'global village' is the order of the day.
The 10 Federal Regions

According to Deanna Spingola:
President Nixon, through an Executive Order, quietly reorganized the United States' 50 individual states with a 10-region plan. The implementation of this regional plan, unbeknownst to the masses, has occurred. It needed a crisis: 9/11 provided that globalist opportunity.

The above map shows the 10 federal regions under which the United States has actually been operating since 1972. These 10 regions are Administrative Units of the United Nations. All the people of the United States, including Hawaii and Alaska, were placed under the control of the above 10 federal regions.

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