January 16, 2012

Christianity Rises Again in Russia

Moscow Exhibition, The Revival (Inspiring Video)

January 6, 2012

SlavaBoguVoveki - While the West moves towards Atheism and Marxism, Russia is embracing its Christian heritage. We should all be inspired by this video as neither Marxism, Tryanny nor Satan can prevail against the Church.

The Russian Orthodox Church has a thousand-year history of strong political as well as spiritual influence over the inhabitants of the Russian state. After enduring the Soviet era as a state-controlled religious facade, the church quickly regained both membership and political influence in the early 1990s.

Orthodox belief holds that the Orthodox Church is Christianity's true, holy, and apostolic church, tracing its origin directly to the institution established by Jesus Christ. Orthodox beliefs are based on the Bible and on tradition as defined by seven ecumenical councils held by church authorities between A.D. 325 and 787. Orthodox teachings include the doctrine of the Holy Trinity and the inseparable but distinguishable union of the two natures of Jesus Christ--one divine, the other human.


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