January 29, 2012

Ron Paul is the Biggest Threat to the New World Order Because He Is Not Their Puppet

The Holocaust, FEMA Camps and the New National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)

Vote for anybody but Dr. Ron Paul and you might as well get in your cars and drive to your nearest FEMA Camp and turn yourselves in!!! This old world has seen enough and Satan is ready to make his appearance. Get your lives in order cause it's all coming down the turnpike at breakneck speed.

January 24, 2012

Wondering Woman, The Patriot Update - It is not only the Democrats – it is the majority of both Democrats and Republicans and it is not communism – IT is the new world order whose ultimate goal is reducing our population worldwide by 90%. If the majority of our long term career congressional members were not new world order puppets, they would have taken action against the treason/fraud.

Obama is not the first puppet in our federal government. Both the Bushes and the Clintons, and who knows how many presidents before those, were NWO puppets. John McCain was obviously another one who was the designated loser in the 2008. Newt Gingrich is another. Herman Cain was such an excellent choice, but look where he was told to throw his support to when the sexual harassment issues came forth. Most likely he was another NWO puppet.

As much as I abhor their AGENDA 21 plans, one has to admire their cunning. They have to have some of the brightest minds working on their plans; and most of these poor misguided souls working to bring about the genocide of 90% or our population are just brainwashed idiots (remember the old saying that there is only a hairline of difference between insanity and brilliance) who have bought into the tales of global warming and saving the planet from destructive overpopulation.

If you go to YouTube and type in the Obama Deception video and click on the full length one, you will see both Obama and Hilary Clinton attending the Bilderberg conference. Our government is so infiltrated with them, and all our major departments like the FDA, CDC, USDA, education department are full of them.

Think not? – ask yourself why they are trying to make home schooling illegal throughout Planet Earth – why has the FDA totally ignored all the toxins in our processed food chain – why did they remove one neurotoxin from our vaccines (thimerosal is still in flu vaccines) and replace it with another excitotoxin – why is the FDA and the USDA both pushing all Monsanto’s GMO seeds – despite evidence of severe problems with the produce grown from these seeds, they are still pushing to keep anyone from using heritage seeds – they didn’t stop with our fruits and vegetables, now Monsanto is releasing a GMO grass seeds – WHY?

I think the answer lies in why India banned Monsanto’s seeds after doing their own study. Their four-legged creatures fed the produce grown from those seeds displayed loss of activity (energy) and loss of interest in sexual activity just a coupe of weeks into the study. They had fewer litters and those fewer litters consisted of fewer members and lower birth weights than before GMO produce. It only took three generations for no litters at all, which means no more descendents, which means extinction of the species or study subjects.

After reading of this study, my thought went to the dying out of our friendly little pollinators – the honeybees. We have no definite explanation for this to date. My logical conclusion is that if the produce grown from these Monsanto GMO seeds are so toxic to ingest, then the pollen that the honey bees collect from those GMO plants must also be toxic and that would explain why all the honey bees are dying out.

A scientist, at the beginning of the dying off of our honey bees, remarked that if all our friendly little pollinators died off, mankind would probably not survive them more than four years after their demise.

Welcome to the new world order!

This is why we must be very careful in who we vote for – getting Obama OUT does nothing if we put another one of their puppets in.

We must quit being as shallow as Newt Gingrich is, if he was quoted correctly by someone in saying that “his second wife was not young enough or pretty enough to be the president’s wife.” Voters with that mentality is what got us into this mess.

We must learn to look for wisdom, humane values, keeping their promises or upholding their sworn duties, character and the courage to stand up for what they believe in whether it is politically correct at the moment or not. We only have one candidate who has a long record of all the qualities we need so badly at this time.

Ron Paul’s biggest threat to his life is not his age or his feebleness – but the new world order that does not want him in there because he is not their puppet and not likely to sell out to them. That is why I hope he’ll pick a younger and huskier veep, such as Jesse Ventura – plus Jesse Ventura has been busy since leaving politics after being a mayor and then a governor, ferreting out the corruption in the federal government. To see Jesse in action on this, just type in HAARP in your search window.

Some of you might also enjoy visiting Project Camelot and type Benjamin Fulford in their search window. Reading those interviews should bring you up to date on the new world order quickly.

One blogger admitted that most of his ideas and plans were good but he “muttered and appeared too old and feeble.” I’ll concede that he looks frail (however, another blogger said he runs 6 miles every morning) and that we probably look old to young whippersnappers (he could tell me to go ahead because age comes before beauty) but to this date, not a mutter one – “Sputters” yes – but who wouldn’t sputter when those darned biased moderators at the debates asks them a question and then tries to shut them up before giving them a chance to answer the question. This is just more evidence that Dr. Ron Paul must not be allowed to win the Republican nominee position.

He is too electable and they know it.

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